Chapter 24


*this is update number 2 by the way!

Third Person POV:

Kai was on a rampage. If it wasn’t for Suho and Chanyeol holding him back he would’ve attacked Hyorin. He didn’t even care that she was a girl. What she did drew the line and Kai had full intention to hurt her. 

“I will get you expelled, do you hear me? Say goodbye to Seoul Academy you worthless human beings!” He roared in their faces as they cowered behind each other like the cowards they were. Mr. Kim stood in front of the girls so Kai couldn’t get any closer. Dasom the weakest one, had caved and told everything to Mr. Kim saying it was Hyorin’s plan to push Yoona near the river and leave her. 

“Kai, calm down you’re scaring the girls.” Mr. Kim tried to calm the boy down. “Are you kidding me, Saem?! I knew they were going to hurt her! How could you let them be paired with her?!” Kai yelled throwing his anger on the girls to Saem. Everyone knew Hyorin was jealous that Kai had picked Yoona over her. But, it was out of Mr. Kim's hands to decided who was in the group it was all random.

Suho had only seen Kai this angry when Vixx wanted to have Yoona and he knew that Kai was murderous when he was this angry. Especially if it concerned Yoona. 

“We sent out a search team for her Kai, everything is going to be fine. Yoona’s a bright girl she can find her way out.” Saem assured Kai but it was no use. 

Kai left the spot and walked away from the group despite their protests. He needed to be alone from everyone so he could cool off his anger. The last thing he needed was to see those girls faces. Kai didn't even want to think of what he would’ve done if Suho and Chanyeol weren’t there to stop him.

He stood by his car leaning back with his eyes shut as he thought about Yoona. What if she’s lost? What if she’s hurt? She’s all alone, what if she gets scared? All these thoughts were running through his mind right now and every vessel in his body was telling him to run into the woods and find her. But he couldn’t. Students were restricted from entering until the search team had returned. 

Kai had tried numerous times to call Yoona up but her phone was either dead or there was no signal. 

Please please please just let her be okay. Kai silently prayed as he stayed leaning against his car. 


“I knew I couldn’t trust those girls,” Yoona muttered to herself when she stood up dusting dirt off her clothes. Hyorin and her friends told Yoona to lean over and pull out what was the “flag” and that’s when they found Yoona vulnerable and pushed her. 

And here Yoona is, battered and bloody from her fall in an unknown section of the woods that the teachers had not marked.

“Well this is just my luck,” She sighed to herself. She ripped a part of shirt to tie around her leg so the bleeding would stop.

Yoona pulled her phone out so she could contact Mr. Kim but there was no service anywhere-she was in the woods there was no such thing as 4G here. 

She couldn’t even call Kai if she wanted to….

Yoona sighed again and tucked her phone back into her pocket. “Guess I’m on my own then…” 

She began hiking, first walking in meaningless circles as she kept getting lost. She had yet to see one of her pink ribbons tied on the trees. 

“I wonder if I can climb this cliff…” She placed a hand on her chin. The cliff wasn’t that big. It was probably 4 ft considering she had mostly rolled down the cliff and didn’t plunge to her death. 

So, Yoona climbed. Living on a military base all her life did have its perks. Gym class was always in the soldier’s training camps and there she loved rock climbing. Although this time she didn’t have any rope to keep her steady in case she fell backwards. 

“Well, I have to try.” She said to herself as she grunted placing her foot on a rock. “I need to get out of here so I can see Kai and hear him sing again.” She said.

That was her motivation-Kai.


It was night fall and all the students had resorted to taking a break and got something to eat. Kai and Yuri wouldn’t dare leave the teachers in case Yoona showed up. Though D.O had offered food to the two, they were too tensed up to even think about eating.

“It’s already so dark, how is she going to see anything?” Yuri asked biting on her fingers anxiously. 

The first search team had returned and didn’t find anything so this time they sent the police. That had calmed Kai down somewhat. He trusted the police would be able to return Yoona back to him but still he couldn’t help but worry. She had been gone for 5 hours now and the more hours he waited the more paranoid he got of what could happen to her. 

Hyorin, Dasom and Soyu were picked up by angry parents and sent home. Mr. Kim was sure to write a letter to the dean and have the three girls suspended for what they had done. Kai appreciated his teacher’s efforts but knowing his father he knew nothing would happen to the girls.

Kai stood up from his position and paced back and forth in a nervous manner continuously looking to the right to see if Yoona would emerge from the woods.

As he continued to do this, he noticed something bright and yellow floating in the woods. He stopped and looked to see if he was starting to get delusional from all the waiting. Why would something yellow be floating in the woods? It’s too late for a bird to be out at this hour. 

Kai walked over as curiosity got the best to him and he noticed that it was a flag. 

“Yoona?” He called out hesitantly feeling his heartbeat pick up in expectation that it was her. He didn’t get any response from the holder of the yellow flag. So he ventured deeper into the woods despite the teachers warnings. 

you all, that’s my girlfriend out there, I’ll find her myself. 

“Yoona?” He yelled out louder cupping his hands around his mouth so he could project his voice out louder to her. “, i should’v brought a flashlight.” He muttered to himself. 

He ran back to grab a flashlight considering all he did was walk straight so he knew his way back. Just as he grabbed the flashlight and was about to run back he noticed Yuri hugging a figure. 

He dropped the flashlight and let it roll to the ground. 

“Yoona?” He called to the girl in Yuri’s arms. The girl that was clutching the yellow flag turned around and smiled at her boyfriend. 

“Hey,” She greeted him handing the flag to Yuri so she could go hug Kai. That instant Kai ran to her and he didn’t even care if they were surrounded by all the students and teachers and medics his girl was here, she was safe, his Yoona was here. 

“I thought I lost you,” He whispered in her ear as he shut his eyes pushing a tear back that was threatening to come out. When he saw her all disheveled with dirt covered over her body he saw the most beautiful survivor he had ever seen and she was all his.

 He hugged her so tight she suffocated from the lack of air as he spun her around. Yoona smiled and ruffled his hair. 

“I’m not going anywhere.” She reassured him hugging him back with the same intensity. 

After a few minutes of long hugging Kai let go of Yoona and kissed her forehead, her hair, her eyes, her nose, literally every inch of her face whether there was dirt on her or not. 

“Kai, I’m fine!” She said to him laughing at his motherly side kicked in on her. She truly found it cute how worried he had gotten. 

“Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked her cupping her face looking for any injuries and then he spotted the wrap around her leg. 

“I’m fine, Kai. I got a few scratches but I’m in one piece.” She told him patting his shoulder so he wouldn’t worry so much. But how could he not. She was bruised. He saw all the scratches on her hands and not to mention the huge cut she had sustained on her leg. 

“Come on, let’s get you patched up.” He said picking her up bridal style and taking her to the resorts infirmary. 

“Wait, does this mean I won?” She asked confused considering she had captured the flag. It was definitely pass the curfew that the teachers had placed considering no one could sleep as they were all looking for Yoona. 

Mr. Kim laughed for the first time finally relaxing himself since the arrival of Yoona. “Yoona this means tomorrow you can do whatever your heart desires.” He told her with a smile. Yoona smiled and thanked her teacher before all the students erupted in an applause cheering her name. 

“Ok, let’s go the infirmary now.” Yoona said taken aback from all the attention she was getting. Kai and the few medics with him walked over to the infirmary inside the resort. 

Yoona rested her head on Kai’s shoulder for the short amount of time he was holding her. “Yoona?” Kai said her name as they walked. She raised her head to look at him. 

“Were you scared?” He asked her quietly his hold on her tightening as he held her.

“I was…but I knew that if I didn’t leave I’d never see you, so I put my fear aside.” She told him with the determination she had felt before when she was leaving the forest. 

Touched by her words, Kai gave her a small kiss on her lips. “I’m so relieved you found your way back.” He whispered against her lips before he placed her on the bed and the medics surrounded her pushing Kai out of the way.

He glared at the men touching his girlfriend’s body not because he was jealous but because he was mad that they swarmed her like a bee and wouldn’t let him near her. Yoona noticed the expression on his face and told him to go get food. 

“I’m staying here.” He said firmly refusing to leave Yoona even for a second. “Kai, please you haven’t eaten anything all day and neither have I.” She told him exhausted as she tried to persuade him to leave. 

“Then we’ll eat together.” He told her. Yoona stared at him in despair only now realizing how stubborn he really was. “Then at least get us food so we can eat together here.” She told him trying to compromise. 

Kai unwillingly agreed to her when Yuri and Baekhyun entered the room to watch her. 

“Go, Kai we’ll be right here with her when you’re back.” He patted his back so Kai could leave. The boy finally left to go get food from the dinner hall even though he didn't want to. 

The medics were pretty quick with bandaging Yoona up. They cleaned her wound on her leg and wrapped it up and the rest were small scratches that even she could treat herself with ointment and bandages. 

Once they were done, Yoona relaxed in the bed and leaned her head back when Yuri came and sat down next to her.

“You look so dead.” She commented on Yoona’s appearance. The girl stifled a yawn with her hand before answering. “I’m exhausted Yuri. I just want to sleep.” She confided to the girl. 

“Then sleep, Cheonsa. No one’s stopping you.” Baekhyun said sitting down on the other side of the bed. 

“Kai…I told him I’d have dinner with him.” She said sitting up so she didn't fall asleep. 

“Yoona you should’ve seen him when you were gone, Kai was going insane.” Yuri told her holding her hand. Yoona looked up surprised and a little worried. “Was he really that bad?” She asked. 

Baekhyun nodded. “He…was ready to hit Hyorin and her friends…he was so angry Yoona.” 

She bit her lip feeling guilty. I made him worry so much…

“Why do you look so sad? You should be happy you have such a loving boyfriend!” Baekhyun poked her good leg. 

By this time Kai had returned with a tray of food for the two and that’s when Yuri and Baekhyun excused themselves. 

“I’m gonna leave the room key here with you Yoona.” Yuri placed it on the table next to the two. Yoona nodded as Kai eyed the key. He waited till the two were gone before he could speak again. 

“Sleep in my room tonight.” He blurted out. 

Yoona blinked at Kai, taken aback at his words. “What?” She uttered stupidly. “Don’t go back to Yuri’s room, come with me.” He told her. 

Yoona’s cheeks reddened against her will as she looked down at her hands. She knew Kai meant his words literally just to sleep but it still made her blush. She had slept in a room with Kai once but they weren’t a couple then and they had separate beds that time. 

“Okay.” She said softly agreeing to his request. Kai looked up surprised she agreed to it. He expected her to reject his offer just because he didn’t expect her to do something like that. 

“Come on, let’s eat. I’m hungry.” She said quickly so he could stop staring at her and so her cheeks could stop being red.


“Kai, please I can walk on my own.” 

After dinner, Kai and Yoona went to his room in another hall away from the students with him carrying her in his arms yet again. 

“Just let me treat you like a Princess tonight.” He said to her as he slid the key card in and his room opened. Yoona grumbled as she dropped her hands from his shoulders. “You always treat me like a Princess.” 

“Because you are one.” He kissed her forehead before making her sit down on his bed. It was around midnight now when they returned to Kai’s room and both of them were exhausted. Sleep was the only thing that Kai planned on doing. That’s what he implied when he asked her. He just wanted to hold Yoona as they slept together. 

“Do you want a shirt to change into?” He asked her noticing how her shirt was completely destroyed from the dirt and gravel. “Please and Thank you.” Yoona responded to him. A shirt would be fine, she wasn’t going to ask for pants cause she knew she wouldn’t fit into his. 

Kai fished out a shirt from his suitcase quickly before handing it over to her. He didn’t mind Yoona as he took his own shirt off and slipped into a regular black tee. Yoona though gaped at him shocked that he had actually changed in front of her. She blushed and shook her head. That’s normal we should be able to change in front of each other with no problem. 

Kai turned around and noticed that Yoona still hadn’t changed her shirt. He came and sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. “Hey, why aren’t you changing?” He asked her softly. Yoona looked up and jumped a little when she realized he was in front of her. “Uh…sorry.” She muttered embarrassed looking anywhere but at him. 

She fumbled with taking her shirt off knowing that he was right in front of her. Yoona had never felt so shy before until this moment and she wished she could hide under a rock. 

“Yoona,” Kai called out to her softly. She dropped her hands from her shirt and looked at him. “Let me do it.” He said to her moving closer and helping her. He saw her having difficulty with her shirt and he wanted to help. He knew why she was so reluctant to change in front of him but he had to prove it to her that it wasn’t what she thought. 

Yoona’s body went stiff as she put her arms up so Kai could easily take her shirt off. She was wearing a tank top underneath-so there really was no point in her being embarrassed she wasn’t showing that much skin, but because Kai was taking off her shirt for her it made her blush like crazy. 

The whole time he was doing this, putting on his new shirt for her, Yoona noticed that Kai wasn’t the least bit staring at her. His eyes were in the innocent manner of just helping his girlfriend put clothes on. Then Yoona realized she had underestimated her boyfriend.

“You were scared weren’t you?” Kai said quietly when he finished and moved back a little. “That I’d do something you didn’t want to.” He stated. 

Yoona instantly shook her head before Kai got the wrong idea. “Of course not.” He said quickly. “It’s just when a boy invites you to your room…” She muttered softly her eyes trailing up to meet his. She wanted to smack herself for thinking something so stupid. 

“I wouldn’t degrade you like that, Yoona.” Kai said looking at her with a hurt expression on his face. 

“When I asked you to spend the night with me, it was because I wanted to hold you in my arms.”  He told her truthfully about his intention. “I’d never make you do something you weren’t ready for, Cheonsa.” 

Yoona bit her lip hard trying to prevent a tear from falling. “Oh, Kai.” She sighed leaning down and hugging his waist tightly. 

“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings…I didn’t mean it like that.” She rubbed his back as she buried her face into his chest. “I’m just so awkward when it comes to love.” 

Kai wrapped his arms around her and patted her hair. “We both are, it’s okay. That’s how we learn.” Kai said sweetly kissing the top of her head. 

Yoona broke from the hug a little so she could look at Kai’s face clearly while he was still holding her. 

“Thank you, for always taking care of me. You’re always so thoughtful,you put me first before anything, and you have the biggest heart I know.” She told him cupping his face as she looked at his eyes lovingly. 

“That’s my job, Yoona.” He pecked her. “As a boyfriend, I act as your brother who can protect you. I act as your best friend who is always there for you.” He said.

“and as a lover I love you.” He finally said to her.

Yoona grinned from ear to ear at his words before she leaned up higher and planted her lips on his. It was a kiss Yoona delivered filled with so much emotion that Kai could feel it. His heart was bursting as he kissed her back slowly and sensually. This is what love feels like he told himself.

He held her as close as he could against his chest until finally the two fell backwards onto the bed and Yoona was on top. 

“Umpfh sorry,” She giggled as her lips lingered on his, stealing light chaste kisses here and there. 

Kai laughed with her softly his chest rumbling as the two rolled around the bed in pure bliss. 


A/N- here it is! see i told you all i would update soon! lol i was in the zone last night-i've noticed i write quicker late at night because that's where all the creative jucies are so from now on i'll be writing at the wee hours of night so I can get to you guys quicker. Lawlz enjoy all the fluffiness in this chapter. 

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha