Losing You

Mute and Loud

I don't know why but the hospital has a particular scent. The scent of a patient. I walk all the way to Baekhyun's room. His room is on the forth floor. He will be discharged by tomorrow.


I push the door, showing the empty bed. Baekhyun? No sound. Baekhyun? Still no respond. Is he in the garden again? I exit the room and wanted to ask one of the nurse that happen to be walking at the hallway. I hold her arm. The lady smile at me. I point my finger towards Baekhyun's room, giving an assuring look.


By looking from her eyes, I can see that she is confuse. But after a few seconds, she nod her head as a sign that she understand. "Aaa, Baekhyunsshi already left the hospital. Just a few minutes ago," she says.


My eyes are wide. I bow to her and walk away. I'm wandering around the hospital entrance. Maybe he is still here since the nurse says that he just left a few minutes ago. Then, I see a familiar person walking out through the door. I trail behind him. Baekhyun! Baekhyun! He did't even turn back once.


It's weird that he is walking the opposite way to his house. I decide to follow him from a distance. His hands are shoved into his pockets, ears pluck with earphone. Maybe he couldn't hear me because of the music. Watching him discreetly is a new thing. I haven't done this before, observing people like a spy. But just by looking at him, I manage to put up a smile on my face.


Usually, the boy will be following the girl secretly but it happens to be that I'm, the girl is following Baekhyun, the boy. Maybe what people said is true, first love is not easy. And it hurt even more when I know I'm not his first one.


Baekhyun make a turn to the right, entering an alley, shops lining up on both sides. I'm a few meters away from him and gradually approaching when he is slowing down his pace. Suddenly, he stops, making me to do the same as well. Both of us are standing in the middle of the small road. Pass by walkers look at us in a weird way.


I can sense that Baekhyun is going to turn around. I believe he knew from the start that I have been following him all the way. It feels like the time is moving slowly, sound of the clock ticking getting louder, provoking me even more.


Before he manage to face me, Baekhyun fall down on his knees. I'm shock, froze, speechless and unsure what is actually happening. The moment his head touch the ground, I rush towards him. My hands are trembling, lips turning pale as my mind goes blank.


I bent down next to him and hold on his head, resting it on my lap. People starts to gather around us, wondering about the same thing. His eyes are shut close. I pull his earphone, calling his name a few times. Baekhyun? Baekhyun?


I'm panicking, knowing he hasn't respond yet. I shake his body a few times, but it only moves according to my will. I turn my head to the left and right, wanting to seek for help. But these people are only busy whispering, doesn't offer much of help.


"Yuni," Baekhyun says weakly.


Are you okay? Lets go to the hospital.


"No, I want to go home," he insist.




"Take me home."


I nod my head. I help him stand on his feet. His hand is around my neck, supporting himself. We head home by taxi. All the way there, he did't says a thing.


Why did he suddenly passed out on the street? And I remember that it had happened before. It was when we were in the kitchen. During the time when the glass shattered, the dark night and the wrong feelings.


Does he has some kind of illness? Is he sick? I turn to face him, sitting next to me, close to the window. There's a cut on his lower lips, bruise on his cheek because of the accident. I reach out my hand, unconsciously, trying to wipe the blood stain on his lips.


Once my finger touch it, Baekhyun tilt his head away, avoiding me. I pull back my hand, placing it on my chest. It happens again, my heart is beating fast and suffocating for air, feels like I have been poison without an escape. I heave a sigh and close my eyes, pretending I am sleeping.



We reached home an hour ago. Baekhyun went straight into his room without a word. I feel uneasy. Maybe I should check him out since he has been locking himself in his room.


I leave my room and stand in front of his door room. I knock on it for a few times, but he did't answer. Perhaps he is sleeping. My hand turn the door handle, surprising its unlock. I push the door slowly, revealing bits by bits the room interior. Then, I see Baekhyun sleeping soundly on his bed.


I sit at the edge of the bed next to him. He is laying, motionless, blanket pull up to his chest. He looks so peaceful. And the slight twitch feeling attack me when I see the cut on his lower lips. It reminds me of the incident in the taxi, the avoiding scene. I climb down the stairs and  grab the first aid box on a shelf near the kitchen cabinet.


I walk back into his room and start treating the small cut. I wipe the blood stain, at the same time, staring deeply on his face. He makes me confuse, he cause me to feel heartache. There's a moment where we are just friends or perhaps stranger and just two days ago, he gave me a hint that he is into me. Then, yesterday, the awkwardness begin again. And now, he is different.


I want him to tell me the truth. Whatever in his mind, I want him to spill it out. No more secrets, hiding and confusing. Just a plain truth and everything will be crystal clear.


I let out a heavy sigh while closing the first aid box. I put it aside and stare at him back again, feeling blank and empty. When there's too much things going on in my mind, I'll end up not think of anything. I'll simply just let it go and leave things hanging.


Baekboem words echo in my mind. Don't hurt yourself and Baekhyun.


I'm aware that I'm hurting myself but am I hurting Baekhyun? Do my presence irritate him? What is it actually? I'm dying here, craving for any explanations.


I turn away, not willing to look at Baekhyun sleeping face anymore. When I'm about to stand up, someone hold my wrist. I sit back down on the bed, facing him. Then, I push his hand, releasing my wrist. He look at me intensely, eyes narrowing, biting his lips without saying anything. I smile bitterly. You need to rest. I stand up, picking up the first aid box as well.


"Stay," he says in his husky voice.


I open the door and close it behind. My breathing is unstable, tears about to escape. I put down the first aid box on the floor and walk into my room. Right now, I really need a shoulder to cry on. It hurts a lot. It even hurts like death itself. I grab my knitted scarf and put on my black leather jacket. I need to breathe in the fresh air to clear my mind.



The moment I open the entrance door, Baekhyun slam on it, making it shut close, producing a loud thud. He is breathing heavily. His hand is glue to the door, blocking my way. Baekhyun, move.


I try to push him out of my way but he is too stubborn to obey me. I say move. What is wrong with you?


"No, you're not leaving. You can't leave," his tone is getting higher.


Look, I just wanted to walk around. I'm not leaving forever.


"No, you're leaving."


Baekhyun, stop talking nonsense.


He lower down his head and his guts. He is giving me a hard time. What is it that he truly wants? Do he really wants me to stay or leave? I can't figure him out.


"Don't go," he whisper.


I sigh. Ok, I won't go. I unwrap my knitted scarf in a way showing annoyed by his behaviors. He is still standing there, watching me as if I am some kind of a fugitive. I walk pass him, heading to the stairs.


I did't even look back. I did't plan to even turn around. He deserves this, the ignoring. And the thought about our first encounter makes me to feel regret. He drives me insane. Everything about him is giving me different vibes. At some point, I like him and sometimes it happens the other way around.


But now, I like him. I love him. And I'm not sure if he is feeling the same way. Well, I'm ok if its a one sided love but the way he keeps on confusing me is an irritation. Perhaps, I should stop liking him. And just let it go.


"Yuni, I'm sorry," he says when I'm two steps on the stairs.


I stop briefly and begin climbing again. But then, I stop when he hug me from the back. His arms wrap around my waist, never fail to send shiver down my spines. I turn stiff but my expression hasn't change.


"Don't go, please."


Enough with the apologizing. I had enough. Just let me go.


"I was wrong. I wasn't supposed to treat you that way. Please, I need you," he insist.


He needs me. Those words, makes me to fall into his trap. Those three words means that he also loves me. But, is it for real this time? Am I not a toy for him? He is not fooling around me anymore, right?


"Trust me. I admit it. I still have feelings towards my first love but it slowly fading away when you come into my life. And I like it when I starts to develop feelings for you. Please, I beg you, don't go," he pour it out.


Baekhyun, I don't know if I should trust you. I give in for so many times and right now, I may won't be doing the same thing.


He turn my body around to face him. He is standing one stair below me, making me standing the same height as him. "You should be doing the same thing because it will be different starting from now. I promise."


Then, you need to start telling me the truth. What happened at the street earlier? Why did you passed out? Are you sick?


I can see that he is pressing his lips together. He pull me closer and hug me again, but this time from the front.


"I'm losing you. I'm losing my ability."



Dear subscribers and my fellow readers, thanks for the support.

It sad to know that EXO goodbye stage has ended.

Hoping for another comeback sooner or later! EXO, HWAITING! :)



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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(