Chapter 29


Third Person POV: 


Kai couldn’t handle it-standing in the same room with the man that he supposedly called his father. All he felt was anger and hatred towards the man. 

Sure, he could threaten him or hurt him, Kai wouldn’t care. But touching Yoona, Kai wouldn’t allow. He’d kill his father. He wouldn’t think twice. 

Kai made his way through the colossal of people that his father was mingling with. He clenched his teeth before tapping a finger on the man’s shoulder.

Kai’s father knew his son was there but he ignored him. He was in the middle of a conversation with a businessman from Paris. He couldn’t give one what the boy wanted. He was going to secure an investment with this French man and he wasn’t going to let his stupid teenage son ruin it. 

Kai placed a hand on the man’s shoulder and tightened his hold so his father could feel discomfort. And he did, because the man froze. “You’re going to speak with me alone or I’ll tell them you hired a gang to kill me.” Kai whispered in his ear. Kai didn’t need to wait around to know he’d follow. 

“Do you know how embarrassing that is? Leaving in a conversation because I have to tend to your stupid needs?” He exploded when the two were out and far from arm’s reach of the hall. 

“Do yo know how embarrassing it’ll be when those men find out you’ve been working with a gang to take down your son and his girlfriend?” Kai fired back putting his clenched fists in his pocket. 

Kai’s father raised an eyebrow but quickly fixed his expression and put on a hard face. 

“So, it was you eavesdropping earlier.” He stated. 

Kai glared straight at his father. “Let’s get to the point. I know that you’re working with Vixx, and you hired them to get rid of Yoona.” 

Kai’s dad smiled darkly impressed that Kai had this figured out. “Oh, so you’ve caught up?” 

Kai almost barfed looking at his father. He was so disgusted by his father but he wasn’t going to look away. That would show weakness and Kai wasn’t weak. 

“Tell your minions Vixx, that if they even think about touching Yoona, I’ll kill them with my own hands.” He stared him hard in the eye. 

Kai’s father wasn’t bothered by the threat, he in fact seemed amused. He even laughed which angered Kai. Kai narrowed his eyes at the man and tightened his fists in his pocket. No, he wasn’t going to show the man that he was getting to him. He wasn’t going to give him satisfaction. 

“You silly boy. You think your little girlfriend is safe right now? In her house?” He mocked Kai. “You don’t think I’ve been tracking her whereabouts? I know her every step. I know where she lives, I know where her mother works, and you know who else knos? VIXX.” He said seethingly. “They could be circling her house right now and you wouldn’t even know because you’re too busy talking to me. You can’t even protect her can you?” 

Kai lunched at him, grabbing him by the collar and shook him close to his face. “What the hell do you want from me?” A dark aura of fury swept over him as his anger took the best of him. 

Kai’s father merely looked back at his so called son and smirked. Delicately he removed the boys fingers off his collar and he stepped back to straighten his shirt out. 

“It’s actually quite simple, you know. If you follow through with it, I’ll leave the girl and her mother alone. I can give my word for it.” He smiled folding his hands behind his back. 

Kai stared back at the bastard who had so quickly spiked up his temper. He was giving him an offer, to keep Yoona safe. But, there was something off with the deal that his father wanted him to make. He wasn’t saying what he had to do.

“If I agree, what is it that I have to do?” Kai spoke carefully. He raised his finger and shook it. “Ah you can’t have it your way. This is my game you play my rules.” He smiled devily. 

Kai rolled his eyes and yanked at his hair. 

He was going to make a deal with the devil. 



Yoona was disturbed by the constant knocking on her window. She thought it was a bird so she figured it would eventually leave but it didn’t. The bird kept on rapping on her window and kept her awake.

Yoona groaned and got up.

It was 1 a.m, why was a bird even awake? 

She stumbled with her eyes half-open towards her window. Yoona pushed her curtains asie and almost had a heart attack when she saw it wasn’t a bird ruining her sleep. 

Yoona unlatched the locks on her window to let Kai in. He was still in his suit from the party earlier. 

“What are you doing here?” She whispered her eyes popping open. Kai smiled when he entered her room and shut her window. “I got bored at the party,” He locked the locks on the windows tightly before bringing the curtains over. 

Yoona looked down at herself and blushed upon realizing she was in her pj’s. Her hair was probably a mess too and she had just woken up. She probably looked hideous. 

Kai saw Yoona looking down at herself unconsciously and only then did he notice her cute pink pj’s. 

“You look nice,” He said kissing the top of her head before walking towards her bed. He took his shoes off, threw his jacket off and loosened the tie on his shirt. “I’m exhausted, Yoona.” He said sleepily throwing himself onto her bed. 

“So, why didn’t you go home to sleep?” She asked him softly walking towards him confused. Why was Kai here? 

“Because I missed you,” He said simply rolling over to make room for her and patted the empty side next to him for her. Yoona put her hand on her hip smelling something fishy. She knew something was wrong with Kai but her brain was half-awake she couldn’t do deep analyzing of him right then. Tomorrow. I’ll figure it out tomorrow. 

She joined him in the bed and cuddled up to his side. “I’m glad you came,” She said bringing the blanket up so it cover both of them. Not that it would matter, Kai always brought Yoona into a big bear hug whenever they slept together and she was always warm in his embrace. 

“Today was weird,” She said opening her eyes and looking at her hands that were delicately placed on his chest. 

“I don’t want to talk about today,” He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his body against her tighter. Kai especially didn’t want to talk about today after the meeting with his father. He just wanted one night to forget everything and just be with the girl he loved. 

Yoona raised her head slightly to look at him but it was too dark for her to see his expression. She internally sighed and decided she’d ask him about it tomorrow. 

She leaned down and kissed him on the neck and slowly trailed upwards until she reached his chin. 

Finally smiling at her playful antics, Kai lowered his head and knocked his forehead lightly against hers. He pecked her cheeks, her nose and her eyes, everywhere but her lips. She giggled slightly but quickly covered it over so her mother didn’t hear her. 

“I think it’s time for us to sleep now, Yoona.” Kai said in a teasing manner as he rubbed his nose against hers. 

“I was sleeping and then you disturbed me,” She hissed knocking her forehead against his. They were close enough that Yoona could see a smirk on his lips. “Well aren’t you glad I disturbed you? You wouldn’t be sleeping with me right now.” He said cheekily.

Yoona rolled her eyes and in returned turned so her back was against Kai. “I’m going to bed now.” 

Kai also rolled his eyes and shook his head at her childishness. Instead he snuggled up closer to her and buried his face into the back of her neck. I love you, he said too afraid to say it outloud. 




When Yoona awoke the next morning her bedside was cold. Kai wasn’t there when she woke up and it saddened her a little because she wanted to talk to him but she knew he couldn’t stay. If her mother found out he was here, she’d never let Kai over again. 

Yoona grouchily got out of her cold bed and grabbed her phone. Usually if Kai left while she was sleeping he would levee a message for her but this time there was none. 

She didn’t think anything of it maybe he just forgot. 

Her mother knocked on her bedroom door. “Yoona, it’s your dad.” She said before opening the door. 

Yoona quickly got out of bed to open her door. Her mother handed her the home phone before returning to making breakfast.

"Appa?" Yoona said into the phone. 

"Youre in big trouble missy," His deep voice echoed into the phone causing Yoona to shrink back. She decided it was best not to ask what she did because there were alot of things her father would scold her for. 

"Please tell me why you hacked into the military database for that group SS501? You failed to mention that they were a terror gang." He raised his voice slightly, anger obvious in his tone. 

"Appa, I told you I have a reason for it. I need to know if any of them are alive or if they're still active." I tried to explain it to him. 

"But why?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He yelled. Yoona looked down at her feet. 

"It's for Kai," She said in a small voice. "They murdered his mother." Her father became silent on the phone. He knew of Kai, through Yoona's mom but this was the first time Yoona spoke of him to her.

"Leave these matters to the police, Yoona." Her father said weakly. Yoona shook her head. "I can't, Appa. The police is corrupt. They took part in it. I have to help him Appa. He deserves to know the truth about what happened to his mother." she pleaded to him earnestly. 

He sighed over the phone knowing that he had admitted defeat. He couldnt say no to his daughter. 

"The only whereabout I know is that the leader of the gang is currently residing in prison." He finally said. Yoona grabbed a pen and paper when her dad decided

to feed her the address of the leader's prison. Yoona wrote the name in caps: Kim Hyun Joong. Incheon National Prison.

"What happened to the others?" She asked. 

"In hiding. Theres rumors theres one in the states building casinos, another might've joined an underground gang, and the rest are unknown." He said. 

Yoona was a little disappointed that they only found one but still this was the best she could get. 

"Thank you," She said to her father with gratitude. 

"Please dont do anything stupid, Yoona." Her father advised her. 

She rolled her eyes. "I won't, promise." She said. Little did he know she was crossing her fingers behind her back. She felt bad for lying to her dad. But this was the only

clue into finding out what happened to Kai's mother. She wasnt going to let an opportunity like this slip up.

She said goodbye to her father and quickly changed into a fresh pair of clothes. She had to show this to Kai. 

At first she tried calling him, but after 3 calls he wasn't picking up. when she couldn't get a hold of him she drove to his house. 

It was urgent that Kai saw this piece of information. 

But why the hell was he not answering his door bell? She asked herself. 

He doesn't answer his phone, and he doesn't answer his doorbell where could he be? 

Yoona was getting frustrated that she couldnt get a hold of him. 

"Hi, Suho." She called the first person she could think of. 

"Hey, Yoona whats up!" He greeted her happily even though he was confused as to why she called.

"Do you have any idea where Kai is?" She asked as she paced around his porch. 

"Kai? I havent seen him since the party last night. Have you tried calling him?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm at his house but I don't think he's home." She sighed heavily. Yoona faintly heard a sound of gates opening so she turned to see a car entering.

"I'm sure he'll turn up," Suho reassured me. But she wasnt listening because when she saw Kai's car she wasnt expecting someone in the passenger seat.

"I found him," She said in a small voice quickly hanging up. 

This wasn't looking good. Yoona stepped back as she watched Kai pull up right in front of her with Hyorin. He had his sunglass shades on and he was blasting music as if he has no care in the world. 

Yoona clenched her fists together and in the process crumpled the piece of paper she had for him.

What the hell was he doing with her? 

She crossed her arms and watched as the two got out of the car. Hyorin was instantly by Kai's side as soon as she got out of the car. Yoona rolled her eyes.

"Hyorin do you mind letting go of my boyfriend?" Yoona said bitterly wishing she could shove Hyorin out of the way. 

Hyorin raised an eyebrow over her sunglasses. She scoffed and murmured

something only for her and Kai to hear. Kai smirked and whispered something back to Hyorin causing her to giggle. 

Yoona bit her lip harshly as she watched the two interact. She had every right to be angry right now. Kai showed up at his house with another woman. A woman that constantly bullied her throughout school. 

"Hyorin here, you can let yourself in." Kai said handing her the key to his house. Yoona was so mad she wanted to throw something at Kai. What was he doing? Trying to get her jealous because it worked. 

"Why are you here?" He bluntly asked her. Yoona blinked dumbfounded by the coldness in his voice. She blinked back tears and prayed that this was some sick prank he was pulling on her. 

"What are you doing with her?" 

Kai looked bored and put his hands in his pockets. "Just chilling." He answered casually leaning on his car. 

"Why did you bring her to your house?" Yoona asked taking a step closer. Kai raised an eyebrow. 

"Because I wanted to, why does it matter to you?" He responded harshly.

"Because I'm your girlfriend." Yoona replied with clenched teeth, never feeling more angry than she was now. 

Kai got angry and slammed his fists

on his car. "That's the problem. I'm so sick of how clingy you are." He said his voice getting higher. Yoona took a step back frightened by his voice. 

She was shocked by his voice change. Clingy? She was clingy? 

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked her voice much softer. Kai abruptly turned around so his back was towards Yoona’s face. 

“I don’t want to be with you anymore.” 

Yoona felt as if her heart was being wrenched out of her chest. She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of Kai’s mouth. Just yesterday he was whispering I love you in her ear as they were falling asleep. 

“You heard me.” He said his voice louder this time. “I want a break up,” His back still turned towards her. 

“But, why?” Yoona asked her voice shaking as she tried to process what was going on. It was as if her whole world was collapsing. Kai did’t want to be with her anymore. What? 

“Because I don’t love you anymore!” He shouted finally turning around to glare at her. “What don’t you get about that?” He said angrily. Yoona flinched at the roughness in his voice. She must’ve done something wrong to get him so upset. But what? What did she do that made him want to break up with her? Or maybe he was telling the truth that he really didn’t love her anymore. 

Her eyes welled up with tears but she refused to let them fall in front of them. 

“Alright, let’s break up.” She finally said after silence. Kai’s head shot straight up at the sound of her voice. 

“I came here to give you this,” She grabbed his wrist and stuffed the wrinkled paper with the SS501 leader’s address on it. “Do what you want with it.” She said quietly before stepping aside and leaving his porch, leaving Kai. He stood there dumbfounded staring at the piece of paper.

When Yoona was alone in the car she finally unleashed the tears that she had been trying so hard to hold. She didn’t know what heart break was until now. It felt terrible. She felt as if she was dying. Her first love…gone just like that. 

And her heart broken for the first time.



A/N-.....don't kill me. Sorry this took so long. It hurt me just as much as Yoona to write this chapter. >.<

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha