
Mute and Loud


The bell ring and it's time for lunch break. I'm the first person to leave the class and march all the way to my locker without looking back. I put all the necessary books into my locker. It has been a very busy day since the exam week will be coming soon. I don't even bother to study when I could ace every of my subjects easily. I always have been the top student and I kinda dislike it.


A sigh escape my thin lips. I close my locker and head to the cafeteria with a long face. As I reach the entrance of the cafeteria, all of the students eyes are focusing on me. Not because I'm the most popular girl in the school or the queeka of the school but because I'm the weird one. They even got me a name, mute girl. 


But I don't really care and I don't want to even think about it. They can bad-mouthing and bully me as much as they want to. Honestly, I'm not mute but I chose not to talk. I love my quiet world and I prefer to stick with it for enternity.


With the tray in my hand full of foods, I walk to the table at the very far corner to isolate myself from the society. On my way to my favourite spot, the people's talk fill the air.


"I don't understand her. Doesn't she got bored of being alone all the time?" a girl whisper to her friend.


"She is close to my ideal type but I can't believe that she is mute." 


"I heard that she can actually talk but she doesn't want to even to the teachers," a boy said while stuffing food into his mouth.


"She's pretty, smart, nice, innocent but unfortunately she's mute. Such a waste for that beautiful face she have."


Geez. Stop with that compliments. So what if I don't talk! Mind your own business woman! Screw your life.


Why do they even act like they care about me? Hypocrite diseases are widely spreading and need an instant cure. I walk pass them and finally take a seat near the table. I love being alone. With no one to talk to, no one to talk to me and no one to care about. Lonely world rock!


After having lunch with myself at the cafeteria, it's time for my next class, math. The bell will ring in less than 2 minutes. Most of the students are rushing heading to their respective classes while I'm in a calm state because I never get scold if I'm late. It just happen that the teachers already give up on me when I did't open my mouth. No matter how long or how hard they try to persuade me to talk, they never did win. 


So, basically, If they want to scold me, they just end up pissing off their ownselves even more. 


I lean my back against my locker while hugging my books. Waiting for the bell to ring is kinda a habit. Pushing myself through the crowd is an unpleasant thing to do. I wait untill the crowd dissapear. Then, I could walk to my class like a boss.




The hallway is now empty. Only the sound of silence can be hear. My lips curved into a smile. Nothing feel good than this. A quiet atmosphere. I approach my class untill someone accidentally bump onto me. Our forehead meet and my books are scatter all over the floor. I rub my forehead and bent down on my knees to pick up the books. 


"Sorry, I did't noticed you walked by just now," he said while helping me.


Does he even have eyes? This is so irritating.




Wait, did he heard my thoughts?


"Yes. I heard you."


What the hell. He's a freak. I got to get away from him.


I stand straight and walk into my class as the class is just on my right without glancing at him. I bow to Mr. Do before I sit down, as always at the very far corner. I never have any seatmates before. When the teachers give us a group work, I end up doing it by myself. Well, I'm more than happy to do it alone rather than to team up with someone else which I really hate.


The curiosity regarding the boy I accidentally hit already left my mind. I might probably delusioning. As far I as I knew, nobody has ever wander at the hallway after the bell ring except for me. So my first assumption might be true that I'm just imagining stuff.


My eyes are attach to the blackboard when Mr. Do is explaining about the new topic, Differentiation. Mr. Do is the oldest teacher in the school and he is the teacher I respect the most despite his weird moustache under his nose. The thing that I like about him, he is the only teacher who never look down on me. When there is a teacher complaining about how rude I can be when I did't answer their questions, he will always back me up by saying that I have my own reason to be mute.


After a long explaination, he write down some random question on the blackboard to test our understanding. And when he is about to say his magic words," so, who want to give a try?" The students head spontaneously face the floor exluded me.


I could heard Mr. Do's sigh. He is actually my favourite teacher and math is my favourite subject. I raise my hand and Mr. Do's smile is visible. There is a slight soothing feeling in my heart. My leg is taking me to front. I grab the chalk and start solving the problem. It's a piece of cake. If he want me to solve every of his question during his classes, I will be glad to do it. 


Done. I put down the chalk and turn around to walk to my seat.


But something stop me. I see a figure standing near the door. He bow to Mr. Do and a piece of paper shift from his hand to Mr Do's. I stare at him from his pair of white shoes, up to his dark bue-black pants, his white school's uniform and last stop, his face. 


I gulp. He is the same person that I bumped into before I entered the class. So, I'm wrong. I wasn't imagining things back then and he can really hear my thoughts. This is madness. I walk briskly pass the front table to my table at the back. 


The students starting to whisper to each other and the girls are squealing about how handsome the new student look. It's a normal thing to happen. Everytime a new student came to our school, that student will be the main topic of their conversation for a whole week non-stop. Some of them end up being popular but some of them end up being an ordinary student. But I get a feeling that this new student will gain popularity in an instant.


"Settle down. We have a new student. Please introduce yourself."


"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Byun Baekhyun," the sound of the girl's squealing is obvious.


"You can call be Baekhyun and I hope we can be friends," he added.


Our eyes meet, it's funny that I'm sweating. I shift my gaze and stare at the window. I don't want him to read my thoughts ever again. It's emberassing and at the same time dirty. 


"Baekhyun, you can sit next to Yuni," my jaw drop.


He bow again to Mr. Do and head to my direction. His face is expressionless. I couldn't even get a hit about what might be in his mind and I'm trying my very best to clear my own mind. 


He pull out the chair and place his bag on the floor leaning againts his table. His head slightly bent down towards me. I have to admit it that he is one damn good looking guy. Tall body, long legs, fair skin, decent hairstyle and those shining pair of eyes. Pity him. When the class end, he definitely will get chase by the girls. Wish I could help but those girls going to haunt you down. 


"Yuni, Lee Yuni," I gasp and face the front.


I look at Mr. Do with raising my brows. I just realize that he have been calling my name for a few times already while I'm busy investigating Baekhyun's features.


I hear a chuckle. I tilt my head to ensure that my ear did't lie to me and it's true. He just chuckled. I look to the front and Mr. Do is explaining again how I managed to solve the question he gave. 


"You don't have to help me, I can take care of myself," Baekhyun said with his head facing Mr. Do. 


I freeze. I don't excpect him to read that thought of mine. How can I survive with this weird boy seating next to me? I bite my lower lips praying for the worst not to happen. My future consious made me to think that my world will no longer be quiet like it has always been after the arrival of him into my life. I'm going to change class. I don't want to be in the same class with him.


"I heard that too," he said follow with a small smile.


Stop thinking, stop thinking, stop thinking. It's unsafe Yuni!!!!


Baekhyun chuckle again. I drop my head on the table and sigh. Damn.



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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(