Chapter 1


A week had gone by and Yoona became the hot new item of the school. At first I thought it was just our class but boy was I wrong. 

During break time I heard upperclassmen talking about her. I mean who could blame them...she was so pretty.
"KAI." I turned my head. Sehun was standing next to me. "What?" I said. He folded his arms and raised his eyebrows at me. "I called you three times." 
I shrugged. "I didn't hear it." I said walking into my next class. Music class. The one class in my schedule that I was allowed to choose. The only class I looked forward to. 
"Are you too busy dreaming about Hyorin?" He bumped shoulder with me smiling mischievously. I looked away. Why does the gang think I like Hyorin? Sure she spends time with me that's because she follows me around and sticks to me like glue. The feelings only one-sided though.
As we entered the classroom I couldn't help but smile. Another reason why I looked forward to this class was because the whole gang was here.
Suho the leader of the gang he's not really the leader he's more like the mediator. It's mostly me who directs the fights everything else he does therefore he's enlisted as the leader.  
Then there's Chanyeol and Baekhyun. The most annoying pair of friends you could ever find. Perfect during a fight tho when we want piss off the opponent. 
I tell you every single person in this gang is different. Especially D.O. who totally did not belong in the gang. However if it wasn't for him I'm pretty sure all of Exo would starve. 
And then there's Sehun and I. Sehun maybe the most normal one. I don't know how he got here especially where he learned how to fight. Must be genetics.
And me? Well.. I'm just Kai. The guy everyone is afraid of just like my dad.
Yoona POV:
Aiman and I were sitting outside for our lunch break eating our home-made lunch boxes. I sorta-bumped into her on my way to first period. Luckily she was nice enough to invite me for lunch. 
She plopped a kimbap into my lunch. "Try it~" she said bringing her chopsticks closer to her chest. 
I picked the kimbap up and quietly started to chew it. It was hard to breakthrough the seaweed since it was wrapped so thickly. I ended up swallowing the whole thing. 
"How is it?" She asked me with an anticipating look. "It's good." I tell her picking up my water bottle so she doesn't find out I'm lying. I have a bad habit of coughing when I lie. 
"Really? People usually hate my cooking" She said surprised. I smiled guiltily at her. "The seaweed is a little hard." I told her putting my hand up to show her but her expression turned bitter. 
"Don't worry it'll get better," I told her quickly so I didn't hurt her feelings. What the heck Yoona. Your first friend and you're already scaring her away. 
Luckily my words made her feel better. And was smiling brightly again. "You're right!" She said cheerfully once again eating from her lunchbox. I smiled back at her. 
As I scanned the outside campus of the school I saw a group of boys walking outside  and a huge band of girls following behind them. Two faces I recognized were Sehun and Jongin.
Jongin had a blank expression while walking all the way in the back of the six boys. Hmm...I wonder.
"Aiman?" I said to her as I stared at Jongin. "Who's that?" I asked her. She followed my gaze to him. 
"Oh, Kai?" 
"Kai?" I repeated. I thought his name was Jongin...that's what Saem called him. 
"Yeah...everyone calls him that." She told me.
"Is he nice?" I asked her.
"I don't really know. He sorta keeps to himself," She said hesitantly. 
I was afraid that the more I stared at him he would notice so I went back to eating. But my mind was stuck on him. He looked like a mean person but he wasn't mean to me the other day... (Fade out) 
It was almost the end of the day I was making my way to Calculus the last class of the day. I remembered I share that with Kai. Also Sehun-who is really nice and funny. But none of the two boys had arrived in the class yet.
Luckily two of my classmates were already seated talking to each other. Yuri and Taemin. Taemin was a real genius. He was younger than me but he was a senior like us because he skipped a grade.
And Yuri well...she was Yuri. I don't know how to explain. Always laughing in class but she was a nice girl. 
I sat down in my seat smiling at them and pulled out the textbook I had received a few days ago. The teacher warned me that this Calculus was different than the one I was taught. However I had no trouble with it. My mother homeschooled me and this Calculus wasn't any different than the one I learned.
Hmm..he could be trying to scare me to work harder. I though to myself.
The bell rang and Sehun walked in a minute late. The teacher glared at him as he made his way to his seat. I suppressed a giggle that was about to come out of my throat. Sehun and Kai always got in trouble by the teacher. But usually Sehun got away with it. Kai didn't. 
"He's cutting again isn't he?" I heard Sehun say besides me.  
I looked at him confused. He wasn't lookin at me but looking in my direction. I turned my head to the left at the empty desk he was staring at. 
'Doesn't Kai sit there?' 
I looked back at Sehun and he was smiling nervously at me. 
Kai...skipping classes?
Back to Kai's POV:
"Wait in here," The secretary instructed me. He shut the door behind me leaving me in my fathers office. 
I sighed. What did I do now that made my father pull me out of class? 
I set-more like threw my worn-out backpack on his very expensive carpeted floor. I smirked. Of course he would design this room to look like the Oval Office. I fell back in the chair across my father's desk and slumped down raising my feet to his desk. If he wasn't pissed before he will now. 

Finally I heard the sound of my father's voice entering the room. "I'll deal with his teacher later." 

I looked at the clock it was the start of last period the one class I hated the most. And he pulled me out of it? 
He shut the door behind and and proceeded to walk around his desk. My father always dressed in high fashion like those snobby rich kids that go to Seoul Academy. 
I saw him flinch when he saw my dirty sneakers on his desk. 
"Jongin," he spoke my name. I removed my feet from his desk with a sour expression.
He doesn't deserve to call me that name. 
"Yes, Father?" I replied to him.
He raised an envelope and as soon as I saw the stamp I knew. 
"We need to talk."
A/N- I didn't think this story would get so much love so quick! Thank you guys!! Oh btw here is what Aiman looks like: tumblr_m2dm5rdzm11qg3k48o1_500.jpg
I was gonna choose Seohyun but her character isn't strong like I want to portray her as. And I really like this actress. Plus, I put my friend in this story cause she wanted to be in it LOL. I can't believe I already have 10 subbies!! thank you guys!!! oh yeah before I forget, should I have a day where I upload once a week? I'll make a poll for y'all. see ya in the next chapter then!!! <3  
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha