Chapter 16


Yoona POV:

I ran as fast as I could in this terrible rain. I shut my eyes wanted to remove the scene that I just saw. It can't be possible.
Kai. My Kai was involved in this? There's no way.
That deathly look in his eyes flashed into my thoughts scaring the hell out of me.  I finally let out the sobs I was so desperately holding. I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want to. Why did I even set out to find him? I would've been fine not knowing any of this. I wiped my stupid tears that smeared my cheeks. What use is crying going to do? I don't even know why I'm crying. 
How am I going to face him after this? Kai had been lying to me this whole time was anything he said to me the truth? And his friends? his so called gang? Everything made sense. Why they always hung around together. 
I was afraid of them. Nothing came good with gangs. 
The boy I had liked for so long was involved in a gang. It didn't make any sense at all. Just when I became content with myself everything flipped.
But Kai's never hurt me...he's not bad. He can't be.
I had ran all the way home in this stupid rain. I was drenched from head to toe and coughing up quite a storm. I slowed down and slowly began dragging my feet to my house. I wanted to be anywhere but at my home. I was going to go to my room and cry myself to sleep.
"Yoona where've you been?!" My mother cried when I opened the front door. "Ah! You're all wet!" She exclaimed in distaste moving away. As if me being wet is the problem here. 
"Quickly! Change into different clothes, before you catch a cold." She pushed me towards the stairs. I was so weak and drained out from today's events I had to force myself to climb the stairs. With most of my weight leaning on the railing I made it to my room.
I wasn't the only one drenched in rain. EXO was out there fighting...because of me. Why was I so important to that other gang? EXO isn't like them right? They can't be. I told myself.
 I felt so selfish for running while EXO could be hurting at this moment. 
I wanted to go back and see if they were okay. If Kai was okay. I said such harsh words to him back there...
I changed into sweatpants and quickly towel-dried my hair. When I came downstairs Umma was brewing up soup. Strange whenever it rained she's always brew something. "I figured you'd be cold from being in the rain all day." She said to me when I came to the kitchen. But I had no appetite. Even though my stomach was empty I wasn't hungry at all.  
"Yoona could you get that?" My mother turned to me. Get what? "Huh?" I responded confused and dazed. I was still so wrapped up in my thoughts.
"The door! Someone's at the door." She said. I didn't hear the doorbell ring...
I went to the door to answer it and  to my surprise it was Kai. He followed me home. "Omo!" I exclaimed at his sight. Kai was battered bloody. His shirt was ripped up and he had bruises and cuts decorated all over his face. He and EXO fought...oh no. 
"Please..." Kai panted breathlessly as he stumbled into the house. I can't believe he didn't go straight to the hospital why is he here?! "Kai what are you-" I couldn't even finish because he lost conscious and fell into my arms. I quickly moved forward to catch him. I went deathly pale as I held him. Did he really have to risk everything for me?
"Umma help!" I cried putting Kai underneath my arm. I couldn't carry him all by myself. "What?" She answered annoyed coming towards the door. She dropped her cooking spoon when she saw us. "What happened?" She ran towards me and took Kai's other side. 
"I don't know." I said as we took him to the living room. "Well let's get him out of these wet clothes," Umma said as we both softly laid him down on the sofa. I left and practically ran to my parent's room to find my dad's clothes. Kai could fit into them. On the way though I grabbed our first aid kit. 
As I got down my mom had already stripped off his shirt. I blushed and hated the fact that I was admiring his body while he was sick. I handed the shirt to my mother before turning around. "Should I...clean his wounds?" I asked while she put my dad's shirt on him. 
"O-oh, you do that." My mother stood up. It was like she knew there was something up with us. She left us alone in the living room. I knew it was safe to turn around this time. I opened the first aid kit and sat down on the floor to begin working. He must've put up quite a fight as if he willingly wanted to get beat up. I applied ointment near his lip that split open in the middle. It was so deep but he  didn't need stitches there was no blood. Thank god. 
As I applied a band-aid on his cheek I felt how blazing hot his cheek was. "Umma he's burning hot. I think he has a fever." I informed her placing a hand on his forehead. Yup, it was a fever alright. 
"Apply this on his forehead," She came over with a wet towel. I rested the towel on his head and continued cleaning his wounds. How bad could the other boys look? I shuddered thinking about it. I cried silently once again except this time it was in fear for them. At first I was scared of them and now it's for them. Seeing Kai like this broke my heart. I didn't want him protecting me anymore if he was going to turn like this. 
He can't be evil. He just can't. 
I grabbed a hold of his hand and brought it up to my cheek. I was immensely angry at him but he looked so vulnerable. so hurt right now, I couldn't leave him. "Get better, please." I whispered my lips against his hand. 
I realized it didn't matter that  Kai was in a gang. I still cared for him. I didn't want to lose him that's why I held onto his hand tightly. 
I imagined him back to normal without any injures. Smiling beautifully at me with a handsome smile. I let my head rest on the sofa as I watched him with my other hand pushing his hair back. 
Somehow I fell asleep.
Dreaming about Kai. 
I felt my pillow move, shaking me away from dreamland. I used Kai's hand as pillow and when he moved it my head fell against the sofa waking me up. "You're awake?" I asked rubbing the sleepiness from my sleep. I stretched my arms above my head, I didn't sleep in a comfortable position at all. 
"Yoo-na," He said raggedly halting my stretching. Kai sat up against the sofa and faced me, still on the ground. He was looking at me tiredly, maybe because of the sleep or because of yesterday but he looked dead tired. 
"Do you feel okay?" I asked him hesitantly. Kai nodded solemnly. "But we need to talk." 
Yes, we did. 
"Will you tell me everything?" I asked hopeful. I started standing up when I realized it was bright sunlight outside. "School!" I squealed realizing. I looked at the clock above the sofa. It read 10 a.m! Why didn't mom wake us up?! She's not even home. 
"There's no point in going now." Kai said removing the covers. He tried standing up but it was shakily. I caught him carefully placing my hands on his shoulders. We met eyes briefly before Kai moved away from me. "We have to go somewhere first," He said walking towards the door. 
"Where?" I asked curious as I followed. His house? 
"Where it all started," He turned around making me stop. His gaze was filled with sadness something I hadn't seen before. Where it all started? 
I was quiet when I entered his car and so was he. Neither of us talked it was as if I was in trouble but I didn't do anything wrong. We didn't speak in the car. I knew that whatever he had to tell me was no joke. It was serious. I was going to have to accept the fact that Kai was in a gang. 
I sighed and looked out the window. Were his cuts okay? I wanted to change his bandages but every time I got close to him, he pushed me away. 
"Here we are," Kai said finally after we had been driving for ages. We were in Busan...
This is where it 'all started'? 
Kai parked his car in front of a small house that was deserted.  Actually the whole neighorhood was vacant. No cars, and no people. There seemed to be no soul in sight. 
"Where are we?" I asked getting out of his car and walking towards the house. The gates were black and crisp as if they were burnt. The look was on the floor burnt off with ashes surrounding it. It was spooky. I shuddered wrapping my arms around myself.
"This was my house," Kai said pushing the gates open. My eyes widened. What happened here? It was like a ghost town. The house had an ashy smokey smell-it was set on fire...
I stood still a few spaces behind Kai while he had his feet rooted at one stained spot. His back was turned to me while he spoke but it was enough that I could here him. 
"Before my mother died, we used to live in this house. It wasn't always like this." He trailed off. I listened closely. "Our house was beautiful and so was my mom..."
"She was acting really weird one day and suddenly pulled me outside to play with her." He explained. "I was a kid at the time so I didn't know that I was going to lose her that day." Kai turned to his right staring out at the barren streets. "We suddenly heard gunshot firings on the streets not too far from here." 
"My mom picked me up and took me to the shed. She said she'd be right back.." 
"Kai..." I said distraught knowing where this was going.
"I asked her where she was going and she told me: A good place." His voice went thick. "She hugged me tightly and whispered I love you, Jongin." I took a step towards Kai. "Stop," I whispered. Kai was about to break anytime soon. I wanted him to stop. It was too painful for him relieving his past.
"She shut the door and I waited and waited for her to come back." He continued. "The gunshots were even closer-" He looked down at the stain he was standing on. "When they were done I left the shed..." 
"You don't have to tell me," I softly spoke coming closer. I wanted him to stop so I could comfort him. To hug him to kiss him and make his pain go away. 
"I found her right here, bleeding to death." He looked down his voice barely above a whisper. "The men that killed her, saw me and ran. Those bastards stared at me before running off with the gun that killed my mother." He trembled. 
"They shot her twice in the stomach and she was bathing in blood-" 
"Stop!" I cried hugging his back. My tears spilled out. "Stop," I cried profusely my arms latched on him tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I kept saying again. "I won't ask you again," I buried my head into his back. 
All that could be heard was our muffled cries and the soft blowing of the wind. We stayed like that for a while until we finally walked back to the car. 
"So, now you know why I have to be in EXO?" Kai said when we got into the car. After we had calmed down, Kai told me his story about EXO. The reason Kai formed the gang was to find the gang that killed his mother and put a stop to them. He was fighting for his mother...
"Yeah...but what do you guys do?" I asked turning in the car seat to face him. He dropped his hands from the steering wheel. "We protect people, Yoona. We're not the bad guys." Kai turned to look at me. "You know I would never do anything to hurt people. We save lives, not take them away." I knew Kai was being sincere, I believed him. He wouldn't hurt me...and I knew he wouldn't hurt innocent people. 
"So, like city hunter?" I said. Kai laughed at my analogy. "Yeah," He smiled. Asa! I made him laugh. 
"Are there more like you guys?" I asked him curiously leaning my head against the seat rest. He nodded."There's BAP located here in Busan, there's Nu'est located in Yeongdae...and Vixx was located in Gagnam." Kai said suddenly turning rigid. Vixx? 
"Was?" I said prying more. Kai nodded stiffly. "They were kicked out..." His eyes shifted elsewhere. "Was it them?" I asked referring to the gang that he faced off. Kai froze and I knew I was right. Vixx was their name...
"But, you don't have to worry about them. I'll take care of them." He hastily added looking at me determined. "Stop that." I said frowning. "Stop risking your life for me. Look how badly you got beat up." I looked him up and down. Kai stared at me in shock. What i said was stupid but what's the point of him getting hurt while protecting me when I can't protect him?
"You realize how stupid that sounds?" His voice turned eerie and cold, his head turning towards me. I flinched at the cold gaze he gave me. He was furious with my words. I looked down not able to speak. "You can't defend yourself against them, you don't even know how to fight. What's going to happen if they take you from me forever?" 
"What if they take you from me forever?" I answered him with a question back. He didn't answer immediately which made me look up. Did I say something wrong? "Trust me, they can't hurt me." He smirked.  "As long as you're safe, I'm safe." 
I knew there was no point in arguing with him. Kai was right. I didn't know how to fight and even if I did try to protect him I'd end up hurting myself. Might as well just let him do what he wants. 
"I'm sorry I over-reacted." I said slowly when his hands found mine. He enveloped his hands tightly with mine rubbing his thumb soothingly across my knuckles. "It's okay. I'm sorry I yelled at you." He said softly looking at me with his piercing warm eyes. I blushed and looked down at our hands.
"But from now on, no more secrets. You tell me everything." I cleared my throat. "I promise," He let go of my hand and laced his pinky with mine.   He pulled me towards him as close as he could without getting me out of the seat. I hugged him back melting in his arms. 
"I promise I won't keep anything from you."  
A/N- dang you guys are fast. guess that chapter was a real hit. SOBS I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS GUYS. THEY REALLY MAKE ME SMILE ESPECIALLY THE REALLY LONG ONES OK I SMILE LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN I READ THEM. so anyways cant keep ya'll waiting here is the miysterious story behind kai's mothers death...HMM I WONDER WHO KILLED HER? lol its not what you think its such a plot twist yo. ok ill stop talking. see ya next time cooties!
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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha