
Mute and Loud


My alarm clock did't ring this morning because I forgot to set the timer. I woke up quite late and I have only 10 minutes to wash up and dressed myself. 10 minutes probably be enough for the boys to get ready but for a girl like me, I think it isn't even close to enough.


The sun starting to warm up and here I am, running my off to school. I glance at the watch around my wrist. 5 minutes remaine and I still have a long way to reach my destination. I start to regret for not getting a bicycle.


I am definitely late for school. No doubt. Great. Then, I have to face Mrs. Jung. She have this big glasses resting on the tip of her nose which make her look funny but none of the students dare to joke about it in front of her. Mrs. Jung is famous for her fierce and manly personality. Her body is fit like a man. I bet there are abs hidden behind her white blouse. 


The wind brush at my cheek bring me back to reality. I stop abrubtly and I almost stumble. A red big sport bike park in front of me. The rider is wearing a black leather jacket with his helmet on covering his face. I shift my eyes down to his pants, it's the colour of my school uniform, dark blue-black colour. 


He remove his helmet and I'm amaze by how perfect his hair is without any effort to make it look good. The rising sun behind him is hurting my eyes. I couldn't see his face clearly as his hair is blonde. 


I hear footsteps. It become louder and louder untill it stop. I look up and find that his face is familiar but I couldn't recall my mess up memories. Suddenly, my brain trigger that particualr memory.


"Need a ride?" he asked with a sarcastic smile on his face.


Yes. But no. 


"You wanted to say yes, but no? I don't understand."


Arghhh, I forgot that he could read minds. Weirdo.


I push him aside and continue with my journey to school. I look at my watch, 3 minutes left. Could be enough if he did't disturbed me at the first place. Then, a warm hand grab my wrist and pull me closer. Both of my hand land on his chest, our eyes meet, he is smirking and my heart is beating tremendously fast. 


"I will take it as a yes," he said and force me to sit on his bike. He put on the helmet for me and he wear his. 


"Better hold on me tightly. It's going to be a rough ride," I gulp.


No, I won't ever ever ever never lay a finger on his bod-----


My eyes are round as his bike speed up. Without realizing, my hands are hugging his waist tightly. Yes, I admit it. I am a coward. Baekhyun ride the bike like an expert as it travel smoothly on the road while moving between the cars. He is good at avoiding the cars that are blocking his way.


I grab onto his jacket when he suddenly break. it did't even take 2 minutes to get to school. Fortunately, I am save from being punish to clean up the school compoud or even worst, detention for coming late to school.


My heart is at ease. I pull out the helmet and place it on Beakhyun's bike. I grab onto my backpack straps getting ready to start my daily routine at school. And again, Baekhyun pull me by my wrist. I give him a what-do-you-want-look? He raise his brows trying to tell me something which I unable to understand. 


What do you want? I talk to him mentally.


"Not even saying thank you?"


I roll my eyes and glare at him. I did't asked you to give me a ride.


"I don't care. Say thank you," he insists.


Fine. Thank you. Satisfied?


"No, say it with your mouth."


Never. With that, I walk away from him. 



It's time for math class. I am still sitting next to Mr. Physco feeling so insecure. I can't even focus to what Mr. Do is talking about. Just because of a small matter, it has effect my life 360°. This is totally the opposite of my life plan. 


Wait, why am I feeling so pressure about this? I should calm down and think of a way to solve this issue. Come on Yuni, think of something useful. Oh, there is actually a way. Well, it is the only way that I could think of. It is avoiding him and not making eye contact with him. That could do the trick.


Our next class is history which I hate the most. I did't get it why do we have to learn about the things that have happened a long time ago. Can't we just focus on the future and let bygones be bygones? Every single time when I have this small argument with myself regarding the learning history matter, there will always a part of me saying that we need to cherish the warriors of the past that successfully builded our country. Without them, I might not even exist.


"Guys, Mrs Lee will be absent for a whole week. And she entrusted me to take in charge during her classes. One more thing, you guys will be pairing up with your seatmates. There will be an assignment that required to be done and the marks will add up in your final examination. The topic is written on the blackboard. Mind to check it out," Taeyeon explaining at the front.


I look at the blackboard. 'If I Was The King of Joseon' written on it. I could simply finish the assignment less than a week alone.


"Yuni, Mrs Lee told me that you won't get to do it alone this time. If you insisted, Mrs Lee won't count in your mark," Taeyeon add.


My mouth is agape. I turn my head to face Mr. Physco on my right. Working with him will my worst nightmare. I can't find the word teamwork between us. 


"Baekhyun, good luck on making her to talk," Minho, the school's athletic say while patting Baekhyun's back.


"No, I'm totally okay with it," Baekhyun say.


I can sense evil vibe coming from him. There must be something going on in his filthy mind. I start to wonder how he can read minds. He must be that lucky to receive such gift. If I'm him, I probably use my gift to the fullest.


Our eyes meet, I bite my lower lips. And again, I try not to think of anything to block my thoughts from reaching his mind. But it just slip away unintentionally. You won't be able to make me open my mouth. Never.


"Don't worry. I won't force you to talk. I just can sneak into your mind," he say, sound like a ert.


Why do you have to get into my mind?


"Because it's interesting."


Can't you not do that? Its disguting and gross.


"Yes....... but no," he smirk. 


My shoulder drop.  


Baekhyun stare around our homeroom. Every of the girls' eyes are on him. The smile on his face is no longer there. And his forehead creases. I followe his eyes' direction. He is looking at Yuri at the front row seating next to Taeyeon. Both of them are squealing and fangirling over him. Their voices are loud enough for me to hear it.


Yuri and Taeyeon are a member of SNSD stands for so nyuh shi dae or Girls' Generation. That group is the queenka of the school. And what I mean by queenka is, they come from a wealthy family and they are damn gorgeous with a great body. All of the boys are lining up to be their boyfriend but most of them already have a partner except for Yuri. The rumours say that she is looking for the perfect one. And I guess the one that catch her eyes is the person who is seating beside me.   


I scoff and shift my gaze back to Baekhyun. His ears are already stuff with his earphone. From the first day I met him, I notice that he always walk around with his earphone pluck into his ear. And it starting to make me curious. If he could read my mind, it means that he can read others people minds too.


Maybe he is feeling irritate hearing to people's thoughts. His world must be fill with noises rather than my quiet world. So, he use the music as an excuse to escape the loud world of his for awhile. Clever but burdensome.


Now, I really want to know more about this Physco guy. 



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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(