chapter 15

Kai POV:
I reached Suho Hyung's house and went to our usual meet place. His basement. Anytime we had to meet it was at his house. However, hyung was having a hard time because Aiman kept barging in to the room. 
She knew about the gang of course...she's his sister. But wasn't allowed to take part in it which was agreeable. A girl didn't belong with us. It sounded ist but I didn't want Yoona's eyes to see what I've seen. I'm sure Suho Hyung feels the same way as I do when it comes to his little sister.
"Aiman!" Suho Hyung shouted when she had once again entered the room after being kicked out. 
"Ah, wae?! I'm apart of this family too I have the right to know too!" She stomped her foot angrily. None of us ever spoke to Suho Hyung like Aiman did. She is his sister...and a brat at it.
"This doesn't involve you." He said rubbing his temples. I looked at Aiman pitifully. I admired her enthusiasm for the gang but she didn't belong here. A had Aiman had a strong personality and though she rarely ever cried I knew she wouldn't be able EXO.
"I'll take care of her," Sehun suddenly spoke. He walked towards her but Aiman wasn't scared of him at all. Aiman and Sehun knew each other since they were babies. Even though she treated him like crap she always relied on him. I don't know man. Girls are weird. 
She crossed her arms and lifted her chin arrogantly."What? What are you going to do?" Sehun scoffed at her little attempt before he threw her over his shoulder. Always rough with this girl...
"Ya! what do you think you're doing?!" She cried smacking his back and kicking in the front. "Hyung, I'll be back." He called out leaving the basement still carrying her. 
"It's not like she's going to go out and fight anyone...might as well let her hear." I mumbled to Suho Hyung. But he didn't even like that idea. "Oh yeah? If it was Yoona would you let her?" He has a point. I stayed quiet. 
"Anyway, I called you all because I have new information on that gang I previously mentioned." Suho hyung started. My ears perked up. "Really?" Sehun came back. Woah, he managed to quiet Aiman. Surprisingly she didn't come back. 
"Their name is Vixx...they were kicked out of Gagnam District." 
"Kicked out?!" Chanyeol's eyes bugged out. Each gang is appointed to a district to protect and to serve. It's immposible to get kicked out, unless you committ a crime.
Suho hyung pulled out a photocards and threw them on the table. I scrambled to get one before anyone else. 
"I KNOW THEM!" Holy . This is them? 
Everyone looked at me surprised. "You do?" Suho Hyung asked. 
"These bastards tried to hurt Yoona." I growled my hand crushing the photo of the one that taunted me. Blonde haired-idiot.
"Oh, man that's not good." Suho Hyung suddenly said falling back in his seat. 
"Why?" I asked alertly. 
"Makes sense now why they attacked her..." He mumbled to himself. Was I the only one going crazy with this news?! Why was he being so dark and mysterious? 
"Hyung will you please tell me what you're talking about," I said trying to sound as respectful as I could without raising my voice. Suho Hyung sighed unwilling to answer my question.
"Kai they're dealers. They pick up girls and sell them." He told me. "They traffic them..." He mumbled softly. It as if someone slapped me across the face. This is what we were dealing with? A bunch of guys who sold women into ion. They're not getting anywhere near Yoona. Over my dead body. 
"But they can't possibly remember what Yoona looks like, they probably forgot about her by now." D.O. said hastily when he saw my expression. Oh, I hope they did. I wasn't going to let them near her ever. "I'm going to kill them if they lay a hand on her," I sneered standing up. Chanyeol and Sehun came to my side and forcefully pushed me back into my seat. 
"Kai, they have a whole underground network-it's a business to them. I doubt they'll bother us again." Suho Hyung said desperately. "For now all we can do is sit and watch." 
"And Yoona? If they attack her again?" Baekhyun asked. "Then I'll take them." I answered. "She doesn't need to know about this." Thankfully everyone agreed. Yoona was too...fragile. Something like this would scare her. That was the whole point why I kept the gang secret a secret to her. 
What if she left me because of that? 
I couldn't bear it. I just got her. 
How could she so easily slip from my fingers like that?
Yoona POV:
I was so excited to get to Calculus I went before break. I wanted to get our test grades so bad but Saem didn't have them in! How unfair. 
"I can't believe he doesn't have our grades." I said popping a cherry tomato in my mouth. Today it was sunny and the girls decided to sit out underneath our usual hangout. I liked it better than on the benches. 
"I'm glad...I don't want to see my grade," Yuri answered. I shrugged. I also didn't want to know but at the same time I wanted to know. I turned to my right to put another cherry tomato in my mouth when I spit out the orignal one. Kai and his friends were standing in front of me. 
"Is it okay if we sit with you guys today?" Suho asked smiling angelically at us. I nodded and Aiman shrugged while Yuri...remained unresponsive. She went into a shock."It's E-EXO," She stammered staring at everyone widely. I hid back a grin as I watched her fan girl. 
As Kai sat down next to me I couldn't help but stare at him too. Didn't he tell me to eat with my friends today? "What are you doing here?" I asked. He shrugged taking my chopsticks I left in my lunchbox and eating my noodles. "I came to see you of course." 
I know that...but your friends too? Last time we hung out as a group Kai sulked the whole time. Either way I was happy that he was here. I rarely saw him throughout the day. 
"Does this one talk?" Baekhyun waved his hand in front of Yuri who was still star-struck. "Of course I do!" Yuri blurted pushing his hand away. I gave a wry laugh. Hmm...I thought she was fond of Baekhyun...or was it Suho? 
"Yah, Yoona why didn't you date Kai earlier? EXO could've had lunch with us every day." She hit my leg. 
"Yeah, why didn't you?" Kai  teased as he leaned closer to see my face. I blushed and turned my face away from him. I was glad that we laid a blanket underneath us. Kai had secretly found my hand and laced it with his. And no one could see us. I coughed awkwardly and went back to my meal. The boys were 'introducing' themselves to Aiman and Yuri. 
Chanyeol tried to sit next to Aiman but she flashed him a glare that read 'Don't even think about it.' Looks like she hasn't told Yuri yet...
Lunch went well except for Baekhyun and Yuri. They didn't have a good start and from then he was teasing her. They were already bickering with each other. Almost like Sehun and Aiman. 
Kai walked me to English even though I said he didn't have to do it anymore. I figured out he didn't go to class that day at all except for Calculus. 
"I'll see you later in math okay?" He smiled brightly. Ever since we started dating, Kai's been smiling brightly and widely. I never saw that cold guarded expression when he was around me. Did I possibly breakthrough him?
Classes flew through but Kai didn't come to pick me up which was good. He wouldn't be late to class. Beside we'll meet in Calculus and after school anyway. 
But he wasn't there. When I got to Calculus he was missing and was Sehun. This wasn't the first time. Even before Kai would suddenly disappear and so would Sehun. 
But this was before we started dating. Surely Kai would've told me why he disappeared. 
Could it be something to do with Suho? I remember Kai had a very grave expression when he drove me home yesterday. He wouldn't tell me what was going on but I knew that it was something bad. I assumed he would tell me eventually. 
What could he be hiding from me? Is he hiding something from me? 
Come to think of it. I didn't know much about Kai. Only that he didn't have a good relationship with his father and his mother was dead. That was it. I don't know when his birthday is, or his favorite foods, or favorite colors. I barely know him. It was obvious how secretive he was the way he would normally ask me questions, When I would ask he would turn silent and give me a solemn answer.
But I agreed to be his girlfriend...because I like him. Could there be something he doesn't want me to know? 
I was more than happy when the bell rang. Anything to get away from school and find Kai. There was this eerie feeling in my chest that something was terribly wrong. I had to go find him. It didn't even matter if I was being paranoid. I wanted to know what he was hiding from me. 
I ran to the parking lot searching for his red car but it wasn't there. He wasn't in school at all. I don't even know where Kai lives, it's not like I can just walk to his house. 
I sighed and decided to take the bus. I'll go home and take a shower to relax myself. Then I'll meet Kai. 
No, you have to find him now Yoona. It's going to bug you all day. 
I got off the first stop and tried to remember the path to Kai's house. All I did remember was a long driveway towards his house. 
I picked up my phone and called him. He'd answer my call right? If not, there's Taemin. He knows where he lives. They're cousins! 
As I walked a light drizzly began to fall so I quickened my pace. I had to find him before the rain picked up. I'm not staying out in the rain to catch a cold. 
Kai didn't pick up...
I stared at my phone as it went into voicemail. I pressed dial again. Kai always answers his phone! Why won't he pick up?!
I passed an alley that was dark with a few guys walking the other way from it. I decided I'd stay away from there. Dark alleys lead to nothing good.
I distinctively heard a familiar sound. It was Kai's ringtone. There's no way he could be here right? A lot of people can have the same ringtone...
Still I couldn't help but follow through with my conscious. I went through the alley getting closer to the ringtone. The sound was much closer. 
In case I was going to get myself in trouble I leaned against the wall and walked close to it. It was dark anyway so no one would be able to see me. 
I reached the end of the alleyway where there was this huge opening of a deserted area. He was there...and so was EXO. They were on one side glaring at the other boys on the opposite side. I crept close to the wall to see who it was. EXO looked angry. None of them were smiling especially Kai. He...was back to his old self. 
His hands were enclosed in fist and it was as if his eyes were glaring out daggers. Whoever it was Kai was showing pure hatred for them. 
"Yah, turn your phone off or we'll turn it off for you." Someone on the other side yelled. I still couldn't see them. All I could see was EXO. 
Kai pulled his phone out from his pocket and without looking at it he through it to the side. Right by my foot. I bent down to pick up his phone. 2 missed calls from Cheonsa. 
When I lifted my head I saw the boys EXO were facing. I collapsed to the ground clutching his phone to my heart. It was that boy...who attacked us. He was in the front facing the boys with the rest of his friends right behind him. 
"Kai..." I muttered accidentally. I covered my mouth with my hand thankful no one heard me. 
"We mean no harm," Suho who was standing in the front told the blonde one. He raised his eyebrow. "I know you don't. Your member does though," He motioned his head at Kai. Member? 
"I didn't do anything to you. You attacked first," Kai sneered not moving from his spot. The blonde one shrugged. "Well we wouldn't have if you had just given us the girl." Me?! 
Kai jumped up and came right up into his face. Trembling with anger his chest kept heaving up and down. "You're never getting her." The blonde one smirked laughing at Kai. He was taunting him. Getting him angrier by the second. Suho pulled Kai back and thankfully he obliged to Suho. 
"This is our territory, you don't belong here." Sehun spoke up flanking Suho's side.Territory? What is this nonsense about?! 
"Then we'll fight for it." A red-haired boy said coming behind the blonde one. 
"It doesn't work that way." Chanyeol snapped. "Each gang is granted a territory. You can't take it." He continued. "Besides, you all were kicked out." Chanyeol smirked. My eyes widened. Kicked out?!
As if Chanyeol said something cute the blonde one laughed wryly. "I'm sure you're well aware we don't follow the rules." 
Wait did he say gang? 
EXO is a gang?! 
"What can we do to make you leave this place?" Suho asked patiently. The blonde-one gave a mischievous grin at Suho's offer. I shuddered at that smile. It was such a sleazy smile that scared the crap out of me. I hated it. I didn't even like looking at him.
"Give us the girl then we'll leave." My eyes widened. me?! Kai was just as shocked as me. "Never." He muttered pushing the blonde-one backwards. "I'll kill you." Kai threatened.  "You know our buisness, this is how we work. Once we have a target, we don't stop." He sneered.
 The blonde one walked around Kai until he was by his ear. I don't know what he said to him but whatever it was it set Kai off. He threw such a hard punch the blonde-one flew backwards. 
"KAI!" I shrieked standing up. I ran from the shadows and stood in the clearings. 
"Hyung!" The blonde-one's friends came rushing to his rescue. 
"What are you doing here?!" Kai paused staring at me in compelete shock. I just realized I probably made the whole situation alot worse now. I wasn't suppose to be here.
"Ah, you brought her." The blonde said standing up. "Boys, get her." I stepped back scared out of my wit. The boys started walking towards me. "Not a chance," Kai gripped my hand and stood in front of me. 
In a flash Suho, D.O., Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun turned into body guards standing in front of us. "We'll hold them off," Suho turned and looked at Kai. They exchanged a look before Kai dragged me out. Literally. His grip on my hand was so tight it was hurting. He wasn't being gentle with me at all and it scared me. He was never rough. He wasn't...he wasn't Kai. He was someone else. 
"Kai," I said trying to yank his arm off as he led me out of the alley. But he didn't hear me. All he could see was the wet streets we were approaching. "Kai!" I cried out louder but that only made him grip my hand tighter. 
"Jongin!" I said his real name as tears spilled out my eyes. I was unbelievably scared right now and Kai not answering me didn't help at all. Finally he let go of my hand. 
"Will you tell me what's going on?" I clutched my hand to my chest. Stupid tears were mixing with the rain and it made it hard to see his face. He looked at me distraught with a pained expression. He was unwilling to tell me the truth. I knew it. 
"EXO? Gang? Territory? What does that all mean?" I asked desperately. I wanted answers but Kai wouldn't even look at me. He was staring at the ground guiltily refusing. This was his secret....
"You won't tell me?" I said softly as another tear rolled down my cheek. It was true than. Kai was in a gang. He didn't want to tell me this..."Who are you?" I cried wanting so badly to melt into his arms. I wanted him to comfort me and tell me that everything was going to be okay.  But he wouldn't even look at me. 
"Yes, I'm apart of a gang and yes I kept this from you are you happy now that you know?" He raised his head and gripped my shoulders angrily. I flinched at his touch as his eyes bore into mine. 
"Don't touch me." I whispered. He raised his voice at me and I was deathly afraid that he would strike me. His hands slowly left my shoulders and instead he had a shocked hurt expression. "Yoona..." He walked closer but I stepped back. "Don't come near me, please." I begged not bearing to look at him.
The fantasy of Kai I had created was gone. It was distorted. Everything I believed was a lie. 
A/N- awks i forgot to tell you guys in the last chapter to get ready for drama. SURPRISE!!! lol dun dun dun JUST GOT REAL MAN. I debated who I'd make the rival group here. First it was Nu'est then B.A.P. and then I'm like that is so typical. These poor bbis are always the villans, I'mma choose someone new so I chose VIXX cause recently they got ma eye. 
I kinda wanted to choose BTS LOL after their new song Boy in Luv came out (ER MA GAWS WHICH BY THE WAY I LOVE. IDK WHO HE IS BUT THE GUY WITH ORANGE HAIR IS SO ASDFGHJKL) 
but yea get prepared for the next chapter man everything will be explained!!
until then my lovelies!!! keep commenting and subscribing!!!
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha