
Mute and Loud


There’s a girl with her hair tied into a ponytail standing in front of me. She look so sweet and the smile on her face is priceless. Strangely, seeing her smiling comfort me in god-knows-how. I can see that she is nervous with her hand pressing together. She can’t stop walking back and forth, making her breath getting more irregular. Her body starts to tense up. Unconsciously, my legs move closer to her.


I place my hand on her shoulder, distracting her somehow. She look at me with pure eyes, hands trembling, legs shaking. I kneel down in front of her with my eyes still looking into her. There’s a weird connection between us. It feels like we’re belong to be together.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask while my hand tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.


“I’m worry that I might mess up,” she says. From the look in her eyes, I can see that she is concern.


I rub her shoulder in a convincing way. And it do makes her relax a bit. “You’ll be fine.”


Her lips curve upwards. Then, her head jolt to the side, looking for a certain something or perhaps, someone. I turn around, surprise that we are actually at the backstage. A crowd of audience are sitting at the front of the stage, reminding me of a particular memory.


I stand up, completely immerse into the whole situation. I moves closer, hiding behind the red curtain. It just happen all over again. Ponytail hair, nervous and stage fright.


“I hope dad’s already here to watch me perform,” the girl says. It’s the same line that I said in my mind 5 years ago. The very same words. Each of it.


I spin around and found no one is standing there anymore. The view starts to get blurry and dark. Its circling inside my head, giving me a headache. It feels like I have been out of the room into somewhere place different. The sound of the car roaming come to live. And that is when I feel my body stiffen up. I look around, blinking rapidly.


“I must make it on time. Arghh. Move away if you’re slowing down! I need to speed up,” the man sitting next to me curse under his breath.


I tilt my head to the side as my eyes observe his features.




The car stop abruptly which brings my body to press against the seat completely. The red light above my head, shining brightly enlighten the dark night. We are at the four junction. Once the traffic light turns green, dad step on the pedal. Our car moves ahead of the other cars. Right at that moment, my heart is racing, lips become paler than before. There’s a part of me saying that ‘that’ will happen now.


That accident.


When the car is in the middle of the junction, there’s another car appear out of nowhere in front of us. Panic starts to attack me. “Dad, dad!” I yell.


But he is busy focusing on getting to my talent show fast. “Look out!” I shout my lungs out.


I close my eyes with my hands does the same to my ears. The sound of the metal meets metal fill the air, crashing, crying for help. My heart is beating even more faster. I feel all parts of body swollen, bones cracking. Its crazy. I’m trembling and my breathing is somehow choking me, making me out of breath.


Sweats around my neck as my head moves from right to left, feeling scare.


“Yuni? Yuni, wake up! Are you ok? Wake up,” a voice echo in my head. I’m panting, biting my lower lips hard enough for it to bleed.




My body jerk to the front. My eyes are wide open. I look to the owner of the voice, sitting next to me, driving the car with creases drew on his forehead. His eyes shift from the streets to my eyes. I take a deep breath and let it out a second later.


“Are you ok? Did you had a nightmare?” he ask with his concern tone.


I nod my head too fast which fail to persuade Chanyeol that I am truly fine.


“Do you need to sit with Baekhyun? I can ask Suho to change seat with you.”


I shake my head and flash a forceful smile. I turn my head to the back. The 5 boys are sleeping soundly. It’s already night time and based on my calculation, Chanyeol has driving for 4 hours consecutively. I think it’s better for someone else to takes Chanyeol’s spot because Chanyeol seems worn out. I bet he is tired and sleepy by now.


My heart starts to beat normally, my breathing already slowing down it pace. I mentally comfort myself, trying to get myself together. It was indeed a nightmare. The worst nightmare ever. And I’m wishing so badly that It won’t happen again. Please.


When I can actually smile a bit, I lift my head to face the highway. It’s dark but thanks to the streets light creeping, brighten up the night.


Chanyeol is driving at the slow lane on the very left side of the road. He is driving carefully while some other cars are speeding up, leaving us at the back. But it happens to be that Chanyeol is driving much more faster than the driver at the front. He takes his chance to cut the line.


Chanyeol turn the car to the right, pressing the pedal and moves ahead the black sedan. Suddenly, that car is closing the gap, almost hitting us but Chanyeol is being sharp that he manages to avoid any kind of accident to happen. I let out a relief sigh and it don’t last long when a car from the right side moving not in a straight line.


My heart starts to race again. This can’t be happening. I stare at the silver MPV closely. Within a second, it change direction and unexpectedly making it ways towards us. I can feel it will happen any minute by now. I block my sight with my hands. I can't help it but not to watch the worst to happen.


The nightmare I had plays in my mind like a movie. The sound of the engine roaring as the car moved insanely fast, the green light blinking and……..


“. Is he drunk?”




It blow away my guts.



Damn. Damn. Damn. Why is my whole body is shaking so hard? It doesn’t even makes sense at first. I don’t know how that nightmares found it way into my mind. I wasn’t even there when my dad was in that car accident. I was at the talent show, waiting for my turn to perform. And how did I just teleported from my school hall to the dreadful scene?


“Yuni? Are you ok? Why did you scream?” Chanyeol ask. He really look awful when he is not smiling.


When he heard me screaming, he stop the van on the roadside. My loud voice happens to wake Sehun, Kyungsoo and Suho up. They are still not in their right state and still wonder about on what just happened.


I pull my legs together, pressing it against my chest. I don’t know why I feel so scare? It doesn’t get this bad before. I never been in this kind of condition. This is like trauma and sick.


Chanyeol touch my shoulder, flinch when his hand is shaking as well. “Gosh, Yuni. At least makes a small sign or respond.”


“Suho, wakes Baekhyun up!” he continues.



Suho just follow Chanyeol words and starts tapping Baekhyun’s shoulder. Surprisingly, Baekhyun’s eyes fluster open. He look around half asleep. “Are we here?” he ask while rubbing his left eye.


“No. You need to check on Yuni. She--”


“What’s wrong? Yuni!”


And Baekhyun is already sober.


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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(