Chapter 4


Yoona POV:

"Yes, Umma?" I answered her. We were in my room and my mom was sitting on my bed, in the midst of braiding my hair. 
"Are there any new friends you made in school besides Aiman and Yuri?" She  asked. 
"What do you mean?"  I asked as I felt the soft, tugging of my hair. I loved it when my mother braided my hair. It always felt so relaxing I wanted to just fall asleep in her lap.
"Like boys," She answered her voice changing. I sat up. "Well, there's Taemin, Sehun and Kai." I told her. I've always been a truthful person who could never lie to my mother. 
"You'll tell me if you like someone right?" She asked me abruptly  pinning the rest of my hair. I blushed. Oh no this is why she wanted to talk to me. "Of course I'll tell you. But right now there's no one." I assured her. My mother pouted cutely before nodding. 
"Bye~" I kissed her cheek and rushed down the stairs. Our car was finally here but I still took the bus to school. It was Umma's car and she needed it for work. Besides...I can't drive very well. 
It was break time with Yuri and Aiman and we were sitting underneath a tree eating our lunch. Well they were. I was reading the book that the Doctor a.k.a Taemin's dad recommended me. Turns out I had damaged my occiptable lobe that's why I had random flashes and my vision would lose. 
"Yoona you've been reading that book since morning." Yuri complained. I looked up from my book to see their frowning faces. "Sorry.." I set the book down sheepishly. As soon as I let go Yuri snatched it from me. 
"What's so good about this book?" she read the title. I panicked. What if they find out? I didn't want anyone to know. I mean, Kai sorta knew...and well Taemin knows. 
But as she read th title she lost interest and handed it back to me. "I didn't think you were that boring." She said to me. I laughed. 
"So are you going to eat?" Aiman asked me. I shrugged. The medicine the doctor gave me made me lose my appetite and I became really thirsty. He said that might be a side effect. 
I grabbed my water bottle and took a long drink from it. The rush of ice cold water instantly rejuvenated me. "Hey, look!" Yuri exclaimed pointing behind me. I almost dropped my water bottle. "It's them," She said in awe.
I turned around and tried to see what she was pointing at. "Who?" I asked confused. All I saw were people walking around outside the school. 
"Don't you see those gorgeous six boys?" She said again. I furrowed my eyebrows the only six boys walking togethere are the ones I recognize are Sehun and Kai. 
"What about them?" I asked looking back at Yuri. She stared at me with hung open. "You don't think those beautiful creatures are amazing?!" She exclaimed confuddled with my expression. 
"Yuri not everyone has a crazy obsession like you do," Aiman rolled her eyes. Yuri scoffed. "I am not obsessed with them, I admire them." She put her hands together as if she was praying. 
I turned back around to look at them. They all really were good-looking. But only one stuck out for me. Kai was silently walking in the back with a solemn expression. He acted very nice, warm and caring when he spoke to me but now he looked...cold. He didn't look upset or angry he was just very distant from everyone. 
Suddenly my mother came into my head.I blushed furiously. I do not think of Kai like that! "He's smiling at me!" Yuri squealed making me break my thoughts. 
"He's smiling at Yoona," Aiman stated. Me? I look at Kai and yes he was smiling at me. It was a slight smile. I rarely ever saw him in smile in school. I smiled back and waved at him. 
"How-What-When you're friends with Kai?" Yuri blubbered. I nodded. She came close with a mischevious smile. "Are you guys friend friends or are you guys just friends?" 
"What does that even mean Yuri?" I asked her. Her question didn't make any sense. But she didn't answer that she went on about asking me every single detail about Kai. They were questions that I didn't even know the answer to! How was I suppose to know when his birthday was?
Kai POV: 
Oh, man Saem wants to talk to me alone. This is bad.
I hate being in a room with him full of kids now I have to be with him alone. 
The classroom became empty and I was the only one at Saem's desk. It was embarassing. "Can you make it quick?" I asked impatiently. He's going to give me detention that's what. 
Saem gave me a disapproving look before throwing a bunch of papers on his desk. They were my test grades. All failing ones. Not one of them I passed. "What's your point?" I asked. Was he trying to make me feel bad? Cause it wasn't working. His fault for being a terrible teacher. 
"Pick up your grades or you're failing for the semester." He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. "Is that short enough for you?" He smiled mockingly at me. I glared at him and forcefully bowed my head at him. 
I stormed out of the room angrily. That's what he wanted to tell me? Taking up my precious dancing time for this? Idiot. 
I already know I'm failing its not like there's anything I can do about it.
"Hey, Kai-" 
"Not now, Sehun," I told him. I wanted to go to the dance studio to burn off some steam. 
"Hey, I don't wanna talk to you. Yoona does." I stopped. Yoona? I turned around and saw Sehun with Yoona behind him. "Bye, Kai." Sehun winked at me as if saying: Your welcome.
"Are you okay? You don't seem happy," Yoona walked towards me with a concerned expression. God, she looks beautiful when she's worried for me. 
"Yeah, I'm just annoyed at Saem," I ruffled my hair. Anytime I was with Yoona I felt compulsive to tell her what was on my mind. I don't know why but when I was with her she took my anger away. 
" guys don't get along well," She noted. I smiled. "yeah, we don't. He told me I'm failing Calculus." 
"Do you want me to help you?" She suddenly asked. I looked at her surprised. What? "I've been home schooled for a few years but I'm really good at Calculus." She explained. Really? She was home schooled? 
"Um...sure if you want," I said and then she broke into a wide smile. "Great we can meet in the library." She tore a piece of paper from her notebook and scribbled something. "Here. She placed the paper in the palm of my hand. 
I looked down at the piece of paper.
It was a set of numbers.
Her number.
Yoona gave me her number!
A/N- oh my god thank you so much! 32 subbiez?! i planned on updating if I got 30 AND I DID IN LIKE TWO DAYS! But my test was so close I didn't dare going on the computer. BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING MY STORY =*SOBS this parts kinda boring sorry. I'm doing a double update!! so yea enjoy! im so glad you guys like it so much!!
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha