Fate or Destiny?

Mute and Loud

Night turns day. Moon stay low as the sun rays break through the darkness. It feels like a new day to me. I feel brand new and light. The fact to live once again as an unmute girl is a different feelings. And everything seems weird and alive.


Baekhyun hold on my hand tightly, giving it a brief squeeze just to let me know that he’s there. We are walking side by side along the pavements with the other five boys. Today is Saturday and there’s a famous flea market around here. We can’t miss it since we already traveled this far.


“Are you ok, Yuni?”


I nod my head follow with a chuckle. This is tragic, I have to get rid of that habit because it reminds me of him way too much.


“Is there something on my face?” he ask with a stern look.


I shake my head making my ponytail hair waved.


“No. It just…”


“What? Are you hiding something from me now?”


I roll my eyes and let go of his hand. Baekhyun looks speechless as he trail behind me. I enter the flea market with a grin on my face. It’s been awhile since the last time I went shopping. I miss all the girl’s thing and I miss… mom, my step mother. I’ve been thinking about her last night. Where is she? Can’t she at least contact me once? I miss her so much.


Although she hates me, and perhaps hired those bad guys to hurt me but she is the only hope I have, my only family member that live. I can’t afford to lose another one. I need to take care of her, ensure that she is not feeling lonely as much as I do.


“Why’re you standing in the middle of the road? You’re blocking people’s way,” Suho say with his hand holding on my shoulder.


I lower my head, whispering, “Sorry.”


Suho sigh, saying, “Come on. We got some shopping to do.” He pull my hand towards the crowd. There are stalls on both side of the road along the way. People can be found everywhere, loud voices, yelling for bargain. And, I’m actually good in bargaining. I used to work at a small antique shop last year during summer. I did made quite a lot of money.


Dad told me that mom was also good at it. I guess I inherit her genes.


Unintentionally, I heave a sigh. I miss my family. I miss everyone.


“Yuni, do you like this one or this?” Suho ask, holding on two necklaces with different designs; one with white pearl while the other one is a vintage camera pendant.


I stare on both of the necklaces and shift to the heart locket necklace hanging behind him at the stall. The heart shaped caught my eyes. Suho turn around and grab that locket. He walk behind me, putting it around my neck and lock it. I look at the mirror, staring at my own reflection with that heart shaped locket resting on my chest.


“It looks good on you,” he says, smiling at the end.


“And I’ll buy it for her. How much is it?” another familiar voice say next to me.


Baekhyun hand a few notes and give it the lady standing behind the stall. She smile at me with a dimple flash on both side of her cheeks.


“Yah! Are you trying to steal my girl from me?”


Suho roll his eyes and look at me. “I’m going now. Take care of your jealous boyfriend. See you later,” he says while emphasizing the word jealous with his eyes rounded.


I let out a small laugh and watch Suho walk into the crowd and meet the other 4 boys, looking around at a stall selling different designs of caps.


“So, what do you want to do next?” Baekhyun ask, ruffling his messy hairs.


“Hmm… Can we just walk around?”


Baekhyun nod his head, grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers. He lead the way through the crowd as I follow his step like a small child following her mother from the back. We stop at few stalls along the way, selling vary of items from vintage to modern. I bought a few more things to add up to my collection. And I just realized that this is my first shopping trip with Baekhyun.


“Yuni, I have to take this phone call. Don’t go anywhere, stay here!”


I nod my head, staring at Baekhyun’s back as he walk to the small alley away from the loud crowd. Then, I turn around, smiling briefly to the owner of the small stall, selling vintage watches. It’s 11AM right now. And I haven’t see the other boys since an hour ago. Maybe they’re also having much fun as much as I do.


I grab a gold chain vintage watch with diamonds decorated around the glass and put it on me. It looks so old and exclusive. “How much is this?”


“For you, 10,000 won only,” the man smile.


I smile at him back. I can buy a meal using that 10,000 won but for this kind of watch worth that much is cheap. This kind of issue happens all the time. Having an argument with the mind to buy it or save the money for something else.


“Just buy it. It match your style," a boy with a husky voice says.


I raise my brows, lifting my head and turn around. My eyes widen, looking at the familiar figure standing beside me.


“I heard you can talk,” he whisper ending with a small smile. “Glad to hear your voice again.”


I press my lips together, holding on the shopping bag tightly. “H-Hey Tao. Its been awhile. Why’re you here?”


His lips turn into a smirk, stuffing his hand into his pocket and face me. “Don’t worry. I’m not following you. Maybe it’s fate.”


I smile awkwardly, “Maybe. Are you on holidays too?” I try my best to loose up the tense situation. I don’t feel like its fate or destiny. I got a weird feeling about him. From the very first moment I met him, Tao seems like a mysterious guy with a past that intertwined with mine. I don’t know why but somehow I feel like I met him before, when I was young.


“I hope you remember everything now. About me, about your dad, about the car accident,” creases form across his forehead.


“W-w-what’re you talking about?” I startle, pulling the end of my blouse sleeve with my fingers.


Tao take a step forward follow with my step backwards. He hold both my shoulder, shaking it. “You have to remember everything. Your stepmother is an evil woman. You have to find her, you have to make things right,” he beg as tears slowly escape from his eyes.


“Stop it Tao. You’re hurting me. Let me go!” I yell, catching some people attention.


“No. I won’t let it go. Tell me that you remember everything. Tell me that and I will never appear in front of you again,” he threaten me.


He scare me. What is he? Who is he?


Baekhyun. Baekhyun… help me.


“Yuni, I’m sorry,” Tao’s voice soften. “I just--”


“STOP IT!! Don’t talk! Shut up! I said shut up!” I shout loudly, shutting my ears with both of my hands and fall onto the ground.


It happen again. I thought I already get over it. My lips turn pale, hands shaking. I close my eyes, clear teardrops escape from my eyes down to my cheek. Baekhyun. Baekhyun. Baekhyun. Where’re you? I summon his name in the inside like a lullaby.


My heart is racing, lung suffocating for oxygen, legs turn numb, dizziness is overwhelming. I bite my lower lips, making it bleed once again. If I have the authority to stop the time, I will. I will make it stop and chase away all the bad memories. I can’t get through this situation for the second time. It’s killing me, not knowing the reason why it happened at the first place.


I heard foot steps approaching me. “Yuni. Yuni? Are you--”


I stand up, hide myself in his arms. Baekhyun turn silence, pulling me closer into a hug. He pat my back, trying to calm me down.


“Shhh, everything going to be fine. What happen to you?”


I gasp for air, lift my head to look at him. Baekhyun seems lost. I turn around while my hand is holding his shirt. My mouth’s agape. Tao was there a minute ago. He was there. I’m sure that he was there. I was talking to him just now. How can he disappear so fast? I frown, let go of Baekhyun’s shirt.


“He was t-there…” I murmur.


“Who was there, Yuni? Who made you like this?” Baekhyun insist.


I shake my head. “Tao. He was there. I was talking to him.”


“You mean that guy. Why is he here? Don’t tell me he’s following you.”


“I-I-I don’t know.”


Baekhyun let out a heavy sigh. “For now, let’s get you home.”


He grab the shopping bag scatter on the ground and hold it. “Come on Yuni. You’re scaring me whenever you turn this way.”


I walk briskly towards him and walk beside him with my hand clinging on his.


What just happened?




Dear my lovely readers,

this fanfic is going to have quite a lot of chapters and a long way to go until it meets it end.

are u ok with it? i mean will u stick with this fanfic till it ends?

i think it'll end around 50-60 chaps. MAYBE. but won't go any further than that.

anyway, thanks for keep on supporting this fanfic <3


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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(