Chapter 3- Shopping

"What If..?"

Sorry guys, this is more like a filler chapter but it's necessary  'cause they're still humans and they still have a life, somehow. :D



“Okay, so now I have an empty fridge and a crying Chanyeol. I’m going out for a bit, thanks to you guys I must do a good shopping.” Luhan said while dragging the crying giant behind him to the living room.

“Meanwhile you do something about this.” He pushed Chanyeol towards them and turned around to go out of the house.

Jongdae and Baekhyun looked at each other and shrugged in defeat. An angry Luhan was definitely something frightful, he wasn’t like Chanyeol who couldn’t pull even a simple scary face. He didn’t need to do anything special to make the two pee on their pants.

“Chanyeol-ah…” Baekhyun started slowly making his way to the crying male.

“We’re sorry, hmm?” Jongdae continued.

“We will buy you ice cream so don’t cry huh?” Baekhyun patted his back.

With the last sentence Chanyeol immediately stopped crying.

“Ice cream?” he grinned. “Really?”

The other two nodded smiling.

‘We aren’t going to die yet…’

“Let’s go then!” Chanyeol jumped. “I want ice cream!”

“Uh yeah, go wear your shoes we’re coming right away.” Baekhyun waved his hand.

 As soon as Chanyeol nodded and went out, he turned to Jongdae with a worried face.

“What the are we going to do if we don’t turn back before Luhan?” he shrieked.

“There would probably nothing for us to do except writing our wills.” Jongdae shrugged. “So, let’s try to come earlier than him.”

“Easier said than done. You know how he eats.” Baekhyun pointed at the door.

“But he already emptied a fridge and it was Luhan’s. You know he had enough sweets already.”

“That’s just more worrisome. How are we going to hold him still?”

“Let’s just go quickly huh? I don’t wanna spend any more time discussing these things.” Jongdae took his arm and led him to the door.

Baekhyun just sighed, Jongdae was right. They already had little time, so why spend it arguing?




“Candies, check! Chocolates of all flavor, check! Chips, check! Ice cream of all flavor, double check! Then what’s left? Hmm, vegetables. How could he eat even my vegetables?”

Luhan violently pushed his shopping cart. He had been shopping for two hours now and he was BORED!

“You are going to pay for making me so bored and angry…” he mumbled, selecting some fresh veggies.

When he was finally out of the mall, the first thing he saw was two people chasing after a wild animal.

He laughed at the sight. Why was those three so familiar looking?

The wild animal had long legs and clumsy movements and yelled crazily, matching its facial expression. The two people chasing after it were looking exactly like his two friends he had left at home to calm Chanyeol down.


“Yah! Chanyeol!” he immediately started running after the wild animal, still holding onto his shopping bags. He wasn’t going to go shopping again, not before a month.

“Chanyeol! Stop right there or I’m not going to let you into my house!” he yelled, stopping and trying to catch his breath.

The wild animal stopped right away and came to his side.

“Luhan?” he asked confused. “What are you doing here?”

“ I should be the one asking you that.” Luhan put his weight on his right leg.

“Um, I can answer that.” An apologetic Baekhyun came from behind them. His hand held up as if wanting permission to talk.

Luhan tilted his head a bit, one of his brows raised.

“He was crying-“

“Yeah, I know that” Luhan mumbled.

“And we suggested going out and buying him ice cream to cheer him up.” Baekhyun finished, not minding Luhan’s interruption.

“Dude, he had already downed all my six liters of ice cream supply.” Luhan looked at him in disbelief.

“But he still managed to eat one more liter.” Jongdae finally talked.

“Oh you were here too?” Luhan rolled his eyes. “Never mind, what’s done is done. Come help me carry these home.” He handed all 16 shopping bags to the three of them.

“Come on!” he yelled. “Be a bit faster, I quickly wanna go home and continue our little game.”

“Wha?” Jongdae and Baekhyun looked at each other with wide eyes.

They were still going to play that game?!



Yes my dears, you're going to play it. And there even was a request (thank you my dear Eezabelle. I love you!) so you're definitely going to continue it. :D


Anyway, here's our little Baekhyun! ^^

Yes, THAT gif! It never gets old, I tell you. :D

But the Baekhyun in my story will be cool, as far as he can be. ^^



How did you like the chapter guys? ^^

(And sorry for my love cry the last chpater, I don't know what has gotten into me. T.T But still, I won't delete it. I'll need it to come back to my senses in times like those. ^^)

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ilabya39 #1
Ive666 #2
Chapter 42: Hi, just finished this fic xD it was really fun, and I find the last part abt luhan's power quite an interesting twist ^^
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 42: What.

How can you do this to me?!

You finished it! GAAAAAAAAAAAH-

Well, anyway, congrats and see you in another fic! CIAO!
SmirSepatu #4
Chapter 42: Ah it finished..... So sad.... But it was an awesome story to read. Probably the most awesome story i've ever read. Thank you for writing this Author-nim. See you in another FF. Made by you of course :D
Chapter 42: Congrats on finishing this awesome story. It was fun to read!
Chapter 42: wait? it finished already? andwaeeeeeee....ahhhhh it was awsome ,see you in another FF*hug you*
Chapter 39: hhhhh XD i liked fatty baekon,omo he is lucky but why luhannie is being such an umma to baekon?*poker face*
Chapter 38: Yeah ...hahaha omo lol i just can't...kissing her ?wait wut?*clap loudly* oooh you so nasty,thank you thank you and thank you
Chapter 37: Chanyeol is evil. A lying evil dork.
This chapter was really funny.
Chapter 37: Oh this was...ummmm..better stay shut i really loved the thought of earphones but why did jongdae bad-mouth himself?wait wut? Being stuffed in someone's ears isn't something nice...
Oh and for my request, take your time but it's a creepy thought just thinking about it make me laugh *wink*