Ch18: Step Over The Line

Between Me and You

Wonwoo started yet another day at Kijoon's house. Rushing out the door and walking to school. Kijoon took the lead walking backwards and laughing with Wonwoo. She stumbled backwards with Wonwoo catching her hands pulling her close to him just outside of the school doors.

Kijoon turned in his arms walking with her legs taking giant steps into the school. She stopped half way through the door and her face fell to the ground while she looked up at a giant poster of herself with profanities scribbled all around the white boarder.

Moving around Kijoon, Wonwoo looked around at the people with their heads tipped back at the poster. "I don’t want to come to school anymore." Kijoon shook her head holding in new tears. She wasn’t used to crying so easily but with the past events going on, they really stung her eyes.

Wonwoo held her behind him scanning the group of people gathered in the rotunda. "Take it down." he barked, "If you are going to get at anyone for this relationship come at me. She did nothing." Joheun stood laughing in the corner with her friends. Wonwoo fumed in front of her, "Understand that because of this I will never like you. You are annoying and a jerk, people don’t do this with their friends. Leave us alone."

He turned back to Kijoon whisking her away. He pulled her up against her locker brushing his thumbs along her cheeks. "I'll fix this, I promise." he whispered. Kijoon removed his hands from her face,

"We should break up." She sniffled keeping her eyes lower than Wonwoo's face.

"No, no, Kijoon. You don’t mean that." Wonwoo said pulled her hair from her face and leaning down to her level. She looked away from his pushing him away,

"I can’t do this. We should break up." Kijoon choked. Wonwoo turned her face towards his,

"Look at me Kijoon. I'll fix this; it’s only been three days. It will be gone by tomorrow." Kijoon shook her head with tears in the corners of her eyes. "Kijoon listen to me! I'll fix it. That's what you want right?!" Kijoon pushed Wonwoo far away from herself.

She shouted, "I want to break up!" She closed her eyes and let a couple tear drops fall. Wonwoo held her face tightly rubbing her cheeks.

"Say that to my face and we will." Wonwoo tried his best to be patient. Kijoon opened her eyes with Wonwoo only couple inches from her. She felt her knees giving out and she just wanted to run away. She could see her weepy face in the reflection of his eyes.

"I-I want to break up." she shuddered. Kijoon watched the light of slight happiness disappear from his eyes. Wonwoo eased his hands from her cheeks and picked up his bag. He walked away silently.

Kijoon turned towards her closed locker and put her head against it. She immediately started to regret the decision she just made. She opened her locker putting all her books on the top shelf and hanging her bag above her head. She looked up and down the hallway. No one else was there.

She didn’t exactly know what she was doing but by the time she questioned herself Kijoon was standing fully in her locker holding the lock in her hand and closing the door. Her phone glowed giving her the little light she needed to see. She looked down at it hoping it would buzz with some message from Wonwoo or even Mingyu.

All around her was closed off, she was taking a physically approach to closing herself off from the people she hated. She could hear their loud voices cluttering the hallways preparing for their first classes. “Yeah and that Wonwoo guy was yelling at Joheun!” Kijoon could see the shadows of people passing by her locker.

“How about that girl? She was crying.”

“She should stick up for herself and not get Wonwoo in trouble”

“I feel bad, what did she even do to Joheun to deserve that?”

“Very true. Wonwoo said he didn’t even like her.”

Kijoon let her head hang back and hit the locker wall. Her sigh turned into a small cry. She quickly covered muffling it until everyone found their ways to their classes when the bell rang. As soon as she was sure the halls were clear she stepped out of her locker and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

The air was cooler and fresher rather than the stuffy locker air Kijoon had been breathing for ten or fifteen minutes.  Kijoon left her books and binders in her locker and started walking home. She stepped out the front doors and was pulled into a hug.

“Are you okay? Did they touch you again? Where’s Wonwoo? What exactly happened?” Mingyu examined her body not giving her enough time to answer any questions. “Let’s get you home, get on my back.” Kijoon shook her head quietly,

“I’ll go alone.” She muttered trying to refrain from more tears. Mingyu grabbed her arm preventing her from leaving.

“No, I’m not going to class now anyways I’ll go with you.” Kijoon tugged her hand away slightly annoyed,

“I want to be alone, Mingyu.” Kijoon looked up at him giving him a reassuring look, but Mingyu still insisted.

“You’re lying. I’m just going to stay with you, we don’t have to talk.” After a long silence Kijoon agreed walking with Mingyu silently at her side.

Kijoon didn’t find the silence awkward since she was expecting to be alone, Mingyu on the other hand did. He had so many questions; he wanted to ask her about everything. Kijoon stared down at the ground which was Mingyu’s first signal that something happened. Kijoon never stared at the ground when she walked; her head was always held high and her eyes wide trying to take in the world in the best way possible. But now her head lolled back and forth slightly as she walked with a hunch in her back. Mingyu tilted his head watching her. He wanted to hold her straight up as she walked because it was so upsetting to see someone so upset.

The second thing Mingyu noticed was he could hear her breathe. Kijoon’s breaths didn’t exactly hiccup from excessive crying it was more like they sighed like she was disappointed with everything. Kijoon turned into her apartment letting Mingyu come in after her.

She turned around before Mingyu could say anything.  She couldn’t help the puffiness of her eyes. Kijoon’s head tilted up and Mingyu could see that there was nothing he could do to make her any less upset. Mingyu frowned stepping closer and leading Kijoon into her room. He lay her down on her bed underneath the covers and took in every feature of her face. He hovered above Kijoon weeping slightly with her.

Kijoon overlay her hand at the back of Mingyu’s neck. Mingyu watched her wince before she pulled him towards her own lips. She kissed him as if she were angry with him but didn’t want to stop. Mingyu could feel her damp cheeks brush against his. He wanted to kiss her back but convinced himself to pull away. Kijoon came up with Mingyu’s body. She clutched onto his body tightly crying harder than Mingyu had ever seen. “Please don’t leave me.”

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kaku-Exo-l #1
from the beginning I knew it all along who kijoon was gonna end up with...but after reading the whole story I want kijoon and wonwoo together..still..was a as a as.........I felt so bad for wonwoo....He is such a bias wrecker.
truth to be told I can really feel the situation kijoon is will be really difficult to choose between one of them cuz, both wonwoo and mingyu are abjxfwjzisnsbfzjabheisk..... no words to describe them.....MEANIE FOREVER.
great work done author...FIGHTING!!!
oshxlh96 #2

This gurl, I feel like want slap her and that Jae bicth gurl, like its not enough they flirting with wonwo and mingyu at the same time.
Seriously? u got me. I'm screaming a lot, in every chapter.
wonwooxmeanie #3
Chapter 41: I actually wanted Kijoon and Wonwoo to be together in the end bc like she dated Wonwoo first and im just like uadsvfbyuhdsbgnviusdkf but at least its a good(?) ending lel
oh and that time when kijoon broke up w wonwoo bc she was stressed i was like WONWOO DONT YOU DARE TALK TO JOHEUN OR SMTHN
anyway i love this story XD
xcusemeqil #4
Chapter 40: I re-read this story for the third time and it brought me on an emotional rollecoaster all over again. From me being all pissed at Kijoon for not being able to make up her damn mind to how much pain I felt for Wonwoo. He was probably really hurt and broken but he held it all in for Kijoon to be happy with Mingyu, and I guess if she picked Wonwoo, Mingyu would've probably done the same. This story too MUCH FRIKIN FEELS
Chapter 41: Amazing how much feels i can get from this story. It got me on a feels rollercoaster! xD ♡
Chapter 40: AWWWWWEEE <3 it kind of hurts me how Kijoon didn't seem to make up her mind between Mingyu or WonWoo and I'm a KiGyu shipper<3 . I'm literally shedding tears of happiness when she said "yes" to Mingyu<3 AIGOO <3
Chapter 40: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGSH!!!!!!!!! So does Wonwoo still gave up right? What ever happen to Johuen?
Chapter 38: Nooooooo!!! Hey at least Kijoon's happy, but stilll i shipped them so much! I understand you Kijoon, i do. Now update soon woman!!!!!!!!!
BeautifulOblivion #9
Chapter 37: OHHH S*** JUST GOT REALLLL WOAHHHHH THIS IS SOO HOT THAT i'm fanning my selffff NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!111