Chapter 30


Third Person POV:


Yuri nudged Aiman to look up from her food. In midst stuffing her face, Aiman raised her head and looked at the girl in front of her. 

Yoona was staring ahead at nothing in particular. She had been like this for days. She’d come to lunch, talk for a bit, and then get swept up in her own thoughts. 

Yuri and Aiman knew that Kai broke up with Yoona. It was clear when Yoona came back to school with tears in her eyes and when EXO stopped sitting with the girls. 

“Yoona, you should eat.” Aiman said pushing her bowl of rice towards her. She noticed how every day now, Yoona never had her lunch with her. 

Yoona shook her head. “I’m not hungry,” She said in a throaty voice. Aiman looked over at Yuri for help. 

“Come on, Yoona. You’ve been moping around for a week this isn’t healthy.” Yuri told her trying to get through to the girl. Yoona’s face expression didn’t change though. She was still as stubborn as ever.

Yuri sighed and looked down at her food. “We tried. If she wants to starve, let her starve.” Yuri said coldly. She had hoped that the mean comment would bring Yoona to her senses, but sadly it didn’t. Yoona wasn't even listening to what Yuri was saying. She had her attention directed elsewhere. 

She was watching the interaction between Kai and his father go on and she couldn’t help but feel suspicious of the awkward tension the two men held.

Kai was across the field sitting on the stairs with an angry expression on his face. Yoona followed Kai’s gaze and found that it was aimed at his father. The dean was smirking at his son, almost taunting him. 

The taunting must’ve worked because Kai shot up from his sitting position to stalking towards his father. I have a bad feeling about this…

She watched as Kai stormed towards his father across the field. Something was going to go down and she could tell it wasn’t going to be good…


“Oh, my failure of a son, how can I help you?” The dean looked down at Kai with a fake sweetness. Kai narrowed his eyes at his father who was standing in front of VIXX, almost as if he was guarding them from Kai. 

“You know very well why I am here.” Kai said as cordial as he could. His eyes flickered over his shoulder and saw how cooly the boys were smirking at him. How badly he wished to punch those smirk off of them. 

“Someone’s damaged my property on campus-and there are video cameras in the parking lot that will show exactly who it was.” Kai said his gaze returning to the boys who were still pretending they didn’t know what Kai was talking about. 

The dean’s eyebrows shot in fake astonishment. “Well, why don’t these boys direct you to the security so you can figure out who destroyed your crap piece of a car.” The dean leaned down and sneered in Kai’s face. Kai stared back at the man that he once called his father. He knew exactly who trashed his car and on whose orders it was. He wasn’t an idiot. This was all a plan to agitate Kai and it was sadly working. 

His car was not a piece of crap. His car was a beautiful red Lexus RC350. (ITS A Y CAR) But, the beauty was trashed with egg peels and garbage. 

Kai followed VIXX and used all of his self-control not to attack one of them from behind. If it wasn’t such a public area he would’ve thrown the first punch the second he laid eyes on the group. 

Kai assumed that the boys would lead him to the parking lot where they had destroyed his car but instead they went to the back of building. Kai stopped walking and noticed that one of the VIXX boys was missing. 

Bright red haired boy was not there. 

Something was off.

He was being tricked.

Before he could run he was hit on the back of his head and he fell straight to the ground. Kai became momentarily blind from the impact for a few seconds before his vision came back again. He rolled over and blinked disorientated, the pain registering on the back of his head. It hurt like a . 

As he tried to get up he was kicked in the stomach harshly. Kai bit back a groan and gritted his teeth together. He would not show weakness to these boys. 

He no longer had a weakness. 

“Now you don’t have your princess, you can’t fight?” Ravi taunted placing his foot on the top of Kai’s chest. Kai kicked the boy from the back and quickly got up from his feet. 

“It’s because of her I will fight you ing bastards.” A new anger unleashed in Kai as he grabbed Ravi by the collar. How dare they have the audacity to bring her up. He had been trying so hard not to think of her and he was doing so well. He went one hour without thinking of her. 

Kai shook Ravi before pushing him backwards into the wall. The fight was over now for him. At the mention of Yoona he had no desire to fight over his car being ruined that he could easily fix.

Obviously things didn’t go Kai’s way. 

He was attacked again from the behind with the same pole that hit his head. And this time it was multiple times. 

Hongbin lifted Kai up and threw him against the wall where Hyun and N held him tightly. 

Ravi smirked as he cracked his knuckles before grabbing the metal pole. 

“I’m going to take my time.” He muttered sinisterly to Kai. 

Kai spit the blood out of his mouth right in front of Ravi tempting him to hit him. 

“ you.” He said. 


It was late night around 10 p.m when Yoona got the phone call from Suho. She was just about to head on to bed when he asked for her to urgently come to his house with her first aid kit. 

That terrible feeling she felt during lunch was back and she knew in her heart it was Kai. 

She sneaked into her basement and pulled out the military aid kit that she used to work with when she was on the base. 

Yoona left a note on the counter for her mother that was already in bed. She knew she’d be grounded when she returned home. Not that it mattered. She never left the house anyway unless it was for school. 

Yoona grabbed the car keys and drove to Suho/Aiman’s house. It had been 3 days since she last saw Kai and even spoke to him. She should’ve taken calming herbal medicine before she left the house. 

If it was him that needed to be healed (which she had a high suspicion that it was) she wasn’t sure if she could handle looking him in the eye and breaking down. Her hands clenched around the steering wheel. “No, I will be strong. I need to show him I’m strong and that I don’t need him.” But I do need him. She said. She had been feeding that lie to herself everyday since he broke up with her that she did not need him. 

With a nervous heart and shaking hands she arrived at Suho/Aiman’s house. The door was already open and waiting for her to enter. 

She rushed out of her car and walked as quickly as she could as she carried the heavy kit. It wasn’t even a kit it was almost as big as a tool box. 

“Where is he?” She asked Sehun who was the first person who grabbed the kit from her. “Basement,” He responded as he zoomed down the stairs and Yoona followed him. 

‘Easy as 1 2 and 3.’ She told herself. ‘Just breath and think of him as a patient.’ She told herself taking deep breaths. 

She put on an emotional face when she reached the bottom of the stairs and saw that Kai’s back was towards her. He was sitting up on a bed that seemed to be stained with his blood. From the backside she could see he had scratches and wounds on his back she wondered how bad he looked in the front. Her heart ached slightly seeing his condition but then she remembered he was not hers anymore. She did not need to feel empathy for him. 

Sehun brought the kit next to Kai as Yoona her eyes focused on the kit, did not make eye contact with him. 

Kai noticed her first and his eyes widened as he moved backwards from the bed. “What is she doing here?” He asked in distaste. Yoona winced at the hatred in his voice. ‘Remember he’s just a patient. A really hateful patient.’ She said to herself. 

“You refuse to go to the hospital so this was our only option so shut up and let her fix you.” Suho snapped at Kai, very much through with his friend’s immaturity. 

Yoona knew she had to raise her head to look at Kai to identify where his injuries were. She shut her eyes first and pretended she was back at the base healing the wounded soldiers. Think of him as a soldier. It’s the only way you can get through this.  She opened her eyes and looked at her former boyfriend. She put on a mask so she could block out any of the emotions she was feeling when she looked into his anger-ridden eyes. 

He had a gaping cut on his forehead that required stitches, a bruised bloody lip and quite a few scratches on his face. Her eyes trailed down to his shirt that was practically in ruins and she could see bruise marks forming and more cuts as well. Her eyes fixated on his left hand that seemed to be swollen. 

“Sehun, go get me a bucket of ice with water.” His hand was most likely sprained. 

Yoona opened her kit and pulled out a pair of scissors. She cut through the remaining of his shirt. If anyone was surprised they didn’t show it. His shirt was already in ruins to begin with. Besides, she needed it gone so she could treat the wounds on his body. 

“Chanyeol, get me wet towels.” Yoona instructed him after she threw the rest of his shirt aside. Kai slightly flinched when Yoona’s hands grazed his shoulder. She quickly ignored that and assumed it was from the pain. 

“Perfect,” She said when Sehun had finally returned with the bucket of water. She grabbed Kai’s hand that was balled up in a fist and put it in the bucket. It was rather forcefully when she pulled him because he wasn’t moving when she placed her hand on him. She had to be rough with him. It was only fair right? He did break my heart.

Yoona pulled out a needle and three from the kit and placed it next to Kai. She noticed that if she tried to clean the wound, it would only bleed more. She raised her head and looked behind, Chanyeol was carrying the towels she asked for she motioned for him to come next to her. 

“Yoona, you can do stitches?” Sehun asked her hesitantly staring at the needle. She nodded. “At my dad’s base all the girls were trained throughout high school to be able to treat wounded soldiers.” She spoke as she started to connect the treat to the needle. 

“Once, we graduate we move to college level which was the equivalent of medical school there.”  She spoke sadly remaindering her excitement when she graduated high school on base. She couldn’t wait to partake in surgeries. 

Yoona gently pushed Kai down on the bed refusing to look at his eyes and instead she looked at her hands while she did this. Strange, it felt as if he was unconscious because he had been so quiet. Maybe the pain was too much? She looked through her bag for anesthesia but it was missing. 

“Do you guys have alcohol?” She asked them. “Anything to make him drunk?” She continued when they just stared at her dumbly. 

“What? He needs to be numb or else he’s going to be in pain.” She said. 

“I don’t need it.” Kai finally spoke. More like he spat. She rolled her eyes before turning back around to him. Whatever, if he wants to be in pain he can it up. 

“Chanyeol, when I say towel, you wipe the blood off okay?” She looked at Chanyeol. He nodded and went on the other side of the bed.

“Sehun, every 10 minutes, check his hand to see if the swelling goes down. If it’s down dry his hand and wrap it up.” She instructed Sehun as he came to her side. 

As she was about to go near Kai’s hand, he started to fidget. “Stay still,” She said placing her hand on his chest. She if she touched him he would freeze, and he did. He instantly went still and stared up at the ceiling. 

That’s when Yoona went to work. She started the stitch for the 8 inch gap that was slowly starting to close up. 

“Towel,” She would occasionally say when she saw blood trickle down. Her eyes would flicker for a few seconds at Kai’s hand to observe the swelling. 

“That’s enough Sehun. Wrap his hand in the clean towel for a bit.” She told Sehun as she was almost done with the stitch. Usually when she worked with the solders she wold communicate with them so they would feel less pain and she would make sure they were comfortable. But, this time she couldn’t. If she looked at Kai,she knew she would mess up. So, she kept her eyes focused on his wound. 

She tied the last knot very delicately and quickly removed her hands before she tugged on his skin. Yoona felt Kai getting ready to sit up so she put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. “Don’t move. I’m not finished.” She spoke harshly. She carefully pushed him back down before grabbing her kit and finding a wrist band. “Suho, you have ice packs?” She asked. “In the freezer, do you want them?” 

Yoona put her hand up. “Every so often when it starts hurting, have him apply an ice pack on it.” She told Suho. 

She gently placed the wrist band on his hand much to his dismay. She also found some gauze to put on top of the stitches just in case Kai did something stupid and re-opened his stitches. She wasn’t planning on making another visit. 

“The stitches are dissolvable-so in a week they’ll be gone. As for his other injuries, you guys can clean it with these.” She pulled out some small bottles and bandages and gauze from the first aid kit and handed them each to the boys.

It suddenly became too much for Yoona to be in the same room with Kai. He was no longer her patient now, but her ex-boyfriend. She wanted nothing more than to leave the room. 

“Yoona,” Suho stopped her as she was just about to leave. 

“thank you,” He said softly to her. “I know it was out line to ask you, but thank you for everything. “ 

She nodded and with the bow of her head she left. She finally felt like she could breath. Yoona practically ran out of that house. As she walked to her car, she felt as if the world was crashing down on her again just like the day when Kai broke up with her. She was losing it again. She thought the heart ache was becoming easier but it hadn’t. Her mask had fallen apart and now so were her tears.


A/N-um.......SORRY. LOL i have no explanation for my absense except college. I can't believe I was gone for almost 6 months. Damn. but, hey I FINISHED MY FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE SO LIKE MORE UPDATES SO YAYYYY!!! I hope you guys still love me <3 Sorry I went MIA, college took over my life. I won't do it again....hopefully. anyways IL BE BACK, ENJOY!!!

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha