One Day After (Part II)

It Takes Only Three Leaders for a Change

A/N: Is it me, or are things getting so tiring lately? Ugh... Let this sooth you in the New Year ^^ TIRED

-TAIwin <3 (.   ^_^) 


CL gulped her saliva down as she watched Jiyong’s car drive by. She held her phone tightly in her pocket and almost went after him, stopping herself after a second: You’re a Leader…he’s just a human-your Student. Calm down. CL turned the other way around and walked off into an alley. Knocking in the thin air, a slit opened and she stepped in, closing the opening behind her. The foggy steps in Heaven provided enough structure to walk up to her place.

She ran a hand through her long dark blonde locks and sighed, “Should I change to black?” Jiyong would’ve liked black… Perhaps one of her angel friends could do it for her. CL hurried up to a cloud in Heaven, and noticed that Taeyang and TOP were scrimmaging. About to talk to them, CL stopped herself and went to her chair. They’ve been ignoring her ever since they returned.

Sitting down, she extended her legs over an arm of the chair and sighed, going through her phone, “Who dyes hair…? Mm, I think Jo Kwon does.” She tried to smile as she texted him.

Me: Jo Kwon~! It’s Chaerin! Do you still dye hair?

Jo Kwon-Diva: Oh? Since when did you get a phone?! And how did you get my number you creep ><?!

Me: Aish, I got it from TOP’s phone. Do you still dye hair?

Jo Kwon-Diva: Yeah, why? Want a new color?

Me: Yeah, black.

Jo Kwon-Diva: Mm, I can bring you in at seven tonight. And black? Bo-ring~.

Me: I’ll be there. Don’t judge me ><

CL placed her phone on her stomach and bit her lip. Even though it’s been a day…why did Jiyong feel like a whole different person? She barely recognized his smile, or even his dark fiery locks. Looking at her hands, she reminisced the night where that hair had curled against her fingers. The dye that came off on her fingers was still there, faint and blending into her natural skin tone. She closed her eyes and heard his deep moan. Her eyes popped open and she covered her ears, growling lowly to herself. “That damn Student.”

Below her, TOP and Taeyang stopped for a break, grabbing half-filled water bottles and drank without a word. TOP’s piercing eyes looked into his equally fierce gaze. Taeyang shrugged, “Wanna head out?” He mumbled.

TOP bit his lip, “Sure.” Was his simple reply. In reality, what they wanted to do was scream and throw a few punches. But they had each other for that. “Drinks? I’ll buy.”

“We’re grown men, let’s buy our own drinks.” Taeyang said.

CL looked down at them, “They’re going out for drinks?” She would go if they weren’t pissed at her. She stared back at her phone and stared at Jiyong’s number. She hasn’t deleted it yet.

She looked at his profile picture. He had taken it himself. His smirk was so annoying yet inviting, she didn’t know whether to hit him or kiss him… He said he purposely ed his shirt, but didn’t mention how it fell over his right shoulder and revealing his many tattoos. Her favorite was the one hidden behind his shoulder, written ‘too fast to live, too young to die’, next to his Dragon Ball Z right on his shoulder blade. Why did he make himself look so y-probably knowing that he was-still knowing she could’ve stayed and they could’ve been friends?

“Why do I still have his number and this picture?” She asked herself, staring at it. CL scoffed and went for the delete button. She stopped. “God…he’s so y.” She admitted to herself. Twisting her legs together, CL hugged her phone to her chest and shook her head, “Delete it…delete it…delete it-later.”


CL had received a call when she was at Jo Kwon’s salon from another friend, Doojoon. She grinned and answered, “Hey, what’s up-?”

“Yo CL! Your friends are at the bar, on the floor… Literally, they refuse to move.”

She blinked, “Which bar?”

“Uh…The one beside Jo Kwon’s salon.”

She rubbed her temples, “Ok, I’m in the salon. I’ll be right there.” She hung up and checked herself in the mirror. Her new jet black hair was still tingling on her scalp, but she liked it. Even in black, she had that edge, “Jo Kwon-ah! Can I leave? My friends are being drunken idiots.”

He came up to her and nodded, “Something happen last job?”

“Something stupid.” She said and stood, brushing herself off. She smiled and hugged Jo Kwon, “Thanks, Jo Kwon. I’ll see you some other time.”

“Pay at the door!” He yelled.

She obeyed and hurried out, seeing Doojoon yelling at the bar door beside the salon, “Yah. TOP! Taeyang! Get up! This isn’t-…at all healthy or right!”

CL ran over and touched his shoulder, “They in there?” He pointed and moved over. She groaned, seeing both on the floor, a bottle of soju beside each of them. She pushed in, “Oppas-“

“! Get away!” TOP slurred, stumbling from trying to get away from her.

She sighed, helpless and shook her head, “Please. Get off the floor. Don’t be-don’t be so mad at me.”

Taeyang rolled on his back, “How can we not? ...You ruined our lives! WE WERE HAPPY.” He insisted, his eyes burning an unfamiliar rage at her, “You…selfish .”

Doojoon looked at her, “Did something bad happen?”

“I’ll tell you sometime later… Please help me take these two to the Leaders’ Cloud.” She begged, grabbing Taeyang’s arm. Doojoon nodded hesitantly and took TOP’s arm. The two dragged the drunkards and CL sighed, “I really messed up though…”

Doojoon shrugged, “Heaven knows you well. You three can overcome anything.” He smirked, “You’re Leaders.”

She mumbled, “But we’re broken…” Doojoon’s smirk fell and he turned to look at her. The confident expressions and bright smiles that the three Leaders once held were replaced by dark eyes and a tight mouth and two slurred tongues. News would violently spread that the Leaders were unfit to hold their thrones in Heaven, or that they were going through a rougher patch than usual. Either way, their image would drop. Doojoon wondered if they knew that.

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My wonderful subbies, I'm gonna be busy for a while since school is coming soon. I'll try to post a new chapter by the end of the month. Be patient,


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I'm so glad I found this story again~! I remember reading it a while back but forgot to bookmark it :D such a great story~ love darayang~!
Chapter 37: Omg..this is cute! Hahaha..the last part XD
I ship darayang!! But then I ship dara with many guys :3 But great story :)
Chapter 37: The bonus chapter is so cute ending kyaa
Chapter 37: This was amazing! To be honest I was a little wary about the whole 'Leaders/Gods' w/e because I feel like not a lot of people can really pull off the supernatural thing without it being cheesy, but you did really well! I really enjoyed the story and Bom being in a gang was so surprising and refreshing! I didn't expect that at all. They were all so cute, and Chaerin and Jiyong sleeping together on the boat was quite the shock too. It's been awhile since a story has consistently surprised me, well done! :)
Chapter 37: I enjoy your story. Love it! =)
Chapter 28: Yesterday i had strawberry cake, it was delicious!
Chapter 22: AND T.O.P DOOM DADA