Chapter 2


"Why do you have that?" I asked staying frozen. 

He dropped the letter on his desk watching it fall slowly instead of answering.  I was pissed. That letter was in MY mailbox in MY house. What is it doing in HIS possession.
"That's not the problem here, Jongin-" My father began to say.
"This was sent to me in my mailbox why do you have it?" I asked again. Again he refused to answer and just sat there staring back at me. "Why did you apply to this school?" He asked me. I scoffed. 
"Why do you care?" If he's going to answer my questions with questions. Then so will I.
"I'm your father godammit." He slammed his hands down on the table. Oh, no he's not angry trust me. This is his way of trying to scare me. 
"My 'father' would be happy with me chasing after my dreams." I emphasized father. 
"Oh, Julliard is chasing after your dreams? You think with your grades you can get in?" He mocked me. 
"Maybe a scholarship you can get but you have to be good." He narrowed his eyes at me. I leaned closer towards the desk. He's challenging me. 
"Oh, I am good. You just wait." I told him standing up. 
"You are not attending this school. And you never will." He said as a final statement. I smirked at him. We'll see about that.
"Your mother and I-" 
"Don't you dare bring her up in this." I slammed my hand down on his precious desk.  Bringing mom up was the wrong move. If he thinks he can evoke sympathy from me then he's got another thing coming.  "If she was here, I would already be on a flight to the U.S." 
My father laughed at me words as if I was bluffing. "You think you know your mother?" He continued laughing as if I told him the most funniest joke in the world."I would've known her longer if you hadn't killed her." He immeditaly stopped laughing. 
"I did not kill her." 
I stared into his eyes and I saw the same ghastly war-like stare I saw the day she died. 
I stormed out of his office almost knocking into his secretary. I glared at the man to move aside. I am not going back to class. It's the end of the day anyway I usually blow it off. 
"Bastard." I muttered spitting on the ground. There is no way my mother could have fallen in love with that man. And there is no way he is my biological father. I don't believe it. Anyone can forge fake DNA testing. 
There is now way. I hate that man. He calls himself my father? him. It's more like he's my master and I'm his slave he orders around.
I probably should have taken my car but by the time I realized I had already walked far away. I knew I had anger problems and I couldn't control them. And this wasn't helping. I got angrier by the second. I howled loudly not caring if anyone looked as I walked down the streets. I clutched my head and banged it against a street pole. I  hate him. 
Why couldn't you take him instead?
I don't care about going to Julliard. I wanted to see what his reaction was. And of course he didn't like it. Surprising though. It's one of the top U.S. schools and he was angry. 
Simple Kai. He wants to keep you prisoner here.
I stopped walking near a park and I was suddenly surrounded by trees. I used to go here everyday after she died. Everyday i would come here and pray for God to give my mother back. 
I walked over to a familiar looking tree where I had so foolishly carved a heart around my mom and dad's name. I was 4 ok. I didn't notice anything then.
I clenched my fist and slammed my fist against the tree numerous times until my father's name was erased. I was still so angry I couldn't even feel the pain in my hand.
And this was my good punching hand.
Yoona POV:
Strange...Sehun was unusually quiet today. Was it because Kai wasn't there?
As I started walking the way home I thought to myself. Aiman told me that there are alot of bad stuff people say about Kai and his friends. And he skips classes according to Sehun. 
Why can't I believe any of that though?
The Kai that I encountered was a normal civilian. 
"Ah!" I knocked into someone while I was thinking to myself. "I'm sorry," I bowed staring at the ground as the stranger kept going not responding to me. 
I stared at the man. Did I make him mad? 
I watched his figure and saw a trail of blood following him. "Ahjussi you're bleeding!" I exclaimed rushing back to him. The stranger turned around and it was Kai...
"Wait here." I instructed Kai as he sat down on the bench outside the convience store. I wasn't sure he was going to stay since he hadn't spoken one word to me as I led him to the store. Please stay...
I went into the store and quickly purchased a first aid kit. He was hurt...I have to help him. 
I left the store and couldn't help but smile when he was still there staring at my scarf that I wrapped around his hand. 
As I approached him I offered him a warm smile even though I didn't get one back. 
"Sorry about your scarf." He finally spoke unwrapping it showing me his injured arm. I shook my head. "It's alright." I sat down next to him opening the first aid kit. He has a very deep voice...but it's not scary like Appa's. 
I pulled out alcohol wipes and began cleaning the stained blood. "It might sting." I told him as I brought his hand gently to my lap and cleaned it. Kai didn't even wince. Didn't he feel pain? 
I didn't dare raise my head in fear that he was looking at me. I remained compeletly focused on his hand. I pulled out a cotton swab and some ointment. Before placing the ointment I gently blew on his cut. He cut his knuckles open badly but not bad enough that he needed stitches. Just band-aids. 
It was awfully quiet as I tended to him. I softly wrapped a band around his knuckles careful not to touch him too much. 
"Thank you." 
I looked up surprised he had spoken. I nodded regaining composure. "Does it hurt?" I asked him. 
He shook his head and finally smiled turning to me. "Do you do this usually?" He spoke looking at me gazefully. I began to busy myself with the first aid kit. I couldn't bare to look him in the eye as he looked at me like that. 
"I used to at my father's military base...I volunteered with the nurses to treat the soldiers." I told him.I was still heavily aware that his hand was still in my hand resting on my lap. "But, now I don't anymore." I said sadly.
"Why did you stop?" He asked picking up his hand from my lap and gazing at it.
I turned quiet. I don't tell people about my personal life. I haven't even told Aiman yet but with Kai next to me. I feel compelled to tell him. 
I was in a car accident last year and I injured the back of my head-" I raised my hand to indicate where on my head. "I didn't wake up until two weeks later and i kept going in and out of consciousness." I explained.
"After that I was fine, but then...I couldn't see things." I turned to look at Kai who's face was hazy to my eyes. "I'm losing my vision." I told him. 
"So, that's why that day..." Kai said suddenly remembering. I nodded.
"I'm sorry about your eyes." He apologized. I smiled. "Don't be. it's my own fault."
 I got up with the first aid kit and placed it in his lap. "If you could would you be a doctor?" He asked getting up as well. 
I nodded feeling a spark of excitement fill up as he asked me. "Oh, I'd love to." I said feeling the inside of my heart swell. 
"The thought of saving someone's just makes me feel like I have a purpose in life." 
Kai smiled as I spoke and I realized I was rambling. "You'd make an amazing doc, Yoona." 
I lowered my head concealing the blush on my cheeks. Why was he making me blush?
A/N-HERE IS FINALLY Chapter 2! sorry it took so long! i was having laptop issues! how do yu guys like the story so far? 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha