Chapter 35


Third POV: 

Yoona looked down at the attire Sehun put her in. 

“Is this necessary?” She asked him as they got out of his car. 

“Well, you weren’t going to walk in with that church dress were you?” Sehun . Yoona blushed and joined him as they walked towards the bustling streets of Gagnam. Yoona was forced to change into a crop top and a very mini skirt. She wasn’t quite comfortable in these clothes however, Sehun had allowed her to bring a leather jacket which she was ever so grateful for. 

 It was the wee hours of the night when Yoona and Sehun finally arrived at Equinox.

“Now, stick to my side, and follow my lead. As long as everything goes like we planned we’ll make it out alive,” He said as they made a right towarda a back entrance. 

“What?!” Yoona whisper-shrieked. “Are we on mission impossible, I thought we were just going to have a meeting!” She told him confusion all over her face. 

Sehun laughed and ruffled Yoona’s hair. “Yoona, I always wondered how you let Kai go on these crazy missions for EXO. Now, I know he didn’t tell you !” He exclaimed pulling out a silver card from his vest pocket. 

“Are they always this dangerous?” She asked as she watched sehun swipe his card through the door. The access was denied. 

“What do we do now?” She asked him as a beeping noise started.

“Time for action,” Sehun said pulling out sunglasses and slipping them on. He threw his arm around Yoona’s shoulder and brought her close. Sehun knew what was next, he had come a million times in the past. However, now that the ownership changed, no wonder his card didn’t work. 

“Who are you?” A big stocky bouncer opened the door with a gun in his arm. Yoona’s eyes widened, and Sehun had to squeeze her arm to stop her from blowing their cover. 

Sehun lifted his card. “Lotto, it’s been a while.” He smiled at the bouncer. 

The bouncer grabbed the card and examined it carefully. “This is old,” He stated. 

“It is, and I’m in need of a new one for me and my lovely date.” Sehun said smoothly. The bouncer grunted and moved aside. 

Yoona let out a breath she did not realize she was holding. Getting in was the easy part, getting out, oh boy. 

The two entered the doors and Yoona couldn’t believe what was inside. The small alleyway with the door that barely fit two people, opened to an arena level floor with lights of all different colors flashing every second. 

“Wow,” Yoona eyed the floor. She couldn’t count how many bodies were on the dance floor. There were dancers on multiple stages-men and women both, men smooking hookah, an open bar, an area for poker, Equinox was filled with surprises at every corner she walked at. 

“Come on, we got work to do,” Sehun tugged on her arm. Yoona snapped out of her daze and followed Sehun’s lead. 

Instead of going towards the floor or near the bar, Sehun was leading Yoona somewhere else. They were completly avoiding the main extravaganca.

“Where are we going?” She asked hoping he’d hear over the loud music. 

“You’ll see!” Sehun yelled back. 

Yoona held onto Sehun’s shoulder as he helped her walk through the crowds of people. The floor was disgusting. People were smelly and sweaty from dancing non-stop. Yoona tried her best to catch up to Sehun and avoid knocking into anyone. 

When Sehun finally halted, Yoona was surprised to see a very young fellow waiting for them. 

“Mr, Sehun we’ve been expecting you.” He greeted Sehun. The boy stepped aside and led the two through a hallway where the club music had completly died. The hallway was soundproof, not a pindrop could be heard. “How did he know we were looking for him?” She asked. 

Something was definintly off. It was as if they knew what they were looking for.

“Sehun…” Yoona had an eeirly feeling about this area. It was way too quiet. Anything could happen…and she didn’t want to think of what could and what HAD happened here. 

“Shh,” He hushed her.

Yoona followed him through the hallway until the end where they reached a room. As soon as they stepped foot into the room, the door immeditally shut. 

Naturally, Sehun whipped out his handgun and pointed it towards the door. 

“Now, now no need to be so hostile, young boy. Aren’t you here as my guest?” A warm voice came from the opposite side of the room when Yoona had clearly inspected that the room was empty except for a lamp light. 

Yoona whipped her head around and saw a small man in a buisness suit accompanied by two belly dancers. 

“Secretary Yoon?” She asked. The guy chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, I’m not him. I’m the secretary you meet before you meet him. Well, that is if you do get past me.” He smiled similar to a chesire cat. 

“What kind of man is he?” Yoona asked stepping closer. Sehun latched his hand around her wrist, confused as this wasn’t part of the plan that he had devised for the two. 

The buisnessman chuckled. 

“Not many people come searching for Secretary Yoon, my love.” He waved a finger and had the dancers move towards Sehun. 

“Clearly he has something, you want. But he would like something in return for that buisness transaction wouldn’t he now?” The small man tapped his fingers together. 

“Only one of you can meet with him.” 

Yoona turned to look at Sehun who was pushing himself away from the dancers, clearly not interested in them at all. 

“Yoona, we didn’t agree to this,” Sehun whispered in her ear. “I know, but does it look like we have a choice?” She hissed back. 

“I don’t wanna be alone with those girls!” Sehun whined. Yoona rolled her eyes. “It’ll be fine.” She said. She turned back to the buisnessman and nodded. “I’ll go.” 

“Okenya,” He called towards one of the dancers. She instantly locked her arms with Yoona. “Lead the way,” He smiled at the dancer. 

Yoona turned around and gave Sehun a nodd. ‘Don’t forget’ He made a hand signal. 

Yoona raised her hand to push her hair to the front and turn on the comms in her ear stealthily. 

She took a deep breath and prepared for who knows what. 

Their were no exits in the room besides the door they had come through, however before she knew it, Yoona was being blindfolded by the dancer. 

“What are you doing?!” She exclaimed in alarm. 

“Oh, relax doll, this is for precautionary measures.” She told Yoona as she held onto the girl. Yoona had no idea what was going on, where she was headed towards to, all she could do was follow the woman. 

Sehun was trapped in the room with the other dancer who had now brought drinks for him. He brushed it off and paced the room waiting. How long would he have to wait till danger arrived? Sehun instantly regretted his decisions of getting Yoona involved. 

He raised his hand up that had his EXO WATCH. Sehun sent out a Blue light warning. 

He rolled his eyes when he saw that Kai was the first to respond to it. 

Anyone but him. 

When it finally felt like forever, the blindfolds finally came off, and Yoona was roughly forced into a chair. She looked around and saw  across the table she was at was a man who’s face was covered, and he had multiple guards by his side. 

“Secretary Yoon?” She said hesitantly. Yoona was scared out of her mind. She was alone and had to rely on herself to do the job. 

“I haven’t heard that name in over 10 years.” The man spoke. He leaned forward but not enough where Yoona could see his face. 

“Are you here from Kim Sung Joon’s side?” He asked. Yoona heard a click of a gun starting and she felt sweat pile at her forehead. 

“No, I’m here on my own. I’m not on his side. I’m trying to bring him down.” She told him. 

“Ah, a lawyer” He guessed. Yoona shook her head. 

“No, he’s after me. He’s trying to kill me.” She said. 

“He’s ordered a gang after me, this isn’t the first time he’s done buisness with a gang, he’s done this before-“ 

“Ji Hyun,” The man’s voice became softer. “You’re here for her.” 

Yoona nodded. “He killed her didn’t he?” “What was his motive?” 

“How is her boy? I heard he let the boy live.” The man began pouring himself a drink. 

“W-why wouldn’t he let him live? Isn’t he his son?” Yoona asked, the fear in her voice betraying her. 

“I don’t know, is he?” He . 

“Sung Joon, was obsessed with his wife. He worshipped that woman. He brought her flowers, gifts, chocolates, he took her to these fascinating destination, he did everything in his power to keep that woman happy.” He told Yoona. 

“Did he fail? Is that why he killed her?” Yoona asked. Secretary Yoon shrugged. 

“It was something like that, he knew he would never be able to keep her happy. She was already planning to run away after her son was born.” The man recapped. 

Yoona leaned closer. “Why, why did she want to run?” 

“There were rumors that, Ji Hyun had a lover. After her death, SS501 searched high and near for anyone releated to Ji Hyun. They couldn’t find any trace. Either he never existed or Sung Joon had already eliminated him.” 

Yoona felt chills across her spine. Was Kai’s mother unfaithful to her husband? Is that why he killed her? Her mind was whirling with this new piece of information. 

“But my dear Yoona, what does Sung Joon want with you that he is chasing after you?” The man leaned closer and Yoona finally saw his face. It was scarred from his left eye to the corner of his mouth. 

“I don’t-how did you know my name?” She changed her sentence. She didn’t recall giving her name. 

“He chuckeled and stood up startling her. 

“It’s very dangerous to be a pretty girl. They always end up dead.” He walked towards her. Yoona clicked on her comm multiple times hoping that a signal would send to Sehun. Things were not going as planned. 

“Ji Hyun was a beautiful woman, but she did not love Sung Joon.” He said as he walked closer towards Yoona.

“Whatever you did to cross Sung Joon, well sweetheart maybe I’ll ease that burden for him.” He grabbed her chin and raised her up. 

Suddenly an explosion shattered through the room they were and debris flew everywhere. 

Yoona looked towards the explosion, and saw already guards were chasing after Sehun. 

“Yoona, nows about time we leave!” He grabbed her wrist swiftly. She turned and saw that Secretary Yoon’s guards were busy helping him and more and more guards were filling the room with weapons. 

“Sehun…” Yoona started walking backwards. 

“I got this!” He said. He pulled something out of his vest and unhooked the cap of it. “Cover your face!” He yelled before throwing the oval shaped object at the center of where the guards stood. 

In seconds smoke had gathered and the building shook. 

Yoona covered her face with her arm and followed Sehun’s pursuit. 

“We have exactly 3 minute headstart before anyone finds us, lets go!” Sehun yelled running as fast as he could while holding onto Yoona. He looked down at his watch and sent a Red Light Warning. 

It was time for his backup to show up. 

The two had reached the hallway they had came out of and gaurds were running towards them at full speed. 

“Stay behind me,” Sehun instructed. He ran up towards the guards and Yoona watched through her fingers how Sehun fought against them. 

3 of them came to attack Sehun, and he was doing his best to avoid their punches but he too was getting overworked. Sehun flashed his phone light at the guards and threw a roundhouse kick in the small second that they were blinded. Two were knocked off their feed. Sehun grabbed the third and and collided his head with the guard and slammed it against the wall. 

“Let’s go,” He panted waving his hand for Yoona. 

She quickly ran to him as they made their way towards the club area. 

People were evacuating, drinks were being thrown, hookahs were being chucked. The whole club was in a frenzy. 

“STOP THEM!” Someone screeched and aimed at the two. Yoona turned and saw the small buisness with a bruised lip and bloody arm pointing at them. 

“Run!” She yelled pushing Sehun to move farther but she had lost him. 

She hadn’t realized she got lost in the crowd. 

“Sehun!” She yelled searching for her friend. She couldn’t hear, all she heard were screams and people pushing back and forth. 

Yoona felt someone grab her jacket, she turned and saw the small buisnessman, she shrieked and immeditaly slid out of her jacket and escaped his grasp. 

She ran into someone and couldn’t believe her eyes at who had caught her. 

Kai had grabbed her. 

“K-kai” Yoona stammered. “Duck!” He yelled, pulling her close into his arms and turning her around. 

A bottle was thrown at Kai, and he grunted at the impact of shard glass attacking his back. Yoona looked up and saw him clench his teeth in pain. He was hurt, because of her. 

“Come on,” He grabbed onto her wrist tight. 

Blood was dripping down his back, he was injured. Badly. 

“Blood,” Yoona gasped pointing at his back. 

Kai didn’t listen. He ignored the girl. He was so angry he had no idea what to say to her at this instant. 

The two had finally blended in with the crowd and had escaped the club. 

They weren’t safe yet though. Police cars had piled up and instead of following the path the civilians went, Kai detoured and went in the oppsite direction while dragging Yoona. 

“Stop, I can’t.” Yoona heaved trying to catch her breath. 

Kai didn’t stop he kept running keeping a tight hold on her wrist until they were out of the alleyway. 

“Let go of my wrist!” She cried trying to break free his grip. Yoona looked up and saw Sehun and Suho franticallly running right after them. 

“Yoona!” Sehun cried running up to her. “Are you hurt?!” He asked her. She shook her head. “You?” He gave her a thumbs up and a cheeky smile. 

“What in the ’s name did you two think you were doing?” Suho asked the two with folded arms. 

Yoona looked at Sehun hoping he had an explanation this time but he looked back at Yoona for her own excuse. 

Yoona opened for an excuse but before she could, Kai had grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. 

“Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” He shouted at her. Yoona froze, completly shocked at his reaction. She was too stunned to respond to him. 

“Kai calm the down, this was my idea not hers.” Sehun intervened. 

“Why do you always put yourself in stupid situation? When I tell you to stay safe why the can’t you follow simple orders like that?!” Kai continued yelling at the girl. 

“Get off of me,” Yoona cried, tears welling up in her eyes. He was physically hurting her. She tried to shove him off but his grip only got tighter. 

“Yo, man let her go.” Sehun grabbed Kai’s shoulder and removed his arms off of Yoona. She wrapped her arms around her body and cried to herself. Suho had quietly draped his jacket on her before breaking the fight that was about to happen between Kai and Sehun. 

“BOTH OF YOU BOYS, STOP IT.” He yelled pulling the two apart. “Enough. We’ll discuss at the house.” 

Kai was fuming at Sehun for getting involved. How dare he? Who was he to tell him what to do with Yoona? Was he after her now? How dare he let her walk around like that? He wanted to kill Sehun. 

“Sehun, take Yoona home. Kai you come with me.” Suho instructed. 

Yoona proceeded to remove her jacket for Suho to wear but just before she could hand it over, she lost her balance and toppled over. 

Kai was the first to reach her and catch her before her head hit the ground. 

The poor girl had fainted. 

“I don’t care about her, ing bull Kai.” 


A/N- Um hi. I am so sorry that I have no uploaded or updated in over a year. to be honest I had writers block for a very long time and I had no idea how I wanted this exact scene to play out. The quality is crappy and I'm sorry. I just recently gained my inspiration back so to the few people that are still here supporting me, thank you so much for sticking around. I had a really horrible junior year of college and I'm about to enter my last year of college and I pray that it gets better. With that being said I know any excuse I give isn't acceptable for my hiatus, so I'm hoping you guys can forgive me with this chapter. I'm going to try my best to update as soon as possible this summer before my hell begins. I'm sorry if this chapter is boring as well, I'm still trying to get the hang of it. I haven't written in over a year! Anyways, will star brainstorming for the next chapter! Please comment and let me know what you think or if anything you didn't like youd like me to change or add! Thank you so much for still being here and reading. I love you all so much <3 



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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha