Chapter 33- What if Baekhyun was a…?

"What If..?"




“So you just slept?” Jongdae still wasn’t convinced that the boys didn’t do anything in his absence and he had all the rights to be like that.

The three in front of him were giving him unconvincing smiles and nervous giggles, especially Chanyeol.

“Yup!” Baekhyun nodded. “I was pretty tired thanks to you and Luhan wanted to cool down and Chanyeol… well, he was just himself and he decided to actually sleep on the minibar this time.

Jongdae’s jaw opened, along with his eyes.

“Err… Was it comfortable Chanyeollie?” he asked after a good two minutes.

The still giggling Chanyeol nodded.

“But not as much as the coffee tables. The oak is the best!” he put his thumbs up.

“Thay away from my coffee tables…” Luhan  mumbled. “I want Baekhyun now.”


It was all three of them doing the shouting and Luhan was sure the lady next door would come in a second with an ugly frown on her already ugly face.

The doorbell rang.

Luhan sighed while standing up and said “Wait a minute then I will explain okay?”

The three just nodded, their eyes still wide open and brains not working –did they ever work, Luhan was wondering.

He went and opened the door and saw the shy husband of the ugly lady instead of her.

“Umm… kid. My wife said that you were too loud and that she would call the police of you didn’t… shut your mouths and uh… be as ing quiet as sleeping dragons. So kids, can you please be a bit quieter. My wife looks like a witch when she’s angry…”

Luhan smiled at the old man and nodded.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience we’ve caused. My friends got just too excited when they saw…um SHINee on TV.” Great, why wouldn’t a girl group come to his mind when he needed it?

The man had a weird expression on his face. It was shouting ‘Are you gay?’ but he was just too shy to say that out loud. So he just nodded and bid his goodbyes before going back to his own apartment.

Luhan could hear the ugly witch shouting at him.

“Did you tell deliver everything as I told you? Huh?”

He shut the door and went back.

“Poor man, living with that monster…” He mumbled sitting back. Did I tell you that they were back on the floor?

“What about us?” Baekhyun said.

“We spent our life with you and you didn’t even tell us that you liked boys!” Jongdae added.

“I’m telling you that almost every two seconds…” Luhan rolled his eyes.

“But we all know you are joking!” Jongdae replied.

“I’m not sure about that anymore though…” Chanyeol mumbled. He was making his way to the minibar. He didn’t like the feeling of lying, plus he was curious of the feeling of sleeping there.

“Chanyeol come back here!” Baekhyun shouted at the tallest when he noticed what Chanyeol was up to. “We’re in the middle of something serious here! Do that later!”

“But I hate this feeling!” Chanyeol whined.

“Which feeling? Are you gay too?” Jongdae turned to Chanyeol.

“No way!” Chanyeol shook his hands furiously. “I meant lying, lying!”

“Lying?” Jongdae immediately forgot about Luhan’s matter. I mean, he was suspecting something like that anyway. “What lying?”

“Uhh… nothing!” Chanyeol gave him a clumsy smile. He was currently being killed by the glares Baekhyun and Luhan was shooting him.

Jongdae eyed him for quite a while before turning back to Luhan.


No, he didn’t buy the ‘nothing’ Chanyeol gave him. He was just too lazy to try to squeeze the truth out of him. Luhan was easier.

“When I said ‘I want Baekhyun’-“

“Please don’t repeat it, it’s giving me shivers.” Baekhyun hugged himself.

Luhan rolled his eyes.

“When I said ‘I want Baekhyun’,” he gave Baekhyun a vicious grin. “I meant that I want a question about Baekhyun. Didn’t you notice that we haven’t asked much about Baekhyun?”

The ‘ooh’s signing the understatement of the three dumb kids filled the room.

“Now that we’ve cleared that, give me a Baekhyun.” Luhan smiled.

“It still sounds weird…” Baekhyun muttered.

“What if Baekhyun was a frog? What if Baekhyun was a leaf? What if Baekhyun was a lizard? What if Baekhyun was a wizard?” Chanyeol listed everything that came to his mind. It seems he was thinking a lot about green things.

“The last one’s good.” Jongdae said.

“I liked it too.” Luhan nodded.

“But I…” Baekhyun tried to object but no one was listening to him.

He sighed and started telling the story.

Once upon a time, there lived a wizard named Baekhyun in an unknown forest. Not one human had set foot into that forest before, so he was free to use his powers freely. He had even made some animals talk and not even for a short time.

He was walking around the forest talking with his animals when he noticed the unconscious boy under one of the hundred year old trees. At first, he didn’t notice that the boy was unconscious and panicked because he was talking and laughing with the animals just a moment ago. Then he noticed it and panicked again. What if something had happened to the boy?

He quickly took him on his arms and carried him to his home. It was a cave beautifully decorated with everything he could think of. He was a wizard for the great forest’s sake!

He laid the boy on his bed and went to mix some potion for him.

“I will make you feel better.” He smiled to the potion. “I’m the wizard who healed all the animals in this forest.”

While he was still busy preparing the poison, the boy awakened and straightened rubbing his eyes.

“Where am I?”

“In safe hands. “ Baekhyun smiled, trying not to show his surprise.

“What’s the name of the owner of those hands..?” the boy replied, giving Baekhyun cautious looks.

“Byun Baekhyun at your service.” Baekhyun did a small reverence.

A smile appeared on the boys lips.

“Cute.” He said. “My name’s Do Kyungsoo. Thank you for taking care of me.”

“Oh I didn’t get the chance to do that.” Baekhyun laughed. “I just carried you here. But… what happened, if I may ask?”

“Oh, nothing.” Kyungsoo averted his eyes. “I just felt weak and collapsed.”

No one would walk around this forest for no reason. This forest was the ‘haunted forest’. One reason why no one ever entered it. Anyone who came near it had one reason in mind, suicide. Though they never had enough guts to come in and attempt it.

“You wanted to kill yourself.” Baekhyun said slowly, without a change in his tone. He wasn’t judging him or pitying him. “Why?” he was just curious.

“My wife… she said that I was useless and left me after I lost my job. My kids… they left me too.”

Wife and kids… So he wasn’t actually a boy after all.

“How old are you?” Baekhyun asked.

“54.” Kyungsoo answered. “Why did you ask kid?”

‘So I’m considered the kid around here?’ Baekhyun thought. He was around 200 years old, so he wouldn’t get surprised by just some number.

“Out of curiosity.” He shrugged.

Kyungsoo just nodded.

“But don’t try to die. You can live here if you want. You don’t have to do anything in return. Just don’t ask me anything.” Baekhyun continued.

The boy, sorry, the man looked surprised. “Really? I don’t need to face the villagers again? Those bastards who burned down my smithy and ruined my family?”

So that was the full story…

Baekhyun nodded.

“Just don’t ask anything.”

“You are a ing genius!” Chanyeol grinned at Baekhyun. “I wouldn’t be able to turn such an absurd thing into such a story-like story!”

The other two nodded.

“But really? How old is the teacher anyway?” Jongdae asked.

“Around 27, I guess.” Luhan answered. “And this dude just doubled it.”

Jongdae rolled his eyes and shot Baekhyun a look ‘Very creative, congratulations.’

“Don’t look at me like that!” Baekhyun furrowed his brows. “You didn’t even know his age!”



Sorry, I'm not in a creative mood today... T.T 

But I hope it didn't turn out too bad (I know it's bad, but I hope it's not too bad)... 

Leave a comment guys!


And a pretty wizard for you. ^^

(He turned himself into a cat! How cute~ >.<)



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ilabya39 #1
Ive666 #2
Chapter 42: Hi, just finished this fic xD it was really fun, and I find the last part abt luhan's power quite an interesting twist ^^
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 42: What.

How can you do this to me?!

You finished it! GAAAAAAAAAAAH-

Well, anyway, congrats and see you in another fic! CIAO!
SmirSepatu #4
Chapter 42: Ah it finished..... So sad.... But it was an awesome story to read. Probably the most awesome story i've ever read. Thank you for writing this Author-nim. See you in another FF. Made by you of course :D
Chapter 42: Congrats on finishing this awesome story. It was fun to read!
Chapter 42: wait? it finished already? andwaeeeeeee....ahhhhh it was awsome ,see you in another FF*hug you*
Chapter 39: hhhhh XD i liked fatty baekon,omo he is lucky but why luhannie is being such an umma to baekon?*poker face*
Chapter 38: Yeah ...hahaha omo lol i just can't...kissing her ?wait wut?*clap loudly* oooh you so nasty,thank you thank you and thank you
Chapter 37: Chanyeol is evil. A lying evil dork.
This chapter was really funny.
Chapter 37: Oh this was...ummmm..better stay shut i really loved the thought of earphones but why did jongdae bad-mouth himself?wait wut? Being stuffed in someone's ears isn't something nice...
Oh and for my request, take your time but it's a creepy thought just thinking about it make me laugh *wink*