Chapter 17

Popular Trash

Chapter 17


I was sitting in the class waiting for HyeMi to come. DaeHyun was sitting next to me waiting for HyeMi as well. We became her friends, B.A.P are her friends too. HyeMi walked in the room with a red mark on her cheek. She was also holding her head as she walked in. My face expression changed in a flash; from happy to worried. I was about to go up to her but D.O got in my way.
“Omo, HyeMi. Gwenchana?” D.O asked. She looked down and tried to walk past him but he grabbed her shoulder. “HyeMi please answer me. Are you okay?” She didn’t move and was trying to loosen his grip.

“Please let go of me.” She said.

“No, answer me first please.” He replied. He was irritating me, I turned him around.

“You want to let go of her?” I snapped. His eyes widened. “Oh ..” He muttered.

“I’m not afraid to do it again.. I hope you know that.” I told him. He hesitated. His attention turned back to HyeMi.

“HyeMi… please. Let me take care of you.” D.O bent down to pick HyeMi up. HyeMi yelped. DaeHyun got up from his seat and rushed over to HyeMi.

“Let go of her. She don’t want you no more.” DaeHyun said. I stuck my tongue out creepily so D.O could see what I was about to do. I was getting closer to D.O and he still wouldn’t let her go. I had no choice but to him again.

“Ok here.” He put her down last minute and continued, “HyeMi I’m sorry. Okay? HyeMi-ah please let me take care of you though. I already know what happened last night.” I on the other hand didn’t know what happened so DaeHyun and I were looking at each other trying to figure out what happened.

HyunA then walked into the room with her friends. It got all quiet, “Oh my favorite oppas are all together!” She exclaimed. She only saw us and not HyeMi until she got close enough to see HyeMi in the middle. “Ugh, she’s here. Don’t tell me that’s why you guys look all mad. Well… I mean if you were mad because she was in here.. then that’s okay.” She kept on going on and wouldn’t shut up.

HyunA got in the middle of D.O and DaeHyun and hooked arms with both of them. DaeHyun was trying to get out of her grip but she wouldn’t budge. She then let go of DaeHyun and turned around to look at D.O.

“KyungSoo-ah~” She said seductively. D.O glared at her.

“Don’t talk.. I’m busy.” He growled. *Busy my . Just leave with HyunA for all we care.* She wasn’t happy and turned D.O around to face her. She got closer to D.O and kissed him. She tried to get D.O to respond but he didn’t do anything. He tried pulling back and breaking the kiss off but she held onto him.

HyeMi was watching all of it. She ran out the door when she couldn’t keep it in any longer.

“HyeMi!!” I called. DaeHyun was already out the door before I called her, I glared at D.O and ran after HyeMi.  By the time I left the classroom, HyeMi and DaeHyun was gone. *Damn, where did she go??* I slowed down and was walking in the halls, desperately trying to find her.



*That bastard, D.O* I was running behind HyeMi. HyeMi slowed down and stopped in front of a classroom. She opened the door and went inside. “HyeMi? Are you ok..” I soflt said. She sniffled. *She still likes D.O…* I thought. *Why else would she cry*

“DaeHyun… why do I feel like this?” She asked me. I was quiet at first then answered, “You still like him… don’t you?” She shook her head, “Aniyo. No I don’t like him. No, I don’t like him.” She cried. “I can’t like him… he likes HyunA, cheated on me for HyunA. They were like that before. He played with me.” She sobbed.

“I know. It’s okay now. I’m here for you.” I hushed. I was now crouching down beside her. She rested her head on my chest and silently cried.

“Why do I have to like him? He’s ….. not worth liking but I still have feelings for him.” I felt a little pain in my heart when she said that. “I thought he really liked me too.. he helped me.”

“He’s not the only one..” I mumbled softly. She looked at me, “Wha-?”

“It’s Nothing.” I said. “It’s ok HyeMi. You have me, YoungJae.. and B.A.P. We won’t hurt you. Arasso?” She sniffled and nodded.

“Thank you… I’m sorry I’m always like this. You’re probably annoyed..I’m sorry.” She apologized. *Try to forget about D.O HyeMi. You have me. If you’re gonna like someone other than me… then let it be YoungJae. He cares a lot about you. Not D.O.* I mentally said.

“You don’t wanna go to class right?” I asked her. She shook her head. “Not really” She replied.

“Ok, then let’s go somewhere. To take your mind off of things.” I said.

“Eh? Where?” She asked. I grabbed her hand and got up.

“Just follow me HyeMi-ah.” I was walking towards the door, when I got out of the class, I bumped into someone. It was D.O. He was trying to prevent the tears from falling. But it was running down his cheeks. I looked at HyeMi and she was looking at D.O.

“HyeMi-ah… I’m sorry. I really mean it.. I don’t like HyunA. I always liked you, it’s been you for the longest time.” He whispered.

“Don’t say something you don’t mean.” I growled. He ignored me and continued.

“I- I’m sorry HyeMi. Please.. forgive me. You like me right? I like you. If it’s like that then let’s get back together.” I stood still. I didn’t expect him to say that. I didn’t want her to get back together with D.O. I was gonna tell him she doesn’t want to but that’s what I want. It was her decision. She was still looking at D.O, not moving at all. “Is that a yes?”

She shook her head. “Why did you do it… If you couldn’t do it then why didn’t you say it. If you really liked me then you wouldn’t have done it. If you weren’t gonna be able to take care of me, then why did you start? I don’t understand you Do KyungSoo.” She said. I thought she would say yes or something. I smiled to myself when those words came out of .


“No… I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough for you. I’m sorry I’m not like HyunA.” She whispered.





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slushyplushie #1
Chapter 32: This is...surprisingly amazing. Wow. Nice ending, really. I don't think that there's a need for a sequel. This is perfect. Good job authornim! See you in your other stories, hopefully!!!
Soo sad ~ sequel?
Chapter 32: sequel please
Chapter 11: Its a realy sad story but when you put things like dont wory the SUHO is gonna help you is soooo funny hahaha i cant stop laughing when i saw that haha xd lol
amyyy99 #5
Chapter 28: I sobbed reading this TT_TT
Pxnellyxq #6
Chapter 18: hyemi is stupid
Chapter 34: This story is very interesting! Awesome (:
Chapter 34: This story made me cry :'(
WOW!! OVer 200 subscirbers! Thank you guys for the support you have been giving me even after the story ended! Sarangahae~ lolol but in all seriousness thank you!
Chapter 33: Awesome story. Love it