Chapter 25


Yoona POV:

"You look pretty today," Kai noted as we walked to the gates of the school. 

"I always wear this." I told him the edge of my skirt. I wonder why he's shining me with compliments.

Kai shrugged and looked at me playfully. "They say you become prettier when youre in love," He said cheekily. 

I rolled my eyes and walked faster so he didnt see the smile on his face. Truth be told ever since we got back from the MT trip, Kai's been nonstop teasing me about the I love you part. Just because I said it first.

"Hey, stop running!" He called out. I heard his feet pitter patter as he tried to catch up to me. 

"Let's walk together." He caught my hand and clasped it with his. 

"I see the happy couple finally decided to show up." I raised at my head at the uninvited voice. Somehow we were circled with Baekhyun, Chanyeol,  Suho, D.O, Aiman and Sehun. 

"You didnt tell us a set time." Kai said sourly at Baekhyun when I left his side to greet Aiman. 

"Hey, how was your weekend?" I asked her. She shared a look with Sehun before the two looked elsewhere a hint of pink grazing both their cheeks. 

"It was interesting," Aiman squeaked. I raised a brow at the two wondering what happened between the two. Kai briefly told me that Aiman was taking care of Sehun...I wonder how that went. 

"It was more than just interesting. You should hear what happened to Sehun." Baekhyun teased an obvious smirk on his face. 

"Nothing happened to Sehun!" Aiman exclaimed her cheeks flushing. "I was his caretaker and he was my patient-nothing more." 

I felt someone hug me from behind obviously by that cologne I knew it was Kai. He always managed to find himself back to me. I sinked my back closer to his chest grateful that the attention wasn't on us. 

I kind of zoned out if Aiman and Baekhyun's bickering. I was so used to Baekhyun picking a fight with everyone that I was used to tuning him out. 

My eyes drifted to the Union where all the students hang out. We use to hang out there but then after EXO joined us it got crowded and we couldnt even eat without people staring at us, so we all decided to just sit on the grass away from everyone else. 

The Union was getting crowded again. I squinted my eyes to see the arrival of new students. That's weird. New students in December? 

I felt Kai's hands drop and when I looked up he was looking at the Union just like me.

"VIXX." He seethed narrowing his eyes at the figures who were exiting the Union and entering the school. 

My face went white when I realized it was Vixx. I'd recognize that pile of blonde hair anywhere. 

Now everyone's heads were turned and all jokes were gone. 

"You have got to be kidding me." Kai growled before storming off. 

"Wher-" I didnt even finish my sentence before he was gone. I sighed heavily feeling my shoulders slump. 

I looked at Suho for help but he was at loss at well. "Go after him Yoona. It's best you stick with him." He said his eyes looking back to Vixx. They luckily didnt see any of us at all. I nodded and started walking off in the direction Kai stalked off to. 

I hated how hed get angry and just lock it in himself. I want to help but how can I if he doesnt himself tell me? 

I tried calling him but as I expected no answer. He couldnt have gotten far, maybe hes by his car. 

Luckily the gates were still open for students to come and leave so I had no problem leaving. 

“He could be by his car.” I said to myself. That was the first place I was going to look. I mean if he stormed off and left obviously he’d have to take his car first right? 

But I didn’t have to look far. Kai was leaning against his car door calling someone. The other caller obviously wasn’t answering and it irritated Kai enough to chuck his phone. 

I shook my head as I walked to him. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked him going to his side and leaning against the car door just like him. 

“Besides the fact that an enemy gang is suddenly enrolled into our school and my father isn’t picking up his ing phone nothing’s wrong.” He snapped glaring hard at the ground. I flinched at Kai’s words. I wasn’t used to him so casually using profanities. I didn’t like it when he cursed but it’s not like I’m going to tell him to change his way of life just because I don’t like it. 

“Kai,” I softly called out to him in a gentle voice. I felt him slightly relax next to me and he let out a breath he had been holding. “I’m sorry,” He rested his head on my shoulder.

“I’m just frustrated.” He admitted. 

“About Vixx? Maybe it’s just a coincidence-“ 

“It’s definitely not a coincidence they had to show up at our school Yoona.” Kai cut me off raising his head to look at me. “They’re not even high schoolers. Only one is and the rest graduated.” He exclaimed.

“There’s something shady going on, Yoona. Something more than just Vixx wanting it out for us.” Kai looked at me deep into his thoughts. 

“I feel like my dad is involved.” He spoke softly a look of betrayal and anger on his face. 

“Why?” I asked him. Instead of refuting that his theory was stupid, I wanted to know why he wanted to jump to accuse his father. 

He shook his head and grabbed my hands. “He…he was involved with the gang that killed my mother.” He said shaking. Kai wasn’t angry anymore, he was upset. There was fear in his eyes and it greatly disturbed me. 

I wanted to ask him how he knew-but now was not the time. 

“What if he comes after you? I ca’t let that happen, Yoona. I can’t.” He breathed shallowly clutching my hands tightly. 

“He won’t come after me.” I said to Kai cupping his cheek with my free hand. “He’s the dean of the school, if he even tried to lay a hand on me, his reputation would be ruined.” 

I assured him. He leaned against my hand and looked down at our intertwined hands. 

He was still frowning, and I knew because his lip was jutted out a little. 

“Kai, I know you’ll keep me safe.” I squeezed his hand looking down so I could meet his eyes. “We’ve had this conversation before.” 

He sighed and dropped his head even lower. “I know, it’s just the closer VIXX gets to you, the more on edge I get." He looked up at me. 

"I'm not worried." I said to him with a small smile. It was the truth. I wasn't afraid of Vixx pulling something during school. There were too many eyes here, they wouldnt be able to get away with anything. 

“They’re just trying to get under your skin.” I said ruffling his hair before stepping back and letting him stand up to his full height. 

“Well, it’s working.” He growled grabbing my hand and clasping it with his. I squeezed his hand in encouragement as we walked out of the parking lot. 

We were very late to our first period class. 


“Yoona!” My mom hollered form the living room. I popped my head out of my room and closed the mouthpiece of my phone. 

“Yeah?” I replied back. I’m surprised I actually heard her from my closed door. 

“Could you come down for a minute?” She asked me. I made a face realizing I had to end my phone call with Yuri. 

“Sorry, Yuri can I call you back?” I uncovered the mouthpiece. “Of course!” She chirped back to me happily. I smiled and bid her a goodbye before leaving my phone and going down. 

We were in the midst of planning a girls night out. Sadly, I’ve been neglecting Yuri and Aiman. As much as I wanted to avoid being the girl who spent all her time with Kai-it ended up happening.

“Did you want something Umma?” I asked her when I came down. She was casually on the sofa sipping her tea-watching her usual Secret Garden drama.

“You’re turning 18 in a week, Yoona. Did you have anything planned with your friends?” She paused her show and looked at me. I stared back at my mom wide-eyed. 

Oh my god. I forgot about my birthday.

“Uh…” I responded stupidly to my mom trying to come up with a response. I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday. It just slipped past my mind this whole crazy month…

“Don’t tell me you forgot your own birthday.” My mom narrowed her eyes at me. I shrugged my head and gave her a sheepish smile. 

“I didn’t really think about it to be honest. It’s not going to be the same without dad.” I confided to her. 

Ever since I was born I hadn’t spent one birthday without my dad and this time I didn’t want to celebrate it without him. It didn’t even matter to me if he was a few weeks late or a few months late I still wanted to celebrate with him.

“Honey, you know it’s hard for your father to take off.” My mom said to me with a soft smile. I nodded. I understood my dad’s work perfectly. I know how hard it is for him to see us, especially with this move, we would see him less and less but it still happened. 

“I’m just not in the mood to celebrate it this year.” I told her my spirits going down. It was going to like any other day on my birthday. No one knew when my birthday was, I never told anyone and nor was I going to. 


A/N- i know you guys waited a long time for a new chapter. My fault. I was taking forever with this particular chapter because i kept changing and then i finally decided I'd just keep it plain and simple and have the excitement for the nxt chapter. anyways hopefully il have the next chapter up soon~ i have to shower and make some oreo truffles and I plan on writing once im done but who knows I'll prolly get sidetracked on the way lol. anyways i hope you enjoy!! 


p.s not digging this new AFF look.

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha