
Mute and Loud


Why did't you wake me up this morning? We wouldn't miss school.


"I promised you that we are going to look for your mom today. Don't you remember? And I'm good in keeping promises," he says, staring at the front road.


We are waiting for the bus to come. Our destination is heading to my mom's office which is not too far from here. Just a couple blocks away. I told him that we should take his car or bike, it would be easier for both of us, especially him. 


But he has this 'I want to get fresh air' thoughts. I am totally fine about taking the bus since I am used to it. And I am not sure if he has the same idea. By looking at him, his image doesn’t suit with the public transportation. He looks like he deserve in the upper class society.


Maybe I am judging him just from the outer perspective. I wish I could dive deeper into his heart to get to know him better. But I can't. Baekhyun doesn't look like he is interest to open up himself about his personal life to me. He is just a mysterious person which I know his name only.


In fact, I also don't want him to know me. He should be thankful to his extraordinary ability because with that, he managed to venture into my mind as well as my life.


The bus stop in front of us. I walk ahead, entering the bus follow by him. We sit at the back row near the left side window. There are only a few passengers besides us in the bus. It’s quiet, just the way I want it to be.


I turn to face Baekhyun, sitting next to the window. His ears are pluck with the earphone, like it always has. Is it loud for him? I mean, the thoughts coming from all the few people in here. But its nothing compare to the crowd during lunch time. Everything about him, making me curious.


He pull out the earphone and look at me.


Baekhyun, I'm just wondering. How do your reading mind thingy work?


"Simple. There's no manual. It happened whenever I want it to happen," he says, leaning closer to me.


But, that can't be it. I just want to know. I think you know about me too much when I know nothing about you.


His small smile is triggering my cheek to blush a bit. "For example, let’s begin with the people in this bus. You see that ahjumma over there," he says, pointing discreetly towards an old lady in the mid of 50's at the front row.


"The next stop is hers."


2 minutes later, the bus park next to the bus stop and the old lady that Baekhyun is talking about, walk out of the bus. My jaw drop. Seconds later, the bus is back on the road


"All of their thoughts are like a melody to me. But more like a noisy melody. You know the buzz sound? Yeah, something like that. But I can choose whether to listen or otherwise."


Hah? Listen or otherwise? You can do that?


"Yes, just like a radio. If I want to listen, I turn up the volume. If I don't want to, I can lower down the volume," he explain.


I can only understand 20% of it. I know that he can hear people thoughts and the buzz sound. If I am him, it will be irritating to listen to the buzz sound everyday. And the places pack with people will be the place I don't want to be at. So, that's why he always brought along his earphone with him. But the part where he compares his mind with the radio is confusing me. And what with the turn up and turn down the volume about?


If you can do that, why do you have to listen to my thoughts when you can choose not to?


"Don't blame me. Blame my corrupted brain. I don't know why, but I did try to kill your voice from entering my mind. And it doesn’t work. It seems like you are whispering next to my ear. Your voice is the loudest among the others. Really, it’s not like I did't try but I did," he say, in a convincing way.


That doesn’t help much but instead of feeling a little bit of ease, it became more uncomfortable. Out of thousands of people, why it has to be me? I don't need the special treatment or whatsoever. I prefer living my life the way it is now.




“We’re here,” he smile, grabbing my wrist towards the door of the bus.


We get off the bus. I stare at the 5 floors building in front of me. I wish that mom should have pick up her phone at the first place, so I don’t have to go this far to look for her and be a burden to Baekhyun. I feel sorry for him for dragging him into this situation which he did't have to even bother to care.


I am walking ahead, towards the entrance, follow by Baekhyun behind me. My eyes are searching for the information counter and I see one at the left side of the building.


Baekhyun, over there. We should ask the lady at the counter.


We approach the counter and Baekhyun ask, “Excuse me. Do a lady perhaps who work here name Lee Miyoung?”


The woman is looking through her computer on the table, pressing on the keyboards, scrolling the mouse, her eyes scanning on the screen. A minute later, she turn to face us.


“She resigned a month ago.” My mouth is agape. That is impossible. I remember she got out every morning and told me she will be in her office, working. Mom, where are you?



The road in front of us isn't busy. We are sitting on a bench under the tree, near the office. I stare at the green light blinking on the other side. Then, my eyes shift to the people behind the zebra's crossing waiting for the red light to appear. There is something familiar over there. Not the blinking light or the people but a shop behind them. 


I stand up, resting my hand on my waist while my forehead creases, narrowing my eyes towards the shop. It's a coffee shop. 


My left hand moving, trying to find Baekhyun who is sitting on the bench behind me. Then, my hand land on someting soft and warm? I turn around to find my hand touching his cheek. I meant to hold his shoulder just to grab his attention. But how did my hand ended up touching his cheek?


Our eyes met. My mouth is open right before it close again. I am totally out of words - even though I don't talk but my mind is blank. There is something about him that get me to attach to him. 


The sound of the car honking break through the silence. I look away from meeting his eyes. This is embarrassing. Lately, I noticed that there were quite of contact between us happened. I'm not saying I love it but I kinda don't hate it. Wait, that sound the same but....


I try to pull my hand away and it did't work. 


I bite my lower lips, knowing that he is holding my wrist, keep it close to his cheek. Baekhyun... I say his name in my mind, shakingly. He is looking at me keenly as if he want to tell me something. My thumb unintentionally brushes his cheek. It's soft like a baby skin and soothing like the morning breeze. What is happening to me, exactly? 


"I like your hand," he says, like nothing has happened.


I pull my hand and face the coffee shop. 


"So, where are we heading?" he ask, standing on his feet next to me. 


The coffee shop. My mom is a regular customer there. The people who works there might know where she is. Acting cool and forget what just happened.


A lot of people gather on the pavements to cross the road. We squeeze in between them to stand at the front row. After the green light for the pedestrian blink, I take a step ahead, only to find someone hit my shoulder from behind. I stumble, the back of my hand feel the back of Baekhyun's hand, make me to feel a slight electric shock. 


Fortunately, I manage to balance myself. Baekhyun is struggling to break through the crowd behind me. The person that bumped into me is already on the other side of the road, walking away from my sight. 


I glance sideways, seeing cars with drivers that are eager to press on the fuel paddle and drive away. My eyes shift to a motorcycle moving between the cars, approaching me gradually. I have this feeling that the rider don't have a thought to stop. As the image of the motorcycle getting bigger and nearer, I stop moving.


My legs are shaking untill I am just inch away from getting hit from it. I shut my eyes, not willing to see the worst to happen. Then, someone jerk my arms from behind. The sound of the motorcycle dissapear.


"Are you ok? Stupid rider."


I nod, tugging into Baekhyun's shirt.


Let's go. I inhale and exhaled heavily. There are so much thing had happened today. I need time to sort out everything in my mind. 


Baekhyun walk at the front, follow by me. I look at his back, admiring how fast he is, how sharp his senses are and how perfect he could be. I fasten up my pace, walking next to him.


After crossing the road, we enter the coffee shop. There are a lot of customers since it is lunch hour. I head to the cashier with my head high, looking confident and hoping that after almost being hit by a motorcycle won't be a waste after all.



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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(