Chapter 13


Yoona POV: 

"I'll take Yoona if you two don't mind." Aiman said saving me from the two boys. She pulled me away from them and into her arms. "Thanks," I said under my breath. Although I wanted to be with Kai, they were arguing over me and I didn't want to be in the middle of that. 
"and, D.O. can join us," Aiman stated. I stared at her. I was surprised at the power she had over the boys. They all seemed to listen to her. Sehun must've realized what I was thinking because he whispered beside me. "Well she is Suho hyung's sister." I lookd at Sehun confused. What was that suppose to mean? Suho wasn't authorative...
"Except for the angel part." Baekhyun added. 
"Then, me, Baekhyun and Kai will go together." Sehun said. Kai was quiet again and wasn't looking at me. I gulped feeling guilt crawl up my throat. Was he possibly mad at me because I didn't choose him?
"That leaves Chanyeol and Suho Oppa together," Aiman stated. "Channie you come with me~" She pulled Chanyeol's arms towards our group. Sehun looked at Aiman aghast. "How could you abandon your brother?" 
Aiman blew a raspberry. "I live with him. I can survive a few hours without him." I thought Suho would be upset with Aiman's words but all he did was smile modestly. "It's fine, I don't mind." I smiled at him. He was so nice. So opposite from Aiman. I'm not saying Aiman isn't nice she's just very bubbly compared to Suho. 
"O.k. we'll meet for lunch later than!" Before anyone could say anything the groups dispersed. She linked arms with me and dragged me and our groups away. I looked one last time at Kai before turning back. Sorry.
"Where are we going?" I asked her. "Bumper cars!" She said jumping up and down happily. "Figures that's the only car Suho Hyung will let her drive," Chanyeol remarked to me. I smiled a little. They were all so close together like brother and sister. It was like a family
When we reached the line D.O. tapped my shoulder. "Do you wann ride together?" He asked me. I nodded. "Of course." As we proceeded in the line our group reached the front. 
When we reached our bumper car he took the driver's section and I took the passenger. "Sorry if we seem to scare you..." D.O said while we put our seatbelts on. "Oh, you don't scare me at all. It's just nerve-wracking seeing so many new faces." I confessed. Truthfully I think Baekhyun was too forward...maybe he just likes skinship a lot. 
The announcer started the game and D.O. began turning the wheel to approach Chanyeol-Aiman's car. Sehun was in a car by himself and he had already struck them. 
D.O. turned the car but a car rammed his side. "Sorry," He laughed as the car bounced a little. I couldn't help but laugh. I was having fun with D.O. struggling to get out of the corner. And then Sehun had managed to hit us in the back. "Ya!" D.O. yelled swerving the car. He managed to turn the car around and attack Sehun. "Hey, that's cheating!" He cried. 
"there is not cheating in bumper cars!" D.O. replied back. And just like that the game ended and our cars stopped. D.O. sighed. "Sorry, I'm a bad driver." He hopped out of the car. "You're not that bad." I told him. I hope his real driving is better than this. I got out of the car but I felt so naseous I stumbled into D.O. I don't know why I lost my balance. I looked up and I swear I saw three D.O. and then suddenly one.
"Easy there," D.O. caught me.  "You okay?" He asked worried. I nodded. "Just a little dizzy." I said standing up straight. the dizziness faded away as I walked but D.O. walked closely in clase I fell again. I wasn't going to fall again...I hope so. 
"Wait here, Yoona." D.O. said making me sit on the bench. "Ok," I said confused. Where was he going? I sat back against the bench and shut my eyes. I thought taking medicine would make me feel better but I feel worse. Maybe cause I ate really little...I'll have a small snack and some water and I'll feel better.
I felt a hand on my forehead causing me to open my eyes. "What are-" I stopped when I saw Kai's face close to me. "Are you feeling okay, Yoona?" He asked bending down. I removed his hand softly from my forehead. "I was just resting a bit." I told him. 
He had a troubled expression on his face and was frowning. I didn't like it. I didn't want to be the cause of his worry. "I'm fine," I smiled squeezing his hand. I really didn't want to make him worry. He looked unsure if he should believe me or not but ended up trusting me. He let go of my hand. "Wait-" I said not wanting him to leave. "Are you mad I went with Aiman?" 
Kai laughed. "Of course not, I'm mad she stole you away from me." My heart skipped a beat and I unconsciously went on my tippy toes because I was so happy. Kai smiled back. weird it was the same look I gave him when he wasn't looking at me. No way does he...?
My thoughts were interrupted by clapping surrounded by us. "Aigo you love birds couldn't be away from each other for one minute?" She tsked frowning at us. I blushed deeply and looked down at my feet. "And who's fault is that?" Kai said crossing his arms at Aiman. She scrunched her nose as if she smelled something bad. "Yours." She stated
Kai's mouth fell open at her words. Aiman was stubborn and would never admit to her mistakes. 
"I wanna go on the roller coaster!" Sehun cried joining us. Chanyeol and D.O. came back with hot dogs for everyone. "Thanks," I said taking one from them. Well, I might as well eat. Maybe I'll feel better. 
"Should we?" Aiman said looking at us. Kai had somehow joined our group as well. I was happy with it. I felt more comfortable around the group with him next to me. "Let's go then!" Chanyeol said when everyone nodded. He slung an arm around Aiman. I stared at the two-wided eyed. First she was close with Sehun and now Chanyeol too? 
D.O. noticed by gaze because he shook his head. "Trust me, Aiman would treat him like crap if she liked him." 
I tilted my head. She wasn't mean to Chanyeol sure, they were playful but not mean. Come to think of she was awfully mean to Sehun. I blinked. "She likes Sehun?" My voice got higher. D.O. shrugged. "Aiman's an odd girl and shows her affection in odd ways." I laughed. Well, he was right. She had a weird way of becoming close to people. 
We walked towards the roller coaster with D.O. on one side and Kai right behind me. I had finished the hot dog but my stomach was knotted. I wasn't sure if it was because of the height of the coaster or because I was sick all day but I really wasn't feeling well at all. I stopped walking. "I need to use the bathroom," I said weakly to the boys. I didn't wait for them to turn because I felt bile rising in my throat. 
Kai POV: 
"What's wrong with her?" D.O. asked beside me as I watched Yoona go. I shrugged. How should I know? "Maybe nerves.." I suggested. Although I didn't sound concerned, I was. Her forehead was hot to my touch and then suddenly when we mention roller coasters she didn't want to go on? There must've been something wrong with her. 
"I'll go see what's wrong," I said to D.O. running after her. It was unusual for Yoona to just suddenly run off. It was as if she didn't want me to see her. 
"Yoona." I knocked on the bathroom entrance. Of course their were other women in the bathroom but it's not like I can just walk in. What are they going to think?  I stood outside guarding the door ignoring the weird stares I was getting. I'll just stare back at these foolish women. And sure enough the passerbyers stopped looking at me. 
However, when women left from the bathroom they were running out with a disgusted look on their face. that's not a good sign...I burst through the door shocking the rest of the women there. "Ah! A boy!" An old grandma yelled running out covering her eyes. I rolled my eyes. It's not like I'm .
I found Yoona on her knees holding herself up by the sink. "Yoona..." I scampered towards her. I saw her reflection from the mirror and she looked awful. Her face was clammy with sweat and her hair stuck to her face. She wiped with the back of hand removing the last of the vomit. 
"Kai," She said staggering to stand up. I quickly caught her around the elbows before she could fall. "I've got you," I said softly wrapping my hand around her waist and pulling her hair back. I don't know why but instantly something kicked into me that I had to take care of Yoona. Usually I was so awkward and afraid to touch her in fear that she'd feel violated by me. But now I wasn't going to hold back. She needed me. 
I looked above her head and gave the women a deadly glare that was scary enough to make them leave. 
"I made a mess..." She mumbled looking down at herself. Her shirt was a mess and the sink was dirty as well. "It's alright," I said gently. I removed my shirt so she could change into it. Thankfully I had a t-shirt underneath. "Here, put this on." I told her. She went into the stall and changed while I turned back towards the sink. She didn't make that much of a mess. Most of the vomit was in the sink. I held my breath as I cleaned the sink with water. 
"Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" I asked. 
I heard the stall unlock. "Because I wanted to have fun today." I turned around and there she stood looking as beautiful as ever in my shirt. It looked great on her and it fitted her well. "If I told you I wasn't feeling well you'd make me go home." She pouted. Well, it was true. I'd take her home. 
I washed my hands with soap and wiped them off on my pants. "Do you feel a little better?" I asked walking towards her. She bit her lip while looking at me. I placed my hand once again on her forehead. Her forehead was hot I was sure she had a fever. "You have a fever, Yoona." I told her looking at her disappointed. I can't believe she didn't tell me...
"I started this morning." She pushed my hand away. I frowned. "You should've told me." She nodded. "i know. I 'm sorry." Yoona held her hands together apologetically. I smiled thankful she was looking at the ground. She looked like a child caught in an act. She was adorable. 
"It's okay, come on I'll take you home." I put my hand on her back leading her towards the door. But she didn't look happy at that idea. "Do I have to?" I laughed. It was like I was talking to an 8 year old. "Yes, you do." 
We were out of the bathroom and I saw everyone outside waiting for us. That's embarrassing. D.O. must've spread the word. "I knew you kidnapped her for yourself!" Baekhyun accused the first one to speak. I saw him carrying water bottles and I took one for Yoona. "Yeah, I kidnapped her." I stated handing one to her. 
"What were you guys doing in a bathroom?" Aiman suddenly asked staring at the two of suspicious. "NOTHING!" We both yelled. I looked at Yoona incredulously. "Oh, something must've happened..." Aiman remarked. 
"Yeah, Yoona wasn't feeling well so I went in to see if she was okay." I told her coldly. "Now, if you don't mind. I'll take her home now." 
Aiman's face fell when she realized she was going to be the only girl. "Are you ditching me?" She squeaked. Yoona's face reddened and couldn't say anything. "Aiman she's sick." I said for Yoona. Leave it to her to make Yoona feel bad. 
"We're leaving now." I tugged on Yoona's arm. Suho gave me a slight nod and a look that meant we'd talk later. Yoona bowed at everyone before muttering sorry. 
As we walked out of the carnival I notced Yoona was upset that she had to leave. She had a frowned expression on her face and she kept looking down on the ground. Wish I could make it up to her...
The bus stop was a long walk from here. I didn't want her walking in this state. I went in front of Yoona and bent down. "Hop on." I said. "What are you doing?" She asked confused. "Offering you my back." I told her. 
"Uh...I can walk." She said. I knew she'd say that. "Well I gave you an option." I turned around and the next thing you know I scooped her off her feet. Literally. "Kai!" She cried out in surprise. I shrugged trying to act cool while inside I was a nervous wreck. I was so scared that Yoona would react badly to this and demand me to put her down. She was so close to me...She was so warm against my skin maybe because she had a fever but I held her tighter. 
"Put me down!" She demanded blushing. I looked at playfully. She didn't seem like she wanted to be let down. Yoona looked like she was enjoying herself. "The bus stop is pretty far, I don't want you throwing up again." Knowing that she couldn't win against me she sighed and seemed to relax in my arms. I smiled in triumph as I walked. Finally she brought her hands up around my neck and got comfortable. 
Yoona wasn't saying anything and it freaked me out. Was she mad that I initiated skinship with her? Thought she liked me...
"Are you mad?" I asked quietly. Yoona looked down and shook her head. "More like embarrassed," She dipped her head lower so I couldn't see her. Well, if she's embarrassed then it's cute. "Why? A handsome guy like me is holding you. Most girls would've fainted by now." I bragged trying to make her laugh. 
"Oh, I think I'm getting there..." Yoona mumbled her head lightly falling against my chest. I suddenly stopped walking after realizing how serious this was. Yoona really wasn't feeling well. I had to get her home. "I'll find a taxi instead," I said looking down at her as her eyes were closed. I had to resist the urge to kiss her. She was so vulnerable with her light pink lips I could've stolen a kiss right now. But I didn't. I held myself back.
I walked to the edge of the street but it was kinda hard to stick my hand out for a taxi because I had Yoona in my arms. Well, a taxi will eventually see us. Luckily Yoona realized and she stuck out a hand. 'Thank goodness'
You know Yoona's head fit perfectly under my neck. Almost as if she snuggling up against me. I liked that she could rely on me like this. I wanted to protect her. I wanted her to rely on me. I rested my chin on top of her head as we waited for a taxi. So...maybe I'm using her sickness as an excuse to get close to her. 
A taxi rolled by right in front of us soon after and I let Yoona down but I kept a hold on her. Yoona opened the car door and got in, with me following after her. "Ahjussi," I greeted the old grandpa and gave him Yoona's address. 
"You know you could've just dropped me off here." Yoona mumbled beside me leaning against the seat. I raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. "As If I was going to leave you." I snorted. She'd probably fall asleep in the taxi and lose her way home. Or worse she reached home but fainted while walking to her house and no one would be there to help her. 
Me and my crazy imagination. 
I noticed her yawning and leaning against the window. "If you want, you can rest your head..." I said shrugging my shoulder for her. I blushed after I said it. When did I become so touchy touchy with her?  Yoona nodded and smiled but looked back at the window. I frowned. Smooth, Kai, smooth.
I sighed. How can I manage not to blush in front of her. Sooner or laters she's going to find out how I feel about her. 
"Ahjussi you missed the turn." Yoona spoke. The car halted jerking us forward. "Oh, really?" The old man said. He laughed. "I'm sorry." 
Yoona settled back in her seat when the old grandpa was driving back on track. Truthfully I was happy he missed the turn. More time to spend with Yoona even if it was dead silence. 
I felt a soft thud on my shoulder and I knew she decided to take my offer. I couldn't hide the smile forming on my lips. She's resting on my shoulder! And just like before when I held her in my arms she came close snuggling up to me. She was really warm. I hope her fever goes down. "Don't forget to take medicine when you get home." I told her sternly. I didn't want her getting sick. She nodded against my shoulder. 
I looked down at our close proximity. Our hands were side by side touching back and forth. It be better if...I laced our hands together. 
Yoona was startled but she didn't let go of my hand. That's a good sign. 
There was so much more I wanted to do but I didn't even ask her out yet. She was probably confused at my actions as well...
"Did you have fun?" I asked breaking the silence. She nodded once again against my shoulder. "I didn't," I told her bluntly. I was pouting non-stop and sulking the whole time how could she not notice? "Why not?" Yoona raised her head surprised. 
"Isn't it obvious?" I smiled playfully. I shook her hand. "I wanted to spend the way with you." Her cheeks reddened beautifully at my words. It made my heart skip a beat that I could make her blush. I hoped I'd be the only one to make her blush.
"Me too." She murmured shyly putting her head back down. I grinned widely at her words. 
We were getting close to her house now and the car ride was coming to an end.
Well it was fun while it lasted.
"We're here," I whispered softly to her. I let go of her hand rather regretfully the warmth leaving my hand. 
"Ahjussi can you wait five minutes?" I asked getting out of the taxi with Yoona behind me. He kindly nodded at me when I requested him .
Yoona came out with a smile. "Feeling better?" I asked her closing the passenger door. She nodded becoming her usual cheerful self. "Somehow being next to you my headache faded away." She said walking in her driveway. My heart warmed up and I suddenly felt like I had wings. I made her feel better! 
She abruptly turned around almost ramming into me. I stumbled backwards in order to avoid it. "i had a lot of fun today Kai, and thanks for everything." She said rocking back and forth on her heels. I've noticed she does that a lot. I chuckled. "Any time."
"Well, I'll see you Monday." She said waving as she almost reached the door to her house. Seeing the back frame of her made me sad. I didn't want to let her go. I got a sudden impulse to ask her. Just thinking about it made me go crazy. And...well Yoona also made me crazy. But it was in a good way.
My heart raced as I opened my mouth to speak. Why out of all times now I can't speak? My throat closed up and my face began to get clammy. 
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
Yoona stopped walking and froze standing still. Oh, no that wasn't the reaction I was hoping her. Did I just ruin our friendship?! 
Slightly Yoona turned her head and looked at me with those beautiful doe-like eyes.
She smiled shyly at me,
And nodded. 
A/N- hope you guys liked this :) el oh el. been waiting forever to post this. once i hit 60 subbiez i wanted to update. WELL THEYRE A COUPLE YEHET END OF STORY.
Ish gon get real soon man. 
Anywayzz enjoy loveliez! keep commenting and subcribing AND I SEE YOU GUYS GIVING MY STORY AND UPVOTE SOBS U MAKE ME SO HAPPY. 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha