Chapter 8


Kai POV:

I lightly shook Yoona's mother's shoulder. The green sign on the operating room was now red. Her procedure was complete. "The doctor's here," I said helping her get up. She had fallen asleep.
Who could blame her. The surgery was four hours long. 
My uncle came walking towards Yoona's mother, as I loitered in the back. "How is she?" She asked her hands bunched together in a hopeful prayer. I was holding my breath at this moment. Whatever he had to say...please be good.
"She should be waking up soon, the anesthesia is probably wearing off by now." He patted her shoulder. "And everything went smoothly. We placed a cataract in her eye and corrected her vision." I let out a breath. See everything went perfect. I finally broke into a smile. I knew she'd be okay. 
"Can we go see her?" Her mother asked hopeful. My heart jumped in excitement when my Uncle nodded. Yoona's mother turned around. "Kai, why don't you go see her first? I have to call her father." I blinked at her. "Uh, sure." I was going to let her go see her first after all she's her mother. 
The nurse led me to Yoona's room where my heart was thumping loudly. I don't know why I was so nervous to see her but I was also excited. "Here you go," The nurse said as we stood in front of her door. She bowed before walking away. I took a deep breath before entering the room. 
She was lying on the hospital bed peacefully with bandages wrapped around her eye area. "Umma?" She said turning her head even though she couldn't see. She sat up propping herself up with her elbows. "Umma is it you?" She asked her voice panicking. 
I approached her carefully and placed my palms into her hands. Will she notice the difference? "Kai?" She guessed. I smiled. She knew. "Umma's hands are small." She said. I sat down on the bed slightly. Of course she'd notice the difference. My hands are larger and rougher. 
"How do you feel?" I asked her holding her hands tightly. Her hands were very soft and dainty. Like a lady. 
"I don't know. It's weird. Everything is dark but I can hear perfectly," She said patting her hands against mine. I smiled at her cute action. "It's scary though,"
"Don't worry the doctor said you'll be able to take your bandages off tomorrow night," I said trying to cheer her up. She smiled widely. I'm sure if her eyes weren't covered they'ed be twinkling. "Ah, I can't wait." She said excitedly. I smiled at her reaction but I stared at her. Even if something went wrong I was going to stay with Yoona. It didn't matter to me if she went blind. 
I'd love her either way. 
"Kai?" She said my name bringing me back to the hospital room. "Neh?" I said. She sighed in relief."I thought you left." 
I smoothed her hands with mine. "I'd never leave." She looked down and smiled secretly but I saw it.My Cheonsa
"Yoona!" Her mother squealed coming in. I let go her hands and got up from the bed. 
"Umma?" She called out. "Neh, I'm right here." She cupped her daughter's cheek. I decided it was my turn to leave and let the two be alone. "Well, uh I'll be going now." I said getting closer to the door. 
"Wait, why don't you stay Kai?" Her mother turned back to me. I shook my head. "I have a few errands to do actually I'll come by later at night," I added quickly when I saw Yoona's face fall. 
"Really you'll come visit me?" Yoona asked hopeful. I smiled. 
"I'll come every day." 
And I did. I visited her every day. As soon as school was out I would go to the hospital and stay with her until visiting hours were gone. Yoona was worried though her friends must've figured out by now but it was actually Taemin who had mistakenly told everyone. 
And that was when I started showing up less. Yuri and Seohyun would show up right after school and my only chance to see her was at night time. It but it was only for a few days because she was out of the hospital and on her way home on Friday. 
However I wasn't going to see her at her house. I missed three days of school in a row and I was making up for it in detention. And worse it was with Saem Kim. He was more than happy to watch over me during detention. 2 hours. 
I had 2 hours of detention. 
Guess my surprise isn't going to happen...
I sulked and put my head down on the desk. Stupid Teacher. Stupid math. 
My phone vibrated in my pocket and sneakily I pulled it out so Saem didn't see it. I looked from him to my phone. 
Umma wants you to come over for dinner, Can you come? :)-Cheonsa
I smiled so maybe I was able to see her. I texted a quick yes before putting my head back down and hiding my phone. Hmm...what should I get her? I've never been to her house...Maybe flowers? That's weird it's not like I'm her boyfriend.
I coughed at my stupid conscious. Why would it say that?! 
Hmm, what should I get then...chocolates? Aish that's the same as getting flowers! I cupped my chin and thought deeply of what should I bring. I can't bring anything without it giving the wrong idea. 
"UGH I'LL JUST GET FLOWERS." I shouted out loud slamming my hands on the desk. Saem Kim looked at me disturbed. "Well I'd prefer dinner but flowers work too," He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes. Why would I want to spend dinner with you
"Oh, look time's up!" Saem exclaimed jumping out of his seat. "Have a nice-" I ran out of the room before he could ask me anything else.
Guess, I'll just get chocolates. I can't think of getting anything else. 
Almost forgot, where do you live Yoona?-Kai 
So stupid I don't know where she lives. I first went to a candy store to buy some chocolates. I got really hungry after that though. All the sweet tooth was aching. I picked out some heart shaped chocolates with funny faces on them. I thought they were cute and fit Yoona's style. 
I checked my phone and Yoona texted me her address. She lived close to the school but far from my own house. 
"Thank you," I said to the clerk who handed me the chocolates. He wrapped it all pretty with ribbons and all those girly things girls like. I don't know that's the best I could explain it for you. 
My stomach rumbled as I made my way back into the car. As I drove to her house I played the new mix tape D.O. made for me. He didn't tell me the title of the song but it was different than the other songs he and Chanyeol made for me. This was romantic... I started bopping my head back and forth to the rhythm. 
I laughed. I wonder why did D.O. give me this? Was this because of Yoona? 
Obviously since you've been friend zoned.
I gotta stop talking to myself. I'm too negative. 
I reached Yoona's house and it was a small cottage type house. I was used to seeing big mansions as I grew up and they were never very welcoming but Yoona's house for some reason I felt drawn to it. It was a sort of comfort I never grew up in. My house was large and intimidating. It reminded me too much of my father and I hated it. 
I got out of my car and knocked on her door. I looked at my watch. Hmm..I spent a long time in detention and then I went to go buy chocolate. 
"Kai?" Yoona's mother opened the door. I smiled nervously at her and held out the chocolates. "Hi," 
"Oh, you came good!" She clapped happily moving aside so I could walk in. I slipped my shoes off and walking into the house. Their house was very feminine as if no male figure lived here. Well...she never does talk about her dad.
"I sent Yoona out for a bit to buy soda, she'll be back soon though." Her mother said going back into the kitchen. Only then did I smell the delectable smell of dinner. My mouth watered. I was hungry from being in the chocolate store but Yoona's mom's cooking smells delicious. I can't wait to eat. 
"Why don't you go look around the house? I'd show you around but I need to watch the stew," She told me. "Oh...okay." I said passing the kitchen and taking the staires. Their were two rooms side by side when I reached the top. One door was slightly open and it was a pale pink room with a white bed set. Yoona's.
I smiled. She was so predictable. Her room was simple and definitely neat
Something like this. 
Towards her dresser I saw a picture frame of her family. Yoona, her mother and another man. Her father most likely. He was wearing a military suit. So...that's where he is.
I put the picture frame down and left the room as if I wasn't there. After I was done exploring I went downstairs to the kitchen. It had already begun raining and it was picking up drastically. Will Yoona be home soon?
Yoona's mother was on the phone with a worried look on her face. The call didn't go through and her face darkened. "Ahjumma is everything alright?" I asked her. 
She bit her lip nervously and kept looking back and forth at the window. "Yoona's not picking up her phone." As she spoke thunder boomed and lightening followed after. "Call me crazy but I have a bad feeling about it," She nervously laughed. 
I tried calling her from my phone as well but there was no service. "Maybe the weather's interfering with the signal I'm sure she's on her way," I assured her even though I was just as worried as her. Yoona just came back from the hospital and a storm had decided to hit. Will she be okay by herself? 
"I'll go look for her." I said. I have to find her before this storm gets bad. Yoona's mom was right. Something wasn't right. Yoona was suppose to be home an hour ago. 
A/N- dun dun dun yoona's missing. lol i'm such a troll. i go from happy to sad. sorry if it's rushed i had another capter in mind but i didnt like it so i cut it out! anyway hope you guys like it! 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha