Chapter 6


And so then ever since that day Kay would study, study, study. It was such a new thing for him, he felt like he was Taemin. 

He wanted that date with Yoona badly. Even if she didn't have a clue what a date really was. Well...she has to know what a date is I mean...maybe she was just pretending? I'm sure lots of guys asked her out before...

On the weekend, Kai was trying to finish his homework but around the third or fourth problem he was stumped. He decided to close the book and try again later but his conscious kicked in and reminded him of the promise. 'I have to pass that test'
He pulled out his phone to message Yoona. 
Hey, are you busy?-Kai
It was a few minutes before she responded. Yoona was usually very quick to answer her phone. 
Not really I'm getting my medicine. Do you need help in Calc?-Cheonsa
Kai smiled. Of course she knew. Yeah, can I call you?-Kai 
:) Of course you can-Cheonsa
Over the phone Kai explained the problem to Yoona and she easily helped him with an example. She never straight out gave him the answer. And he loved that about her. She geniuinly wanted to help him.
"Thanks so much, Yoona you know you're amazing right?" Kai said writing the answer down. Somehow he became much more comfortable with Yoona. He was able to express himself more with her. 
"Is there anything else you need help with?" She asked. Her voice sounded very tired. 
"No I think I can solve them, are you okay? You seem tired." Kai asked worried. Her usual cheerful voice was now weak and tired. 
"Oh, I just had to get my eyes screened and it took awhile." She answered yawning. 
"Get some sleep okay?" Kai held his phone close to his ear. 
"Oh~" She responded. 
"I'll see you tommorow," Kai said rather regretfully. For some reason he felt there was something wrong about her. Maybe he was being paranoid...
The next day Kai was hoping to see Yoona during the lunch break but Suho had called an emergency meeting at the back of the school. He had no choice but to attend. 
"Why did you suddenly call us, Hyung?" D.O questioned as he slipped his lunch back into his bag. Everyone looked at Suho who was taking a deep breath. He always did this when there was news to tell. And it didn't seem like it was good news either.
"You guys know I can't keep secrets from you and I've been hearing a lot of unrest from the Gagnam district," He looked at everyone with a deep solemn gaze. When Suho spoke it was very charismatic and he really held leadership roles therefore he was in charge of EXO. Otherwise Kai would've been incharge.
"A gangs been causing trouble over in Gagnam and I'm not sure what they are up to. You all know we're suppose  to remain a secret." He said.
EXO wasn't a gang of violence. No not at all. Suho's father was the chief of police and he ran a secert underground police. At first Suho's father did it just so he could keep Aiman safe in Seoul, but after realizing how successful EXO was, he decided recruiting more groups. And that's how the word gangs evolved.
 EXO was in charge of the Seoul area. Everyone has a designated spot when they first join however there are clashes with other types of gangs. Gangs that Suho's father did not appoint. 
No one knows that EXO exists. In reality the only reason they exist is to protect people. Kai started the gang at the age of 14 when he was capable of fighting. He at first wanted to get revenge on the gang that killed his mother. But, they were a gang long before Suho's father created the secret police. They were the bad ones.
"Do you know who they are?" Chanyeol asked his eyes becoming larger by the second. 
Suho shook his head rather crest-fallen. "I know little information about them. All I know is they don't live the way we do. They have their own rules." Suho spoke reminding every member his way of life. He wanted to avoid violence as much as possible. The only time they really got into a bad gang fight was a few years ago with a senior gang. 
"I'm just giving you guys a heads up, if you see anything strange you let me know ok?" All the members nodded. 
"So we're done now?" Baekhyun asked Suho. When Suho nodded he races off being the first one to leave. 
Kai left without a word. It didn't really bother him that a new gang was in town. It happened before and usually if they ever tried to cross the line he would attack and they'd be gone. 
As break time came to and end it was now back to classes. Only a few more periods till he sees Yoona. 
As time rolled by and finally Calc was next, Kai was more than happy to enter the room when he saw Yoona already seated. He went and sat in his seat and tried to get her attention but Yoona was in her own little world. Her hand was propped up on her chin and she seemed to be in deep thought. He had never seen her so serious before.
The bell rang and the class had begun. From time to time Kai looked back at her worriedly. He knew there was something wrong with her. She never zoned out of class and today she was. She seemed to be heavily bothered by something. Yoona wasn't even taking notes, she just simply stared at the board lifelessly.
Sehun caught Kai's gaze and raised his eyebrows suspiciously at him. Kai used his mouth to motion at Yoona but Sehun didn't quite get it. He shrugged. 'Maybe she's tired' He mouthed to Kai. 
Kai turned back to the board and slumped to his seat. Is there really nothing wrong with her?
Calc was over just like and students began leaving the classroom. Kai was a little late in realizing the bell had rung and so Yoona had already left. He got up rather disappointed and picked his books up. 
"What's wrong Kai?" Taemin approached his cousin. Kai sighed heavily. "Yoona..." He muttered. Taemin nodded in understanding too. "Well it's not like she as a choice, she has to say yes." He told Kai. Kai looked at him confused. What was he going on about. Taemin had accidentally spilled what was wrong with Yoona. 
"Wait, what? She has to say yes?" Kai stopped in front of Taemin. Taemin paused realizing his mistake. "I wasn't suppose to tell you that." He put a hand above his mouth.
Kai narrowed his eyes at Taemin. "Tell me what?" His voice suddenly got scary. Taemin gulped fearful of his cousin's rage. He had to tell him now...
Immediately Kai ran running out of the classroom and called Yoona. She was probably long gone from the school most probably. He didn't even bother taking his car. She couldn't have been that far. 
"Yoona where are you right now?" He asked when she picked up. "I...Actually I'm not feeling well, Kai. Maybe tomorrow we can study," She answered in a dull voice. 
"I didn't call you for that," Kai said rather harshly. He had spotted her leaning against a lamp post. "Wait there," He said walking across the street to meet her. 
"What-" She asked confused. Yoona looked at her phone strangely. How does he know where I am?
He was right in front of her now and she still hadn't notice. 
"Why didn't you tell me you're going in for surgery tomorrow?" 
Yoona dropped her phone when she saw him right in front of her. How did he find out?
Instantly she froze. Kai was really angry with her. His brows were furrowed together and he was trying really hard to maintain his facial expression but his emotions were everywhere. How could she hide this from him?! 
"Yoona I thought we were friends, how could you hide this from me?" Yoona sighed and bent down to pick up her phone. "I didn't want to tell anyone...I was just going to quietly get the surgery." She said in a low voice. Kai leaned against the lamp post feeling weak. "And if something went wrong?" He tried to make his voice even but it was so hard. 
Yoona didn't answer because she didn't think that far. If something went wrong?
She began thinking of the worse possible cases that could happen as she stood up and Kai saw the fresh fear in her eyes. I should've kept my mouth shut. 
"Yoona, I promise nothing will go wrong. I know you're scared but trust me." He put his hands on his shoulder as he looked into her eyes. "Taemin's dad is the best doctor here...besides I'll be with you the whole time." He squeezed her shoulder. 
Yoona looked at him surprised. "You will?" He nodded. Luckily she smiled. Secretly she was joyful that he was going to be there. She was scared to death of going into surgery all alone. 
"So you have  a week off from'll miss out on alot but one thing I can help you with." He said smiling cheekily at her his mood instantly happy. She tilted her head. "What?" 
"Calc~" He whispered. 
Yoona laughed. Happy that someone had made her day
Kai really was a nice guy. He was going to be with her at the most scariest moment in her life and she didn't know how to thank him. All those bad rumors people spread about him, how could she even think of listening to them? She felt guilty about doubting him. 
Those girls who spread those bad rumors about Kai don't even know what he's like.
Sweet and caring, and so kind. 
The perfect boyfriend...
If only. 
A'/N- GUYS I UPDATED!! HEHE sorry it took so long. lol i still didn't update my other story >,< whoops i'll be on it right now. GUYS HOW DO U LIKE IT SO FAR. DO U SHIP KAOONA OR YOOKAI. oh lmfao yookai sounds so much better. you know if me and kai had a ship it be wai. kaida. lmfao obviously we're not meant to be. (he's meant to be with d.o. ok.) guys i love reading your comments! i dont care if its even a randon comment lol tell me abt your day write anything in it! i tell you nonsese all the time in my author notes. i wonder do you guys even read these? did i tell you this one chick got mad at me bc i said i wasn't going to update and im like yo chillax bro its my story il update when i want to. some ppl are so needy LAWLZ SO THEN SHE UNSUBSCRIBED L O L. im so mean. yolo. ok buh bye~
obviously i'm high on sugar ok. 


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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha