
Mute and Loud


It's awkward sitting next to the two most popular girls. They are talking about so many things while I'm there and didn't mutter a word. Seohyun and Tiffany are like real sisters. They tale care of each other, love each other and always be there for each other. 

To be honest, I'm a little bit jealous over their friendship. Obviously, I don't have any girlfriend at school. I am just the Miss Forever Alone. I used to have best friend when I was in middle school. She was my first and my last one. We were so close until we vowed that nothing could separated us apart. But I guess, I broke that promise.

Even though I am at the patio, my head is wandering around far from there. It's quiet here compare to the noises coming from the inside of the house. Party, loud music, socialize aren't compatible to me. The party starting to bored me. I yawn once, no twice. They said that party is fun and entertaining. But it is a good sign that I don't bothered the irritation.

Different people come to the party. Most of them are my schoolmates and people I don't recognize. There are a dancing floor been set up in the middle of the crowd and the DJ station is on the stage near it. They are dancing and banging their head like it's their last day on earth. Well, they are suppose to be content to because our end of year examination is around the corner, we are about to graduate.

The next thing I know is Baekhyun approaching the table with Yuri clinging to him. They look like they enjoy the moment so much but I hope that Baekhyun did't get drunk because he is the one who took me here and he is suppose to send me home safely. Actually most of us here are underage and it's illegal to consume alcoholic drink. Baekhyun should be a good boy and obey the restriction. 

"I didn't drink. Don't worry," he whisper next to my ear when he reach the table.

As always, he knows. I starting to get used to this reading mind thing. Initially I did complained but after a while, it become my daily routine. Maybe it's a good thing that he can hear my thoughts. At least I have a decent conversation with someone rather than no one. 

Baekhyun and Yuri sit down at the table. He is sitting next to me while Yuri sit next to him. Tiffany and Seohyun are sitting on the other side of the table. All 4 of them are talking about something I don't care to listen. I am staring at the crowd with my fingers playing at the end of my ponytail hair. 

"Yuni, Yuni. Let's go home."

I turn my head, still playing with my hair and all of their eyes are on me. Baekhyun have been calling my name since then. After beating goodbye and some other boring stuff, we head to his car.


Something is off. I can sense it. Something bad is suppose to happen in the house but how is it possible for me to get out of the house finely. I mean, my instinct never once fail me. It has been accurate since I knew it. Maybe that night isn't my night. I should feel glad since I am totally ok and nothing have harm me.

"," Baekhyun curse under his breath.

What's wrong? 

"I am sorry but truly, I don't plan for this to happen."

He is creeping me out. I shift my gaze towards his car and I understand what he meant. There is no car there. I couldn't trace his car whereabout. It just mysteriously disappear like the thin air. He take out his phone, panicking and dial a number. The more I thought about it, the more I suspected Baekhyun know this will be coming. Don't blame me, blame himself because his first impression doesn't reach my expectation. 


Maybe I am putting high hopes towards people, which I don't usually did, and somehow Baekhyun is an exception. He appear cocky and he read my mind. But hey, at least I accept him and treat him quite fair.

"Damn it Sehun. Pick up the damn phone."

Can you please tell me what's going on? I ask, pulling his shoulder to face me. 

"Looks like I have to walk you home," he say, sounds like his words have another meaning in it.

I need more info. Talk. He start to piss me off. 

"I met my old friend here. He borrow my car and I guessed he is wasted. Let's pray that he didn't die, yet." A smirk is suppose to be show on his face. But it's been replace with a worry look.

I'm lost in my own thoughts. Processing such data need more than time. It need fuel and logical.  

Baekhyun grab my hand. I open my mouth, seconds later it close. I just couldn't speak a word if I want to. If only he could see how much I want to protest and curse at him for not stopping this whole thing from happening. I just forget how to talk. My tongue turn numb, lips cold. 5 years of silence, 5 years of regretting, 5 painful years.

"What's with the face? Come on. Cheer up. Walking under the stars isn't a bad idea after all," Baekhyun say, his hand resting on my shoulder, pushing me from the back. 

I..... I..... just can't figure him out. His swinging mood is confusing me. He is just.... I wish I know more about him. 

"When are we going to start with the assignment? Tonight is fine," he ask, walking next to me.

Tonight? Are you serious? 

"Yes, why not? Since we are together. We can discuss about it briefly."

You're so random, Byun Baekhyun.

"That was the first time you called me by my name," he say.

Indeed it is. I never address him in a proper way. And suddenly, I just call him by his full name. I happen to know it when I peeked at his table to seek for his attention, but my eyes were misleading to his notebook. From there, I realized that I did't listened to him when he was introducing himself to the class.

"So, if you're the king of Joseon, what will you do?" he ask. I thought he isn't being serious regarding the matter. 


I don't know. 

"I hate it when you stop thinking." I look at him in a curios way with my brows meeting across my forehead. "Don't give me that look," his lips twitch upwards.


"Like I told you before. Your mind is interesting. Indeed more adventurous than the others people mind I've read so far."


Stop readi--- Omma? Is that her? But what is she doing there? She is suppose to be in her office. 


The thoughts just slip and expose itself for Baekhyun to read it. My eyes are staring at the figure who I believe is my mom standing near a man, with his hand around her waist. I couldn't see the man's face clearly as his back is facing me and the street lights doesn't help much. 


Mom's smile is visible on her red lips. It have been a while since the last time I see her smiling so widely. She used to smile around dad but when dad left, watching over us from heaven, her smile just vanish. I turn to face the man next to her, opening the door of the car on the passenger seat for mom. He is no one I ever met before.

Mom get into the car and the man walk briskly to the other side of the car. I'm speechless. The car start to move further from me and I am taking a step ahead, trying to catch up with the car speed.

Baekhyun's hand is holding my wrist, stoping me from walking forward. I try to pull my hand away but he is still holding on it without a thought of letting it go. I look at him, seeking for his mercy. But all I gain is his expressionless face. 

Let go of my hand. I need to see her. Maybe she's in dangerous. I don't know who's that man is.

I star into his eyes, it is giving away cold vibes. I'm desperate enough to show him how I really want him to understand me. I need to see her. I need to find out if that women is really my mom or not. I just need to do it. 

"She's not your mom," he say, still holding on my wrist.

How can you be so sure? 

There is a pause, then he say "trust me."

He lie. I know that he lie. But I am hoping that he didn't. I am not ready to hear to mom's explanation if i tell her that I see her with another man. Maybe I am just being too emotional but replacing dad sounds impossible. And if that man is really my dad replacement, I don't want to be the reason why if he leave mom in the future, like what have happened to dad.  

The only way to reach confirmation is heading home and see if she is home or not.



When we arrive at my house, the door is locked from the outside with a foreign lock. I never see it before. I glance to the side, next to where Baekhyun is standing. There is a big luggage and my school backpack. Thousands of questions pop up in my mind.


I try the back door but it is a waste of time. It is hopeless.


"You need to move out. Your mom didn't pay the rent for 4 months already. I can't stand it anymore," Mr. Park say, the landlord, appear out of nowhere.

She didn't pay the house rent for 4 months is ridiculous. She work day and night, sometimes I couldn't see her for a whole week. The pieces of information are scatter and need to joint it together to find the answer. She can't leave me alone. Don't tell me she have a plan of abandoning me and left with that man. Tears are gathering in my eyes. It is about to fall on my cheek. 


Mr. Park is a good man. I know he don't want to chase me out of the house but he don't have any other choice. I grab the luggage and put on the backpack. My tears are running down, not willing to look up. 

I put the luggage next to the white fence of my house, sit on the edge of the pavements with my hand hugging my knees. I stay there, motionless, waiting for my mom to come back and take me with her. I'm her daughter. She wouldn't leave me here all by myself, right? 

Mr. Park walk away to his house, at the front of my house. It's 10 PM. The road is quiet making the sound of my sobbing clear enough for Baekhyun to hear. 


"Sitting there and crying won't solve anything. You're wise enough to know I'm right," finally, Baekhyun open his mouth.

He is right. No, he is definitely right. But I keeep on denying it and swallow the thought of mom taking me away with her. I know she will, she's my mom and I'm her daughter. No matter what happen, we need to stick together as a family because we are a family. 

"Don't act like a kid and follow me. You can stay at my house." 

No. Leave me alone.

And so he did. Baekhyun walk towards the road and head to his home which I don't know where it is. I thought he is going to force me like he always have. I am hoping that he don't leave me alone and comfort me. I in the tears, wipe it with the back of my hand. Baekhyun presence couldn't be find anymore. Maybe he already home, laying on his bed, sleeping.


After a solid 30 minutes of waiting, mom haven't appear yet. My heart is aching and twitching. She should have show up by now but she didn't. I can't get the thoughts about her leaving me out of my mind. I stare at the road, finger drawing a picture of my family, dad, mom and me. I miss the old times. I miss dad. I miss the old mom. And I miss my family the most.


Tears fall onto my cheeks rapidly. My shoulder is moving with my unstable breathing. I bite my lips, trying to hold back the tears. But the harder I try, the worst it get. The only sound that I can hear of is the sound of myself sobbing like a child.


But there is a background sound, gradually getting louder and stop abruptly. I lift my face, wiping the tears to find someone standing in front of me. There is a car parked behind him. My eyes are blurry making it harder for me to recognize the person. 


"I am taking you with me. Don't be so stubborn and listen to me."


It's weird as my lips curved upwards unleash a small smile. I am happy that he come back for me but at the same time, I don'tt want to leave the house. I want to wait for my mom. Maybe she wouldn't come home but what if she did?


Baekhyun grab my luggage and put it into the back seat of the car. It is a different car this time. I remain at the same spot staring at him. He close the door behind him, walking towards me. 


"Please. I don't want to be the bad guy," he say, helding out his hand.


What about my mom?


"It's late. We'll look for her tomorrow. I promise," he persuad, locking his hand around my wrist.


I stand up and get into his car. The last thing I remember is walking into a big modern house with my hand wrapping around his neck. I am leaning on his back with his arms holding my thighs. I try to say something but the mattress is so comfy. And that night end without I knowing the exact details. 



Morning, I hear someone whisper it in my mind. Maybe it's my other side. I open my eyes slowly and see an odd view of the place. I am sure that it isn't my house because the room is twice the size of my room.


I sit on the bed, rubbing my eyes with my other hand press on the mattress, supporting my half-awake body. I look down to my lap, it' covered with a blanket, a purple color blanket. I pull away the blanket and sit at the side of the bed with my legs hanging on the edge. Yawning early in the morning is a common thing to do.


Why is it so cold in here?


I glare at the alarm clock on the bed side table, it read 8 AM. Still early.


Today is...... My brain is just switch on, hoping for a direct answer sound cliche. 


Yes, Friday.... Wait, WHAT? Friday? I'm late for school.


I run towards the door, which I believe lead to the bathroom. I open the door and instead of seeing the bathroom, it's Baekhyun standing there, looking at me with a playful smile on his face. I see he staring down on my thighs. I shift my gaze and there is not a single thread covering my lower body. Thank you to the boyfriend shirt, it cover my from being visible. I look up and his eyes are still glue to it.  


I close the door, leaning my back against the door. I remember going to the party fully dressed up but how come I end up being half . Maybe I did changed my clothes into something comfortable rather than the red dress. If it is changing into my night attire, I usually wear hoodie or tank top with a sleeping pants.


I don't remember owning a boyfriend shirt.


What did really happened last night? I carras my hair in frustration and walk to the other door. I guess misfortunate things did happened that night. My instinct is still acting loyal to me, but not accurate enough. I believe it is suppose to occur in Yuri's house. Somehow it happened through out the whole night. Last night was not a joke. It feel like it is the longest night I ever been through. 


Forget school, I need to find mom.




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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(