Chapter 19


Yoona POV:


There was a crowd of students piled at the front of the school when Kai and I arrived. No one was entering the building everyone just stood there staring at some announcement board. 

“That’s only during exam week…” Kai said referring to the huge mass of students. We walked towards the board out of curiosity.

I spotted Chanyeol’s pointy ears in the midst of the crowd. “Chanyeol!” I shouted trying to get his attention. His ears perked up as he turned around and looked for me. I smiled and waved when he noticed. 

“Oye!” He exclaimed pushing through the crowd and meeting us. 

“What’s going on over here?” Kai asked motioning his head at the people. 

“Annual Senior Trip, of course.” Chanyeol said tugging on Kai’s arms sleeve as he pulled us all the way to the front of the board. 

It read: Senior Retreat to Paektu Mountain! All must attend no exceptions! 

My face fell when I read that we were taking a bus for 5 hours. I gulped and felt my palms get sweaty. I unlocked Kai’s grip from my hand and thankfully he didn’t notice. 

“2 days and 1 night?” Kai read the board. He turned to me with a glittering smile. “It seems like fun doesn’t it?” He asked me. I shrugged and turned around trying to get out of the crowd. It doesn’t seem like any fun at all. I’ll be puking most of the trip.

Kai was busily talking to Chanyeol about their plans for the trip. They were too excited. 

“I’ll catch you two later okay?” Chanyeol said as he ran to get to his next class. I smiled at him slightly before looking at the ground as I walked. 

“Our first road trip.” Kai said slinging his arm across my shoulder. “Yeah.” I said without the excitement he had. 

“You don’t seem happy about it.” Kai acknowledged. I shrugged. “I don’t like long car rides that much.” I told him. That wasn’t the truth but it wasn’t a lie either. 

“You’ll be fine.” He said bringing me close to his chest. “Besides you have me to cuddle with.” I rolled my eyes at his cheesy statement. 

Being with Kai wasn’t enough to assure me. 

It was a problem I had since I was a kid. 

“We’re gonna have to sign up early, if we want to room together.” Yuri told me when I got to lunch. I sighed as I sat next to Aiman. Ever since the morning that’s all anyone talks about. The Retreat Trip. 

“Too bad, Aiman can’t go.” Yuri said looking over at her. Aiman made a face and shrugged. “I’ll get to go next year.”

The boys joined us, all of them except for Kai. “Where-“ I started to say when Baekhyun cut me off. “He’s in a meeting with his dad.” He told me. I frowned as I turned around. That can’t be good.

“Where’s Sehun?” Yuri suddenly asked noticing that he was missing as well. Aiman dropped her fork that she was holding at the mention of his name. I looked at her closely. Sehun was in the hospital. He was injured previously and it only worsened because of Vixx.

“He’s sick.” Aiman coughed covering as she looked at her books and not at us. So, she knew as well…

“Aw, Aiman and you’re not taking care of him?” Yuri playfully shoved her shoulder. “He can take care of himself!” She snapped at her. Yuri shook her head at her. “Sehun is nothing but nice to you, plus he always takes such good care of you. Shouldn’t you repay him back?” Yuri offered to her but Aiman only rolled her eyes. Typical. 

“Why do you care so much?” Baekhyun asked Yuri. “You want to be taken care of too?” He teased shoving a large spoonful of rice into . Surprisingly he was sitting next to her. The two never got along so it was shocking that he was next to her. 

Yuri immediately coughed, spiting the rice out. 

“Are you trying to choke me?!” She coughed out ready to smack him across the face. “Well, if I wanted to I’d use my own hands.” He said looking at her sweetly before getting some more rice to feed her. Yuri pushed his hand away flinging rice all over the table. Everyone was quiet watching the pair fight. Yuri was furious though. I had never seen her angrier in my life before. 

She left the table and stormed off leaving her untouched food. I stared at Baekhyun disapprovingly. 

“What?” He said oblivious to the fact that he had upset Yuri. 

“Baekhyun, even if you were joking that wasn’t nice.” I said to him softly. “Yuri gets sensitive whenever you .” I told him.

“Have you heard her curse? I’ve never heard her say such bad words about a person.” D.O commented. 

“I was only kidding.” He said putting his hands up in protest. 

“Yeah, and Yuri was ‘kidding’ when she said she’d like to see you dead.” Chanyeol commented. I couldn’t tell his expression if he was bothered by those words or not. All he did was shrug. 

“Relax, Angel I’ll go talk to her right now.” Baekhyun said to me getting up. 

“Angel?” I repeated the unfamiliar name. 

“Where did that come from?” Aiman asked looking at him weirdly. 

“Ask Kai, that’s Yoona’s name in his phone.” He said putting a kimbap in his mouth before leaving. 

I turned back around and saw the boys looking at mischievously. 

“So, Angel?” D.O teased.


I really hated how Kai only had one class with me. I rarely ever saw him throughout the school day except for Lunch and Calculus. 

I decided I’d surprise him. I knew he had music 7th period all of EXO and my teacher wouldn’t mind if I left a bit early.

The bell rang and students began filling the halls with their loud uproar. I waited outside expecting Kai’s surprised face when he saw me. 

“Yoona, what are you doing here?” Suho asked as he was the first to see me. “I wanted to surprise Kai.” I said sheepishly watching as the rest of EXO filed out except for Kai. 

“Kai’s not here, Yoona. He left school.” He said to me. I looked at him confused as my eyebrows furrowed together. Not here? 

I saw D.Os familiar head come out so I tugged on his arm. “Why isn’t Kai in school?” Was he really in a meeting with his dad during lunch? 

“um…” D.O looked around avoiding my eyes. I lowered my voice and gripped his arm tighter. “Does it have to do with Vixx?” I whispered. It better not. How could he take off without me knowing? 

“Please, Yoona.” D.O laughed. “If it was all of us would be gone.” Thankfully that made me relax a little bit. Kai wasn’t in any danger. 

“So, where is he then?” I asked him. He set his lips into a straight line and I knew he was debating on telling me or not. “Please, D.O I’m his girlfriend. I have the right to know.” I pleaded to him. He sighed and started writing down something on the palm of my hand. 

“He might be here, I don’t know.” He said slipping his pen back into his pocket. 

“Thanks,” I said turning to leave but he stopped me. “Are you really gonna cut school?” He asked me. I blinked at him feelingly mind go empty. School was the last thing on my mind. 

“I have to find him.” I told him confidently. 

I got off the bus right in front of the address that D.O gave me. It looked like a dance studio except it was abandoned…just like Kai’s old house. I gulped hoping that he was alright.

I walked inside the studio ignoring the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Although the outside of the studio was creepy and eerie the inside of the studio was beautiful. The room was decked with shiny mirrors that reflected the dancer in the middle of the studio. Light cascaded down only on the boy and that was all I could see. 

I heard the loud-ear splitting music (mama)  as the dancer gracefully moved. The song was active and angry and the dancer was moving in beat with the music. I wondered if he was angry as well. The way he moved looked so forceful as if he was hitting his body against something. He was putting so much soul into his dance that I could not stop watching him. My eyes were glued to his fluid movements. 

When the song ended and Kai fell to his knees I was already behind him. I kneeled down behind him wondering if I should touch him. His shirt was drenched in sweat and he was panting heavily. 

“Kai?” I said his name softly. His head shot up as he looked at me in the mirror with wide eyes. As soon as he turned around he buried his head into my chest. It was so sudden that I fell backwards. 

“K-Kai” I stammered trying to hold myself up. He took me by surprise I didn’t know how to react. He didn’t speak but he held me tighter. There was something obviously wrong. 

“Kai, please tell me what’s wrong.” I told him trying to make him look at me. But my efforts went to nothing because he suddenly let me go and moved away from me.i felt as if he was ripped out of my arms when he was gone. 

“I’m sorry.” He repeatedly apologized as he covered his face with his hands. I looked at him sadly. Did I hurt him? 

I slid over to carefully removing his hands from his face. “Tell me what’s wrong.” He dropped his hands but had his eyes shut tightly. He shook his head not wanting to tell me. I sighed with my shoulders dropping. 

“Is there anything I can do?” I asked him. 

“Just…hold me.” His voice cracked. I looked at him surprised. That’s it? I went around to sit next to him and put my arm around him. I pulled him close into my lap and he gradually snuggled into my lap. I held him tightly and caught his hand and squeezed it. 

Kai looked so pitiful it hurt my heart. He was almost like a little child. He was deeply hurt over something and my heart ached for him. I had never seen him so sorrowful. 

He was breathing so deeply I was sure he had fallen asleep until he said my name. 

He rolled over so he could look at me. “Do you ever think…that your parents aren’t you who think they are?” He asked gazing up at the ceiling lights. I tilted my head trying to understand his question. 

“Of course not. They’re my parents, my own blood.” I answered him. 

“That’s just it, Yoona. Parents. They’re your own blood. Your suppose to love them.” He said. 

“How is it possible to hate someone so much that is your own blood?” He asked. I stayed quiet. I didn’t know how to answer him. It was true. How do you hate someone of your own kin? 

“Your father?” I asked. He nodded and his jaw tightened. 

“I hate him, Yoona. I hate him. I wish he was dead.” He confided in me. I shook my head. “No, you don’t your just angry at him.” I told him. 

He shut his eyes and shook his head. “No, Yoona. I’m serious. He is nothing like me. He’s a monster, a killer. I did not come from him.” He said strongly. 

“What are you saying?” I asked unable to understand his words. 

“I think he might’ve been involved in my mother’s death.” He whispered. My hand that was his hair suddenly stopped. “A-are you sure?” I asked him. He nodded and proceeded to tell me what happened earlier. 


*”You can’t stop me from going. All seniors have to go.” Kai said with a smirk on his face. That was the first thing he said when he walked into his father’s office. 

“Actually no, you are especially excused.” His father responded folding his hands underneath the table. 

Kai rolled his eyes already tired of his dad’s . “It’s just a trip what does it matter to you if I go or not?” 

“Well, you need to study of course. How else am I going to send you to Harvard?” Kai scoffed letting out a dark chuckle. 

“Harvard can kiss my .” He said. “You just don’t want me to spend time with Yoona.” 

His father raised his eyebrows a little but nonetheless his expression stayed the same. “Well of course. I’m just trying to keep you away from trash like your mother.” 

Kai lost the lazy expression his face and threw the chair in front of him. “Don’t you dare call them trash.” He said fiercely slamming his palms on his father’s desk. Surprisingly the principal didn’t flinch. He was doing exactly what he wanted. To get underneath Kai’s son. 

“They’re better human beings than you, you worthless excuse of a father.” Kai spat looking into his father’s cold eyes. 

“If I’m so worthless, why did I keep you alive then?”  

Kai faltered as he looked at his father. “Keep me alive?” He repeated. The principal froze realizing the mistake he just said. 

“Meaning, I could’ve left you on the streets, or in the orphanage.” He said quickly to cover up his mistakes. But Kai wasn’t buying it. He knew his father was lying.*


Keep you alive?” I repeated. Kai nodded. “Then doesn’t that mean he killed your mother?” Yoona said quickly. “If he wanted to keep you alive, then doesn’t that mean he was planning on killing you?!” Kai simply nodded. I was stunned. I couldn’t even believe what Kai just told me. His father…or apparently some man that takes care of him wanted him dead? 

“Yoona, I need you to stay away from him.” He warned me. I saw lines form on his forehead from frowning. I pressed my fingers against them flattening them out. “Kai, it’s not me he wants, it’s you.” 

“He’ll do anything to hurt people close to me.” He said. “Kai, I’ll be fine.” I reassured him. He was ready to argue again but I spoke before him. “Because I know you won’t let anything hurt me.” I leaned closer my hair tickling his cheeks. 

He finally smiled but it was a sad smile. He raised his hand and grazed his thumb across my cheek. He was staring at me, but specifically it was my lips. I leaned closer my hair acting as a curtain concealing us. And automatically Kai knew what I was going to do. His hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me close until finally our lips met. I was scared and nervous but as soon as our lips touched I was completely lost and fell into the kiss. It was such a sweet and endearing kiss, I was almost sad when I felt our lips disconnect. 

Kai started to sit up as I fanned my cheeks from blushing.

“How did you find me by the way?” He asked first as he stood up.”D.O told me he thought you’d be here.” I said as Kai helped me up. He nodded. “Do you like it?” He asked me looking around the dance studio. I nodded. It was lovely. 

“It’s my mom’s dance studio.” He said quietly unconsciously finding my hand. I squeezed it tightly. “It’s beautiful, Kai.” I said to him. I tried to think of happy thoughts to cheer him up. And then I suddenly remembered his dancing. 

“You never told me you dance.” I said poking his chest. He shrugged. “I forgot.” I rolled my eyes. How could he forget to tell me that he’s an incredible dancer? 

“How do you move like that? I asked him. “Like what?” 

I shrugged. “I don’t know just the way you move it’s so magnificent…” I told him amused. Kai liked my words as he threw his head back in laughter.

“Oh, please that? You should see me when I’m really trying. You might just fall in love with me.” He teased. I smiled back at him. 

I already am though. 



A/N- ooh things getting serious now. The plot is starting to kick in! i probably wont update until like....forever LOL. SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST OVER. sigh...i just want this weekend to be over. i have to make a freaking scrapbook for my competition and the boys team arent sending me any pictures and asdfghjkl it gets me so mad that they dont give a about this cause im on their team. sorry mini rant. anyways enjoy!


did ya hear overdose?


*ovaries are gone*

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha