Family Day Part Two

Never-Ending Beginning

"Kris freaking Wu, I need to talk to you." Sunny looked furious as she headed towards him.

Though, as he looked behind her, his parents  were almost done. He really couldn't handle her right now, because if they were fighting it might trigger his parents to fight and it's been a new record, no fighting in a whole day so far. So, he ran past Sunny and grabbed his parents hand and headed out of the store, once he saw that they were done paying.

Kris, ran as fast he could and settled to hide in another store, despite hearing Sunny's constant shouts, "Kris, I'm not as young as I used to be." His father said, breathing heavily.

"And why were you running away from Sunny?" She asked, but Kris ignored her by distracting her with a dress that he told her would look amazing on her.

"That was close." He told himself and peeped outside to see the Sunny was now on the phone and headed the other way, he knew that he was probably gossiping about him. Though, today it wasn't about her, because that was last week and this was the present, sort of.

"Kris, are you sure about this dress? And you still need to explain what happened, I'm not easily distracted." His mother told him.

He sighed, he knew that his mom wouldn't be easily distracted, but he had hoped a little bit that she would be, "Sunny and I broke up." He told her, he didn't want to tell them about the cheating thing that happened in the bar because he would probably be scolded and their perfect family day would end.

"Kris." Her mom cooed and hugged him.

His father soon came with a bottle of water and his mother told him and he joined the hug.Then, Kris thought he could use this as an advantage, he thought of the previous week and just letting the memories he tried to block let out into tears.

"I just don't know why this would happen to me." Kris sniffed, wiping his tears with his sleeves.

His father patted his back, "It'll be okay, you'll find someone who'll love you no matter."

"Like you have mom?" He asked in the most sweetest voice.

His father stared at Kris, then at to his wife. She nodded and hugged Kris even tighter, "Yeah, just like mom." After, several minute of the family hugging each other they decided to walk around the stores.

Although, Kris walked slowly behind them, noticing that the two had changed. It was as if his little cry-fest got them closer together. Kris smiled, his family was patching up together piece by piece because of his plan, and he was very happy.


"How could you get reservations for this?" The Wu Family entered one of the most fancy restaurants in Seoul.

They were now in fancy clothes because they had gone home for a little while and changed, "Secret, but I didn't do anything horrible to get it." He smiled as his father and mother looked amazed at the restaurant.

He still couldn't believe Tao could get him reservation for this and pay for it to, he needed to go to the cafe everyday for this, but Kris remembered that Tao did imply that he was special. He could feel his cheeks heat up, so he pushed Tao out of his mind and focused on his parents. Soon, they were lead to their table and were given menus.

"Mr. Huang, said you may get anything under 100,000 won." The waiter whispered to Kris,who repeated it to his parents, except the Mr. Huang part.

Once, they ordered, Kris began his plan once again, "Remember when we went to a restaurant like this when I was younger? I remember dad was so worried we couldn't pay for the food."

His mom started giggling, "So, we went to a buffet instead."

His father pouted, "I care for what my family spends on." This comment began a laughing fit from Mrs. Wu and Kris.

Kris was not only having fun with his family, but also enjoying the fact that his parents looked like they were having fun. After, many minutes spent chattering and eating their dinner, the Wu family decided to head home.

"That was amazing day, wasn't it?" Kris asked as he unlocked the door to their apartment.

His parents nodded, "It was one of the most fun days I had in a long time." His father replied with Kris sporting a grin from ear to ear.

"Though you should get some sleep, today was not only fun, but must have been hard for you because of Sunny." His mother commented.

Kris scratched his neck, his day was all focused on them so he forgot about Sunny completely after his run in with her. Although, he was happy that their little incident brought his family somewhat closer together. So, he nodded to his parents headed upstairs in his room to go off to sleep, hoping tomorrow would be just like today.

Sorry for the seriously short chapter, but i started writing a lot more than this though I realized it didn't relate anything to the title of the chapter (^^; So, I cut it short and I'm currently writing the next chapter, don't know if it will come out tonight or from a week, but I'll hope you will be patient with me~ Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story so fay <3

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Chapter 30: Omy gooooood, and done. Truly amazing and am so glad i stuck around till the end :'00000.I really enjoyed this fic and really glad it got a happy ending for all. I'm glad you finished it for us and yourself. Thank you.
Chapter 28: Meant story!sorry but if yoy are,am glad your back!
Chapter 28: Whoa!,i havent seen an update from this blog for so long.....are you continung it?
wusunsoohan #4
Chapter 26: Sunkris please make its sunkris i missed reading story for sunkris
Chapter 26: update soon plz
Chapter 26: with all these things they did i am doubting if kris would get back with sunny again... :( only a few chapters left, right? fighting!
Really nice job!
Chapter 25: Hi!!! Waaah, it's been a long time since I last read this and there are so many chapters to catch up with already! And geez, I am right! This is all dark magic, but I didn't expect Sunny to be part of it, too! Oh no, what will Kris feel? ;~; so many things have just happened! Sgdkakzldld hshehewaaaahhh!
oh gawd..
but anyway yes i saw catching fire like last weekend..oh my gosh..i died when peeta did artsy caking stuff and painted rue for his ranking.Like no peeta go bake a cake or something.Just stop.asdfgghjkl good movie overall.I prefer the book tho.