
It Takes Only Three Leaders for a Change

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CL tapped her fingers against her thighs, groaning, “Pick up, pick up.” She pleaded and looked out the door. She could see Jiyong at the store, still busy with buying those jackets he had saw earlier. “Spending money on me…” She felt bad.

“CL? What’s up?” She looked forward, narrowing her eyes even though the person through the phone couldn’t see her.

“YG, you have explaining to do.” She snapped.

He scoffed, “What are you talking about? If anything, you’re spending money like crazy. Jeez, what is it with you three.”

“YG! My student just-…Wait what did you say?” She asked, “Did you say ‘three’?”

“Hmm?” He said, “Oh. Yeah. I’m being hit with bills. But since my computer is acting up, all I get are the payments you make.” She heard him shuffle through papers but CL wrinkled her brows. What did she buy that was so expensive? And did she really go shopping that much? “Here’s one. CL, just today, you bought whatever crap that cost almost four-hundred thousand won. What the Hell?”

She bit her lip, “That…was just today. That’s it. I swear.” She had chipped in designer clothes that Jiyong wanted to buy them as well as lunch.

“Ok, then tell your other Leaders to stop spending so much! TOP literally just bought ONE payment of like five million won!!”

She felt drop, “Oh my god-“

“And Taeyang! He’s buying things like there’s no tomorrow! I sure hope these are cookies and not drugs or some .” He hissed, “CL. What did you want to say? Now that I got that out of the way.”

She blinked and nodded, turning around to see Jiyong pulling on the new army green jacket. He smiled at her and pulled from behind him a matching jacket, her name written in white on the back. CL smiled and spoke, “Oh. Yeah…I’ll tell you later. Something came up.” She hung up and went over to him, “What’s this for?”

“I thought it’d be cool to get similar jackets. Look, isn’t it cool?” He was smiling like a child, which she found cute.

“Yeah, it’s great Jiyong.” She reached for it but he dodged her hands and wrapped it around her shoulders. She watched his face as she stuck her arms through their sockets and he fitted it across her stomach.

He smiled, “It fits perfectly.”

“Yeah…” She pulled away, “Look, my boss just called. He said bills are racking up high up there. I gotta stop spending so much money.”

“That’s ok.” He said and gestured for her to follow, “Oh. And stop calling me ‘Jiyong’. Call me Oppa.”

She scoffed, “Why?”

Jiyong smiled and stretched, “All I’ve heard is ‘Hyung’. I want someone-even if it’s just one person-to call me ‘Oppa’.” CL’s smile disappeared as Jiyong got back in his car.

“You’ve never had a female friend?”

“Not until you came along.” He admitted, “Girls would call me ‘Oppa’, but they’re just trying to flirt with me and it sounds forced. I want someone to just call me ‘Oppa’ freely and really want me to be their friend.” He smiled at her and popped open the passenger door to his car, “That’s partially why I want us to be friends so badly. So that I know we’re close, close enough to call me ‘Oppa’.”

CL hesitantly got into the seat beside him and nodded, “Ok, Oppa.” She’s only been calling TOP and Taeyang ‘Oppa’, so calling Jiyong ‘Oppa’ was different and unnatural, but she liked it. “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere fun.” He explained, “Do you like the cold?”

She shrugged, “I can stand it.”

“Good…let’s go to Jeju.”

“…Wait what?!” She screamed.

“Yeah.” He smiled and winked at her, “Don’t worry. The beaches back at Seoul are so boring. But Jeju is so beautiful. You in, CL?”

“Fine. Only because I have no choice.” She said, her hand going through her hair.

He randomly blurted, “Do you wanna change your hairstyle?”


“I was just thinking that you’d look y with black hair.” He smirked and looked back on the road, “I’ll dye my hair black if you dye yours something else.”

He paused, “I’ve always wanted to try bleach blonde.”


“What? It’s a legitimate choice!” He insisted and sighed, “So? You black and me blonde?”

“Oh my god. You’re not serious are you?” She asked and ran a hand through her blonde hair, “I’ve had blonde for so many years.”

“I’m serious.” He said and looked through his rearview mirror, “We don’t have to do it now. I was just wondering if you’re up for it. If not…I understand.” He smiled and made a turn, “But it’d be nice right?”

“I guess… Ok. I’ll dye my hair black if you dye it blonde.”

“Awesome! Let’s do it tomorrow.” He grinned happily and pointed, “Oh. Come on. I got a boat at the dock.”

“You have a boat?”

“Technically. It’s my friend’s. But he said I can always take it around whenever. So come on.” He got out of the car and guided her to a small speed boat. On the side, she saw that it read: S.S. Lee in dark blue.

She pointed, “Your friend is a ‘Lee’?”

“Yeah. He’s a little piece of turd. But he’s not bad. Spoiled though. His parents are loaded so he gets all the he wants.” He chuckled and helped her down into the boat and grabbed the keys from a compartment below the stirring wheel. “Sit tight baby.” He cooed and started the engine. CL pulled the rope off the dock and stumbled back as he drove off. She squealed and he extended one hand to catch her by the waist. He laughed, “Be careful.”

“Huh. You’re an for doing that.” She scowled.

“Sorry. I thought you were sitting.” He said and looked at her. She pulled hair away from her face but it did no use. So she turned her head to stare at the wind in her face and whooped, raising her arms. He smiled. She looks so carefree…this looks better than her serious image. “Chae! Be careful.”

“Don’t worry! This feels so good!” She screamed back and smiled. “Go faster Oppa!” She pleaded. He rolled his eyes and sped up a little, liking the sound of her cheers. Jiyong smiled at her and steadied one hand on the wheel, reaching for his phone. CL turned around and stopped him, handing over hers, “Use mine.”

He was about to question why, but then stopped himself. It didn’t matter. She turned back towards the water and rose up her arms. He snapped a picture and called, “Oh! It’s a good one Chae!” He returned it and she held it up to see his face.

“Make a face!” She demanded and he stuck out his tongue at her, making her laugh. She took the picture and stashed her phone away, going back to sit down on the couch behind Jiyong. She sighed and let the wind roar in her ears, the dim sky in front of her. Jiyong just focused on getting the boat to Jeju, blinking away the harsh air entering his eyes. He could barely hear his phone ring-it was more like a bird chirping in the morning-but he picked up.


Seungri’s voice echoed out, “HYUNG. Did you take my boat?!”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, just a few minutes ago. Why?”

The younger male huffed, “I have a girl with me! This is no time for taking my boat for a joyride! Get back here!”

“No way. You’re not the only one with a guest Seungri!”

Hearing Jiyong yell at his phone, CL to her stomach and called, “Oppa! Who are you talking to?!”

He called back, “My friend, Seungri!” She shrugged and went back to lying on her back, waving her hands in the air.

“Oh? Hyung! You have a girl with you too?! OH MY GOD!”

Jiyong rolled his eyes, “You sound more excited than me.”

“Sorry Hyung! Sorry! I’ll figure something out. But if things end up well after tonight, you have to clean my boat! Got it?!” Seungri cut the line and Jiyong let his mouth drop.

“I-! Grrr!” He shoved his phone back in his pocket. She came back to his side and smiled at him. She whispered something but he didn’t catch it…


Thanks Ji-oppa.

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My wonderful subbies, I'm gonna be busy for a while since school is coming soon. I'll try to post a new chapter by the end of the month. Be patient,


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I'm so glad I found this story again~! I remember reading it a while back but forgot to bookmark it :D such a great story~ love darayang~!
Chapter 37: Omg..this is cute! Hahaha..the last part XD
I ship darayang!! But then I ship dara with many guys :3 But great story :)
Chapter 37: The bonus chapter is so cute ending kyaa
Chapter 37: This was amazing! To be honest I was a little wary about the whole 'Leaders/Gods' w/e because I feel like not a lot of people can really pull off the supernatural thing without it being cheesy, but you did really well! I really enjoyed the story and Bom being in a gang was so surprising and refreshing! I didn't expect that at all. They were all so cute, and Chaerin and Jiyong sleeping together on the boat was quite the shock too. It's been awhile since a story has consistently surprised me, well done! :)
Chapter 37: I enjoy your story. Love it! =)
Chapter 28: Yesterday i had strawberry cake, it was delicious!
Chapter 22: AND T.O.P DOOM DADA