Chapter 14- What if Luhan was Sehun?

"What If..?"




“What if Baekhyun was Sehun’s best friend?” Jongdae asked.

“Then I would punch him in the face.”

“What if Jongdae was together with the biology teacher?” Chanyeol tried his chance.

“Then I would kick him in the shin. Kim Minseok is mine.”

“What if Kai was dating the chemistry teacher?” it was Baekhyun’s turn for trying to find a satisfying ‘what if’ for Luhan.

“Do you want a kick, a punch or a headlock?” Luhan raised his brows. “Be thankful that I love you more than these two, I’m actually giving you the chance to choose.”

Jongdae and Chanyeol immediately frowned. They weren’t loved as much as Baekhyun?

“Is that the reason you didn’t like my suggestion?” Jongdae asked suddenly when Luhan was trying to think of something.

“No,” Luhan shook his head. “That was because of Sehun. I hate that guy.”

That made Baekhyun’s eyes sparkle.

“Then what about this one. What if Luhan was Sehun?”

“You know, we would just get beaten up lesser.” Chanyeol said, dropping his back on the floor.

“Okay then.” Luhan nodded. “I’m starting.”

“Sehun-ah!” Baekhyun whined.

Sehun just shook his head. “Don’t try to escape from that question and just start talking already.”

“But Sehun-ah! I despise even the thought of being a singer!”

They were playing ‘What if..?’, the four best friends. And Chanyeol had asked what if Baekhyun was a singer?

“Okay wait a minute. How the hell am I hating being a singer?” Baekhyun furrowed his brows. He was going to every audition that was made by the big three.

“It’s called revenge, oh sweet sweet revenge!” Luhan retorted.

The eyes of devil appeared in Baekhyun’s face, splitting Luhan’s body into tiny parts with their gaze.

‘Just you wait. As soon as you’re back to your normal self I will make you a witch, though I doubt the story will be able to surpass the original one.’

Baekhyun unwillingly started telling his story of being a singer. The second after he was finished, the boys were rolling on the ground clutching their stomachs.

“Sehun-ah!” Baekhyun whined. “Even you?”

“N-no!” Sehun tried to hold back a laugh. “I’m just having a stomach-ache because of the sandwich I ate earlier.”

“But I had made that one!” Baekhyun frowned. Sehun was just being mean to him. “And to think you were supposed to be my best friend!”

“So you’re also telling the story of my question.” Jongdae grinned.

“Yeah,” Luhan rolled his eyes. “Now’s the time for your boyfriend to appear.”

“Oh please…” Jongdae groaned. “I’ve already had enough the whole year.”

“Oh good old days…” Baekhyun sighed with an evil smirk on his face. “I had begun to think that all those rumors were true at some point you know that?”

Their whole 2nd year of high school had finished with just one high school rumor. That was a record for the high schoolers, both in the aspect of talking about something for more than three days and not even trying to start another rumor.

Oh, and the rumor was that Jongdae and the biology teacher were secretly in a relationship. Where had that come from? Apparently Kim Minseok was acting differently towards Jongdae.

“I’m saying this for the last time, he’s my uncle!” Jongdae yelled at them, his face red with anger. “Now can you please quickly finish your story and without me or uncle being included in it.”

“Oh yeah, the story!” Luhan said, he had forgotten that he was the one telling it.

Sehun was indeed mean to his friends. He loved tormenting them, mentally of course. He didn’t have even one bit of a physical strength and he didn’t think he needed it either. He had the wicked heart of a witc-

“Stop! Enough!” Baekhyun shouted. “You’re worse than Chanyeol. At least he was into it when he told us his story about being a toilet paper, you’re just bad-mouthing Sehun.”

“How was I bad mouthing him? Did I say even one thing that wasn’t true?” Luhan shouted back.

“He had the wicked heart of a witch.” Baekhyun imitated him. “How’s that not considered bad-mouthing someone?”

“But he has one!” Luhan yelled back.

“Just because he accidentally drank all of your bubble tea once doesn’t make him a witch! Plus, he had immediately offered to buy you another one after he had realized the tea he had downed wasn’t his but yours!”

Luhan teared up after the mention of that horrible incident.

“He… drank all my… strawberry bubble tea…” he mumbled, hugging his knees and his right thumb.

“Good job Baekhyun.” Jongdae started clapping.

“Now the eldest is traumatized because of you.” Chanyeol added.

Baekhyun’s head dropped low.

“Now, who’s gonna make us dinner? It’s almost time for dinner…” he mumbled. “What have I done?”


Weeeell, you could call your anti-social home economics teacher (which would probably be Kyungsoo) and tell him that you wanted to take summer lessons especially from him then eat all the -erm I mean, lessons he taught you. ^^ But, I guess trying to calm Luhan down would be easier (or would it?)

So, how was the chapter guys? ^^

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(I swear, I will make one of them Sailor Moon someday...)

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ilabya39 #1
Ive666 #2
Chapter 42: Hi, just finished this fic xD it was really fun, and I find the last part abt luhan's power quite an interesting twist ^^
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 42: What.

How can you do this to me?!

You finished it! GAAAAAAAAAAAH-

Well, anyway, congrats and see you in another fic! CIAO!
SmirSepatu #4
Chapter 42: Ah it finished..... So sad.... But it was an awesome story to read. Probably the most awesome story i've ever read. Thank you for writing this Author-nim. See you in another FF. Made by you of course :D
Chapter 42: Congrats on finishing this awesome story. It was fun to read!
Chapter 42: wait? it finished already? andwaeeeeeee....ahhhhh it was awsome ,see you in another FF*hug you*
Chapter 39: hhhhh XD i liked fatty baekon,omo he is lucky but why luhannie is being such an umma to baekon?*poker face*
Chapter 38: Yeah ...hahaha omo lol i just can't...kissing her ?wait wut?*clap loudly* oooh you so nasty,thank you thank you and thank you
Chapter 37: Chanyeol is evil. A lying evil dork.
This chapter was really funny.
Chapter 37: Oh this was...ummmm..better stay shut i really loved the thought of earphones but why did jongdae bad-mouth himself?wait wut? Being stuffed in someone's ears isn't something nice...
Oh and for my request, take your time but it's a creepy thought just thinking about it make me laugh *wink*