Chapter 9


Yoona POV: 

What the heck. All the stores I went to were closed! 'A storm is approaching you should get home too~' They told me. 
I scoffed at them. "What storm?" I left the convenience store and walked back to the bus stop. As I said it rain started to fall and I instantly regretted my words. 
"I don't even have an umbrella great," I said running underneath the bus stand. 
I fished my phone out to call my mom to pick me up. I don't think any buses are running. 
I checked my phone and I had missed calls from my mother and Kai! I tried to call them back but my phone wouldn't go through. The so called storm was messing with my signal. 
A car rolled up beside me and two handsome boys greeted me. "Hey, need a ride?" They asked me. I looked at them hesitantly. Two strangers? Why are they asking me? They didn't seem like they were going to leave if I stood there. 
"Actually I was just leaving, thank you." I bowed before walking the other direction. I'll just go near the next bus station. There has to be at least one bus station running. 
I walked faster because it was raining harder and I heard thunder. I held onto my self because it was getting colder and I was drenched from head to toe. That car was still following me as well. And weirdly I heard footsteps behind me. 
I picked up my pace and started to run. This wasn't good. I was being followed. 
I panicked and abruptly turned around knocking into the boys behind me. They fell back a little but still followed me. "What do you want?" I asked fearful walking backwards. 
The tall one smirked at me. I didn't like the way he looked at me. It scared me. 
"We want you of course," He said smiling with his teeth open. That wasn't a smile. I couldn't tell what it was. He tried to grab a hold of my hand but I pulled my hand back. I didn't trust him and I made it clear by glaring at him. 
"Come on, while I'm being nice." He said forcefully approaching me. I started to run backwards and change my direction to the side. If I just run around in different circles maybe they'll get tired and leave me alone? 
I pulled out my phone and tried calling Kai again but it didn't work. I groaned. I was being chased by strangers and I had no idea where I was going. 
Tears welled up in my eyes unknowingly and I couldn't see well. 
"You can't outrun us darling," His voice echoed close to my ears. I tripped because of how close he was to me. I fell to the ground on my hands and knees and the tears fell down the cheeks. They caught me. 
The tall one and his friend hovered over me as I was on my back. "Please, don't do this." I cried inching backwards on the hard surface ground. The one bent down at my level and cupped my cheek. "I'm sorry sweetie, but you're just so cute I can't resist." He tilted his head mockingly. He yanked me from the ground.
"KAI!" I cried out desperately as he tried hauling me into that car that was following me previously. I don't know why I said his name. It was the first thing I could think of. 
"Let her go." 
I stopped struggling after realizing where that voice came from. Was I dreaming?
I opened my eyes and saw Kai. It really was him. Did he really hear me? 
My savior
Kai was standing in the rain soaked just as I was with a murderous glare at my attackers. He was so angry his hands were clenched and his teeth were grinding together. I tore myself from the boys and ran towards Kai. 
"You came," I cried as he caught me in his arms as my tears spilled out. I was so scared and when I saw him a rush of relief came to me. I buried my face into his chest just muttering thank you over and over again. 
"Shh, I've got you." He said softly smoothing my hair. It was so strange how his voice changed from hatred to warmth. 
"Wait right here..." He led me behind him. I looked at Kai long enough to see the fire burning in his eyes. I'd never seen him angry before and he was...fuming. 
"Your boyfriend isn't going to be much help darling," The tall one said as other guys from the car came out. I gulped. It was four against 1. Can Kai really take them all? 
"Don't talk to her." Kai stated shoving the tall one but all he did was laugh at Kai's action. "Don't talk to her~" The other boys mimicked him. The tall guy threw a punch at Kai but he missed. I covered my eyes but I peeked through my fingers. Will Kai be okay? I chewed on my bottom lip as I watched. I had never witnessed a fight before. At my dad's military base I was never allowed near the soldiers. Dad never let me. It was frightening but I had to see. Kai can't get hurt because of me. 
Still...the way he fights.
Kai was charming. He was fighting for me.  Would any boy do that if I was being attacked? Or is just that Kai's special? Does he like me?
Kai was still fighting and he seemed to be fighting off the other guys well. When will it end though? Sooner or later the two boys he knocked down are going to get up and hit him. I watched them exchange a look as one slid their leg out making Kai fall to the ground. 
He fell with a thud and the tall one grabbed Kai by the collar. "NO!" I screamed when he raised his fist at Kai. I only had one thing in my hand and it was my phone. So, I threw it at him. I hit him in the head and it bought Kai enough time to escape the guys grip. Usually I don't advocate violence but Kai was going to get hurt. My aim was perfect the tall guy was kneeling on the ground clutching his head. 
Kai kicked his partner in the head and threw the guy behind him down to the ground. I winced. That was going to hurt..but better them than Kai. 
I got a good look at Kai's face, his lip was cut and the blood was smearing down to his chin. I stepped back when I saw him throw a punch. Kai wasn't himself. The way he was hitting them. It was like he wanted to kill.
The car horn beeped stopping all the boys from fighting. "Hyung, we have to leave now!" The boy from the car called out. The tall one cursed as he spit blood. "We're not giving up." He grabbed Kai and stared at him. They exchanged a look and he whispered something in Kai's ear. Whatever it was, made Kai angry because he punched him in the stomach. 
"Kai," I whimpered for him to stop. The tall one looked at me and winked with blood dripping on his face. I covered my face and turned my head away from him. "No more," I cried. He was smirking at me with his laser glaring eyes. 
"Get lost, before I kill you." I looked at Kai and for some reason I believed his words. He could've killed them. 
Thunder rumbled and the boys gave one last look before hopping in the car. 
No one POV: 
Yoona and Kai were left in the rain. As Kai walked back to Yoona she didn't speak. She was too shaken up. 
"We have to get out of this rain," Kai spoke wiping the blood from his sleeve. Yoona looked around and spotted a store with lights on. "Store," She weakly mumbled. Kai didn't understand why she wanted to go there but he agreed anyway. He was too tired from the fight and his eye was throbbing when that guy punched him. 
Yoona bought an umbrella and a first aid kit. When she stepped out of the store she unfolded the umbrella to cover herself and Kai. He wasn't sure if it was from the rain or if it was from crying but on Yoona's eyelashes were small droplets of water. Kai couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful. He tried hard not to admire her beauty by looking down at the ground. 
"We can't get anywhere Yoona." He said. It was late at night and even if they did drive home the rain was too much. He didn't want to risk it. "The only place we can go to is a hotel." He muttered his eyes wandering to the ground as his cheeks reddened. As much as he didn't want to suggest that, it was their only option. 
So, they searched for a nearby hotel. And the whole time Kai never let go of Yoona. Their hands were tightly clasped and Yoona clung to him. Even though they were both drenched from the rain, she fould warmth within him. She liked it. With Kai she felt safe, she felt protected. She didn't want him to let go. Yoona knew it was wrong to feel this way about your friend but she couldn't help it. Her heart fluttered just holding his hand.
Once they reached a hotel they had booked one room with rather difficulty. "Why two rooms? You guys are a couple aren't you?" The receptionist said handing Kai the room key. Both of them couldn't help but blush. They weren't a couple though. But they way they were holding hands so tightly...
"Come on," Kai whispered to Yoona taking the elevator to their room. It was awkward in the elevator because they were both wondering what was gonna happen? Kai was nervous. Sleeping in the same room with the girl he likes. And if there was one bed...He banished the thought from his head. If there was one bed he was going to sleep outside. I'm not going to steal her innocence.
When Kai twisted the key into the room he heard Yoona sigh. He too saw two beds. Oh, thank goodness.
"I'll go bring us some clothes..." Kai said leaving the room. Yoona wanted him to stay so she could clean his wound but he left clsoing the door behind him. She frowned and decided she might as well take a shower. It's better than sitting and waiting.
She went into the bathroom where thankfully there was a towel.  Yoona quickly stripped out of her clothes and went into the shower. The blast of warm water sprinkling down her skin made her shiver. She had been in the cold rain so far even warm water made her shiver. She shut her eyes as that boy's smirk appeared in her mind. She hoped to never see them again. 
The sound of a knock made her jump. "I brought your clothes, Yoona. I'll be outside so you can change." Kai said from the room. She didn't realize how long she had been in the bathroom until he had knocked.  Yoona wrapped the towel around her small frame and opened the door a little. Kai was nowhere in the room. So, he meant outside as in outside of the room. 
Yoona quickly took the clothes from the door and slipped them on. It was the hotel t-shirt and sweatpants. She came out with a different towel in her hand and looked for the first aid kit which was on the dresser. "Kai~" Yoona called him. He entered the room wearing exactly the same thing as Yoona. Couple clothes
"Thanks," She muttered unable to meet his eyes. She stretched her hand with the towel out so he could dry his hair but Kai instead pulled her towards him. So close that they were nose to nose Yoona had to look at him. "I'm so sorry for what happened Yoona," He said enveloping his arms around her. Kai felt terrible. It was bad enough that those guys attacked her but then she also witnessed him fight. Something he never wanted her to see. 
"I wish you never had to see that," He said his voice close by her ear. After he had seen her tears Kai knew he would do anything to protect her. 
Yoona rested her chin on his shoulder listening to his heartbeat. Hers was beating rapidly but for some reason listening to his calmed her. Or maybe it was because she was in his arms she felt safe and protected. 
"I'll always protect you." 
Yoona moved back and this time had the courage to look at him. Closely she noticed that his eye was swelling up and turning purple. She could see just how badly he was hurt. Didn't he feel anything? Her fingers unconsciously trailed to his eye. "You got this because of me...didn't you?" She whispered her heart aching for his pain. How could she let him hurt himself for her? Kai frowned as she spoke. She was feeling guilty and he didn't want her to be upset. It wasn't her fault he got hurt. He was careless.
"No it's not your fault Yoona." He said putting his hand over hers. Still Yoona's heart felt heavy looking at his eye. Taken by her own will, she went on her tippy toes and planted a kiss near his eye. It was all so sudden she couldn't stop herself. "You saved me," She said finally smiling. 
Kai stood there frozen as she put a bandage on his lip. 
She kissed me...
A/N-ALL THAT FLUFF YO! This is my fave chapter thus far. I  had so much fun writing it. You have no clue. It looked more cooler in my head tho...still inexpierneced. <- see I spelled that wrong too.
IS ANYONE AS EXCITED AS I AM FOR EXO'S REALITYL SHOW ASDGHHJL I CAN'T WAIT. OMG OMG WILL WE SEE THEIR DORMS. (i really hope not freaking saesang fans) the previews look real good. I can't wait. 
Anywayz, hope yall liked this chappie! till next time! 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha