First Love

Mute and Loud


After that incident in the kitchen, Baekhyun did't talked to me for even once. I tried to speak with him but it hurts me to know that I can't be the one who could make him happy. The sight of the letter I read a few days ago keep on reappearing in my mind. I shoudn't have read that letter at the first time. Why do I always act so curious over things? Can't I just let it go.


Last night, Baekhyun went out but never did came back until this morning. I left for school, thinking that I might meet him there. And he did't appeared. Now, I'm home, waiting for Baekhyun. I'm starting to worry about him when I should start learning not to. 


I hear the front door is unlock from the outside. I run to the front, hoping that it will be Baekhyun but it's his brother. I bow to him, showing disappointment on my face.


"Where's Baekhyun?" he ask. I raise my shoulder. I thought he knows. "He did't come home last night?"


I shake my head. Baekbeom's eyes widen. I furrow, not knowing what really happen. Baekbeom turn around to exit the door but before he manage to, I hold his hand.


"Wait here, maybe he'll be back. I'll go and find him. Something is definitely wrong," he says, panicking.


I watch as the front door close in front of my eyes. What does he means something is wrong? Why does I feel like that 'something is wrong' always happened? I can't really understand Baekhyun.


I sit on the couch in the living room, making thousands of assumptions. I can't stay still. Everything seems so blurry. Hours passed until it comes to night. There's still no answer to my questions. Then, my phone vibrate, indicates I receive a text message. I reach for my phone on the coffee table, it's from Baekbeom and I read it right away.


Baekhyun got into an accident. Take a bus to the Seoul Hospital and we'll meet there.


I gasp as the phone slip away from my grasp, landing safely on the couch. Did he got involved in an accident because of me? Please tell me that he will be fine, he only having a minor injury. I grab my cardigan, running to the nearest bus stand. 15 minutes later, I've arrive to the destination. I can see Baekbeom standing near the entrance, looking at his watch. I approach him, trying hard not to fell apart.


"You're finally here. Follow me," he says, walking ahead me as I trail behind him.


Baekhyun should be a strong person and stay alive. He can't be dying. He have to keep up and live. We walk at the hallway, doors to the patient room lining side to side. Baekbeom stop, pushing the door to his left side and walk in. I stop before taking another step further when I see a couple near Baekhyun. They must be the Byun's.


I walk next to Baekbeom, bowing to the couple at the opposite of the bed. My eyes shifting to the person, laying motionless, eyes close on the bed. He seems so tired and fragile. I'm glad that nothing bad happened to him. At least his heart is still beating. 


"You must be Yuni. Can I talk to you for a moment, outside?" Mrs Byun ask. I hesitate at first because she will end up doing all the talking while I'll be hearing.


"Don't worry. Baekhyun already told me," she add, I glance at Baekhyun and nod my head.


We get out from the room, shutting the door behind. I bow to a nurse walking by and keenly looking at Mrs Byun. She starts with a heavy sigh and says, "Baekhyun haven't tell you yet?" My brows meet across my forehead. Mrs Byun close her eyes for a seconds and place my left hand on top of my right hand in between her hands.


"He is different. His mind hears a lot of things at once and having such ability since he was a young kid, was a big... bur- bur-burden to him," Mrs Byun says, startle on the word burden.


It couldn't be a burden. It's an extraordinary gift given to him. Baekhyun should be proud that he was choosen from hundred thousands of candidates from all around the world. I can't find the word burden suit in this case. "You should know that Baekhyun's went throught a lot. My baby boy is strong. I teach him to be strong," she says, eyes staring at the window on the Baekhyun's room door.


Then, she face me, lookinng deeply into my eyes as she is about to say something with even more deeper meaning and I shall keep it to myself, and never let it go. "Promise me you'll be there for him. No matter what happen, hold on him even he is hurting you when he doesn't mean to."


I'm out of words. I nod my head. She hug me, patting my back, giving hopes onto my shoulder that I will keep that promise. Yes, I promise.



I wait outside Baekhyun's room for about two hours. Honestly, I don't mind waiting forever. I just feel like I have the responsibility to be his guardian when I'm the one who need the protection. But, an angel doesn't get to choose his/her mate. It's a destiny and fate works that they should comply to. 


Mr and Mrs Byun already left an hour ago. The clock ticking, it's already 10 o'clock in the night.


"Yuni, Baekhyun is looking for you."


I rush up into his room, seeing Baekhyun sitting with his back against the bed panel make me smile a little. "I'll leave you two alone. If anything happen, call me," Baekbeom says as I watch him leave the patient room. I close the door, eyes on Baekhyun.


"Hey. I thought you won't come," he says. There's a bitterness on his face as he trying to smile.


At least I'm here now. I take a seat on the chair next to Baekhyun. We become awkward and the silence is overwhelming. I don't know what to say and how to start the conversation.


I'll grab something to drink. Do you want anything? I stand up, waiting for him to answer but he did't. I turn around and stop. Baekhyun grab my wrist, swing me to face him.


"Stay with me," he whisper. I sit down back on the chair while his hand is still around my wrist.


What happened Baekhyun?


"Nothing happened. I'm just being careless."


I sigh, pulling my hand away from his grasp. He hasn't open up himself to me yet. I look out the window, at the front next to Baekhyun's bed. Its dark, lights from the moon enlighten the cold night and the sparkling stars couldn't be found as rains start to fall by now.


The temperature in the room  begin to drop gradually. Baekhyun is trying to pull the blanket. I stand up, get hold on the blanket and pull it up to his chest. I freeze, realizing I bend down too low that our face are just an inch apart. It has been a while since the last time we've been this close. Baekhyun place his hand on top of my hand and say, "Sleep with me."


Unconsciously, I sneak under the blanket and lay beside him. We did't move, just stare into each other eyes.


"Can I hug you?" he ask.


I nod my head. Baekhyun wrap his arm around my waist. A minute later he ask again, "Can I pull you closer?" I nod my head once right away.


So, he pull me closer and our forehead touch. We are laying sideways. I place my hand on his cheek, What happened? Tell me.


"I can't tell you when you're looking straight into my eyes," he speak in his alluring voice, making my heart skip a beat.


I turn around with my back facing him. He is back hugging me, leaning closer towards my warm body. We stay in that position for half an hour, not a word, not a sound, just feeling the presence of each other, telling oneself that nothing can pull us apart now. If there is, there will be also a way to find our way back. 


"When I was a kid, I liked to play hide and seek. It wasn't hard to seek when I can hear them," he starts with a smooth talking as I grow interest. "But it just happened that they don't want to play with me anymore. They said that I'm sick."


He doesn't have to explain any further because I already got his point. His childhood friends must have thought that Baekhyun was a weird boy. If I was in their shoes, I will think of the same thing. I mean, who wasn't? No matter how deep they hide or how far they go, Baekhyun will find the, and it only took him a few minutes to do so.


Baekhyun hugging me even tighter, as he continue talking, telling me the whole story of his past. He was bullied, isolated from the society for being different. His friends couldn't accepted his ability as an ordinary thing, indeed it's isn't one, when he did't asked for it. Rather than being treated well, they spitted on him.


He started to hear the voices in his head when he was eleven. It just suddenly came to him in an abrupt. 


It was summer break, time for a real enjoyment for the teenagers as well for the kids. Baekhyun slipped his feet into his dark green sport shoes and ran heading to the soccer field in front of his house, feeling eager to meet up with his friends. 


"Yahh, Baekhyun. You're late by 10 minutes. Palli, choose your team. Onew or me?" Key said.


Baekhyun smiled apogetically. He turned his head to face Onew, an older boy than him by a year, taller, brunette, standing at the side with his other fellows teammate. Baekhyun looked up, glancing on each of them when different thoughts interrupt his mind. 


Is he Baekhyun? 


Please don't choose this team, I don't want him any near me.


So, this is the weird guy. I see. 


Baekhyun frowned, turning his head to the other side. And the same thing happened. 


Can he even play? Those expensive shoes won't make him a star.


Friends at the school said that he can hear people's thoughts. It must be fun for him.


His weird personality fit his weird face and weird telepath.


"SHUT UP! I don't want to play anymore," Baekhyun yelled, his chest was rising, eyes glaring and anger filled his heart. He stomped away from the field, heading home without looking back.


When the sight of Baekhyun was gone, Key said, "He can really hear us? Wow." He was totally amazed by it.


Mrs Kim was sitting, leg crossed, fingers interwined on the desk. She was looking at the Byun's couple, observing on their son's grades. It wasn't that bad or neither good. It was ok for a 14 years old boy. 


I wondered what they have done to Baekhyun. Did they made him drink somekind of potion or practice dark magics.


Mrs Kim eyes shifted to Baekhyun, seating at his table, at the front row on the left corner near the door. Baekhyun was staring at her the whole time. He heard what she said in her mind, judging his parents and accusing stuff which was far from the truth. He was forming a fist under the table, awared that he was about to explode any time.


"How he's doing in the class?" Mr Byun asked.


"His fine but I'm worry for him. He doesn't seems like the type to blend in like he used to be. During lunch, I always saw him eating alone and none will be his partner if there's a pairing task," Mrs Kim answered.


I'm glad that my Hyunwoo isn't a friend of him. Any mother won't allow it. Baekhyun is transpassing the obligations of people's mind privacy. It might be that the whole Byun's are weird.


Mrs Kim was staring at Baekhyun in disgust until, Baekhyun shouted, "STOP TALKING!!!!" Everyone diverts their attention towards him. Baekhyun stoody up, pressing his lips together, wanting to punch his teacher on the face. He can handle it if people was mocking him but when it comes to his family members, it was an intoleratable situation.


Mrs Byun rushed towards Baekhyun and hugged him, trying to cool him down. She knew what happened to her son. 


"It's ok dear, it's ok. You'll be alright," Mrs Byun comforting words. "Omma, Kim Songsaengnim was saying bad things about our family," Baekhyun whispered under his breathe.


"Remember what did I told you. If a person is saying mean things about others, you----"


"I need to stay away from that person. I remember," Baekhyun said.


Mrs Byun cupped her son's head to face her, carrasing his front hair with a forced smile, "That's my boy."


"I changed school that day. But things did't changed. Rumors spreaded fast about me being.... different. They ignored me, avoided me like you do," he teases


Yahh, you also did the same thing.


"No, I'm not going to admit it. But you did," he pinched the bridge of my nose making me flinched a bit.


I hear his voice, laughing. It's a real laugh this time not a small chuckle. But the sound of his real laugh is filling the air in the room. A sound that soothing my heart. I'm glad to hear that he will be fine and everything will be better than before.


"And I met my first love there," he said it, out of the blue, increasing the beat of my heart. His first love was no other than VS.


"You've read that letter?" Baekhyun asked as I was building up a good lie in my head.


No. I mean. I won't read it. It's a letter from your first love and I'm not that rude to---


He turn my body around to face him and place his finger on my lips. I gulp, not willing to stare into his eyes. "Did I hurt you?" he asked.


I turned my head. NO! Aaaa, no. His your first love while I'm just--- just--- I'm just---


"You're my present," he hug me closer, placing his chin on top of my head. "She's a past but you're my present. I'm sorry that I hurt you, making you shed tears when I shouldn't have."




"Just believe in me. I'll treat you well in the future. I promise. It's just that...." he sigh. "I'm not willing to lose someone for the second time," he continue follow with a sigh again.


Ummm.... who is VS?


He chuckle. I know he is teasing me even more but I just wanted to know even though it was his past. Maybe I don't know the girl or maybe I know her. At least, a name could trigger something or leave an impression. "When I was 16, she is............ my homeroom teacher," he said.


Baekhyun first love was his teacher? And his teacher sent a letter to him? A love letter and based on what I remember, she accepted his confession. It was a love story between a teacher and her student. I don't believe it.


"Her name is Victoria Song."


With that, I shut my eyes, pretending to sleep. Even though I haven't heard the name before, I just don't want to know any further. Let's call it a day for now. Let me just process the data for a moment. 




Most of u seems mad at me over the inital VS. 

U guys guessed it right anyway.

Another chapter will be needed to fully reveal Baekhyun's past.

And sorry for the late update.

I had fever, caught a cold, cough and now I'm losing my voice.. 

Great. But Baekhyun can still hear my voice xD



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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(