
Mute and Loud


Everyone is excited when it comes to recess time but I'm not. Is there anything for me to feel glad about recess when all I get is people staring at me in disgust. Even though I already get used to it but still, if possible, I want them stop doing it and leave me alone. 


After grabbing my lunch, I head to my usual spot. Don't forget that I need to pass by the other students' table with an expressionless face and act like I did't care less about their whispers. I put down my tray and seat down with my back facing the crowd. No eye contact can be make, no harsh words can be hear.


Before I could bite into my sandwich, another tray been place on the same table at the opposite of me. I drop the sandwich and stare at the person who is brave enough to sit at the same table as me. It is utterly suprising for me and I am out of words untill he snap me out of it.


"Don't overwhelm yourself. I'm just playing my role as your partner," Baekhyun say while taking a big bite from his sandwich.


I can see that his tray is fill with different kind of foods. Besides the sandwich, there are also kimchi fried rice and tteokbokki. If that is the small portion of his stomach, no wonder boys have such a big appetide. I bet he wantsmore.


"Yes. We can share if you like to?" he offer.


Why do you have to budge into my thoughts? Get out of my mind. I mean it!


"No, I don't want to," he say follow with a spoonful of kimchi fried rice into his mouth.


He is enjoying his meal to the fullest. Typical boys. I am about to leave the table when suddenly, Yuri come by and seat beside Baekhyun with a smile on her pretty face. No doubt that she is definitely in love with my seatmate. And I bet Baekhyun already know it before she get the chance to confess because the boy that she like isn't an ordinary boy but a freak with a gift.


Baekhyun slip his hand into his pocket and take out his earphone like he always have. He pluck it into his ears and totally ignore Yuri presence. There is nothing I can do though, Yuri girl.


Yuri is about to pull one of the earphone from Beakhyun's ear. But before she could do it, he grab her hand and push it away gently. I can hear a sigh coming from Yuri's mouth but all I get when I stare at her is her deathly glares. What's wrong with this woman?


A card is place on the table next to his tray. Yuri leave the table while showing a smirk towards me. I roll my eyes and shift my gaze to Baekhyun. The pink rectangle card remain untouch on the table. It is either Baekhyun did't notice it or act like he did't. And I bet it is my second assumption. I extending my hand. Once my fingertips feel the edge of the card, Baekhyun press down his hand on top of my hand.


I look up to find his eyes. His other hand is busy unplucking the earphone.


"If you insist to see this card, whatever it is in this card, you have to follow me," he say still trapping my hand in his.


Fine. I pull my hand away from his, trying to grab the card.


"Not so fast. You must keep your words or else I won't be doing that assignment with you," he add while holding the card far from my reach.


Yes. Whatever. Just give me that card. You're making me so anxious. What is it in there actually?


He give me the card and I look at it while raising my left brows. Birthday invitation? I open the card and read the well-printed font on it. The front cover is pink decorated with a drawing of an old fashion poloraid camera while the inside is plain white with pink coloured font. The theme of the party is vintage and I hate party because people could be found everyone. Plus, I dislikes crowd. It is loud and suffocating.


The card written that Baekhyun is invited to Yuri's 18th birthday tonight at her house, I meant her mansion because her father is bloody rich and her mother is a one god damn gorgeous woman. Despite her cocky attitude, Yuri is almost perfect. And every girls have a dream to be in his shoes excluded me. They said money could buy anything and I agree with it if the ones heart is fill with mere intention. 


I've met a lot of different people from different levels of classess that the humans himself named. All of us are the same but somehow it happen to be that we have been divided into group based on the wealth which I totally against to. It just rubbish and our social is corrupt. True friends couldn't be find anymore, heartache is now a comman disease without a cure, tears meant nothing. I used to feel that but let's pretends like nothing have gone wrong.


"Are you okay?" Baekhyun ask. I can feel his sincerity.


I nod my head and flash a convincing smile.


"So, you're coming with me. No buts. You've made a promise," he say.


And from there, I realize that he trick me. He knew it from the very moment Yuri sat beside him, before Yuri placed the card on the table next to his tray and he isn't even playing the music through his earphone. He knew what is the contain of the card. I should hve figure it out from the first place but I just fall into his trap. Smartass.


"Tricking you wasn't that hard. I'm picking you up at 8. Better get ready by that time," I chock and watch him walking away from the table with the tray in his hand.


I am suppose to say no but he vanish from my sight quickly. So, I try to persuade him during classess and it did't go really well because everytime I get the chance to talk to him through our minds, he will ignore me and act like he did't hear me. He is such a pain in the .


I never meet a guy alike him. He is just different besides the special power he possess, he is something else. The way he talk may sound sarcastic but somehow I find it quite interesting. And Baekhyun is like the opposite me. He is bold and joyful the kind of person while I am just giving people cold treatment and pretending is my forte.


After the last bell ring, I heave a sigh. Persuading Mr. Physco did't work out anyway. How much I hate being force to do something I did't like and how much I hate parties!



It has been about almost an hour I am standing in front of the mirror staring at my own reflection blankly. A blue jeans with a green pastal colour sleeveless blouse wrap around my body. From my point of view, I look like a piece of crap. I guess, I have no sense of fashion after all. Dear fashion police, you could arrest me now. 


I turn away from the long mirror hanging on the wall next to my wardrobe and grab a different garment laying on my bed. That is my forth time changing into another clothes. Wait, why am I even bother to wear a decent outfit just for Yuri's stupid party? 


I strip myself and wear something more comfortable, an oversized yellow hoodie with a white short. The yellow hoodie is actually a gift from my dad. It is the present that I cherish the most. There is one time that mom nagged a lot to me for wearing that hoodie too often but I did't care. I still wear it no matter what.


Landing on the couch with a bowl full of fresh popcorns alone is something to be enjoye about. I love spending my hours watching movies continously untill midnight. It is a habit and something that I always do to get my mind out of my difficulties. 


I shift my gaze at the digital clock on the tv cabinet. It read 7.57PM. My forehead furrow and the thoughts about mom's whereabout fill my mind. She have been coming home at late night these few days. And everytime I ask her about it, she never did respond and change the topic right away. It is heartbreaking but I, usually, play the let's pretend game.


A knock on the door catch my attention. Again, I never do watch the movie keenly. I place the bowl on the coffee table and heading to the door with heavy steps. I hope it's mom who come knocking on the door. 


The door open and a tall figure stand in front of my eyes. It's Baekhyun. He is wearing a formal attire, dark brown straight cut pants, dark red and white stripes t-shirt with a black blazer. His hair are golden coloured like it have always been, comb to the sideways boosting his bad boy look. 


"You're planning to go to the party like this?" he say while his eyes scanning my body from head to toe.


But I feel like his eyes stop on my expose thigh. ert alert. I snap my finger and he lift his head with a confuse look. A playful smile drawn on my face. I find it enthusiastic to joke around this fellow.


I'm not going.


"Yes you're. I'm giving you 10 minutes to get ready or else, you'll going to the party looking like this," he open his arms gesturing towards my casual looks.


You can't force me to.


"Oh, yes I can. Watch me."


Baekhyun push me into my house from my back and shut the door behind him. He turn my body around, lowering his head to the same level as my height and shot me with his seducing irresistible stares. It's hard to not fall in love with his good-looking face but thanks to my rational thoughts, I did't fall for him completely. He is just no one.


It starting to get hot in here. I feel a little bit uncomfortable. He is still staring into my eyes while I do the same, staring into his eyes. We remain in that position for a few minutes. I don't know what he's thinking about and I really don't have the interest to know so.


"The first outfit is fine. The light red sleeveless cocktail dress," he say follow with a smirk.


So, he is reading my mind. Great, another embarrassement moment. I don't know which thoughts that he read but all I know that every one of those thougts are so humiliating for him to read. It's meant for me to know not for him to find out. How I wish I also have the ability to heard people's thoughts. I could read his while he could read mine. Now, that sounds fair.


I climb the stairs and take a hold of the dress that he mention about just now. It is actually my favourite dress. Perhaps Baekhyun told me to wear that one because he know it is the most dress I fond too. Such a gentleman, wait. Scratch that part. I did't said it. Tehnically, I did said it but I did't really meant it. But who cares. At least Baekhyun isn't near me to listen to that.


"I can hear that too. Your thoughts are so loud compare to your neighbour next door," Baekhyun shout from downstairs. I almost lost my balance when I'm putting on the dress.


, I guess he can heard me from a distance. So fascinating. I stand in front of the mirror once again and take a quick look on my ownself before running towards him.


Let's go!


"No, wait. We got to do something with your hair," Baekhyun say while biting his lower lips.


I wonder why he is so absurb to bring me along to the party. We just met and we hardly know anything about each other. And I did't even officially declare that we are friends. We are just strangers that happen to be classmates, seatmates and assignment partner. It is an unplanned and unfavorable event 


He walk behind my back, hands inside his pockets. My ears hear him chuckling. It's rare to hear him laughing because all he does is release a small chuckle. It's even rare to listen to my voice. Anyway, I did't even expecting to make people listen to my voice.


His hand touch my back and it's weird. Instead of touching the fabric, he touch my . Yes, I forget to zip my dress. He pull the zip and lock it. My cheeks are burning red. That night is my unlucky night. Or maybe it become unlucky because of him.


Then, Baekhyun run his fingers through my black long hair. He grab my hair together and tie it into a ponytail. He make my hair look a little messy but in a appropriate way. Actually, I don't know what he really do to my hair.


How do I look? Ok, why do I care. Can we go now? So, we can come home early.


"You know, I like it when you have long thoughts," he say.


I glare at him, heading to his car, not his sport bike this time. He is perhaps from a wealthy family. But let's assume that I'm wrong. Because I can't befriend him. He is not the same class as I am, right? I smirk.



Along the way to Yuri's house, we did't mutter a word. It's awkward but I like it. Silence is my comfort. Once we reach the destination, I stiffen up. It's my first time visiting a mansion. The garden is big enough to fit two soccer field in it, the house itself is humongous. It is a two floor house with an english style design.


Baekhyun park his car at the driveway, along with the other cars. I get out of the car and I freeze next to his car. There are so many people coming to her birthday party. I spot some of my schoolmates somewhere near me and the loud music really hurting my eardrum. I am not used to this kind of circumstance.


"Come on, Yuni," he say, grabbing by my wrist.


I walk next to him with my eyes glued to the doubled door entrance. It has two columns next to it and the door is widely open, inviting people to come in. The closer we get to the house, the louder the music is, the less quiet it get, the more irritate I feel.


Someone bump into me. I almost fall down but fortunately Baekhyun is there to save me from being humiliate in front of the crowd. Baekhyun stare into my eyes and slowly he interwined his fingers with mine. It's like a natural thing to do. I suprised myself for accepting such skin contact. He lead me through the people to the middle part of the house under the crystal chandelier.


Yuri is standing there with Sunny and Tiffany. They are extremely beautiful. I try to pull my hand away from Baekhyun's grasp but I fail to. Meeting those girls is the last thing I want to do. I did't want to meet anyone. I come to Yuri's party because he forced me to. And now, I starting to regret for following him. I won't gain anything besides getting laugh at when I get to school the day after.


"Baekhyun, you're here! I thought you won't----" Yuri stop talking when her head tilting towards my direction. I free my hand from his grip.


"Ohhh, you're here too," she add with a dull tone. More sounded irk of my presence.


"Yuni-yah, you look so pretty. I did't know you like to come to this kind of party. Everytime I asked you to come to my birthday party, you always shook your head. Yuri, I'm so jealous of you," Tiffany say end with an eye smile.


Tiffany and Seohyun are the only two girls that have been treating me fairly. Both of them always try to make a conversation with me but I am being myself, beaming a weak smile and ignore their presence. 


"Don't be," Yuri whisper under her breath but loud enough for me to hear it. 


I look at Tiffany and smile to her back.


"So, Baekhyun, would you like to have a drink?" Yuri offer trying to flirt him.


"Yes, sure. Why no----" Baekhyun cut his own words.


"Hey! Long time no see, excuse me girls," he walk away leaving me alone.


Perfect. Baekhyun is gone into the crowd untraceable. I wish I am home and not there. It's just a stupid idea to come here at the first place.


"Yuni, how about we sit over there? I'll call Seohyun to join us," Tiffany say while pointing her finger towards a table outside at the patio.


I have no choice but to nod. My body is shivering. It just that I am afraid. Afraid of what about to happen later. I am not sure what will happen but I know something bad will happen. My instinct keep on telling me that. Embraced yourself Yuni.




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24/1/14 - Will be updating in two days until the second last chapter. And sorry for the sudden absence :) Happy new year!


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 32: Please update
Please update this fic.. :(
Haeysoo #3
When will u update
exo_stans #4
Chapter 28: pls update soon...pls pks pls
XxLoserGyuxX #5
Chapter 32: Update soon please, I wanna know what happens next
Coolyolh #6
Update please
Chapter 32: I hope everything is going to be alright~ ;)
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 32: Aigoo, I hope nothing gets in their way :D
Chapter 31: T.T why are you waiting for her Baek?? authornim, please don't make Baekhyun do something that will hurt Yuni.. :'(