Chapter 28


Yoona POV:


I was going to kill Kai. 

It wasn’t because of the last minute invite to his grandparent’s anniversary banquet no, I was fine with that. It was the dress that was delivered to my house the day of the event. 

I stared at the dress as it laid on my bed. I was showered and ready and just as I was about to put my makeup on, I opened the box Kai had given to me after school. 

The dress was stunning there was no doubt about it. The top part of the dress was a beautiful lace with a cream color underneath it thankfully so it wasn’t see through. But then the bottom of the dress there was a slit. ( It was too y, too provocative. Maybe Kai was pulling a prank on me and he had the real dress. 

I quickly called him to confirm that this was just a dumb joke he was pulling on me. 

“Why what’s wrong with the dress?” I rolled my eyes as I sat down on my bed. “Kai, theres a huge slit in the dress. I can’t wear it!”

“Why not?” 

I groaned into the phone. “Kai, it’s not appropriate! How could you buy something like this?!” I shrieked. All I got was laughter from the other side of the phone. 

“Because you’ll look y in it.” He replied. I blushed and looked down at my bathrobe. “What if your grandparents think I look like a ?” I asked him the edge of my robe. 

“They won’t. They’ll think you look like a perfect lady.” He assured me. I sighed hoping he was right. 

“Now hurry up and get dressed.” He told me knowingly. I got off the bed and began to get ready. Of course he knew I wasn’t ready. I ended the call and began to work on my hair. I decided to curl it and bring it to one side. It was a look I never tried before and it was fairly simple. 

With makeup I decided I’d put a little more effort. I did a winged liner and painted my lips red. I made a smacking sound I always used to see my mom make until it was time I put the dress on. 

With heavy steps I walked towards the bed and unraveled the dress. 

Well here goes nothing. 


I was waiting in the living room with my clutch in one hand and my phone in the other. I was nervous. I kept my lips and I was most likely going to remove the lipstick before the night even started. I sighed as my feet clicked against the heels. These were by far the highest heels I owned. I think they were around 5 or 6 inches, hopefully Kai was still taller than me in these heels. 

The doorbell rang and finally Kai was here. “Speak of the devil, and he shows up.” I muttered to myself before shakily standing up. 

“Umma, I’m leaving.” I yelled to her from downstairs. I walked towards the door with ease since I spent the past 15 minutes practicing. 

I took a deep breath before I swung my door open. My mouth fell open when I saw Kai. Matching with me he was dressed in all black head to toe. And he looked absolutely dashing. He looked so sleek, so smooth, so handsome in that black suit I couldn’t help but stare at him. I instantly felt self-conscious of myself. Did I look as good as Kai? 

“Damn.” Kai’s low husky voice stopped me from smoothing my dress down. I looked up and saw a reflection of me checking out Kai. 

He reached over and pulled the skirt part of my dress so he could see the exposed part of my leg. His eyes widened and I swear I saw a faint tint of blush on his cheeks. 

“Yoona we’re going to be a little late,” He said slightly biting his lip as he moved towards me. 

“Why?” I asked when he didn't stop walking when he was right in front of me causing me to back up against my own door. 

He didn’t answer, instead he held my hips and brought his own hips against mine. My eyes widened as I felt an odd feeling go through my stomach. It wasn’t odd, I take it back, it was just unfamiliar. 

And I liked it. 

I raised my head and was instantly met with Kai’s luscious full lips. He didn’t waste time with ravaging my lips. I wrapped my hand around his neck as he squeezed my hips to make me squeal and open my mouth. I laughed between the kiss and smacked his hand. “You always do that!” I exclaimed my sentence being muffled as Kai was quick to kiss me thoroughly. 


Before we entered the hall, I reapplied my lipstick as Kai scowled at me. “What?” I asked. 

He frowned and pointed at his lips that were stained because of my lipstick. I smirked at him and shrugged my shoulders. “You were the one who kissed me, that’s your punishment.” I smacking my lips once again before putting my lipstick back in the clutch. At the same time I pulled out a baby wipe and proceeded to wipe Kai’s lips. 

“You kissed me back too though,” He accused causing his tongue to touch the wipe. He grimaced and retreated his face away from me. “Stay still!” I told him holding his head and wiping the remnants of the lipstick. It wasn’t that bad, it just made his lips really pink. 

Once that was done, we got out of his car. I almost stumbled on my dress but thankfully Kai was there to catch my hand. 

“You ready to break a leg?” He asked me linking arms with me. I rolled my eyes at him but clung tighter to his arm. I’d probably break a leg with these heels. 

We walked into the hall that the party was being hosted at and I had my breath taken away by its beauty. Kai’s family really went out for his grandparent’s anniversary. The hall was decorated in brilliant purple lights and the main table sets were in purple as well. There were beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that made me go in awe. 

“Stop staring,” Kai nudged me. I broke my gaze from the ceiling and then back at him. “Why, it’s pretty.” I frowned not even realizing that we were already walking towards the front of the hall. “You’re much more prettier compared to this.” He whispered besides me his face close ready to kiss me, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Kai’s father making his way towards us, so I moved back. 

“Kai, your father.” I whispered back to him. His face become solemn as he straightened up to stare at the man walking towards us. 

“Oh, well hello there,” Kai’s dad greeted me and not Kai. Shockingly he seemed surprised to see me. I tried not to raise a brow and smiled at him politely. “I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you my son’s new squeeze this week?” He looked at me expectantly. I stared back at his father in shock as I tried to form a sentence.

“Oh, does this one not know how to talk?” He finally turned to Kai. I swear I could see the steam coming out of Kai’s ears. Kai’s father couldn’t see but Kai was shaking with anger. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. It softened the glare on Kai’s look just a little but there was still fury in his eyes. 

“Come on, Yoona.” He said still seething at his father as he pulled me away from him. I saw the smirk on Kai’s father as he sipped his expensive champagne gloating us. I looked away and squeezed Kai’s hand once again. Why did his father have to hate me so much?

Kai pulled me to the side of the party where there were no people, no annoying guests coming over to talk to Kai nor ask if I was his new squeeze for the night. 

“Yoona, don’t think anything of what that bastard said.” He held my arms, looking gently into my eyes. I frowned at Kai and flicked his forehead.”Don’t say that about him.” I scolded him. 

He was about to retort something when his face suddenly hardened and he pulled me close to his chest. 

“They’re here,” He whispered into my ear fearfully. I tried to whip my head around to see who he was referring to but he stopped me but holding onto my arms tight. My eyes rounded when I realized who it was. 

“How are they here?” I whispered back to him. Kai said a profanity in my ear related to his father. This was getting out of hand. How could Vixx be related with his father? It didn’t make sense to me.

“Kai, come on.” I grabbed his hand and started to lead him out of the dance floor. He had his eyes trained on Ravi’s back as I led him out. When Kai couldn’t see Ravi anymore that’s when he stopped following me. I turned around and yanked on his hand but he stayed rooted. 

“What are you doing, Yoona?” He asked me confused as we stood outside the hall. 

“Your dad’s office….it’s in this building right?” I asked him looking left and right to make sure no one saw us leave the hall. He tilted his head slightly nodding at me.

“Come on, show me where it is.” I pulled his hand again towards the long stairway that I assumed led to his father’s office. I mean where else would an office be? I picked up my dress with my other hand as we climbed up the stairs. 

“Wait, why do we have to go to his office?” He asked still lost. I turned around and frowned at him. “Do you really not know what I’m doing?” I asked him. He shook his head like the lost puppy he was. I sighed and continued on our way. 

“We’re going to play detective.” I told him. We reached the top of the stairs and I whooped my head back to make sure that no one was watching us. 

It could take maybe 10 minutes for Kai’s father to notice we were missing and have VIXX find us. 

“Come on, we have to be quick,” I whispered urging him to show me his dad’s office. “I don’t have the key to his office, Yoona.” Kai whispered back as we went through a long secluded hallway. I bit my lip as I thought of a way to get into his office. This was our only chance to find evidence against Kai’s father we had to use it.

“Wait, do you have bobby pins?” Kai asked me when we reached double doors. I removed the bobby pin that was holding my hair to one side and handed it to him. 

“How can double doors have locks on them?” I asked him. He shrugged. “He probably had them installed.” I wonder what he could be hiding. 

Kai finally unlocked the door and we were in. I breathed out a sigh of relief when we entered the grand office. 

Oh my….

There were bookshelves all around the wall…we didn’t know where to start. The room was ginormous. It could probably fit 100 people. There was also his desk and what if his office had a secret room where he hid everything? 

I sighed heavily suddenly regretting my decision to come here. “,” I turned and saw Kai standing over a long oval carpet with the korean flag symbol. 

“What is it?” I asked him walking over. 

“Look,” He tapped his foot against the carpet. “It’s hollow.” He jumped on it. The floor gave a little but I was quick to grab his hand and pull him off of the carpet. 

The carpet began sinking and it turned into a staircase out of nowhere. Kai and I looked at each other amazed and shocked. “I’ll check, you guard the door.” I told him moving to take the stairs but he stopped me and shook his head. “Kai, we can’t both go.” I told him. It was only small enough for one person. He made a face and frowned before stomping outside the door and keeping guard. 

I went down the stairs and put my phone’s flashlight on. It was a very small tunnel but a long walkway. I flashed my light as I walked through the eerie pathway to who knows where. I did not have a good feeling about this. I don’t know what I was going to find. I gulped down my fear and continued walking. 

My phone vibrated and it made me jump. Kai was calling. I answered the phone and whispered just in case if anyone was here. 

“Kai, what’s wrong?” I asked. 

“Nothing, no one’s here, are you okay?” He asked his worry-filled voice in my ear. “Yeah, I’m good, I don’t see anything.” I whispered back. 

The hall continued until finally it started to become less dark. I turned my flashlight off and began walking slower. I sensed something on the other side. “Kai…” My voice trailed off as I followed the light. 

“What is it?” He asked his voice suddenly becoming alarm. 

“There’s someone here,” I whispered fearful as I finally saw the light. It was a secret room-almost nothing in it except for people. 

I covered my mouth to cover the gasp that was coming. Vixx and Kai’s father. 

“They’re here,” I whispered to Kai leaning back against the wall so they didn’t see me. “Yoona, get out of there now. I’m coming to get you.” 

“No!” I whisper shrieked. I quickly covered my mouth again and looked back at the boys. There were in deep discussion over something. I lowered the phone so I could hear them better. 

“Enough fooling around,” Kai’s father yelled at the boys. “I want you guys to take action now and get rid of the girl.” He instructed them. My eyes widened as I clutched Kai’s phone tightly. Me, I was the girl. 

“Your son is attached at the hip with her, you want us to get rid of him as well?” Ravi asked slightly joking but I doubt he was. 

“Rough him up a bit if you want,” He shrugged. My jaw dropped as I felt my heart rate increase. This was his own son how could he talk about him like this? I couldn’t understand. I didn’t want to understand this. My eyes began to water as I continued listening.

“You sure?” Hongbin asked even surprise on his face. Kai’s father glared back at Hongbin and nodded. “Do whatever you want with him, just keep him alive. I want him to suffer like his mother.” 

I felt myself pale and lose my footing. I slipped and accidentally caught their attention. 

“What was that?” Leo asked whipping his face in my direction. I held my breath and shut my cell phone off probably pissing Kai off. 

I had to leave now. 

Cold sweat dripped down my forehead as Leo walked in my directions. As silently as I could I walked backwards still holding my breath.

“Relax, Leo. We didn’t hear anything.” Hongbin piped up buying me some time. I bent down and slipped my heels off before breaking into a run. I was running blindly and I prayed that I knew the way back. I couldn’t flash my light. What if they followed me? 

They’d kill me right then and there. 

But, I was lost. I was sprinting to find the stairs but it was hard when everything was so dark. I almost let out a scream when I bumped into someone and the man wrapped his arms all around me. 

“Yoona, Yoona relax it’s me.” Kai whispered in my ear. I slumped in his arms and wrapped my body around his. “Kai,” I whimpered clutching his shirt tightly. 

“We have to go now,” I said to him gaining feeling in my legs and standing up. “Did they see you?” He asked me. “No, but we have to leave now.” I urged him grabbing his hand. 

He complied to my request and led me towards the stairs that were just about to close. We quickly raced up the stairs right when it returned to before the carpet. I breathed out a sigh of relief and almost fell to the ground if it wasn’t for Kai holding me. 

“Kai, please take me home.” I whispered as I shakily held onto him. “I heard them, Yoona.” He said to me picking me up bridal style since I was in no position to walk. 

I bit my lip and buried my head in his shoulder. “They’re after both of us, Kai.” I whispered. 

He tightened his hold on me and I felt him kiss the top of his head.

“They won’t touch you, I promise you.” He whispered to me softly. I raised my head showing him  my tear-strained face. “They’ll hurt you though.” I said. My voice quivered as my tears fell. He looked at me solemnly, just as upset as I was. 

We were lost, we didn’t know what to do.

We had to protect each other. 

Except how?


WOAHHH IM SO SORRY I WENT MIA AND DID NOT UPDATE I FEEL LIKE AN FOR THAT. College the life out of me and I ifnally got a chance to finish writing THE LAST DAY OF MY THANKSGIVING BREAK. omg i'm going to try my hardest to choose all my free time into updating this story. I feel so bad for not updating in so long. I got so many new subbies (WELCOME!!!!) I got so much love for this story Idk how i could ever abandon it. 

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha