Chapter 34


Third P.O.V



She avoided her father’s eyes. Yoona knew she was in trouble. She broke one of her father’s rules. Something she hadn’t done since she was a little girl. 

“You knew you weren’t suppose to go there.” Yoona nodded. 

“Don’t do it again.” 

She looked at her father in shock. No lecture? No scolding? Why was he letting her off so easily. 

“I know you had a tough week, so I’ll disregard this for now Yoona. Next time you break a rule, I won’t be this easy.” He told his daughter. 

“Yes, Dad” She responded. 

“Thanks,” She muttered looking down at the address on the palm of her hand which she already had memorized.

“What are you trying to prove?” Kim Hyun Joong asked eyeing Yoona’s notebook. 

“Prove?” Yoona questioned. “I’m not proving anything, I know in my heart he killed his wife.” She told him. 

“I want to know his motive, what was his reason for killing his wife? Why not kill the boy too?” 

“Hand me the notebook.”

Yoona blinked at him dumbly. “And the pen too, sweetheart.” He said. As she was going to hand her notebook he had grabbed her wrist and held onto it tighty through the bars. As she was about to scream and ask for help, he took the pen and scribbled something over her palm. 

“You might be able to find your answers here,”

14 Dong Saeun Street, Gagnam District ‘Ask for Secretary Yoon’ 

Once Yoona got home, she ran to her room to find her laptop. In the search bar she typed the address and waited to see what the destination was, but nothing showed up. 

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. The address was coming up as an error. She re-typed it again and still the page resulted in error.

“That’s so weird,” Yoona said trying to use a different search engine but still she was getting the same answer: Error.

Why would he give me an address that doesn’t exist? 



The next morning it was Yoona’s first day back at school since the incident that occured with Kai. She had tried her best to avoid him by staying in the library during her free periods, and taking different routes towards her classroom.

She knew she couldn’t avoid him forever, considering they had one class together. 

And it was time for that dreaded Calculus class. 

She was taking a different route to get to Calculus when she found herself being followed. Yoona turned around and dropped her books in fright when she saw two VIXX boys. 

“W-what do you want?” She bent down to pick up her books but N and Ravi had already gotten them. 

“Aw, don’t be alarmed little Yoona.” Ravi said taking steps toward Yoona as she took steps back. 

“Kai and I broke up already, I’m sure your “boss” is aware of that.” She said glaring at them. 

“Oh, yes the fatal Romeo and Juliet have broken up,” N mocked Yoona and Ravi  joined in laughter. 

“We actually didn’t come here to talk about that.” Ravi said flipping through Yoona’s textbook and cringing at the mathematics. 

“To be honest, we came to warn you so consider this an intervention because Big Boss didn’t send us to do this.” N added. 

“Intervention? For what?” 

Ravi came close and grabbed Yoona’s hands to bring her towards him. 

“Stop digging into Boss’s files.” He told her the laughter gone from his face. Yoona froze feeling her entire body going still. 

“We know what you’ve been up to, and we’re telling you to stop for your own good. It won’t be long till he finds out.” He told her gravely placing the textbook into her hands. 

“And if I don’t?” She asked him.

Ravi didn’t reply, he didn’t get the chance to.

“Get away from her.” 

The boys turned and saw Sehun standing behind them ready to knock the boys head’s together.  He shoved the boys away from Yoona. 

“Woah there lover boy, we were just talking.” N said light-heartedly. 

“Cut your conversation short, we’re leaving now.” Sehun stated holding Yoona’s arm and pulling her away from the boys. 

“Uh, Sehun I’m fine.” She told him trying to release his strong grip on her arm. He stopped glaring holes at the boys and looked down at her arm and saw he had imprinted a red mark. 

“Sorry,” He said letting go. 

“Did they hurt you?” He asked inspecting her up and down. Yoona shook her head. “No, they were just antagonizing me. They can’t do anything to me now,” She said to him her ears still ringing with Ravi’s voice. 

Why would he warn her? They were the ones trying to kill her all the time. She thought to herself

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked looking at her carefully trying to find sight of an injury. She nodded, but Sehun still dind’t seem convinced. “Come on, we’re walking to class together.” 

Even though Yoona wasn’t in any danger, she was still thankful that Sehun had arrived. The more time she spent with Ravi and N, the more scared she felt. She hated being in their presence.

Yoona was so busy wrapped up in her thoughts that she had’t noticed that Sehun had stopped walking and she knocked into him. She looked up to see why he had stopped. 

Her gaze faltered and she suddenly felt weak at her knees. Kai was walking towards the two, with Hyorins hands enclosed with his.

Yoona gripped Sehun’s shirt to hold her steady as she tore her gaze away from her ex-boyfriend. 

Kai didn’t look at Yoona, he didn’t acknowledge her existence. He ran his free hand through his hair as his other hand held Hyorin’s hand.

“Sehun…” Yoona whimpered her lip trembling. 

“I know, Yoona. He’s the worst.” Sehun comforted her. 

Yoona felt a horrible churning feeling in her stomach and immediatly just wanted to vomit at the sight of Kai and Hyorin together. It made her so sick. 

“Come on, let’s get to class we’re already late.” Sehun told her patting her back slightly to encourage her. 

Yoona wordlessly followed Sehun into the classroom sitting behind him. She kept her eyes downcasted so she wouldn’t have to look at Kai. IIt was as if the other night meant nothing. Yoona sat down and pulled out her books holding tears back. How could he just break up with her and go for all people Hyorin? Why would he defend her against Hyorin and then go after Hyorin now? Nothing added up to her, it had to be a cover.

She couldn’t tell why Kai was acting this way. Was he really just using her and playing with her emotions? Why would he sleep with her and then act as if nothing happened? It didn’t make any sense to her. 

As she flipped through her notebook, her fingers landed on the notes she had been jotting down on Kai’s father. Yoona looked up at Sehun and wondered. Maybe he knows? 

Yoona couldn’t ask him because by now class had started. She slid the notebook towards Sehun hoping he’d realize what she was doing.

Thankfully, he caught on and grabbed the notebook. 

Yoona peered at him, looking for any sign of recognition but his face was blank. She felt disheartened when he didn’t show any expression. It really is a dead end, huh?

Sehun passed the notebook back with his handwriting scribbled on it. 

Where did you find this address?

She looked up in shock, Sehun knew. 

Kim Hyung Joong gave it me, the SS501 member. She scribbled back and handed the notebook back to Sehun when the teacher wasn’t looking.

Sehun froze as he read the text feeling goosebumps run up his arms. 

“How did you find him?” Sehun whispered to her. 

“What was that, Sehun?” The teacher asked turning around. 

“I was talking to myself,” He mumbled before quickly scribbing something on Yoona’s notebook before handing it back to her. 

We’ll talk after class.

Yoona wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad sign. She waited anxiously for her last class of the day to be over with.

As soon as the bell rang and signaled that class was over, Yoona was the first to jump up and pack her books.

Kai caught sight of Yoona following Sehun out the door and he raised an eyebrow. What was with them two? 

First he saw Sehun pulling VIXX away from Yoona which he didn’t mind. He was glad there was someone to protect her if it weren’t him. Second, he saw their little note passing in class. 

Were they flirting? 

He shook the thought out of his head. Even if they were, it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t apply to your life anymore. You did what you were told to do, now continue it. He told himself even though he couldn’t calm the fire of jealousy he was feeling.

Outside of the Calculus class, Sehun was questioning Yoona about Kim Hyung Joong.

“Yoona, you have to tell me everything.” 

So, she did. She told him how she obtained the names of the SS501 members and had tracked down almost all of their whereabouts, and her altercation at the prison center. 

Sehun stared at Yoona in shock. She was able to find more information about Kai’s mother’s murder than any of the boys.

“Wait, why did you go to such lengths to find all this Yoona? What does it matter now?”He asked her. 

“Justice was never served for his mother. She died wrongfully, and it was because of his father’s hands. I need evidence to prove he committed murder.” She told him.

“But why? Why do you care?” Sehun persisted asking Yoona. 

She cocked her head to the side and saw a glimpse of Kai sulking. He was surprisingly alone, but when she saw where he was headed she knew why he was sulking. He was headed to see his father. 

“I still love him Sehun,” She said softly. “I think his father is forcing him to stay away from me.”

Sehun tried hard not to roll his eyes. She was too sweet for her own good. “If his dad was, he didn’t have to use such -like methods. Pardon my language,” He said but clearly he wasn’t sorry at all for his friend’s habits.

Yoona shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, maybe I am a little over my head. Maybe, he really did get tired of me but I have a small glimmer of hope that he still has feelings for me.” She told Sehun. He sighed and shook his head. As much as he wanted to discourage her and tell her to move on, he knew it wouldn’t work. 

“Alright, so what do we now?” He asked. 

Yoona’s eyes perked up and she smiled slightly. “You’ll help me?” 

“I’m probably going to regret this, but yes I’ll help you.” Sehun said. Yoona was ecstatic, she felt so relieved that she wouldn’t be doing this on her own. 

“Okay, first things first. We need to go to this address. I don’t know why, but Kim Hyung Joong gave this to me and told me I’d find some of my answers here.” Yoona told him. 

Sehun looked uncomfortable with Yoona’s words as he had an uneasy expression on his face. 

“Are you sure, we have to go here? We can’t go back to him?” He asked. 

“We don’t have any other option, Sehun.” Yoona said softly. Sehun sighed for what felt like the umpteeth time. 

“Okay, but first we have to dress the part.” He said as he started to walk and Yoona followed. 

“Dress the part?” She asked. 

“It’s a club scene, we can’t walk in looking like this,” He exclaimed pointing at their clothes. 

Yoona stared at him dumbly as they made way towards his car. 

“Club scene?” She repeated. 

Kim Hyung Joong was sending us to a club? 

She climbed into the car and continued questioning Sehun as to why they had to go get dressed for the “club scene”.

“They’re not going to let us in just like this, Yoona.” He explained. “There’s a reason why this address is undetectable. It’s an underground club. It’s a known club that only gangs like VIXX, EXO, SS501 and others have access to.” He told her. 

“So you’ve been there before?” She asked him. Sehun shook his head. 

“It’s not the most friendliest club…you woudn’t want to be caught there.”  He told her with an uneasy look. 

Yoona gulped. What am I getting ourselves into? 

Sehun had pulled up to a department store which he seemed fairly familiar with. 

“What are we doing here?” Yoona asked throughouly confused. 

Sehun greeted the workers at the department store and whispered into one of the ladies ears. 

Yoona looked around and saw displays on displays of beautiful clothing, followed by shoes, jewerly, makeup, you name it, it was there. It was like a girl’s dream!

“Follow me,” The lady told Yoona directing her towards a dressing room. Yoona looked at Sehun with a weary look and he nodded to her as if to say trust me. 

Here goes nothing.


A/N- So this chapter is kinda boring, at least to my aspect. I thought I would be able to get into more detail but the chapter was already getting so long. Next chapter will be all juicy I promise!! Also, I have a midterm tomorrow, so if you can all pray for me that I do well please!!  Is anyone else taking summer classes? Mine isn't so bad, we meet twice a week! Also I see you guys comments you are all sooooo sweet thank you for still reading! I love your feedback!!! Hopefully wll be able to update you guys soon!

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha