Chapter 32


Yoona POV:


I woke up feeling a bright light being casted on me through my window. I squinted and brought my hand up to cover the ray of light.

My lower body was in so much pain, especially between my legs. I groaned and wrapped myself deeper into the blanket. Why was I so sore? 

As I brought the blanket close to my chest, I realized I didn’t have clothes on. I popped open an eye and looked down at myself…I was . 

I threw my blanket over and looked down at my body. Love marks… 

I looked to the side of my bed and saw that it was empty and then it finally clicked. I looked down at myself in horror.

I had with Kai last night.

“Oh my god.” I whispered covering my face with my hands. “What have I done?” My voice cracked. I felt my throat close up and the urge to cry suddenly came over me. How could I be so stupid? I can’t believe I just gave myself to him. 

There was no sign of Kai in my room. I smiled bitterly as I wrapped the blanket around me. Of course there isn’t. After doing what he needed to do, he left. 

Fresh tears appeared as I made my way to the bathroom to clean myself off. His scent was all around me, reminding me of the sin we committed last night. 

It didn’t feel like a sin though. It felt like two lovers proving their love for each other. I thought to myself. 

I started the shower and stepped into the tub as I remembered last night’s event. It was my first time…and it was mind-blowing. Kai was so gentle with me, as if I was a delicate china doll he was afraid of breaking. 

I scrubbed my body hard with soap, but no matter what the memory of his lingering kiss over my body would not leave. 

Soon, even my tears began to mix with the shower water. 

Once, the water had turned cold, I decided it was time to exit the shower. I had lost track of time for how long I had been in the shower. I wrapped myself in a towel and slipped into sweats. I was still crying except these were silent tears. No matter how many times I tried to wipe my face, they kept coming. 

After I exited the bathroom, I grabbed my phone and called the first person I could think of. 

“Sehun?” I said in a weary voice. “Can we talk please?” I pleaded to him my voice giving away how broken down I actually was. 

“Is everything alright?” Sehun asked worried. I bit my lip to stop a sob from escaping my lips but I couldn’t. I quickly ended the call before Sehun could hear me. 

I dropped my phone and curled up into a ball and cried. I released the emotions I was desperately trying to keep hidden. 

My phone was ringing but I didn’t dare answer it. 

I didn’t understand Kai. How dare he come to my house, and tell me everything he’s doing is for the best of me, and then takes my ity away and leaves the next morning? 

He played me. 

I sobbed even harder. I trusted him…gave him my heart, I gave him everything. How could he do this to me? 

10 minutes later, my crying came to a stop when someone was banging on my front door. I stood up and rubbed my bleary eyes as I made my way downstairs. 

I opened the door and sniffled when I saw it was Sehun. 

“What happened?” Sehun asked alert and grabbed my shoulders looking down at my face. He was so shocked as he looked over my face to see if I was hurt. My lip trembled and my eyes became wet.

“Kai…” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Sehun’s face hardened and I could see how his jaw clenched.

“Let’s sit down,” He said placing a gentle hand on my back and leading me to my sofa. He sat me down and sat across from me on the table. 

“Now, tell me what happened.” He demanded. 

I sniffled and wiped my cheeks. “Let me make you some tea.” I said getting up but he quickly lowered my shoulders making me sit down. 

“I’ll do it, just tell me what happened.” He asked again. I looked down at my hands in my lap and my dry lips. 

“Kai came last night…and we slept together.” I said quietly unable to look at Sehun in the eye. “He was drinking and he was hurt badly. I tried to fix his injuries but when he kissed me…it was game over and it happened.” I trailed off. 

Sehun didn’t speak for a couple seconds and I was worried what he would say. He probably thinks so lowly of me now. 

“It’s…okay Yoona. It’s not your fault.” He finally spoke. I shook my head. “It is my fault. I should’ve been stronger and resisted him. How could I just give myself to him?” I cried. I turned my head away to stop more tears from coming.

“Yoona, you didn’t do anything wrong, you love him. As for him…I don’t know what going on in that ed up mind of his.” Sehun said bitterly. 

“Ever since he broke up with you, it’s like he’s a new person. I don’t even know who he is anymore. The way he treats you, going after Hyorin and now this-it’s the last straw, Yoona. You’ve suffered enough.” 

I wiped my face before I turned to look at Sehun. “That’s what I don’t understand, Sehun. Everything was so perfect with us, and he was always so kind to me. Something happened and it was like a switch and he became cold to me. This isn’t like Kai.” I told Sehun as I recounted last night. 

“I think someone’s threatening him, by using me.” I confessed. Sehun’ eyes flashed to mine. “Some of the stuff he said last night just didn’t make any sense. He said he broke up with me because he didn’t want me anymore but last night…” Yoona trailed off. “He said something about how he had no choice or else they would kill me.” 

Sehun raised an eyebrow. “They?” I shrugged. 

He sighed and ruffled his hair. “There’s only one person I can think of that could be behind this.” I nodded. 

“His dad.” We both said. 

“But why?” I asked looking up at Sehun. “Why does he hate me so much?” Sehun stuffed his hands into his pocket and crossed his legs. 

“Because, you make Kai happy and he hates that.” I scoffed at his statement. “Doesn’t seem that way.” 

“Yoona,” Sehun said my name softly. “You don’t see it right now, but you really light up his world.  He’s madly in love with you, and would literally throw his life away for you. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but he’s definitely doing it to protect you.” He told me. 

I sighed and leaned against the couch feeling exhausted. His words had somewhat comforted me. It was enough to make me stop crying like a little baby. 

“Let me make you some tea,” I said starting to get up but Sehun pushed me down. “Leave it, you need some rest Yoona.” He told me. “You look exhausted.” 

I smiled at him tiredly. I was very sleepy. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Crying your eyes out really tires you out. 

“Thank you for everything, Sehun.” I told him as Sehun was bringing the comforter to me. He cracked a smile. 

“Aiman’s really lucky to have you,” I said as I wrapped the comforter around me. His eyes widened slightly. “We’re not together, you know that.” 

I nodded. “I still ship you guys though.” I didn’t miss the pink stain of blush creeping up to his neck. He coughed before speaking again. 

“I’ll let myself out then,” He said. I smiled at him and bid him goodbye. It was the first real genuine smile I could offer since all the I had gotten into. 

As soon as Sehun had exited my house, I curled myself into the sofa with the comforter wrapped around me. 

I wonder when my parents would be home…I was actually so glad, my dad was coming to visit this weekend. I need something to look forward to…

No less than 5 minutes did I succumb to sleep.



The sound of my front door opening, jolted me awake. I looked around and saw I was still in my sofa from when Sehun left. I rubbed my eyes to push away the sleepiness in my eyes but it only made my eyes even more swollen then they already were. 

I stumbled off the couch to go and greet my mother. 

It was a weird time for my mom to be coming home. I hadn’t even checked the time, where had she been all this time? 

As I walked towards the front door, I saw my father stepping into the house with his suitcase. I stared at him with my mouth open in shock. 

“A-appa?” I stuttered as I looked at him with an open mouth. He looked at me with a wide smile. 

“Oh, Yoona!” He greeted me. I walked over to him still shocked that he was here. I hadn’t seen him in months! 

“What are you doing here?” I asked completely shocked that he was standing in our house. My mother came up behind him and smacked my head. 

“Did you not read the note I left on the fridge? I was gone the whole night getting your father!” She exclaimed. 

I lowered my head sheepishly. “I forgot…” I muttered. I remembered reading the note on the fridge but…recent events made my mind go blank. My mom shook her head at me before closing the door. 

“Yoona are you alright?” My father asked looking at me closely. “Your eyes…” He mentioned. 

“I have allergies, Appa.” I told him quickly. He didn’t seem to believe me and was going to ask another question, when I beat him to it. 

“So, how was the drive? Did you guys get any trouble?” I asked quickly as I moved the suitcases into the living room. 

“There was so much traffic, I thought we were never going to make it home.” My mom said taking off my dad’s coat and hanging it. 

My dad followed me into the living room and I knew he didn’t believe my allergy excuse. 

“Is it because of that boy?” 

I stopped what I was doing and literally froze. How did he know? I turned around to face my dad and he had a cold stern look on his face. 

“Of course not, Appa.” I lied to him but he clucked his tongue. Always knew how to catch me in a lie. 

“You never were a good liar. I didn’t even need your mom to tell me what happened.” He went and sat down on the sofa and loosened his tie. 

“It doesn’t have to do with him, Appa.” I continued lying to him even though my dad could see right through my lie. 

He sighed and stared at me. “Fine.” He said tersely giving up on getting any information out of me. He pulled his suitcase close to me and pulled out a file. 

“Here,” He handed it to me. I furrowed my eyes confused. “What is it?” I asked. 

“Luhan, asked me to hand this to you.” My father told me knowingly. My heart pounded. Oh my god Luhan pulled through. “I wonder what it could be?” My dad said looking at me expectedly. I avoided his eyes and looked everywhere except at him. I literally could never get away with anything even when I was little. 

I clutched the envelope closely itching to open and see what was in it. My heart couldn’t stop racing as I was desperate to open the content of the letter.

“Mi young-ah, is food ready?” My father asked getting up and leaving the living room. Basically my cue to leave and go to my room.

I practically ran up the stairs holding the envelope file close to my chest. I shut the door quickly and fumbled to open the envelope with rushed hands. 

I sorted through the file scanning every single detail and context through the sheets of paper within. 

Kim Hyun Joong- Located in Seosan Jail. 

Park Jung Min- various locations however goes to one underground club where he sells slaves and drugs. 

Heo Yong Saeng- Currently overseas and building casinos in California. 

Last two members of the group could not be located. Either deceased or gone rogue. End. 

I closed the file and slowly sat on my bed. Deceased or rogue. 

If they had gone rogue they were my best bet. I’d have to visit the jail first. If that’s a bust, then I have to find the unknown members. 

SS501 a secret organization that gets paid by anonymous donors to do their dirty work. One of their donors goes by the name Rain. 

I had to find this Rain person. All the information I needed to find him, was listed in this envelope.  I tucked away the file into my pillow case for security as my head was still swirling with the new information I had just learned. 

If only I could tell Kai…. I frowned and felt an ache in my heart just at the mere thought of Kai. 

Enough Yoona. You’ve cried enough. 

My dad was downstairs after months of finally seeing me and I needed to spend time with him. I quickly splashed my face with water to waken myself up and to hopefully lower the swelling in my eyes. It didn’t do much…

Just as I was leaving my bathroom, I saw something flash in the mirror. I turned around and looked over the bathroom sill. 

I could’ve sworn, someone was standing outside. I opened my window and popped my head out  but there was no one on my street. I hopped off the sill and shut my windows tight. 

I definitely saw someone hovering by the tree…I’m sure of it. 


A/N- Surprised I updated? 

Me too. The chapters kinda all jumbled up and most likely choppy. I'm going to go back to it and refine it when I'm back in New York in a couple days. I've been catching up on dramas and fanfics lately that's why I had a chance to update.

I finished Mask and started Scholar that walked the night.

Literally so amazing. If you hvaent watched it, idk what youre doing, go watch it!!!

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha