Chapter 27


Third Person POV:


Kai slid into the chair next to Yoona, his thigh lightly touching against hers. Yoona looked up, her diamond headband glittering the sunlight.

“Hey, cutie,” Kai greeted her peck in her lips. “Hi,” Yoona smiled at him not suspecting anything out of the ordinary. 

“So are you up for a date after school?” Kai asked her instantly staring the first part of the birthday mission. Yoona scrunched up her nose at his proposal and closed her book. She didn’t really have anything to do when she got home. Just a few assignments.

“But it’s a school night,” Yoona reminded him even though she couldn't care less that it was a school night.

“I’ll have you back by 9, you know that Cheonsa.” He smirked at her. She rolled her eyes knowing that he was right. “All right fine.” She agreed. 

Kai grinned before kissing her cheek. “I’ll see you in a bit then,” He said standing up to leave but something out of the corner of his eye made him sit back down rather angrily. 

“Look,” Kai said his voice barely above a whisper. Yoona turned her head to where Kai was looking at. Far from the table they sat at, she could see the familiar blonde head of Ravi talking to the Dean. 

Yoona’s mouth fell open. The two men were very chummy with each other, laughing and smiling. 

“Kai…” Yoona started to say. “Do you happen to know the name of the gang that killed your mother?” 

Kai turned around and nodded to her solemnly. “After the shooting the men escaped in a car and I managed to catch their license plate: SS501.” He told me. “I told the police, I told everyone that they escaped in a car with the title SS501 but no one believed me. The police couldn’t even find a trace of the car in the records it was like…they never existed.” 

He looked at me sadly. “It was like no one had killed my mother…she just dropped dead and no one cared.” Yoona reached under the table and squeezed his hand. Kai looked up and saw significantly how Yoona’a face fell. 

“Oh, babe I’m sorry. I didn't mean to tell you about my depressing life.” Kai guiltily cupped her cheek. Today was her birthday and here he was telling her his awful life story. 

“No, no it’s okay.” Yoona quickly said bringing her hand up to cover his hand with hers. “Kai, I promise we’ll get justice for your mom.” She told him earnestly leaning into his palm. He smiled and let his hand drop from her face. He wanted to believe her, he really did. But after years and years of searching for SS501 he had no luck. He had given up. 

“You don’t believe me, Yoona accused him. 

“I don’t believe myself.” Kai sighed resting his head in her lap. 

They stayed like that for a bit until Yoona finally decided she wanted to leave. She’d get an absence note from the nurse and send it tomorrow. This was going to bother her all day if she didn’t get it done now.

“Can we go to the library?” Kai looked at Yoona surprised when they left the school. Here he was ready to take her shopping, dine and wine her around and she wanted to go to the library? 

“A library date?” He said reluctantly. 

Yoona nodded looking at him as he made a turn opposite from the mall.

“I want…to try something.” She said the wheels in her head already turning. She was definitely going to get in trouble by her father. 

Kai obliged to Yoona’s wishes and parked his car in the library parking lot. “What’s this thing you want to try?” Kai asked her as he pulled out his phone. ‘Change of plans.’ He typed to Yuri. ‘We’re in the library.’

“Uh….well I need to get into the military data base.” Yoona replied in a low whisper as they entered the library. 

“Huh?” Kai said distracted because he was still in the midst of a conversation with Yuri. 

‘The hell you doing at the library for?’ Yuri replied back to him.

‘Beats me :/.’ Kai sent the text before stuffing the phone away. 

Yoona chose a very secluded area in the library where there was only one computer behind the shelves of books. She quickly sat down and went offline on the computer. She didn’t know how long it would take to get into the database. How many security fire walls did she have to go through until she got in? She didn’t know. She was going to try. 

As there was only one chair there, Kai let Yoona sit down as he hovered behind her. All he saw was weird numbers and letters bunched up together. Yooa was too immersed into the screen to even notice that Kai had left for a bit. 

He quickly called Aiman to figure out how the birthday planning was going on. Kai was nervous. Everything wasn’t going as planned. He was suppose to take her shopping and buy her a dress that she would wear to his grandparent’s anniversary dinner that he still hadn’t invited her to yet. He was going to obviously but he wanted to present her a dress first. 

“No, Baekhyun do not touch that!” Aiman yelled in the phone. Kai winced, worry filling his face. “Is everything going okay?” Kai asked tentatively. 

“Of course everything is going okay. Why wouldn’t it?” Aiman said nonchalantly. Kai scratched his chin not believing her words. 

“Everyone just got to Yoona’s house Kai. We haven’t even started decorating.” She told him. That didn’t make Kai feel any better. He didn’t know how long Yoona was going to spend at the computer. Hopefully it was a long time. 

“Aiman…” Kai said in a warning voice. “Oh, relax we’ll be done in a few hours and you can bring her home.” 


It wasn’t until 2 hours later when Kai realized he had fallen asleep. He stood up from his position and walked over to Yoona who was still at the computer. It was like she hadn’t even moved from her position the last time he saw her. 

He leaned over her shoulder to see exactly what she was so concentrated on. “Babe, what are you doing?” 

“Hmm?” Yoona responded her fingers whizzing through the keyboards quickly as the screen changed from blank to green and finally to blue. She hit one button and sinked back into her seat. 

“Finally,” She sighed cracking her fingers. 

Kai stared at the screen in total shock as he saw the military logo appear on the screen. “Holy .” He muttered in astonishment as his mouth went slack. Yoona didn’t answer him as her field of vision become flooded with a list of names.

A pop up showed up asking for a password and Yoona smirked. If she knew her father really well she knew what the password was. 

She entered her middle name that no one knew about. That was it. She was in the system. 

Before she could even type SS501 her phone began ringing. 

“Appa,” Yoona said knowingly pulling her phone out of her bag. She hesitantly answered the call and stood up from her chair. Kai’s eyebrows shot up and he followed her. 

“Yoona what in the name of all that is holy do you think you’re doing right now?!” Her dad angrily yelled at her over the phone. 

“Appa, I’m really sorry but I needed to break into the database. I promise I’ll explain everything to you when you come home. But just trust me.” She said quickly. Kai was studying her from across the room and she knew if he came close he’d be able to hear her dad. 

“Yoona, what’s the meaning of this?” 

I sighed. “Appa, I need you to find someone or a group of people.” She told him quickly. Kai’s face lit up as he heard her words. No way, was she going to have her dad find them was she? Would it work? 

“It’s important Appa. If you can’t do it then I’ll look through the database myself-“ Yoona said until her dad cut her off. “What’s the name?” She smiled.

“SS501. They’re either a group or it’s a license plate number of the owner of the group. I don’t know.” She quickly told him. He sighed over the phone as his daughter put her in a bad sitiuation. With such little information how could he track it down? 

“I’ll try, but don’t get your hopes up sweetheart.” He said. 

“Thank you Appa,” Yoona said happily finding Kai and holding his hand. “I’ll talk to you when I get home okay?” Yoona said to him quickly before he could say anything else like wish her happy birthday. 

Kai looked at Yoona hopeful when she hung up with her dad. “He said he’ll do it.” She told him cheekily smiling up at him.

“Really?” He responded his eyes wide and squeezed her hand. Yoona nodded fervently and squeezed his hand back as she saw light appear in his eyes. He was hopeful now. 

“I don’t know what I could do without you,” He put his forehead against hers and shut his eyes and breathed in her scent. Yoona felt herself go on Cloud 9 because of his words. Her heart was equally as racing as his. 


It was finally time to enter Yoona’s house. Right when the sun was about to fall, Kai brought her back home when he got the o.k from Yuri. 

“I guess I’ll say hi to your mom before I leave.” Kai nervously lied to her knowing what was waiting for her inside. 

“No, stay for dinner. Umma won’t mind.” Yoona told him as she fumbled with unlocking the door with her key. Kai smiled behind her back as he walked inside behind her. 

As promised the inside walkway of the house was left untouched so Yoona didn’t get suspicious.  

“Umma?” She called out taking off her shoes and venturing off to the living room. 

“SURPRISE!” Yoona jumped at the sight of many people flooded in her living room. “Oh my god.” The only words left when Kai finally joined her. Her living room was decorated with streamers, happy birthday signs and pictures of her and her friends, even pictures of her and Kai that she didn’t know her friends had taken. 

“Happy Birthday!” Everyone continued not noticing the shock on Yoona’s face as she stared. She got out of her shock when she felt a hand on her shoulder. 

“You guys did this for me?” She looked at Aiman and Yuri who looked like absolute dorks in the birthday hats they were wearing. 

“It was all your mom and Kai’s idea.” Chanyeol yelled poking at the balloons in front of him. Yoona turned around and saw her mom and her boyfriend smiling sheepishly at her. 

“I know you didn’t want to celebrate but how could I let my only child be miserable on her birthday?” Yoona’s mom defended herself.

Yoona laughed and brought her arms around her mother. “Thank you Umma,” She said truthfully thankful. She couldn’t be happier. 

She raised her head and saw Kai meet her eyes.

‘I love you’ She mouthed to him holding her mother tighter as she gazed at him. He grinned at her and mouthed it back to her. 


A/N- im so sorry ive been away for so long. college really is kllig me. like damn i never thought college would prevent me from updating but it really is lmao. Also, I'm comtemplating deleting these two chapters becasue theyre kinda fillers. I just need ya'll to know about the important deets and idk i just added the surprise party. 


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I love how everyone is subscribing to my story! thank you a bunch! I have finals this week so please bear with me! I'll update right after!


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abhilashaanand92 #1
Chapter 36: Please update please please please
Chapter 36: Author nim ~~ No esperaba que actualizaras tan pronto..Thanks *-*
Chapter 35: Author nim !!
Thanks for updating .. it was a very exciting chapter
Now there's YoonHun and YoonKai :) I like it
Chapter 35: Wow- after almost a year you updated authornim. I like the update. Things are getting exciting
DeerLY90 #5
Chapter 35: Omg I'm waiting for sooo long finally you update :(
Yoonkai95 #6
Chapter 34: Aaah. This story is gold. So good. Loving it so far. Thank you for coming back and updating. Keep up the good work. ^~^
Chapter 34: yey! things are getting exciting soon~ :D
Chapter 34: sehun knows everything? whoah. and he's such a sweetheart for helping yoona.
Chapter 33: woah.. finally you update! tnx for this authornim..
jenevaira_0794 #10
Chapter 18: So he was expecting a private wedding? Haha