4 times Sanada pouted, 1 time Nozawa pouted back

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This is my first shot at SanaZawa, please don't hurt me~ *Hides in room*


1.   "Face it, he won the last penguin outfit. it up, its been a week, for Christ's sake!" Iwamoto groaned as Sanada dragged his body into the practice room one morning, muttering about penguins. Nozawa had prompty walked out of the room once he heard the first syllable his 'partner' uttered.

"Oh god, not that story again..." Watanabe pretended to cover his ears. "I've had enough of Yuki complaining of being ignored by Sana... Don't come to me for advice! I !"

Miyadate chucked a pillow at his friend. "Shut up. We have yet another penguin crisis. We need to solve it."

"Buy a another one. Stupid." Sakuma grinned.

"WE SHOULD ONLY HAVE ONE PENGUIN!" Sanada yelled at the door. "AND ITS ME!"

Abe slowly looked up from his book. "Penguin crisis?" he blinked. "THE ARTIC CIRCLE IS MELTING FASTER?! Yuma, you can't keep ONE penguin...it won't reproduce! You need two penguins to mate anyway!"

Fukazawa slapped his forehead.

"You just had to didn't you." Watanabe punched his best friend's shoulder who just laughed. "Baka."

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of the practice room, Sanada slid on the floor, sulking and (in this case) pouting as well, as he thought of the poor poor penguins in the melting polar ice caps.

2.   "Pleaseeeee?" Sanada pouted. "I don't just beg ANYbody..."

Nozawa pushed his friend away. "I said no! I like penguins too, so I wanna keep it. Sheesh."

"But!" Sanada tried to catch up to the taller boy. "Just once? For Halloween? Its coming up!"

Nozawa looked at his pouting friend in the eye. *Crud. He actually looks cute...No, Yuki. Don't fall for it.* Steeling his face, "No."


3.   Sanada paced around his room, "I need the stupid penguin suit. I don't care if Yuki has it, we're technically going out...right? That means...we have to share it!"

"Beeep~" His computer chimed, but he didn't seem to notice it.

"Maybe we should have a cosplay date!" Sanada lit up. "Wait. Then he'd be wearing it...No...Penguins aren't cosplay..."

"Hello...?" Nozawa's voice couldn't be heard over Sanada's thoughts. "Sa...na?"

"I need to steal that stupid penguin suit..." Sanada muttered, still oblivious to Nozawa's face on his computer screen. "But stealing is bad!!" He wailed and jumped on his bed.


"Now I'm hearing voices...great. I'm delusional over a penguin suit."

"Yuma. What the heck."

Sanada sat up and pouted. "Get the voices out of my head!!" He cried as dramtically as possible.

"Well, this was interesting..." Nozawa logged out of his skype.

4.   "I cannot believe it!" Watanabe cried. "Two weeks! And he hasn't even thought of BUYIN

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UsagiHyphen1106 #1
Chapter 13: CHAPTER 13........THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!Jesse is my bias and i love him a lot hehe<3
Chapter 43: UGH SHINTARO PLS WHAT IS CHIVALRY XD still enjoyed reading tho~
thank you!! really appreciate this <3
sixtones' morimoto shintaro being cute and bratty please <3
silvermist1116 #4
Chapter 41: This is so cute. I like how she reconciled with both Keito and Yutti.
silvermist1116 #5
Chapter 40: What about Yutti? I'm assuming their relationship is in shambles for this part.
silvermist1116 #6
Chapter 39: Will there be a part two? I'll have to check out that new video.
silvermist1116 #7
Chapter 38: That's one way to do it.
silvermist1116 #8
Chapter 37: Mad Juri is cute. He doesn't seem the type to get mad.