Chapter 26


Third Person POV:


It was a few days after her conversation with her daughter that Yoona’s mom called Kai. Truth be told she was the only friend of Yoona’s that she knew and she didn’t know who else to call. So, with determination she called her daughter’s boyfriend in hopes he’d pick up. 

What kind of mother would she be if she left her daughter alone on her birthday? Nothing good would come out of it-the poor girl who be even more miserable if she stayed home. 

“Hello?” A deep voice from the other line finally answered. 

“Kai, it’s me Yoona’s mom.” She replied quickly clutching the phone close to her ear. 

Kai’s eyes widened. Why was Yoona’s mom calling him? He looked down at Yoona who was in his arms fast asleep. Was she asking about her? 

Kai softly but carefully removed his arms from under her and got off of his bed. He looked back and luckily Yoona only stirred a little before she went back into her slumber. 

“Imo? Yoona’s with me she’s completely fine,” Kai left the room and went out to his balcony. 

“Ay, that’s not why I’m calling. I know she’s with you.” Yoona’s mom chided him.

“Then why?” Kai asked as he slipped his shirt on. He had invited Yoona over PURELY for study purposes. It was finals week and the two were studying separately for each respective final when sleep hit them both. Kai didn’t oblige when Yoona asked for a break and they ended up napping together.

“I don’t think Yoona told you, but her birthday is coming up, on Thursday.” 

Kai’s eyes almost bulged out of his sockets. Now he was awake. “Thursday?! You mean this thursday?!” He spoke in a hushed whisper so Yoona didn’t hear. Was it seriously her birthday in just two days?

“Why didn’t she tell me?” He asked feeling slightly hurt as he turned around and looked back towards his bedroom. Why would she want to hide her own birthday from him? 

“Don’t blame the girl, she doesn’t want to celebrate it without her father.” Yoona’s mom laughed lightly. Kai bit his lip as his heart ached a bit. Ah, so that explains her moodiness this week. 

“But, she’s going to miserable on her birthday. I doubt she told any of her friends and I wanted to do something for her.” Yoona’s mom coninued. 

“I want to help, what do you have in mind?” Kai asked turned back so his back faced the sleeping beauty in his room. 


“Kai, can you just leave the planning to us?” Aiman irritatedly asked the boy. Aiman and Yuri had very meticulously designed a surprise party for Yoona on Thursday and Kai kept interrupting their discussion throwing in new ideas and changes for the party. 

He narrowed his eyes at Suho’s little sister. “Can I trust that you’ll make this the best surprise party Yoona will ever have?” 

Aiman shrugged a playful look on her face. “Well, I can’t guarantee that it’s going to be the best surprise party ever, but it’ll definitely be one she’ll never forget.” It better be. Kai thought to himself. This secret meeting behind Yoona’s back was agitating him. He was “studying” in her mind and he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for lying to her. 

“Then what do you need me to do?” He asked standing up and looking over the girls shoulders to see what they were planning. They quickly hid their planner under the table so Kai wouldn’t see.

“Just keep Yoona busy that day. Take her shopping, or something. Just keep her out of her house.” Yuri said standing up and putting her hands on Kai’s shoulder’s to gently push him back. 

He solemnly nodded. He could think of a few things he could do to keep her busy. (how suggestive) 

Kai bid the girls goodbye and left their “very secret meeting” only to find himself cornered with a few VIXX members. Kai narrowed his eyes at the three boys that were so casually loitering outside in the halls. They paid no attention to Kai though, they were too busy wrapped up in a game of sacky. 

He ignored them as well and started to walk away as well. Weird…he thought to himself as he shook his head. Without Ravi the other members seemed almost normal. But Kai was smart he wasn’t going to quickly assume they were just lurking around for fun. 

He glared at their figures before turning right and not seeing their faces anymore. “Pieces of .” He muttered as he made his way to the library. 

Because it was finals week there were no classes. Everyone was still required to be in school but just not learning in class. Most of the students were either in the library studying or in there respective classrooms and then the minority were fooling around not caring about their exams. 

Kai smiled when he saw his girlfriend engulfed in mountains of textbooks. He went around the table when she didn’t notice he was in front of her.

“Study break?” He brought his lips to her ear causing her to jump. Yoona whipped her head around and calmed noticing it was Kai. “You scared me.” She muttered embarrassed closing the textbook in front of her with disappointment. 

“I’m guessing your study session isn’t going well?” He asked her sitting on the table and folding his hand with hers. Yoona shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. “I can’t focus.” She told him. She bit her lip and avoided his eye. She wondered if she should tell him what she found. It was still early to determine if her theory was right or not. 

“Kai?” She looked up.

“What’s the name of the hospital you were born in?” She asked. Kai blinked surprised at her abrupt question. “Busan Health Center-why?” He asked her. Yoona made a face. So, he wasn’t born in Taemin’s uncle’s hospital…

“I…wanted to know if you always were from Seoul or not.” She quickly said to him. She closed her notebook and put it on top of her textbook and pushed it aside. “Oh, yeah no I lived in Busan for a few years till I moved here.” He told her casually letting go of her hand not noticing anything off. Yoona nodded.

“And you?” He asked leaning close his nose touching hers. “Where were you born?” He asked her his breath brushing against her lips. Kai was very close to Yoona that she could point out that one freckle he had on his nose. She went from looking into his beautiful frown eyes to his luscious pink lips over and over again. She became very weak when Kai would do this and he knew that all too well. She would end up just looking at his lips closely until she’d finally kiss him.

Yoona stared at his lips momentarily getting stuck in a trance. She hated when he did that. Always distracting her like that, she’d lose her train of thought. 

“Uhm- it wasn’t a h-hospital.” She managed to speak very much aware of the fingers that were going up and down her arm. “I was born near Pyongyang.” She said quickly finally connecting her lips with his. But Kai wasn’t letting her have the kiss. 

“As in near North Korea?” He asked raising an eyebrow surprised. “Yeah,” Yoona breathed heavily looking up at his eyes for a second. Kai smirked at her before placing his lips on her. 

“What were you doing in North Korea?” He asked speaking against her lips as his hand trailed down to her back.

“I…I was, my dad he had a station there,” She spoke incoherently to Kai arching her back at his touch. Just kiss me already you fool.  

Kai chuckled lightly at her answer. How he enjoyed teasing her, he leaned down to kiss her one time to stop teasing her when they were suddenly interrupted by the librarian. She smacked a ruler against the table causing Kai to jump off the table. 

“Mr. Kim this is a library, if you are here to study, you study. If you’re here for other reasons i suggest you leave.” She strictly told the boy scolding to him. Kai nodded and muttered a half-hearted sorry to her. As soon as her back was turned he sneaked a kiss to Yoona. 

“I got you in trouble,” Yoona whispered her cheeks tinted red as she stood up as well with her books. 

“It was worth it,” He said helping her with her books. “Come on, let’s go somewhere private.” He suggested a mischievous glint in his eye. 

Yoona raised a brow at him. “Do you really plan on studying?” She asked him as they walked out. 

“I plan on studying you if that’s what you mean.” He said causing her laugh whimsically. He grabbed her hand as they started to walk off to find a room that wasn’t taken by students. 


The night before Yoona’s birthday everyone was at Kai’s house doing last minute planning and making sure they had everything. 

“Alright, Chanyeol you’re bringing the balloons and pizza right?” Yuri told him tapping her pen against his chest to remind him. He nodded quickly and saluting at her. Yuri moved and turned to Baekhyun. “You’re in charge of helping Yoona’s mom set up.” She said coldly to him before moving and not even bothering to check if he said yes or not. 

“Of course sweetheart,” He winked at her knowing she’d see the wink. Yuri ignored him and turned to D.O. “You and Suho are going to help Yoona’s mom cook whatever it is she’s planning.” She eyed the two carefully so they understood. 

“I’ll bake the cake myself, Yoona’s mom doesn’t have to worry about that.” D.O said confidently when Yuri walked away. 

“Aiman and Sehun you guys are in charge of decorations.” She told the last two. They nodded in agreement exchanging a look with one another. 

“And Kai?” She turned around to face him. She put her clipboard down and looked at him. “You’re in charge of distracting Yoona the whole day and bringing her home AFTER I give you the o.k.” 

Kai nodded knowing that he had the easiest job out of everyone. It was basically an excuse to take her out on a date. 

“Alright then, I guess we’re done.” Yuri said sighing heavily feeling extremely tired. Planning a surprise party was tiring that she thought. 

“Wait,” Kai said. He looked away when he spoke. “Did you guys all get her a gift?” He shyly asked hiding his hands behind his back. 

“Aw is little Kai blushing?” Baekhyun cane around and slapped a hand on the boy’s back. “Don’t worry our presents aren’t going to be as great as yours.” He teased. Kai rolled his eyes wondering he should take Baekhyun’s word. 

Kai had been losing sleep trying to figure out what to get Yoona for the past two days. Finally he decided on something and it was waiting for him in the jewelry store he just had to pick it up. 

He didn’t want to get her just any ordinary present he wanted to get her something that she knew it was from him. 

He just hoped she liked it.

“What did you get her?” Chanyeol asked excited as he moved towards Kai. “You’ll find out tomorrow.” Kai went back to his usual stoic personality which means now was the time to kick everyone out of his house. 

“Alright leave now,” He said roughly pushing the boys out towards the door. “Pssh,” they threw out protests asking for a sleepover but Kai ignored their requests. Last time the boys slept over he spent three days cleaning up his whole house because of the mess they had created. 


The next morning Yoona woke up expecting her mother to be over her head and singing her happy birthday like she always did but she was alone. She sat up straight in her bed surprised that her mother had actually followed her wishes with treating this day as a normal day. 

Yoona got out of bed and walked to her bathroom to get ready for school. She was going to treat today like any ordinary day.

Yoona got dressed in jeans and t-shirt before she grabbed her books and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

Her mother was up surprisingly and as Yoona was about to question why she was up so early Yoona saw what her mother was up to. 

She made a face at her mom when she turned around. “What?” She questioned as she placed an omurice on the table. “I just wanted to make you breakfast, is that a crime?” Yoona chuckled softly at her mother before planting a kiss on her cheek and eating her omurice. 

“I know you didn’t want to celebrate today but your father sent this last night.” Her mother said coming back from the kitchen hiding something behind her back. Yoona dropped her fork and got up. “Appa sent something?” Her eyes brightened up. 

Yoona’s mom brought out what she was hiding and placed it gently into her daughter’s hands. “I think you’ll like it very much.” She patted her daughters shoulders before walking away with a secret smile on her face. 

Yoona tore off the wrapping paper which she assumed her father did considering how badly it was wrapped. 

She unclipped the tab on the small case and opened the jewelry box that she expected a necklace to be but instead there was a hair band. Yoona carefully picked up the hair band that was completely made up of crystal flowers and admired its beauty. She was scared she’d drop it and break it so she carefully examined it on her table. It was absolutely beautiful. Especially when the light would hit the hair band it would shine. 

As she placed the hair band carefully on her head she saw the little note on the side of the case.  

To: Yoona. “Happy Birthday my little Princess. I truly wish to spend the day with you but sadly I couldn’t. You have no idea how sorry I am for not spending your birthday with you. I promise we will see each other soon. Enjoy your present. I had a craftsman from Pyongyang design it just for you so be careful with it. Take care of your mother and yourself, I love you both very dearly. Best wishes, Your Father.  

Yoona wiped her eyes with the back of her hand as she held the note close to her chest. “I love you too Appa,” She whispered to herself. 

Yoona sat up and looked at herself from the living room mirror with the hair band on her head. “And I love this,” She said happily bring her hands up and touching the flowers on the hair band. 

Maybe my birthday won’t that bad today…


A/N- sorry if this chapter is all over the place, I'm on vacation rn and this chapter is bleh. I'm not satsifed with it-tbh i dont like it i wanted to have the surprise party here but its already too long as it is. i guess you could say this is a filler chapter. anyways i wont mind if u guys say this chapter wasnt like the others lOL I REALLY WONT MIND CAUSE I DONT LIKE THIS CHAPTER AT ALL. i guess ma heads not in the game rn. Anywayz until next time my lovelies~

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha