Chapter 20


Yoona POV:


“Teach me,” I said to Kai as he the same song again. “What?” 

“I wanna learn how to dance,” I said walking behind him. I have no experience in dancing at all. I never had the guts to try nor did I ever take an interest in learning but when I saw Kai dancing it sparked something. I wanted to learn. Besides were were at the studio anyway, why not? 

Kai shrugged and agreed to teach me. “Just move with the music,” He told me demonstrating going freestyle. I tried following him but I just looked awkward. My legs were so stiff and my frame was like an old grandma’s. 

“This isn’t working,” I said pushing my hair back over my shoulder. I lifted my head and saw that he was holding in a laugh. I looked away blushing. I shouldn’t have suggested dancing. I only made a fool out of myself. 

“Let’s just go home,” I said retreating back feeling my face hot. 

From the back, I felt his hand on my hip and Kai close behind me. “Move, like this.” He said his voice close to my ear. I could feel the heat radiating off of him as his cheek brushed against my neck. 

His hips guided me moving just like mine, as we swayed together left and right. Our hips would casually bump up against each other creating more tension than there already was. 

This wasn’t apart of the dance at all. I knew that but I didn’t say anything. My cheeks were already red from the close proximity and I felt as if my body was on fire with him right next to me. 

“Kai, are you teaching me how to dance, or are you taking advantage of my weakness?” I managed to say but it was very weak. I felt his chest rumble in laughter before he enclosed me into a back embraced and sweetly kissed me behind the ear. 

After much fooling around with dancing and a few kisses here and there we decided it was time to go home. School was over hours ago, and my poor mom…I didn’t even tell her I was gone. She’s probably worried sick wondering where I am. 

“Will she be mad?” Kai asked opening my passenger door. “Most likely,” I sighed. I skipped school again and she was join to be furious. 

“Do you want me to come with you?” He asked worried, a crease in his forehead already forming. I shook my head and went on my tippy-toes to flatten the crease with my finger. “I’ll be fine.”

I slung my bag over my shoulder as I got ready to deal with my mother’s wrath. Kai still looked bothered. He looked ready to barge in the house and defend me.

“Kai, the worst she can do is ground me, relax. I’ll be fine.” I reassured him. 

“I don’t want her to think I’m a bad influence on you,” He said when we reached my doorstep. I rolled my eyes. “Please, if anything your the best thing that happened in my life,” I slipped it out before I could stop myself. I quickly covered my mouth in embarrassment. That was only for me to hear not him!

I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye and he bent down and kissed my cheek. “Your the best thing that happened in my life.” He repeated to me with a smile on his face. I knew that smile was genuine. I smiled back at him and hugged him. He was surprised but nonetheless welcomed me into his arms. I was so glad that he was okay. I never wanted to see Kai upset like that. I hugged him tightly wishing I could just melt into his arms. 

“As long as you’re around Yoona. I’ll be perfectly happy.” He let me go and affectionately kissed my forehead. I smiled satisfied that he was okay. I bid goodbye to his smiling face and entered my house to an angry mother. 

“Where have you been?” was the first thing I heard when I opened the door. I should’ve expected that. I softly made my way to the living room from where I heard her voice. She was holding the telephone in her hand and she had a very stern look on his face. 

“Your math teacher called and told me you weren’t in class. Yoona where were you?! I was just about to call the police!” She exclaimed standing up. I flinched and moved backwards. 

“Umma, I’m sorry, my phone died when I tried to call you back-“ I started to explain. “Yoona where were you?” She asked again. I gulped nervously. How was I suppose to tell her I was with Kai? 

“It was an emergency.” I said in a small voice. “What emergency was it that you had to leave school and not even inform me?” Her voice got higher. 

“Kai was-“ I started to explain but as soon as I said his name I knew she’s happy. 

“Yoona every time something bad happens it’s always related to Kai.” She said using her hands as she spoke. 

“But Umma, I promise you he’s not bad.” I tried to explain to her. “Yoona, I know how much you like him, and I like him too but if he’s making you do bad things, I won’t allow it.” 

I bit my lip trying to steady myself. I was close to tears at this point. Was she really going to make me stop seeing Kai? 

“You’re grounded.” She said simply sitting back down on the sofa with her head in her hands. 

“I’m sorry,” I apologized to her really meaning it. I hated how upset she was with me. I never had seen my mom so disappointed with me. 

“Leave your phone here,” She said as I was turning to leave. I froze in my tracks. I have to give up my phone also? But…how will I talk to Kai, Aiman and Yuri? 

Sulking, I put my phone on the table and trudged up the stairs. 

———————- ———- ———— ———-

“Gasp, Yoona grounded?” Aiman jokingly said when we were at my locker. 

“Damn, Yoona what did you do?” Yuri asked poking my hip causing me to squirm. 

“She cut last period to spend time with her boyfriend,” Aiman answered smugly. I glared at her regretting telling her this morning. 

Yuri stared at me with wide eyes. “Did you really?” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I was worried about him,” I said defending my reason. Sure, I could’ve waited after school to see him but I knew that he needed me urgently. 

We reached our usual spot for lunch and not a surprise, EXO was there. They had been joining us for lunch ever since the first day Kai sat with us. Not that I’m complaining, the boys were joyful. 

As usually, Baekhyun and Yuri were quarreling.  Hmm, these two are always butting heads together. I wonder if that saying is true. Opposites attract? I looked back at the two and shook my head. That’s not possible, Yuri hates his guts. 

“Yoona!” D.O said joyfully greeting me. “D.O!” I greeted him back with the same enthusiasm. He was chowing down on a yummy sandwich probably made by himself. I heard from Kai that D.O is quite the cook. I have to ask him to teach me one day…

I sat down next to him and Aiman since Kai wasn’t here yet. 

“So you’re still going on the trip right?” Aiman asked me. I nodded. “My mom can’t ground me from a mandatory trip.” 

“Grounded??” I heard Kai’s voice behind me. I turned around and he had this stunned look on his face as his mouth was wide open. 

“Just for a little bit,” I said quickly. 

“Damn, Yoona what’d you do?” Chanyeol asked. I sighed really not wanting to explain myself. 

“She hung out with Kai that’s what!” Aiman said excitedly. I face-palmed as she spoke. Way to blame it on Kai. 

“Damn, Yoona’s turning into a badass!” Baekhyun said rowdy as he drummed the table. I ignored him and focused on Kai, who had suddenly gone really quiet. He had this crest-fallen look on his face as his head was downcast to the ground.

“Kai, it’s not your fault.” I said quickly as to not hurt his feelings but I think I already did. 

“Yes, it is.” He said harshly starting to walk away. I groaned, wishing Aiman didn’t kept shut. I left the table and jogged over to catch up to him. 

“Hey, it’s not your fault.” I said stopping in front of him. He stopped but kept his eyes at the grass. 

“Your mom hates me now,” He said. 

“She doesn’t hate you, Kai. She’s disappointed in me. It’s my fault.” I said thankful that we were under a tree and away from everyone else. 

“I was suppose to be at school. I never even told my mom where I was going. It’s my own fault.” I said trying to convince him that I was to blame but he didn’t seem to understand. Kai still had a depressed look on his face. 

“Kai…” I said slightly whining to him. “Will you stop blaming yourself?” 

“I shouldn’t have skipped school, I should’ve it up and waited till school was over to go see you.” I said to him in a mouthful. I stepped closer as I found his hands and held them. 

“But, you know either way Kai, I would’ve still found you.” I told him. He lifted his head up slightly to meet mine. “You needed me, so I came.” I said softly. He looked away, embarrassed as his ears turned red and I smiled. He was so adorable. 

“I don’t care if I’m in South Africa, I’ll come running to you.” I told him, and a smile finally appeared on his handsome face. “Really?” He asked hopeful. 

“Yes,” I laughed squeezing his hands. I loved seeing a smile on his face, especially when I was the cause behind it. I’d do anything just to see him like this. 

Kai’s eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips and I pinked slightly. I went on my tippy-toes to get closer to him but unfortunately our lips didn’t meet. 

Kai’s friends were brining unnecessary attention to us by howling and screaming: KISS. 

“Those idiots always ,” He muttered as his head slightly hit my forehead. “They’re your friends,” I said giggling as we walked back to the table holding hands with him. 

D.O made room for the both of us to sit thankfully when we got back. 

“I’m impressed.” Sehun said when we sat down. “About what?” Kai asked stealing my lunch already. 

“Yoona has you wrapped around her finger.” My eyebrows shot up at his words in disbelief. “I do not,” I said defensively. “I just know how to calm him down.” 

“Yeah, Sehun.” He said throwing his arm around my shoulder but I saw that hidden smirk forming on his lip. 

“Why didn’t you two lovebirds kiss?” Baekhyun sang to us. “What?” I asked pretending I didn’t understand as I put rice in my mouth. 

“Someone was going to kiss Kai~” Chanyeol joined in on the teasing.

Kai put his chopsticks down, having enough of their teasing. “You guys want a kiss?” He challenged the two. Before I could even comphrend what he meant, he pecked me on the cheek. I froze mid-way as I was about to put rice in my mouth. 

Aiman looked at me with sneaky eyes and Yuri smiled ear to ear.

Oh, how lunch is full of surprises. 


I guess my mom thought I would sneak out to meet Kai, because she kept me busy as soon as I got home. We left to go grocery and plant shopping which was odd because my mom usually always plants her own seeds. 

“You want me to plant these?” I exclaimed when we pulled out 5 plants from the car. My mom nodded. “Right here,” She motioned at our front yard garden. 

“Umma, this is gonna take forever.” I said to her but she thought otherwise. She said I should be lucky she didn’t give me 10 flowers. 

She went back inside leaving me to plant the flowers all on my own.

I groaned. This is going to take for hours. I got a shovel and began digging the first hole for the first flower. I removed the flower from the pot it came from and proceeded to plant it in the soil. I didn’t mind that I didn’t have gloves on, it was just soil but my jeans were ruined by the time I was finished with the first plant. It looked so easy and simple, but the shoveling was the hard part. I had to dig real deep into the soil. 

By the time, I finished planting all of the flowers, the sun was setting. I wanted to lie flat on the ground after I finished. I felt disgusting and gross. I had dirt all over my face and I was soaked in my sweat. I had to drag myself to the house cause I was so physically exhausted. All I want to do now is sleep. 

“Now, Yoona go get ready for dinner.” My mom said from the kitchen when she heard me walk in. I mumbled a not hungry to her as I clung on the stairs to get upstairs. 

I needed a nice hot bath and the comfort of my bed. 

I entered my bathroom and removed all my clothing until I was . I entered the shower and immediately the hot water. 

This was only the first day of me being grounded. Who knows what my mom is planning on doing with me tomorrow. 

I sighed and leaned against the bathroom wall. In a few weeks it’s going to be the dreaded field trip. I don’t even know how Kai is going to be able to go on the field trip. How is he going to sneak on the coach bus? How is he going to be able to get past his father? That’s what I was most worried about. I needed Kai to be on the bus with him. I can’t get on that bus without him. 

I got out of the shower and quickly slipped into my pj’s. Though the shower should’ve woken me up, it only made me sleepier. I guess I’ll be doing my homework tomorrow in lunch. 

I was about to check my phone for messages when I realized my mom still has my phone. Poo. 

I sighed. I was gonna text Kai goodnight. 

I turned around and made my way to my bed when I suddenly paused. I felt as if there was someone behind me. I turned back around and gasped. There was someone trying to break in through my window.


A/N- OOOH SHET SOMEONE TRYNA BREAK INTO YOONA'S ROOM. You guys are going to be dying for the next chapter. I'm so bad. BUT OMG I LOVE ALL YOUR COMMENTS REALLY. You all are too sweet and I actually hope that you guys read my author notes because your comments mean the world to me, and I love it when you guys take your time to comment. I feel like I have a connection with my readers and I love it, so thank you. 


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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha