Chapter 22- What If Luhan was a bouncy ball?

"What If..?"




Watching Chanyeol being choked by an angry Kim Jongdae was funny and all at first but, it wasn’t entertaining enough for Luhan anymore, not after the first 30 seconds. He wanted to play some more and he wanted to be the one telling the story this time.

He even had plans for that. How? Ask that to Luhan himself, I don’t know how he could make plans without even knowing the topic.

“Guys!” he finally stood up and went to Jongdae who was busy strangling Chanyeol. “Enough, stop it now!”

Jongdae didn’t seem to have any plans to listen to Luhan, he was still on top of Chanyeol trying to take out the remaining air from his lungs.

That was what made Luhan snap. He grabbed Jongdae by the waist and threw him on the couch in a matter of seconds and a moment later he was pulling Chanyeol up.

He quickly turned to Jongdae after Chanyeol was on his own two feet and started yelling at him in a very angry tone.

“I ing said to stop and you didn’t listen to me! Why? Aren’t the words of the elders being considered worthy enough to listen to anymore?”

It was probably the first time Luhan had mentioned the age difference between them. He had never been angry enough to use his age to stop them and that was why the other three usually forgot that Luhan was two years older than him. He had to start again from the first class when he had moved to Korea because he didn’t know even one bit of Korean. He was eight at that time.

“You know what?” he continued, his face showed his disappointment. “I hate you. I just wanted to play a game, not to watch my friends strangle each other.”

“But he was the only one strangling me!” Chanyeol argued, pointing his finger accusingly at Jongdae. “I didn’t do anything to him!”

“That’s exactly the point!” Luhan turned towards him with an even more angered face. “You are stronger than him, you could have stopped him but you didn’t!”

Chanyeol couldn’t respond to that, he knew that Luhan was right.

“Sorry.” He mumbled. “Forgive me.”

“Sorry…” Jongdae mumbled too, with a softer voice. His body was still aching from being thrown to the couch. “And I didn’t know you were this strong.”

“You still don’t know my true strength.” Luhan grinned at him. “You two are forgiven by the way. Just don’t make me remember by true age again.”

The atmosphere was warm and loving and such but then, a crazy laughter echoed inside the living room breaking it. It’s source was Baekhyun who was dead silent when all that was happening.

“I swear you should just go and shoot a movie! What’s with all those sudden mood changes?!”

Luhan shot him a glare.

“Don’t make me go there.”

“No no no! You wouldn’t.” Baekhyun shook his hands, a playful smirk on his face. “Because I have a question.”

“Hmm,” Luhan’s brows raised in anticipation. “what’s it?”

“What if you were a bouncy ball?”



“Why?” Luhan snorted. “Why do you think why? I could no way in hell be a bouncy ball! Chanyeol would fit that one better.”

“Well, either that or I will make you Cindere-“ Baekhyun started, tapping on his chin.

“Okay!” Luhan interrupted shouting. “We will go with the bouncy ball. I won’t be a princess ever again.”

“Why?~” Jongdae sang. “Aren’t you already our Princess Lulu?”

“Do you want to be thrown to the wall this time?” Luhan growled, not turning to Jongdae. He was afraid that if he saw his face he would really throw him again.

But he immediately switched to his usual happy self after that.

“I’m telling my story!” he yelled sitting right at were he was standing.

“Oh dad! Dad! Dad! Daddaddaddad!” The little boy was pulling his father’s hand. “Please I want that! The pink bouncy ball over there!”

“But Sehun-ah… Wouldn’t you want a white one instead?” his father smiled at him.

“You actually used Sehun?” Baekhyun was giving him a dumb look.

“So what? I need him.” Luhan shrugged.

The boy’s face immediately brightened.

“White is good!”

“Just because he likes white?” Jongdae asked which was answered with a nod of the head.

“Wait here for a bit okay? I will go get it for you.” His father pinched his cheek before going inside the toys shop.

“I wanted to go in too…” the six year old pouted after his dad. But he was already gone.

His dad came back with a white bouncy ball in his hands a few minutes later.

“Here you go!” he smiled at his son, handing it to him. “Wait till we go to home to play with it okay? We don’t want it to get lost.”

‘Because that ing little ball was actually 15$.’ The father thought, but he couldn’t explain that to his little son so he didn’t say it out loud.

“Kids really don’t know the money’s importance huh?” Baekhyun sighed and Chanyeol nodded in agreement.

“Can you please stop interrupting?” Luhan shot them an annoyed glare. “I didn’t even get the chance to introduce me, the bouncy ball, yet!”

The boy threw the ball to the floor as soon as he stepped inside their house, then he heard an unfamiliar voice whimpering.

“Oww… that hurt you idiot! Don’t throw me so harshly! I have a sensitive skin you know?”

The little boy was flustered and a bit scared, were did that voice come from? Whose was it?

“Hellooo~ I’m your bouncy ball, remember me?” the same voice continued. “Now can you please come and pick me up? The carpet’s itchy.”

Okay, the little boy was JUST scared now. He wanted to run for his dear life but he had loved the white bouncy ball so much that he couldn’t just do that. So he went and picked it up.

“Umm… h-hi.” He smiled at his ball. “I’m Sehun.”

“Call me Luhan and don’t throw me ever again.” The ball answered, Sehun could swear he felt the ball shrug.

“But you’re a bouncy ball! I must throw you to play with you!” the little boy argued.

“Then don’t play with me. Look I really hate being thrown here and there, I mean really. So don’t do it.”

The boy couldn’t understand what the odd ball was saying. How could he? He was just an six year old and the toy in his hand was made to be thrown and caught.

So he got mad at the ball and threw it with all his might.

“I don’t wanna! I will play with you and you can’t do anything about it!” he shouted after his ball, his fists clenched at his sides and his eyes closed from his loud voice.

Well, the bouncy ball Luhan could actually do something and it exactly that. He jumped on Sehun’s head.

“What were you saying?” he said with a cheeky voice.

Sehun tried to catch his ball but he couldn’t. the ball would jump every time he reached for it.

“Haha! Jumping is actually fuuuun!” he sang on top of the angry Sehun’s head.

“You bad ball!”

“Sehun’s parents probably thought that their son had gone crazy.” Luhan ended his story.

“You won’t continue it?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

“Nope! I have some urgent business.” Luhan answered, taking out his phone from his pocket.

As soon as he was out of the room, Jongdae whispered “He’s texting with some girl…”

“Really, who?!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun said at the same time.

“I don’t know who she really is. I mean, I haven’t personally met her. But he saved her as ‘Eezabelle’. I’m suspecting that he’s telling every little thing that happens here to her.”

“Woah, are they that close? Are they dating?” Chanyeol shouted, but immediately silenced himself with his own hands after that.

Jongdae shook his head.

“I don’t think so. I guess he just got a new best friend.”

“Oh great…” Baekhyun pouted. “Do you think he would call her over?”


Okay! Do you think you will go there Eezabelle? ^^ Thank you for your request, I think it’s the second one already? ^^

That was actually very fun to write, even though it might not be as fun while reading… I just love making Luhan a crazy dude with serious mood swings. :D

I hoped you liked it as I did! Thank you again! ^^


And guys! I want to make a special chapter for all my subscribers. So please, send me your requests hmm? ^^


Here’s a pretty bouncy ball for you:


And wow... This chapter was actuallt the longest one you know? :D

Please subscribe and comment! ^^ 

And thank you! ^^

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ilabya39 #1
Ive666 #2
Chapter 42: Hi, just finished this fic xD it was really fun, and I find the last part abt luhan's power quite an interesting twist ^^
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 42: What.

How can you do this to me?!

You finished it! GAAAAAAAAAAAH-

Well, anyway, congrats and see you in another fic! CIAO!
SmirSepatu #4
Chapter 42: Ah it finished..... So sad.... But it was an awesome story to read. Probably the most awesome story i've ever read. Thank you for writing this Author-nim. See you in another FF. Made by you of course :D
Chapter 42: Congrats on finishing this awesome story. It was fun to read!
Chapter 42: wait? it finished already? andwaeeeeeee....ahhhhh it was awsome ,see you in another FF*hug you*
Chapter 39: hhhhh XD i liked fatty baekon,omo he is lucky but why luhannie is being such an umma to baekon?*poker face*
Chapter 38: Yeah ...hahaha omo lol i just can't...kissing her ?wait wut?*clap loudly* oooh you so nasty,thank you thank you and thank you
Chapter 37: Chanyeol is evil. A lying evil dork.
This chapter was really funny.
Chapter 37: Oh this was...ummmm..better stay shut i really loved the thought of earphones but why did jongdae bad-mouth himself?wait wut? Being stuffed in someone's ears isn't something nice...
Oh and for my request, take your time but it's a creepy thought just thinking about it make me laugh *wink*