Chapter 14

Yoona POV:
On Monday morning I was feeling fresh and alive. After Friday I was suffering from a cold and alas on Sunday I had recovered. 
I was up and energetic making lunch for me and Kai.
My...boyfriend. I blushed as I cut the kimbap. I can't believe he asked me...I never thought he would. Finally! I thought he'd never. 
Kai likes me...and I like him. Everything was perfect now. I didn't have to hide my feelings for him and now I could freely like him. I couldn't even hold back my grin.
I had boiled rice earlier and now I was cutting the meat strips into hearts. I didn't make too many only two just for the eyes. I didn't want it to look so girly that Kai would be grossed out. I wanted to make a face. I placed the cherry tomato as the nose and now had to decide what to use to make the mouth. I already fried an egg but I can't use that as the mouth. 
Peas? Corn? I opened the kitchen cabinet ransacking it  for what I could possibly find. As if God was speaking to me a jar of olives came right in front of me. Tiny black olives. 
Smiling in victory I uncapped the bottle and began lining up the olives into a smile. 
My doorbell rand and I jumped. Who could it be? Mom is still asleep..
I closed the lunchbox and slipped it into my bag. Could it be Kai? My heartbeat quickened at the possibility. I ran towards the front door and my guess was right. He was there. 
I slipped my shoes on and pushed my hair back before opening the door. "Hi," I greeted him breathlessly. Kai smiled charmingly at me. God, he always looks so perfect. His hair always messily covering his eyes, and that beautiful smile that graces his face. It was enough to make my heart race. "Ready?" He stepped back so I could walk. I wasn't expecting him to come pick me up but it was a nice surprise. It made me look forward to the morning. 
"Are you ready for the test?" Kai asked as we walked to his car. I faltered in my step. Test? I mentally face-palmed. I was so sick I couldn't even remember that I had a test today! 
"Don't tell me you forgot," Kai said getting into the drivers seat. My shoulders fell as I slipped into his car. "I did forget," I said sadly. 
"Oh, you'll be fine. Besides we studied together all last week." Nonetheless I pulled my Calc textbook out. Can't believe I was stupid enough to forget. "Beside you'll beat me." I heard him say as he started the car and started driving. 
I pouted before looking up at him. "But I want you to beat me." Kai suddenly pressed the brake on the car to face me. "You want me to?" He asked confused. I nodded. 
"Wh-?" And then he knew. He smiled at me mischeviously. "You want to go on a date with me don't you?" I blushed because it was true. Instead of answering I stuffed my nose into my textbook to intensely study. "I'll take that as a yes." He said to himself. That's when I gave out and buried my face deeply into the book. How can he embarrass me so easily? He must've thought I was funny because he was laughing softly. Doesn't he get shy like me too?  Or red? 
"We're here," Kai said after a while. I looked up and saw that we were entering the parking lot of the school. I put my book back in my bag and made a silent prayer that I'd do well today. I got out of his car quickly and met him on the other side. Right, I still have to ask him. 
"Kai?" I said when he got out slunging his back over his shoulder. He beeped his car alarm before looking at me. We started walking and I realized it be easier if I didn't look at him as I said it to him. "D-do you want to have lunch with me?" I asked fumbling over my words. God, I was so nervous I didn't even understand why! 
"I'd love to Yoona." I raised my head at his response. He was smiling so happily I returned the smile. Success! 
Kai walked me to first period but loitered a few steps away from the door. I was't going to see him until break. 5 periods until lunch. "Well-" I started to bid goodbye. "I always wanted to say this to you Yoona but I didn't have the courage to." Kai started out his dark brown orbs staring into me. It was hard for me to maintain eye contact because his eyes were so charismatic. I felt shy and wanted to lower my gaze blushingly. Kai suddenly stepped close to me and I knew I was blushing. He's not going to kiss me is he...I bit my lip nervously. 
"You look beautiful, Yoona." He whispered leaning towards my ear. I swear to you my heart stopped beating right there. It was as if his breath was dancing on my ear. "But you look even more beautiful today." He said again leaning back. I opened my mouth to ask why was he complimenting me? I wasn't anything special. I mean I dressed like everyone else. Someone like Hyorin dressed to school prettily. 
"Because you're my girlfriend." I stood rooted to the ground at his words. He seemed to like my reaction because as he walked away he laughed throwing his head back. So, he likes making me flustered? 
He called me guy has said that to me...I brought my finger up to my lips and bit my nail. I stood outside the classroom smiling like an idiot. If it wasn't for the signal of the bell ringing I would've still been standing in the hall. 
I immediately ushered myself into the classroom and tried to get Kai off my mind. 
How could I though? He was going to be on my mind all day now! 
I menat to catch Aiman before break to tell her I couldn't meet her but I didn't see her in the halls at all. I had no choice but to go to her 5th period and call her out. 
"Aiman-ah~" I called her outside of her classroom. She looked from her desk and smiled. She took her books and left the classroom. "Ready for lunch?" She asked slinging her bag on her left side. I shook my head. "Actually I'm eating with Kai." I told her. 
Seohyun looked at me confused as she walked. "But he usually eats with his friends," She said. I walked up to catch up to her. "Well, I asked him today and he said yes." I shrugged acting as if it was the most easiest thing in the world to as. IT WAS NOT. 
She stopped and stared at me with open. "Really?" Her eyes seemed to twinkle in that moment. "Yeah, well I'll see you later!" I said quickly before she could ask me any questions. "Wait!" I heard her call out but that only made me walk faster. I was already late to meet Kai.
I finally made it out to the fields and remembered I never told Kai where to meet. Oh, shoot. Why couldn't I open my mouth in front of him? I spotted an empty bench and decided I'd set up our lunch there. I didn't see Kai anywhere so I might as well. I pulled out my lunchbox and separated it into two boxes. One with rice and the other with kimbap. Satisfied with the placement I turned around and almost stumbled into Kai who was in front of me. "Omo!" I walked back hitting my knee into the bench and falling down on the seat. 
"Hey," He greeted me sitting next to me. "Hi," I said weakly pulling out chopsticks and handing him one. "How was class?" He asked me politely. My mind went blank when I looked up at him. I uncapped the lunchbox and put it in front of him. "I...can't remember." I answered him stupidly. The day went like a breeze and sure I paid attention in class but now I just couldn't recall. He laughed softly reaching for a kimbap. 
"What did your friends say when you said you were going to eat with me?" I casually asked waiting for him to eat. I wasn't going take one bite until he ate. I had to know if he liked it. "They made fun of me," Kai said truthfully. I looked up and saw his ears darkened. "Really?" I asked when he put the kimbap in his mouth and then hesitantly I took a piece as well. "They asked why did it take me so long?" I looked at him confused as I put the kimbap in my mouth. "To have lunch with me?" Kai shook his head. 
"To be my girlfriend." I choked on my kimbap at the sound of the world girlfriend. It was still such a foreign word to me. "Are you okay?" Kai's face suddenly came close to me. I nodded inching backwards. "Water," I cried out. Kai stood up from the bench. I can't believe I forgot to pack water. "Okay, I'll be right back." Kai said walking away to find water. 
I wanted to smack myself in the face. Why am I such a dork in front of Kai? I swallowed the kimbap and fanned my face. "Way to go, Yoona." I told myself. "Yeah, way to go." Someone responded to me. I looked up; Hyorin was standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. Those two girls that were always with her flanked her left and right. i couldn't remember their names but they took my lunchbox out of my hands and threw it to the ground. Everything spilling out. 
"What are you doing?" I exclaimed at them standing up. All that hard work I put in to make the food and these girls just dump it out?!Hyorin , angry at my outburst pushed me back causing me to fall on my on the bench. "What am I doing? What are you doing? You're on a date with my boyfriend!" She shrieked her voice steadily getting higher. "Kai's my boyfriend." I stated loudly emphasizing on the my. 
The red-haired girl laughed crazily at my words. "Your boyfriend please~ Why would he date you?" She got her other friend to laugh alongside with her. I wasn't going to take their mockery. I stood up in front of Hyorin causing her to step back. "Because Kai likes me." I said looking at Hyorin instead of her friends who looked more bothered than them. I had no reason to lie to them. It was true. If Kai asked me to be his girlfriend than he obviously likes me. Besides, it was time I stood up to Hyorin. I was sick of her constant bullying and telling me to stay away from Kai. If anyone she should! He's mine. 
"Oh, please. He's just bored. Once he's done he'll throw you away." She stared me down trying to get to me. She didn't. All she did was fuel my anger. Hyorin was practically screaming in my face and thanks to that, a crowd had gathered around us. I didn't want to gather attention. It was a small matter.
She was jealous. 
"You don't have to tell the whole world Hyorin. If you're angry at me, let's talk alone." I said reaching up to touch her shoulder. She smacked my hand away before I could even touch her. 
"Here, is fine." Hyorin snorted crossing her arms. I exhaled a breathe. "Fine, let's talk." I told her. There was no reason for me to cower back in front of Hyorin. I had done nothing wrong. "See, I don't want to talk I want to teach you a lesson." She smiled at me sinisterly. "I warned you to stay from him and you didn't-" 
"Jealous." I blurted out. Her two friends looked at Hyorin afraid. "What?" "You're jealous." I said when her face contorted into fear. "You're jealous of me. Kai chose me and not you." I continued advancing towards her. 
"You shut your mouth." Hyorin trembled. Now, I know. I finally touched her weak spot. "Hyorin, you're jealous of me." I continued. 
"I SAID SHUT UP!" She raised her hand. 

Kai POV: 

I had gotten two water bottles from the vending machine. I contemplated getting juice but decided against it since she asked for water. 
I hurriedly walked back towards the bench where we were at. Luckily the vending machine was behind us.
When I reached the bench there was a whole crowd of people surrounded by it. "What the hell?" I muttered pushing past the people. Did Yoona faint?! 
I reached the front and well Yoona was conscious. She didn't faint but Hyorin was about to strik Yoona. I shoved the people in front of me and caught Hyorin's hand just before she connected it with Yoona's cheek. 
What the fucing hell. 
"Kai," She froze suddenly with a fearful expression.My face grew dark as my hand squeezed around the girls wrist. How dare she pretend to act innocent?! I was furious. I never dared to hurt a girl but today I came close to striking Hyorin. "Don't you dare hurt her." I seethed yanking Hyorins hand down. 
I glared at the crowd that surrounded us and motioned for them to get lost. I didn't need an audience. 
"Kai, it's not what it looks like," Hyorin said making her voice soft and cooing to me. I pushed her away from me. "Don't speak to me."  I was so disgusted by her actions I wanted to strangle her. No one hurts my girl.  
"If you ever try to hurt her, I will make sure you never set foot in this school again." I growled at Hyorin. It was enough to scare her and her friends to scamper away like the cowards they were. 
I turned around breathing deeply trying to calm myself down even though I was shaking with fury. Yoona was crouching down on the ground cleaning up the mess. Hyorin had dumped our lunch to grass ground. I swear to god this is going ot pay..
"Yoona." I called her but she didn't answer me.
"Let me clean this ," She said not raising her head. Her voice was very soft and sullen. She was clearly upset. I pulled her up from the group and cupped her chin so she could look at me. "Yoona." I said again. She wasn't looking at me though. She had her head towards the ground and her lip was trembling. 
"I'm fine...thank you for saving me." She said. It scared me that she still couldn't meet my eye. Hyorin must've said something to her that got to Yoona. That ...
"What did she say to you?" My voice dropped to a whisper as I leaned closer to search her eyes. Yoona met my eyes once before looking away again. "It doesn't matter." 
I reached for her hand and brought her body close towards my chest. It didn't matter if we were still in school. Public affection wasn't allowed but this was my school. To hell with it. 
"The hell it matters, Yoona. Tell me what did she say?" I asked her again. Yoona gulped nervously before looking at me. Well, she stared at my neck but it was an improvement.
"Hyorin were playing with me." I broke out into a laugh at her words. As if Hyorin knew my likes and dislikes. That girl was a jealous . 
"What's so funny?" Yoona asked her face clearly showing hurt. She tried to move away but I held her closer. 
"Do you honestly believe that girl?" I questioned Yoona. She sighed defeated. "No but-" 
"Yoona, I like you." I brought her hand that I held just before up to my chest. "Every time you're around my heart goes crazy beating rapidly because of you." this time she gazed at my eyes. "You're the first girl that's made me feel this way. I would never do anything to hurt you." The hand that was cupping her chin went up to cup her cheek.
Yoona broke into a smile and slightly leaned against my hand. "thank you," She whispered placing her hand on top of mine and squeezing it. 
"For protecting me," She said stepping away from our sort of embrace. She picked up her bag all that was left was the kimbap. "Always," I replied back taking a kimbap. 
Since our lunch was destroyed Yoona and I walked towards the school. We still had our kimbap and I was fine with that. 
News must've spread about Hyorin and Yoona because when I stepped in with Yoona,the halls went silent. Everyone's heads turned towards her. Yoona was frightened by all the attention. I searched for her hand and when I found it I grasped it tightly. Yoona looked down at our intertwined hand and back at me as if asking a question? I squeezed her hand. "Just lean on me." I whispered to her. 
I decided to take the first step and pull Yoona with me. I wasn't afraid of the student body. I mean come on my father is the dean of the school. I OWN THE SCHOOL! They were afraid of me. As we walked through the halls conversations slowly began to roar back to life. Students lost focus with us and mingled with themselves. I felt Yoona relax beside me as she loosed her tight grip on me. I gave her a 'I told you so' look to . All she could do was lower her head and smile at me. 
We only had a few classes left until our big test which meant, I wasn't going to see Yoona until then. I didn't show it to her but I was nervous as hell. Not because I wanted a date with Yoona but because I wanted to do well on it. I studied hard and worked hard thanks to her. Although I still don't like Calculus, I find it possible now. 
"Kai?" I stopped walking at her voice. She was staring at me with her head tilted adorning a confused expression on her face. "Hmm?" I answered her. She pouted her lips and scrunched her nose disapprovingly at me. "I said I'm going now." Oh, man I was dazing out again. 
"Sorry," I muttered ruffling my hair. I looked around, we had reached her classroom already. Aw man...i barely spent any time with her. 
"Well, I'll see you later~" She said about to leave but I caught her hand. "Hey, I'll pick you up after class ok?" I said as I looked into her class. Everyone was staring at us. I groaned internally. If only I could be with her throughout the whole day. I was worried for her. What if other girls were like Hyorin? 
Yoona shook her head. "You don't have to'll be late to class." She responded. Please, the only class I need to be on time to is Calc. I smiled at the fact that she worried for me. 
"Don't worry about it." I said pulling her close almost colliding into my chest. She faced me wide-eyed, holding her breath. I held back a laugh. She was so cute. I wanted to give her a goodbye kiss but with everyone watching in class. It wasn't gonna happen. 
"I'll see you in a bit," I told her giving her one last look before walking away. I knew that the only class Yoona had with Hyorin was Calc but Hyorin's fanclub was scattered across the school.
As the day dragged on...literally I picked Yoona up from her class and dropped her off. It was almost like I was her bodyguard but it was only for today I'd do it. She'd ask how I'd get to classes so quick and meet her at the same time. If only you knew... I'd shrug and change the topic. Truthfully I didn't attend my classes. I waited outside her classroom listening to music. It wasn't bad I mean I had time to catch up on my dancing. 
Finally the time for the big test arrived. We were both nervously entering the classroom walking hand in hand. It was so natural now holding hands. Yoona no longer felt startled when I would reach for her hand. I was glad she was getting used to it. 
"Good luck," She whispered squeezing my hand before walking towards her desk. "Thanks," I muttered softly but she had already left. When I reached my desk Sehun had a dirty smirk forming on his face. He raised his eyebrows at me and motioned his head towards Yoona. 
"Already holding hands?" He teased me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why you wanna hold mine?" I retorted back at him. He raised his arms up as if to defend himself. "Didn't know you moved that fast," He snickered. I rolled my eyes. I was not moving fast. It took me 3 months to ask her out...
"Have you kissed yet?" He leaned closer. I pulled my calculator out and refreshed it. "Mind your own business," I snapped at him. I remembered there was a technique that Yoona had taught me. Instantly I turned to look at her and I saw her lips mumbling something with her eyes closed. She was revising. She's going to do well of course, she get's the highest marks. 
"Everyone ready?" Saem walked in with the papers in his arms. There it was. It felt so frightening. It's not like it was my final exam but it felt like it. 
"Yes," The class answered in unison. Taemin also the class president stood up and began one by one handing out the test to everyone. Well here goes nothing. I breathed out as the test landed on my desk. 
"Good luck and start now!" Saem said sitting down on his desk. I cracked my neck and began working. I can do this. Time to prove to Saem and my father. 
I jumped at the sound of the bell ringing. WHAT THE HECK JUST FIVE MINUTES AGO I GOT THE TEST. I raised my head to look at the clock. It really was the end of the period. I took the whole period. I looked down at my paper. Well, I was done. Usually I was the first one done. 
I got up with my bag and walked towards Saem to hand in my test. Before I could hand it in I caught the name of the test before mines: Yoona's. I looked up and saw her standing beside me with her warm inviting eyes.
We left the classroom and I felt so relieved that I had finished the test. I didn't have to do any worrying over it now. Phew! 
"I definitely failed." Yoona blurted once we were away from the classroom. We were on our way to my car. "You did not fail, Yoona." I said putting my hands in my pocket as I walked. 
"You just didn't get a 100." I said but I only made it worse. She seemed crest-fallen. "You'll get a 99," I added quickly to not hurt her feelings. She didn't smile. "Nice try." Well I tried. 
I was glad that we could go home now. I envisioned resting in Yoona's lap and slowly drifting off to a peaceful sleep. 
My phone rang disrupting my imagination. "Wait one sec," I told Yoona fishing out for my phone as I got into my car. I checked the caller ID: Suho Hyung. Why would he be calling me at this time? He was probably still in the school. 
"Hyung, what's up?" I answered his car. 
"Kai...I need you here right now." He said urgently. "Hyung are you alright?" I asked him alarmed. 
"Just get here okay? I can't tell you over the phone." He hung up. Damn...somethings up. 
I turned towards Yoona who had a concerned face. "Is everything okay?" She asked. I stared at my phone. Was one of the members hurt? Is that why he called? No...he would've told me over the phone. 
 I put my key into ignition. My mind began racing. I had to get Yoona home first. Her safety first. And then Suho Hyung. I're suppose to put your friends first but I have a bad feeling about this. Something gang-involved. 
"I'll drop you off first," I said pressing on the accelerator. Ugh, this just blows. Our first day as a couple and already happened. "You sure? I can wait," Yoona said. I shook my head. No way. "It's fine, Suho Hyung's upset about something." I lied to her. I felt bad for lying but the thing is I don't know why he called me. He didn't tell me. Was i going to tell Yoona the same thing? What if she followed me? 
I couldn't release the tension that built in my arms as I drove. Something bothering Suho Hyung that made him call all the gang. Was it that new gang? The one that doesn't follow our rules? 
"Kai," Yoona spoke softly. I left my foot of the pedal. "Can you slow down?" I turned my head towards her. She wasn't scared but she was staring at me still with the same concerned face. "Uh, sorry. I didn't realize." I apologized. 
I didn't want her worrying. So I played some music to calm the both of us down. 
I reached her house in almost 5 minutes. Well, at the speed I was going...
"Bye, Kai." She said leaving the car. I couldn't help but notice her disheartened expression. I got out of my car. She wasn't going to just leave like that. I walked around towards her before she could reach her driveway. "I'm sorry we can't hang out." I told her sincerely. I really wanted to spend time with her. I hope she knew that. "It's fine, we have plenty of time." She smiled. 
I felt like those guys in those korean dramas right now as i bid my girlfriend goodbye. I pulled her hand close and quickly pecked her cheek. "I promise tomorrow I'm all yours." I whispered my lips still against her cheeks. 
The last thing I saw were her blushing cheeks. And I knew I did well. 
A/N- hey guys im back! and i have a poster for the storY but for some reason it won't show...:( hopefully i'll figure out whats wrong cause i really like the poster that was made. I just came back from my senior trip and boy am I exhausted. I have a two hour delay tommorrow so I can catch up from ma sleep. I have to start writing yoonkai im two chapters away from being finished on my laptop and i haven't typed up anymore! anywayz enjoy!! 
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha