Awkwardness I

Mute and Loud


After the morning kiss, we become totally awkward or perhaps I'm the one who acting weird here. I don't know why but my inner conscious keep on making my body to avoid from meeting him. The weekend passed like a year for me. I know that Baekhyun is trying to talk to me and start a conversation. No matter what, I'm still ignoring his presence, pretends that he is not there.


I don't know what is happening to me. I should just start dating him. Maybe not officially but avoiding is not the right thing to do. I think that everything that happened between us is abrupt. We just met not more than a month, now the last thing I remember is the kiss. The best part is I kissed him first and technically, I kissed him back after he kissed me out of the blue.


Its complicated. Well it is suppose to be that way. I admit it that I like him, I really do. But a small part in me is telling me to hold it back. Wait and see if he really worth it. I shouldn't open myself up too much at the first place. It's out of control and that kiss is a mistake. Yes, I made a mistake.


Since we did't talked during the whole weekend, I ended up doing the history assignment by myself. It's fine with me because I'm used to it. I don't really have any issue to finish it but Baekhyun, I don't know about him. Maybe he did it and maybe he did't. I hope that he was being the lazy one so I could just pass up my assignment with his name on it under my name. This assignment was meant to do it together but the situation isn't allowing us to cooperate.


I'm aware that I'm the black hole. And this is an exception. It have to be.


I woke up quite early this morning. I walk down the stairs, quietly after finish dressing myself up for school. Baekhyun is still sleeping, I guess. I head to the kitchen with my backpack on. Breakfast is an essential, especially for students like me.


And I changed my mind when my nose sniff the smell of scramble eggs coming from the kitchen. I was wrong. He already woke up much earlier than me. I turn around like a robot, head stay low. Tiptoeing all the way to the front door, holding on my backpack stripes.


Once I'm standing outside the house gate, I heave a relieve sigh. Amazingly, I did't sweat. I pat on my stomach, feeling sorry for not fulfill it needs. I could cover it up during lunch time. But I have to make sure that I won't end up meeting Baekhyun in the cafeteria. Wait, how the heck am I going to avoid him? I just remember that we are seatmates. Is this what they call karma? Great.



The bell ring, time for the first subject, literature. I'm seating alone with no one next to me. Just like old times. I wonder where Baekhyun could be because I haven't meet him since this morning. I mean, meeting him in school. Did he actually skipping school? As far as I remember, I did saw him in the kitchen wearing the full school uniforms.


As times pass by, it is finally for break hour. I rush towards the cafeteria, holding back my hunger. Once I fill my tray with variety of foods, I approach my usual table. Then, I suddenly realize that Baekhyun has been always accompany me during break time. And it's weird because a slight uneasy feeling twitching in me. I just..... miss him.


I finish my meal right before the bell ring. The next class is History, the most boring subject that ever been created. I heard that Mrs Lee is back and she is expecting her students in my class have done the work she assigned us to do. I head to the class, surprisingly, 5 seconds early, only to find that Baekhyun is seating on his seat next to my table.


I startle but manage to cover it up. I walk ahead, head laying low on the ground. I don't have the guts to face him right now. It is out of expectation. Earlier, I was at ease knowing that he was absent. Now, all I could think of is not talking to him, avoiding his stares and just ignore him like what I have been doing last weekend.


It is utterly quiet when I finally sat down on my chair. I did't know that he has this side of him, the type where he shut his mouth close. I always think of him as the loud one when all he does is talking. This is something new to be discover.


Half an hour has passed, yet, Mrs Lee haven't mention about the assignment. And it start to bother me. Mrs Lee is the typical kind of teacher who will speak up regarding her works and everything else will be put aside for a moment. As for me, since all I did is being quiet and observing, I find it totally strange that she is forgetting something important.


Baekhyun is still playing the mute guy role. I just have this urge to speak to him, feeling eager to hear his angelic voice. He used to talk to me, start a conversation even though I was trying hard not to talk to him. It is weird to know that I feel quite empty, like a piece of me just disappear. Have he effect my life this much? That I just reach a level where he is a part of my life, my other half.


"Oh yes. I almost forgot. Please pass up your assignments to the front. Since you're working in pairs, only one of you should come to the front," those words make my heart feel a change of feeling.


I stay here, on my seat, waiting for the others to turn in their assignments first. Then, I realize that Baekhyun haven't move an inch. Perhaps he is being the lazy one like I said before, leaving the hard task to me. I stand up, heading to front while holding the binder papers.


The class air tense up when I see Baekhyun get on his feet as well, walking towards the same direction. I glance to his hands. There is also a binder papers. My mouth is gesturing an o shape. This isn't suppose to happen. What if Mrs Lee found out that we did't work as a team? She will definitely won't add up the mark into my final examination. I have a big dream and knowing that I might fail the History subject will cut the deal.


I put my assignment on top of Mrs Lee's table, at the same time Baekhyun do the same. I'm dead.


"Well well. What we have here? Two different assignments from a pair. Yuni, mind to explain," she said, resting both of her elbow on the table, fingers intertwine and prop her chin on it while looking at me.


I gulp. I don't know what to say when all I can do is stay still.


"There was a miscommunication. We ended up printing the same thing. Just take mine. Yuni can keep hers, anyway what's the difference."


I am out of words, hearing to Baekhyun explanation. He just did that on purpose. And he wasn't even considering my thoughts. He should at least ask first because I bet mine is much better than his. It is a major task because my final result will be at stake. I just couldn't believe what he just said and did.


We head back to our seat respectively except I am still holding into my assignment. Then, the quiet atmosphere between the two of us continue. I used to love the silence but now, its different. I need to hear his voice. I just need to but how? Am I starting to regret my initial rebellion, of being ego and not selling myself too easy? But one thing for sure, I want him to talk again. That's the far I know.



I reach home later than Baekhyun did. A step into the house, the sound of his laughter fill the air. He is sitting on the sofa, watching a comedy show. Without losing any precious seconds, I head to my bedroom, feeling a mix of different things trap inside of me.


A cold shower during hot days will do it. The water run down my skin. I just stand under the shower, motionless, thoughts filling my half empty mind. During these kind of moments is where I could find myself escaping the world, thinking about almost everything that is happening to me and trying to sort things out.


Thirty minutes of shower was worth it. I open the door of my room, wearing a short and random printed tee while rubbing my wet hair with my towel. I close the door behind me and jump a little when Baekhyun's room door fly open from the inside. His figure taking all the spaces of my sight. Suddenly, I just forgot how to walk, I turn to paralyze.


He walk closer like he always did. Taking advantage to get rid of the word distance between us. I accidentally drop my towel, end up laying on the floor. He push me on my shoulders towards the door of my room. My heart is beating at a fast pace as my eyes getting blurry due to the virtual sparkles coming from his eyes.


"I can't take it anymore. You know, you're killing me Yuni. The silence treatment you're giving me is unpleasant to get. If you hate me, you can say it. No need to ignore and avoid me, treating me like I'm a wall. I can handle with rejection but silence, I dislikes it. I know you don't talk but your voice in my head is gone. I am getting used to it but the sudden disappearance irritate me as much as my heart is swelling. Please, don't ignore me," he say long enough to get stuck in my mind for a long period as it is in the moment of processing the data.


I realize that I have been not using my brain for a while. It just happen to be empty lately due to overthinking. At some point, I just reach the maximum, not knowing what is what. And end up leaving things hanging, thanks to Baekhyun. 


I--I-- am sorry.


That did't help much. Baekhyun tuck the strands of my hair behind my ear. He lead closer, wrapping his hand around my waist, eyes staring into mine and land a deep, lust kiss on my neck, just under my ear. I freeze, not knowing of how I should react towards the intimacy. His hand travel under my shirt, on my , giving me shivers as his lips still intact on my neck. Then, he pull away, walking down the stairs, leaving me speechless.


What have I done?



Even I got the goosebumps, in a good way while writing this chapter.



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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(