Chapter 3


Yoona POV:

"Yoona...wake up," My mother's voice came into my dreams. I rolled over and before I knew it my eyes were open. I felt the heat of the sunlight from my window as my mother pulled away the curtains.
"We're going to the hospital today did you forget?" I sat up quickly. Oh right I did...
"What about school?" i jumped out of bed reaching for my cellphone. "I already called them don't worry about it, now hurry up and be down in 15 minutes." She instructed me leaving the room. 
Hmm...will this doctor know what is wrong with me? I touched my cheek. I don't want to go blind...please. All that effort in the military base gone to waste....
So many things I haven't seen yet. So many things I haven't done yet. 
"Yoona!" I heard my mothers voice from the kitchen. I quickly changed into my clothes and ran down the stairs. I put my hair in a quick ponytail. I usually kept it in a braid but because we were running late I didn't have time. 
"Here, drink this." She handed me a cup of orange juice with a granola bar. I took the cup but stared at the granola bar and frowned. Couldn't I at least have some rice for breakfast? 
My mom saw the look I gave and she sighed. "I'll treat you to a really nice lunch just eat this for now," She pushed me towards the door. I put the bar in my pocket and drank the juice quickly. 
We still didn't get a car yet. It was suppose to come soon. Dad was making the final payments so we had take the bus. There were limited seats so I stood next to my mom so she could sit.
 As soon as I held onto the railing I shut my eyes. A headache was coming on strong and a weird fuzzy film came into vision. I could see but I couldn't. I looked around to see but all I got were weird spots.
"Yoona what's wrong?" My mom asked. I shook my head. "Nothing just tired," I lied. I really didn't want to worry her anymore than she already was. 
The bus halted near the hospital where my mother and I would get off at. I stared at the enormous hospital. Appa wants me to get cured here? It's ginormous. I gulped getting nervous all of a sudden. 
"Come on," My mother tugged on my arm. I followed her reluctantly to the building...
Kai POV:
"Kai these are the notes you missed," Taemin shoved me his neat hand-written notes after Calculus ended. I smirked at him. Oh, Taemin. When will you learn I never copy your notes?
"Thanks..." I put the notes in the passenger seat. Taemin's my cousin on my mom's side. All of them are nice. Everyone on my dad's side are evil. 
"Sorry my notes aren't as nice...Yoona's are way nicer." Taemin commented. My ears perked up. "Yoona?" I said surprised. Taemin was friends with her already? Friendly enough to share notes? Wah...this boy moves fast. 
"Yeah, the new student she write better than the teacher!" Taemin praised her his eyes twinkling
. I looked down at my hand it was still wrapped in the same bandage from yesterday. And her scarf...I felt in my pocket was still there. Hmm..I don't remember feeling pain when she cleaned my wounds. I was too entranced by her voice to notice. The way she had spoken with such innocence. 
I lost all that anger just like that when I saw her face. Somehow she managed to calm me down. No one was able to do that except my mother. I didn't even know who I was then. I wasn't Kim Jongin and I definitely was not Kai the fighter. 
Now that I think about it Yoona wasn't in class today..."Taemin do you know where Yoona could be?" I suddenly asked him. 
"Yoona.." He thought halting for a second. "I think she said she had a doctor's appointment today." I looked at him curiously. She does? "Oh, right I forgot!" He clapped his hands now remembering. "She's at my dad's hospital!" 
My eyes widened. Really?! Was she really there? I tensed up. So her condition was more serious than it sounded. 
"Thanks, Taemin." I told him going around my car to the drivers seat. "Wait, Kai where are you going?" He cried. "Ah...I have to return something to her." I told him blushing. Well it was true I had to return her scarf back to her but also.
I wanted to see her.
I reached Uncle's hospital and parked my car right next to his. Hey, I'm related to him I should get VIP parking as well. 
I entered the building and smiled a bit at the few doctors that I had seen. I make...very regular visits to the hospital. Usually against my will. 
It be weird if I ask the reception where Yoona is. She's not even admitted as a patient. I sighed. I'm so stupid going crazy, looking for this girl.
I stayed in the main building and contemplated leaving. She could be gone by now...Slightly frowning I figured I'd at least say hi to Uncle. I turned left and was about to take the elevator when I saw a familiar figure sitting at the steps. I got closer and saw it Yoona. 
I walked faster and approached her. "Yoona are you alright?" I asked alarmed leaning down to face her. She looked up and her head bumped against mine. "Sorry," She apologized as I rubbed my forehead. She stood up but leaned against the railing. 
I looked at her questioningly. She didn't look so good. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. She nodded but she still had that same sad expression. She seemed to be deep in thought. 
I went on the stairs and sat down next to her and she followed. "What's on your mind?" I asked folding my arms. Obviously something was bothering her. 
"Just...thinking." She said. I looked at her as she played with her hands. She explained to me in detail what Uncle had told her. "If I don't take the surgery I'll lose my vision forever, If i take the surgery and something goes wrong I'm done for." She confessed. it got to this. 
"You don't have to worry Yoona. Uncle is the best doctor in Seoul." I assured her. She looked up at me surprised her face was dangerously close to mine. I gulped and scooched back. Why does she have to be so pretty?
"Your uncle? Doctor Lee is your Uncle?" She said astonished. I nodded. "He's Taemin's dad." I told her. Yoona stood up facing me. "If that's Taemins dad and he's your and Taemin are cousins?!" She exclaimed. I nodded once again. I stood up and stepped down the stairs. 
"Ah now it makes sense why you both look alike~" She said to herself. I laughed. Most people never thought that Taemin and I looked alike because of our polar personalities. 
She laughed alongside with me but it was only for a moment and then her smile faded. She looked to the right as sick patients walked by. The look in her eyes gave a vivid picture of fear that dwelled inside of her. 
"Hey, you'll be fine." I touched her arm lightly. "Nothing's going to happen to you." I peered into her eyes looking directly into them. She smiled a little but it wasn't the smile I wanted. 
I stepped back and did something I have never done in my life ever. I've seen Sehun do it on Suho Hyung and it works. 
"Buing Buing!" 
I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. Never have I done aegyo in my life and here I am doing it for Yoona. 
Because I like her
I peeked from my hands and saw that she was laughing. She laughed so beautifully it was like a musical instrument. I removed my hands from my face and gave an awkward laugh. 
"Do you feel better?" I asked her my cheeks still burning red. Yoona nodded smiling brightly. "Thanks," She said to me. 
We were both staring at each other just standing there like idiots. "Yoona!" We both turned our heads and I saw a woman who looked very much like Yoona. Her mother most likely. 
"Guess I should go now," She said. I nodded although disappointed. At least I got to see her. "Bye~" I waved at her smiling even though I didn't want her to leave. 
She waved back before turning towards her mother. "Oh, wait!" I said just remembering. I pulled her scarf out of my pocket. "I almost forgot." 
She turned back around. Suddenly it got really hot and I couldn't look her in the eye. "Thanks for...yesterday." I told her placing the scarf in her hand. She smiled warmly at me. "Of course Kai," I blinked. That' the first time she said my name. 
I blushed a deep red. "I'll see you in school," She smiled waving at me. I nodded covering my cheeks. 
Control yourself you freak. All she did was say your name. 
A/N-AWW ISN'T KAI CUTE? lawlz what a dork. LOL. i made him the dork. sorry if you guys think its moving too fast. but ya kno it was love at first sight for kai! i was free today so i decided i'd update. sorry i didn't catch up with ma other story im working on the chapter whenever i can! MY TEST IS IN A WEEK GUY PLEASE WISH ME LUCK AND PRAY FOR ME!! 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha