Chapter 36- What if Chanyeol was…?

"What If..?"





“What if Chanyeol was a girl’s ?” Jongdae suddenly said.

They were at the lunch table and naturally, the others nearly choked in shock. Actually, Luhan was really going to see the lights of heaven if it wasn’t for Chanyeol’s hard slap on his back.

“Ouch!” he hissed in pain. “It hurt, but thanks. You saved my life, by nearly taking it.”

Then everyone turned to Jongdae.

“Stop it, Jongdae.” Baekhyun said.

“Your ert is showing.” Was how Luhan continued.

“And we’re currently eating.” Chanyeol finished pointing at his half eaten galbi.

“But it suddenly came and I couldn’t just hold it in right?” Jongdae tried to defend himself.

“You COULD, you SHOULD and you MUST have done it.” Baekhyun pointed his chopsticks at him.

Jongdae was currently shivering in fright. Baekhyun was someone who could really use any pointy thing as a weapon, very unlike his cute outer appearance.

“Y-yes! I-I’m s-sorry!” he shut his eyes.

“Hmm… Which one should I wear today?” the girl was searching for the right for today. “Green? No, don’t feel like it. Black? What am I? A depressive little girl or a ty ?-“

“Luhan, what are you doing?” Baekhyun turned his attention –and chopsticks- towards him.

“Hmm? Telling the story, what else?” Luhan answered with big innocent eyes.

No one could resist Luhan’s big innocent eyes –when he was the one feeding them- and Baekhyun was no exception. He surrendered. His chopsticks slowly lowered and were put on the table and he turned his attention back to his plate, though he wouldn’t be able to eat anymore.

“- I should just go with the hot pink one. Yeah, hot pink it is.”

“Why hot pink?”

It was Jongdae.

“It’s 2NE1’s color, duh.” Chanyeol said. “Though I wouldn’t prefer it to be used as a color, thanks for the thought Luhan hyung~” he added with a little aegyo.

“OMO! He called Luhan, hyung and even did aegyo! Video! Video! Did someone record it?!” Baekhyun was shouting.

“Shut up or I will give you to the witch next door Luhan glared at him before continuing. He really hated interruption.

She quickly wore it and went into her school uniform.

“School time~” she sang while taking her bag and running downstairs for breakfast. “Moom! I hope the breakfast’s ready!”

I wonder what she would do if she knew what was happening under her skirt.

What, you ask? Hmm… the hot pink was currently hyperventilating.

“OMG! OMG! She wore me, I’m embracing her cute little ! Woaah~”

Yes, the was an uncontrollable ert. His name was Chanyeol and he liked using his owner’s surname as his own.

“She’s my wifey~” he had announced once to the other . And guess what? A fight had begun.

“No, she’s mine!”

“ off you es! She’s mine!”

“She said that she loves me the most!”

“That just means you will be thrown up soon!”

And the last was right, the one who received ‘I love you the most’ from the girl was thrown in less than a week. It was her way of saying goodbye.

“Hey, Clara!”

Chanyeol heard her owner’s voice. “What’s up?!”

That was the code between them, Clara and the girl.

“Greyish blue. You?” Clara answered.

“Hot pink, my favorite.”

“Oh NOOOO!!” Chanyeol screamed at the girl’s . That was the worst time to learn that he was the next one that would leave the nest. He was ing embracing her lovely !

“Oh you will be getting rid of it.” Clara chuckled.

“No!” the girl argued back. “You are wrong, Gil Ara.”

“Don’t call me that.” Clara said.

“But that’s your real name!”

“And that’s your real intention! I loved the hot pink one you know?”

“Should I give it to you then?”

“Oh please oh please oh please!” Chanyeol was begging the girl. He didn’t want to get thrown yet.

“Eww!” Clara pushed the girl, Chanyeol had felt it.

“Then shut up, hmm?”

And Clara did so.

“Fin!” Luhan clapped his hands.

“What? Why?!” Chanyeol pouted. “What happened to me, I mean, the ?!”

“Huh? Didn’t I say that he would be thrown?” Luhan blinked at him.

“But why?! She said she loves it the most, that it was her favorite!”

“Chanyeol, calm down okay?” Baekhyun patted the histerical giant’s back. “It was just a silly story.”

“My story wasn’t silly.” Luhan crossed his arms.

“Yeah… of course, it wasn’t…” Baekhyun gave him an unconvincing smile then went back to patting Chanyeol’s back and occasionally kissing his cheeks.

“Normally I would be fanboying all over you two, but I don’t have time for that now.” Luhan said before downing all his galbi in a matter of seconds.

“What?!” he gave the surprised Jongdae an irritated look. “I was hungry okay?”


Request completed! Sorry if it wasn't good. ^^

By the way, should I make it rated? (I think it isn't necessary, but still...)

(He's trying to go back to be a hot pink ... :D)

And guys! You know what I did? I did a keychain with Xiumin's power badge on it! ^^

Wanna see? No? I will show you anyways! :D

(I'm sooo proud of my hand skills :P)


Let's see... hmm, that's it. :D See you Monday! ^^

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ilabya39 #1
Ive666 #2
Chapter 42: Hi, just finished this fic xD it was really fun, and I find the last part abt luhan's power quite an interesting twist ^^
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 42: What.

How can you do this to me?!

You finished it! GAAAAAAAAAAAH-

Well, anyway, congrats and see you in another fic! CIAO!
SmirSepatu #4
Chapter 42: Ah it finished..... So sad.... But it was an awesome story to read. Probably the most awesome story i've ever read. Thank you for writing this Author-nim. See you in another FF. Made by you of course :D
Chapter 42: Congrats on finishing this awesome story. It was fun to read!
Chapter 42: wait? it finished already? andwaeeeeeee....ahhhhh it was awsome ,see you in another FF*hug you*
Chapter 39: hhhhh XD i liked fatty baekon,omo he is lucky but why luhannie is being such an umma to baekon?*poker face*
Chapter 38: Yeah ...hahaha omo lol i just can't...kissing her ?wait wut?*clap loudly* oooh you so nasty,thank you thank you and thank you
Chapter 37: Chanyeol is evil. A lying evil dork.
This chapter was really funny.
Chapter 37: Oh this was...ummmm..better stay shut i really loved the thought of earphones but why did jongdae bad-mouth himself?wait wut? Being stuffed in someone's ears isn't something nice...
Oh and for my request, take your time but it's a creepy thought just thinking about it make me laugh *wink*