Chapter 26

Mr. Stalker

“THANKS for sending her home. I’m afraid if anything happen to our dearest daughter.” Mrs. Park thanked and threw a smile to Kai.

        “It’s okay, Mrs. Park. It had been my responsibility not to let a girl walks back home alone at night.”

        “Please come in. At least have a drink first before you headed home.” Mrs. Park invited Kai into their house but Kai shook his head.

        “Thanks, but no thanks, Mrs. Park. Maybe next time.” He smiled and glanced at Kayla who was hiding herself behind her mother, embarrassed maybe.

        “Okay then. Take care of yourself, Kai. Hope we will meet again soon.” Mrs. Park waved him goodbye and Kai walked off from their house compound and moments later, he disappeared from their sight.

        When Mrs. Park closed the door and turned back, Kayla was stepping up the stairs to her room.

        “Kayla, wait. I have something to ask you.”

        Kayla stopped and lowered her head down, and walked towards her mother who was already at the living room. She was sure enough that her mother is going to be mad at her, as she went out at night, alone, without asking for her permission first.

        She took a seat across to her mother, keeping her head down, and prepared herself to be yelled at by Mrs.Park.

        “Why you didn’t call me first before you go out?” She was right. Her mother was angry with her.

        “You know that I’m very worried about you, right? At the moment I got back home, your father said that you went out to your friend’s house.” Mrs. Park looked at her seriously and no smile was shown on her face.

        A time bomb is going to explode any minutes from now.

        “I had already asked dad’s permission, and he allowed me...”

        “But still, you went to Kai’s house alone. I just didn’t want anything to happen to you, as you’re a girl, not a boy. Anything could happen in these modern days. It wasn’t same as the old days, where you can go out and get back home at late night.” Mrs. Park scolded Kayla and she just lowered her head, afraid to make an eye contact with her. Then, she could hear small sobs came from Kayla.

        “Sweetie, please don’t cry. I admonished you for your own good and safety, as I really care and love you, Kayla.”

        Kayla couldn’t help herself from crying and ran into her mother’s arms while sobbing hard.

        “Mom, I’m so sorry. I didn’t listen to you and I promised, I’ll not do it again. Even if I want to go to the backyard, I’ll tell you first.”

        Mrs. Park laughed when she heard Kayla’s words. Her anger slowly faded away and she just couldn’t be angry at her only daughter for a long time. She patted gently on her head and turned Kayla to face her.

        “But, can I know why Kai was the one who sent you back, not Suho?” She asked Kayla while frowning.

        Kayla wiped away the tears and sat up straight. She let out a heavy sigh before spoke out the truth to her mother.

        “We’re done.”

        “What did you mean by that?”

        “Mom, we’re over. I just broke up with him earlier.”

        She told her mother about the things that happened at Kai’s place just now. For that time, she could see her mother’s face expression changed, but she couldn’t figure it out whether she was happy or sad when hearing that.

* *

        “Hyung, I need to talk to you.” Kai walked into the house and took a glare at Baekhyun and Chanyeol who were looking at them in silence.

        “Just the two of us.” He added.

        Without waiting any longer, Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol hand and dragged him into his room.

        “Okay then.” Suho stepped closer to Kai and he somehow knew what Kai wanted to talk about.

        “How long have you been in a relationship with her?” Kai asked without hesitation. He needed to know about the truth on that day, from Suho’s own mouth.

        “Who..?” Suho asked although he knew who Kai was referring to.

        “Don’t pretend that you didn’t know what I’m talking about.” Kai answered and he looked annoyed with Suho’s acts.

        “Kayla? From my estimation, maybe for about 3 and a half months.”

        “And you didn’t bother to tell us? We’re your friends!” Kai raised up his voice that had made Suho startled with his action. He need to be reminded, Suho thought to himself.

        “I’m your hyung, and you shouldn’t raise up your voice towards me!” Suho replied back with a cold tone and his eyes were blazing in anger.

        Since their training days, he didn’t like and never teach his dongsaengs to raise up their voices towards older people, including him. At home, being the eldest son of the family, he had been taught by his parents to behave and never talk harshly to people who were older than him.

        “I know that but in this case, I didn’t care about it.”

        At that time, Suho clenched his fist tightly, until his knuckles turned white but he tried to control himself not to throw a fist at Kai. Otherwise, Kai will start to use violence towards him and he didn’t want to get into a fight with his own group member. It was not the right thing to do.

        “Kai, you better watch out your language. I’m older than you and that means, you need to respect me, eventhough I’m not your biological brother!”

        But, Kai didn’t seem to be bothered by the words that Suho had said.

        “I just want you to know that from earlier, I like Kayla and had fall in love with her. And, I’m the one who confessed to her first. But, you know what; someone had become the wall between both of us.” He had purposely tried to sound cynical and really hope Suho will get it.

        “So, you mean, I’m the one who became the barrier between you and Kayla? Kim Jongin, I knew it from the start that you like Kayla and I didn’t mean to interrupt in your relationship with her. But, you know what? You have been such a coward and didn’t dare to make the first step to approach her, and now you want to put the blame on me?!”


        Seconds later, Suho could feel something hard hit his left cheek and then, he was thrown back and landed on his . Kai dashed towards Suho and wanted to throw his punch again when Baekhyun stopped him.

        “Kim Jongin, stop! Please, for god sake!” Baekhyun tried to grab Kai and dragged him away from Suho who was bleeding.

        Suho felt something warm flowed out from his nose and wiped it. It was blood. When he looked up, he could see Kai was staring at him and tried to loosen Baekhyun’s grip from his arms but to no avail. Baekhyun gritted his teeth as he tightened his grip on Kai while Chanyeol helped Suho to stand on his feet.

        “Hyung, are you okay?” Chanyeol looked at him and a worried look plastered on his long face.

        “Okay..I’m okay..” He replied and tried to hold back the pain as he felt it every time he spoke. His left cheek was throbbing in pain but he didn’t want to show it to them, including Kai.

        “Kai, did you realize what you have done??!” Baekhyun asked him and Kai pushed him away.

        “I know! But, he’s the one who caused it!” Then, Kai walked to the shoe racks and grabbed his sneakers before went out from the house.

        “Yah, Kim Jongin! Come back here!”

        “Baekhyun, let him be. He needed to relax himself and thinks deeply on what I had told him.” Suho reached out for Baekhyun’s hand to calm him down. It was not the right time to be mad at Kai.

        “But, hyung, he had hit you!” Chanyeol voiced out, and Suho just smiled at him.

        “Chanyeol, it was because of me that he behaved like that. I just want him to realize about his own mistake. It’s okay.”

        From the beginning, he and Chanyeol could hear Kai and Suho quarrelled from inside of his room. Only God knows they were nervous and trembling to their feet when they imagined something bad will happen, and it came out true.

        “Baekkie, it looks like our plan to have them talk to each other worked in an unexpected way.” Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun and he replied it with a small nod.


To be continued~

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Hyemie #1
Keep it up! nice story :')