Chapter 21

Mr. Stalker

KAYLA was immersed in writing the essay that had been assigned by their History lecturer, Prof. Lee when Haeri called her.

        “Kayla, do you want to have lunch with us?”

        She asked while packing her books into her Reebok backpack. She was referring to her and Tae Jung, who had messaged her to have their lunch together at 12 o’clock.

        “Nope. By the way, thanks and don’t forget to send my regards to your Tae Jung oppa.” Kayla didn’t put up her head as she was busy writing something on the notepad.

        Haeri chuckled and couldn’t hide her smile when she heard Tae Jung’s name.

        “I will! And if you need anything, just give me a call and I’ll meet you in front of the college.”

        A few minutes later, she had done packing her stuffs and walked out from the class to meet Tae Jung who was waiting for her in front of the computer lab near their class.

        Kayla stayed alone in the class for the next 30 minutes. After finished up the essay on the history of Mayan culture, she packed her books and stationeries and got out from the class, when suddenly the sound of thunder could be heard from afar.

        “Oh God, it’s going to rain. And, I didn’t have any umbrella with me. Pfft.”


        “Omo! I’m hungry…” Kayla took out her phone and dialed Haeri’s number. She thought to have a lunch with them but unfortunately, Kayla couldn’t reach her. Plus, Haeri didn’t tell her which restaurant they would go.

        ‘Serve you right, Kayla! Who told you not to follow Haeri for lunch?’ Kayla scolded herself and without warning, the rain poured down heavily onto her who was walking towards the guard post at the main gate.

        She ran with all her might to avoid her clothes being soaked in the rain when she tripped over a stone and fell onto the muddy grass.


        Kayla tried to stand back on her feet but she could feel an excruciating pain coming from her right knee. When she took a look, it was bleeding and had stained her beige knee-length stockings.

        “Ouch, it hurts!”

        Kayla looked around and no one could be seen walking in such heavy downpour at that moment. She couldn’t help to avoid from being soaked in the rain when her clothes became wetter as she stayed under the rain, because of her bleeding knee that hindered her from moving a lot.

        Suddenly, she could saw a shadow casted around her and someone was holding an umbrella right above her head, preventing the rain from showered her more.

        “Let’s go.”

        Then, Kayla could feel her body was far from the ground, as she had been lifted up by the unknown boy. His face couldn’t be seen as he wore a cap and brought it down to cover his face.

        “Wh..who are you?” She asked, stuttered from the coldness of the rain. Automatically, she took the umbrella into her hand to cover them both.

        “Let me bring you to a warmer place.” He said.

        But, to Kayla astonishment, she felt like she knew and recognized that voice well.

        After a few minutes passed without talking to each other, they settled in the gym, the only place that was near to the main entrance of the college.

        When he put down Kayla gently onto the gym floor, he took off his cap and brushed back his wet hair. Then, he sat beside Kayla and hugged her.

        “You’re cold.” His husky voice that went into her ears had made Kayla startled and at that moment, she could see his face clearly, being less an inch from her face.

* *

        Kayla’s heart beats a mile per second as their eyes met. She couldn’t lie to herself that it was the most handsome and heart-melting face that she ever seen. The water that dripped from his wet hair had added the feel of hotness to his face.

        ‘Omo!’ Seconds later, she drove her sight to the other direction and she could feel that Kai keep staring at her. Feeling awkward being hugged by Kai, she pushed his hands away and got up on her feet and had forget that her knee was injured.

        “Ouchh!” She fell back but luckily, Kai managed to grab her waist.

        “The bleeding is getting worse.” Kai helped Kayla to sit and he searched something in his backpack.

        “What the heck. I forgot to bring some plasters and medication oil.” He sat beside Kayla and looked at her in worries.

        “It’s okay. I think the blood will clot soon.”

        “Oh, I almost forgot!” Kai took out a handkerchief from his backpack. “We can use it to wrap the wound.”

        “Is it okay to use it? Because the blood might stained it..”

        Kai looked at her and smiled. “Don’t worry. You’re more important than my handkerchief.”

        After Kai had said that, Kayla went speechless. She just let he wrapped the handkerchief neatly and carefully around her bleeding knee.

        “There you go.”

        Kai patted gently onto the bandaged knee and he looked satisfied with his work. Luckily, he still remembered the steps to apply bandage to bleeding area when he first learned it in middle school, by being one of the scouts.

        Then, Kayla could hear her stomach rumbled and exchanged look with Kai. Sitting close to her, she was sure that Kai also heard it.

        “You’re hungry?”

        Kayla just nodded and she felt embarrassed to look at his face. It was shameful to have someone, especially a handsome boy heard your stomach rumbling so hard due to hunger.

        Then, Kai stood up and reached out for her hand.

        “Are you okay to walk?” Kai asked, a worried look still plastered on his face. He didn’t bear to see his loved ones being hurt or injured, because he himself hates the feeling of pain.

        She nodded and took Kai’s hand. “I think it gonna be okay. Thanks to you.”

        When they walked out from the gym, the rain still falling, but not as heavy as earlier. Kai got the umbrella and covered their heads. Automatically, he wrapped his right arm around Kayla’s shoulders to make Kayla stayed close to him.

        Kayla could feel her body brushed against Kai’s as there was no space between them. For a moment, she could feel the beat of her heart increased drastically. And blood rushed up to her cheeks, signaling that she was blushing. Thank God Kai didn’t see it as he was focused walking on the street and leaded her towards a sushi restaurant located not too far from their college.

        This was one of the advantages by being admitted into a college that located in the heart of the city as she didn’t need to walk further in the injured state. Only a few blocks away from their college, lines of shops and restaurants could be seen along the main street.

        “I hope after eating, your stomach will not make sounds anymore.” Kai chuckled at his own words and that made Kayla bowed her head in embarrassment. She pretended not to hear it as they walked into the restaurant that packed with people, mostly were school students.


To be continued~



A/N: Sorry for the late updates. And I think this chapter is a bit long, isn't it? I hope you guys could bear with it and keep on reading this story.. Keke~ :D And, one more chapter is coming! ^^v

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Hyemie #1
Keep it up! nice story :')