Chapter 36


Kai POV:

I glared holes into Sehun waiting for an explantion from him. We were in Suho’s living room with Chanyeol and Baekhyun standing in the middle so I didn’t gauge Sehun’s eyes-not that I planned on it, yet. 
I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him. What in his right mind did he think performing a undercover “EXO” mission on his own would do and bringining along her? 
Just thinking about her being involved made my blood boil. 
I do everything that I can to keep her out of danger, away from harms path, and what does she do? Puts herself at risk. 
Idiots, both of them. 
“I don’t know why, you have this front of not caring-“ Sehun started to say and I cut him off real quick. 
“No, we’re not hear to talk about that, we’re to talk about what the you were doing in the club risking both your lives in there.” I stated to him harshly. Baekhyun put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I didn’t realize how heavily I was breathing. I was fuming. I literally couldn’t believe that Sehun had risked putting her in danger. 
“First of all, it was either she went alone or I went with her, which option do you perfer?” He said. I moved forward, getting sick and tired of his games and stupid answers but Baekhyun stood in front of me and shook his head. 
“Why? What did Yoona need there?” Suho asked calmy to Sehun. Sehun looked at him and then his gaze flickered back at me before looking at the ground and answering. 
“She got in contact with a member of SS501, and she’s been collecting information and evidence regarding Kai’s mother’s death…” Sehun said ever so slowly. 
My hands dropped to my side and I momentairly was at lost for words. 
“What?” I questioned in shock. Yoona was investigating my mother’ death? But, why? Why would she do that? And how? How was it possible that she knew an SS501 member when it was taking him years to find one? 
Truth be told, he was also investigating his mother’s death but he hadn’t gotten as far as Yoona had. 
“Yeah, the girl you dumped, is investigating your mom’s murder, for your dumb .” Sehun replied cheekily before turning around and leaving. 
I sat down slowly on the couch confused and in shock of what I just heard. Why, why why? Why was she doing this? Why was she making it so hard for me to hate her? 
I ran my hands through my hair in exhaustion. No matter what I do to Yoona, she still freaking cares about me. 
A part of me was happy that she had a small inkling of compassion left for me, and another part of me was angry that I had not pushed her away hard enough. 
“Ugh!” I groaned leaning against the couch and shutting my eyes. 
I have no ing clue what to do now with this woman. 

Yoona POV:

I woke up to feeling something protuding out of my mouth-it was a spoon and Aiman was holding it. 
“Girl, finally you’re awake.” Aiman said pulling the spoon out and setting it aside. I looked up and saw I was in her bedroom. 
“What happened?” I asked her sitting up. OH, my head was spinning. I winced at the shooting pain I was feeling in my forehead. 
“You tell me, I heard you and Sehun went on a secret mission.” She stated with pursed lips. 
“It wasn’t like that. He wasn’t going to let me go on my own, so I had no choice but to have him with me.” I told her truthfully. “You know, I’m not interested in Sehun like that.” I reminded her. 
I watched Aiman’s cheeks turn pink and she pushed her hair to the front to conceal it. 
“Well, they’re all downstairs discussing plans, so if you want to join in,” She coughed quickly changing the subject. 
I smiled and nodded and slipped the blanket off. I noticed I was still in Suho’s jacket and the horrendous clothes Sehun put me in. 
“Aiman, can I borrow your pj’s?” I asked her. She looked down at my attire and her eyes widened. “Hell yeah, you can.” She quickly searched for a pair before throwing some at me. 
“Meet me downstairs,” She instructed before exiting the room. 
“Thank you!” I said on her way out. 
I quickly changed into her pj’s, which thankfully fit me. The pajamas were a little short on me considering Aiman’s height but it was better than what I had adorned before.
I made my way downstairs quietly through the Khan residence. From the stairs I could see that the boys were in the living room. 
I spotted Kai curled up in a ball fast asleep on the couch. That’s good he’s resting…
Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I asked Suho for the first aid kit in their house. 
“Did you get hurt?” He asked alarmed. I shook my head. “Kai,” I said softly. He had injuries from the glass that was thrown at us, and I wanted to heal them before they left a scar on him. 
Suho brought the first aid kid for me and I graciously thanked him for it.
As I entered the living room, Baekhyun gave me a thumbs up on my “spy” abilities. I smiled at the boy and felt relieved that I wasn’t going to be scolded. 
I reached Kai, with shaky hands and saw that his white t-shirt had turned a murky color because of the blood stains he had. He was asleep dreaming peacefully on his side. 
How much it must’ve hurt him… 
I opened the first aid kit, and pulled out sissors. I cut throught the back of shirt and I saw that shards of glass were actually still stuck in his back.
I pulled a forcep out and began to gently remove the glass from his back ever so slightly as to not disturb him. I didn’t want him waking up, I didn’t know what reaction he would give to this. I didn’t want to see it. I was scared. 
I still couldn’t look at him without tears forming in my eyes. I just couldn’t. 
I wiped away the excess blood on his back and began to disinfect the cuts. He reacted to the alcohol and hissed in his sleep at the touch. 
Startled, I jumped back and examined to see if he had woken up. 
Thankfully, he didn’t so I continued treating him. 
The living room was awfully quiet and I realized that the kids had left the room to give us privacy. 
Indivudually I unravelled the bandaids and placed them on his back. His skin was warm to the touch. I flinched at the contact. I still remember how he felt, his body against mine, the muscles that he had in his back, everything. 
It was still clear in my head that night I gave him everything. 
I closed the first aid kid and stared at Kai.
I couldn’t bring myself to hate him, I just couldn’t. I had tried on many occasions but I failed. 
I placed my palm on his forehead to check for a fever, he didn’t have one. 
As soon as my hand made contact with his forehead, his eyes shot open and I instantly drew back my hand. 
“I-I was just, I was just treating your wounds,” I stammered. Kai sat up straight so fast, I could’ve sworn he was a super human.
“Are you okay?” He asked me softly. I looked at him surprised. Was he speaking to me? 
Dumbfounded, I nodded.My heart was pounding at his sudden change of mood. It was as if old Kai was back. 
 He moved to the side and made room for my on the sofa. I sat down next to him but I kept a distance between us. 
“Sehun, filled me in on everything,” Kai said quietly. 
“My mom had a lover.” 
“Are you sure?” I looked at him. He nodded slowly. “I didn’t beleive it at first, but I had a conversation with my dad and he let it slip (it’s in one of the early chapters if you don’t remember!) that she chose him.” 
I took a deep breath. This changes everything. If she had a secret lover, than this would explain his father’s motive, but wasn’t death too cruel? Why not just divorce? 
“Do you have any idea who he could be?” I asked him. He shook his head. “I don’t even know if he’s alive or not.” 
He looked up and we made contact for a brief second before he quickly got up. 
“I want you to stop looking into my mother’s death” He told me. 
“What?” I exclaimed standing up as well. 
“It’s too dangerous, I already put you at risk, and I’m risking talking to you right now at this very moment.” He told me. 
“Get on with your life and forget about me and my mother.” He told me as he walked away.  I watched his bandaged-back walk away from me. 
Did he really think I was going to listen to him? 
After going through all the fights yesterday, and the researching did he really think I was going to give up when the “going got tough”? I scoffed and crossed my arms. 
Who did he think he was, trying to stop me from doing something I wanted? 


I spent the weekend reviewing all the information I gathered. Here was what I had so far and the possibilities: 

Kin Sung Joon hired a group of men to kill his wife FACT
Kim Sung Joon hired a group of men to kill me ASSUME
What was the correlation with Kai’s mother and mine? 
Did his mother have a secret lover UNCONFIRMED
If so, was he alive? UNCONFIRMED

I scratched my head in frustration. Nothing was connecting. I was lacking information and all the possiblities didn’t even make sense. I was lacking evidence. I need to find more. I was definitly in way too deep to give up right now. I knew that once I got to the bottom of this, everything would be okay with Kai and I. 
We’d be back to normal, and everything would be fine, I hoped.
I decided I’d do some investigation on my own. 
I grabbed my coat, and ran out the door.
I was going to visit Kai’s mother’s grave. I had been there once, I memorized the path, in case I got an oppurtunity to visit her again. 
Maybe, I’ll get something out of this trip, I don’t know. I felt compelled to visit the grave. 
Once I reached the burial site, I greeted the care taker and bought flowers from her as well as a sign of respect for the dead.
As I hiked up the hill, I noticed that there was another visitor at the burial site. I paused. It wasn’t Kai was it? 
The man’s back was faced towards me, and as I got closer I knew it wasn’t anyone I knew. Kai was much taller than this man. 
I observed him from a distance and pondered, who could this be? A family member? 
A lover? 
As if a light bulb went off in my head, I instantly pulled my phone out and scrambled to hide behind a tree. The man had just turned around and began walking down the path I had just come from. 
Quickly, before he left my field of view, I snapped as many pictures as I could of this man. I prayed I got a good shot. 
The man bid goodbye to the caretaker at the bottom of the hill and disappeared. 
I looked down at the pictures I took, they weren’t as clear as I hoped but it was enough for me to scan him in the database to find out exactly who he was. Perks of having a military dad. 
I went to Kai’s mother’s burial site and I was surprised by the amount of flowers were there. There were dozens on dozens of flowers. I felt as if I was in a garden because of the overwhelming smell of flowers. 
So many tulips. I couldn’t even count. I laid my flowers down, and paid my respects. 
“Imo, I’m going to find who did this to you.” I told her. “I’ll bring justice to you, I promise.” 
I bowed down so my head touched the ground as my final goodbye. 
As I marched down the hill, I saw the caretaker tending to her little flower stand. 
“Ahjumma, can I ask you a question?” I approached her. The little old lady smiled and nodded at me. 
“The man that just walked before me, do you know who he is?” I asked her hopeful. 
“Oh, that fellow? He’s been coming here for years to visit his wife that passed away.” She told me. 
My eyes widened. W-wife??? She was married to two men? Or Was she married twice? 
“Poor guy, he lost her at a very young age. He’s been visiting her every month and every month, I run out of flowers because of him.” She joked. 
“Do you know where I could find him?” I asked her. She furrowed her brows and thought for a second. 
“Hmm, I’m not sure where he lives but I know he works for a sea port company. I can’t remember the name, child but it’s the one in Busan.” She informed me. 
I smiled and bowed at her. “Thank you so much, Ahjumma!” 
I quickly left the burial area and jotted the information down quickly in my notebook. 
My mind was racing at this new information. 
If they were husband and wife, was it possible that Kai was not Sung Joon’s child? Was that man Kai’s father? 
I looked at the pictures of the man from my phone, however it was hard to tell if he looked like Kai or not. 
I had to find this man. 
I began dialing Kai’s number instantly and almost pressed the call button before I stopped myself. 
What would I even say to him? 
Hey, I think I found your real dad. Or, hey your mom cheated on Sung Joon? 
Not to mention, he did tell me to stop….and I didn’t.
I shook my head, and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. No, Yoona. Until you have everything confirmed, dont share anything with him. 



A/N- Surprised??? Hehe, I told you I would update soon! Also, Are you surprised about the turn of events! What do you guys think? Is that man Kai's birth father or a side chick (YES I USED THAT TERM KILL ME). Things are going to take off really bad soon, spoiler alert. I hope it keeps you guys at the edge of your toes! See you in my next update ;) 

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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha