Chapter 17


Yoona POV:

We were in trouble. 

We missed school yesterday and neither of our parents notified the school of our absence. I’m surprised my mom even let me miss school. 

"Kai, I'm used to you skipping out on school but Yoona you didn't even state a reason on your absence!" The secretary exclaimed. I flinched from her voice. How the heck am I suppose to tell her I missed school because I found out my boyfriend is apart of super secret gang?

"Sorry," I bowed my head to her. 

"It's not her fault, it's mine." Kai said defending me. "I was sick and she was taking care of me." He smoothly lied for me.

The secretary narrowed her eyes at Kai suspiciously, contemplating if she should believe him or not. Well, it was half true. 

Finally she sighed. "Alright, because it's your first time Yoona I'll let you off." I smiled at her graciously and was about to mumble a thank you when she turned her head to Kai with an unpleasant expression. 

"You though, have detention." The smile was instantly wiped off my face. 

"Please, Ms. Yoon if you're going to punish him, punish me too." I said walking closer to her desk. I looked at her pleading eyes as she stared back at me unfazed. I reached for her hand and clutched it tightly and shook it. Maybe If I beg to her, she could let Kai off the hook.

"Yah, you two-" She stuttered feeling flustered. 

"No need to get all worked up about something this small," She laughed nervously removing my hand off of hers. "I'll let Kai off just this once for you." She told me. I smiled and bowed to her multiple times. "Thank you so much." I said walking backwards to Kai. 

"Say thanks." I murmured to him nudging him. He bowed to her once before grabbing my hand and walking out. We were already late to first period. 

"You know, you didn't have to do that. I'd be fine in detention." Kai said when we reached my locker. My brows knitted together and I felt my lips pout outwards. "It was my fault too. I'm not gonna let you take all the blame." I shut my locker door and clasped my hand with his. 

After yesterday I knew in my heart that Kai was mine. I wasn’t scared of anyone or anything. No matter what I wanted to be with him. It didn't matter even if he was a killer, my feelings would still be the same for him.

I squeezed his hand to remind him that everything was okay. We were okay. But, Kai just smiled simply at me before looking ahead. I frowned. What's going through his mind?


As usual lunch came around and Yuri & Aiman were sitting on the bench table outside. I looked around for the boys but there was no sight-they were most likely on there way here. Or at least that's what I hoped for. 

I sat down next to Aiman acting as if nothing was wrong. It pondered me, did she know? After all she was Suho's sister. 

"Yah! Where were you yesterday?!" Yuri exclaimed as she slammed her hands on the table. I looked at Aiman and saw how she stealthily stole a glance at me before quietly eating her lunch. She knew. 

"You and Kai were both missing. Were you two together?" Yuri turned suspicious towards me. 

"We were together." I told her pulling my lunch out. Her eyes widened and she put a hand over her heart. "You were? What did you guys..." 

"It wasn't like that!" I quickly said feeling my cheeks turn pink.

"Quit assuming things Yuri, all they did was spend the day together." Aiman said defending me. 

"You know where Kai is." I said to her. She shook her head. "I have no clue." I frowned. Of course she knows. I was about to open my mouth when she spoke again. "But, the boys are usually in the band room..." She added.

I stood up, leaving my lunch there. “I have to go.” I said quickly leaving the two girls.

I scoffed as I made my way to the band room. Just yesterday I specifically told Kai not to hide secrets from me and here he is meeting EXO behind my back! 

I entered the room and stood next to the boy closest to me, Chanyeol. 

"Yoona? What are you doing here?" Kai asked surprised to see me when I stood by Chanyeol. I refused to make eye contact with him instead I stared straight ahead with my arms crossed. "Joining the meeting of course." I said simply. The boys kept looking back from me to Kai obviously sensing that something was wrong.

 Kai walked over to me with a tired expression. "Yoona you can't be here." 

"Why not? You said there would be no more secrets. You said you;d tell me everything." I turned my head towards him as he was right by my side. 

"Yes, I said that but that doesn't mean you can join our meetings." He hissed. 

"Why not?" I asked again. Someone snickered from the opposite side. "Cause you're a girl." I knew the voice. It was Baekhyun. Suho smacked him on the head for his ist comment. "Ah, what?" He asked stupidly rubbing the back of his head. 

Kai pulled me away from the group so he could privately talk to me. Pssh, I don't see a difference in saying things in front of s than privately. He obviously likes to keep secrets from me. 

"Yoona listen to me-" 

"No, you listen to me." I said my voice strong as I straightened my back so I could look at Kai right in the eye. He was taken aback by my sudden burst of confidence but nonetheless shut his mouth. 

"After everything that happened you think I'm just going to look the other way and let you continue what you're doing?" 

"Yoona please, this is exactly why I hid this from you." He begged. "I promised I'd tell you everything-and I will but you are not joining EXO I won't allow it." He said strictly. I felt my throat well up. Why wouldn't he just listen to me? It was unfair that I couldn't participate. 

"I won't fight or do anything. I just want to be present at the meetings please, Kai." I moved closer latching hands onto his arms. "I just want to be your side. I promise I'll stay out of trouble," I whispered to him. The look in his eyes was half-desperate and half-crazed. He really didn't want me to be here but I did. 

"If any of you guys get hurt, I can treat you." I quickly added trying to sell myself to him but I wasn't doing a good job.

"I have the right to know if those boys come after me." I said tugging on his arm. Now, he was finally considering it. I searched his eyes to see if I had convinced him. I wish I thought up a more convincable argument. I didn't think I'd have to fight with Kai. 

"I'm not in charge, Suho Hyung is." He sighed giving up. I practically jumped, Kai had agreed. "Suho Oppa can I?" I asked calling him Oppa on purpose. I wasn't a fan of aegyo and I rarely ever used it but now I kinda had to. He glanced nervously from me to Kai unable to speak. 

"Well if Kai's okay with it..." 

"Asa!" I threw a fist in the air happily. I spun in delight at his words. Behind me though Kai cleared his throat and brought a chair over for me to join the circle. 

Chanyeol and D.O. happily waved at me as I sat next to them. I noticed Sehun was missing. "Where;s Sehun?" I whispered to Chanyeol. "He was hurt pretty bad he's at the hospital." I paled. Sehun was hurt? I glanced around at the boys they all were beat up pretty bad, and I was only able to tend to Kai's wounds. I immediately lost my smile and became serious. I wasn’t here for playing. 

"Is he okay?" I asked concerned. Chanyeol nodded."Yeah, he's fine. He's leaving today."

Suho started to pass around a folder until it reached me. "We should fill her in." Suho said looking at Kai who still hadn't spoken a word. It didn't bother me. He could pout all he wanted. 

I opened the folder and recognized the boys from yesterday. "Vixx," I mumbled my  fingers brushing against their picture. 

"How much did you tell her?" Suho asked Kai. "Not much." Kai answered indifferently. I picked up the picture of the blonde haired boy who I remembered very clearly. "That's Ravi." He told me. I nodded. Ravi...

"So as you know there are gangs, there's good and bad." Suho started. "Yeah, and Vixx is bad." I said quickly so to skip the formalities. Suho seemed to have trouble telling me everything. "Suho just tell me everything." I said. 

"Yeah, hyung. Don't sugarcoat it." Kai added. I stared at Suho. There was something he had a hard time saying to me. 

"Well Vixx went after you's their business." He said rather mysteriously not giving much into it. "What buisness? Harassing girls?" I said getting angry because we were going nowhere. 

"They kidnap girls, drug them and sell them as slaves." Kai said bluntly to me. My eyes popped out of my head literally. slaves? My mouth fell open as I processed the information. I swallowed as I thanked god that I had Kai to save me that day. I shuddered as I thought about it. 

"So, that's what they going to do to me..." I said trying to mask the hurt in my voice so Kai didn't here. So, that's why he was reluctant to tell me. I don't regret him telling me though....I wanted to know. 

"Now what?" I asked quietly closing the folder. 

"Well now..we make sure you're safe." Suho said slightly smiling at me. 

"Don't worry Yoona we got your back." Chanyeol patted my shoulder.


After the meeting Kai and I left separately. I actually left before anyone else. I used the 'I was late for class'  excuse. Truthfully I was overwhelmed by all that information.

Ravi, N, Hongbin, Leo, Hyungbin. I had to watch out for these five boys and make sure my six boys wouldn't get hurt. I leaned against the wall and shut my eyes. It was a lot to take in. Two gangs-good and bad. One gang wants to sell me, and another gang has to protect me, and I have to make sure neither of them get hurt.  I just want everyone to be safe...what did I get myself into? 

"You okay?" I opened my eyes when I heard his voice. Kai was standing in front of me peering at me. I stood up straight and gave a reassuring smile at him. "I'm fine Kai." I told him thought he still had his trademark worrying expression on his face. 

I stared at Kai thoughtful. So many people told me to be careful of Kai and to stay away from him…and I actually doubted that he was a good person. I wanted to smack myself for my stupidity. 

From the start Kai was nothing but nice to me, and inside he was hiding this big secret…

He was suffering alone all this time.

"I'm sorry I over-reacted before," I told him feeling guilty thinking about it. “I should’ve trusted you.”

 "So you'll stay out of EXO?" Kai asked hopeful practically tipping on his toes. I scoffed. "No." And there went his happy mood. He went back to frowning. Gosh, how do I explain it to this boy? 

I took a step towards him standing very close to him. I wasn't bothered by our closeness anymore. I liked being near him. I wanted Kai to look at me as I spoke so he could hear what I had to say. 

"Kai, no matter what you're involved in whether it bad or good I want to do it with you." I said gently. "As long as I can be with you, I'm fine with anything you do." I searched his eyes as I spoke. I wanted Kai to understand. Nothing will change how I feel about him. 

"so, if I have to kill someone..." He said with a teasing smile on his face. "Not funny." I told him even though I knew he was joking. He suddenly became serious. "Well, what if it happens? What if your life is in danger?” He asked tilting his head as he looked at me closely.  I sighed before looking back at him. I knew he'd say that. I went on my tippy toes since I was already so close to him I only needed to push my head a little closer till I reached his lips. 

"Kai, I know you'll keep me safe," I placed my lips on his lips. I was waiting for this and so was he. Our first kiss. I pecked him lightly before going down on my feet. 

I stepped back to give him some space. He had a shocked expression on his face as his cheeks darkened. He looked adorable. 

"D-did you just kiss me?" He stammered touching his lips. I laughed at his reaction and nodded. 

"Do it again." My heart skipped a beat. Did he really just say that? I raised my head right when the bell rang. Uh oh time for class guess I can't. 

"Um I have to go now." I said hastily trying to leave. That took a lot of courage for me to kiss him and now he wants me to do it again? 

Before I could leave Kai whirled me around almost rammed me into his chest. He had that mischievous glint in his eyes as he swooped his head down low. I shut my eyes anticipating his kiss. I only opened them again when I felt something soft press against my forehead. 

"I'l see you in Calc." He winked before leaving. 


A/N- I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN TWO MONTHS. Like i literally lost track of time. These pst two months have been so stressful-I finally decided on a college. -_-. It's not my dream college-I got into my dream college but not the program so I decided not to. PLUS WHO DA FRIG IS GONNA PAY 60K HUH? Anyhoo here is the chapter finally!!!! i got my own laptop now so i can hopefully update as much as I can. 


Till next time_




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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha