The solution to all of your problems

Gone as We Know It

Krystal's POV

Jongin was worrying about Ambrosine's safety.I suggested that we all have a family talk.

Jongin was putting his work away."Okay.Now we can talk to her!"Jongin exclaimed.We walked to her room and knocked on the door."Ambrosine,can we talk to you?" I asked her.

No answer.Jongin sighed."Look,I know that you are upset.Just open the door so we can talk to you."

Still no answer.We waited for 5 minutes.She didn't open the door.I was getting nervous,as was Jongin.

put my ear to the door.My eyes went wide.

I knew what was happening.I had to get to her.

"Jongin," I started."I need you to kick down this door." I commanded him.Jongin stood in front of the door,lifted up his foot,and smashed it down.

I ran in,and found Ambrosine laying on her bed.I ran to her and slapped her cheek."Ambrosine!" I shouted.Jongin came over and shook her."Please,Ambrosine,wake up!" we both cried.

I was crying.Jongin got out his phone."I'm calling the police.Don't worry Krystal,everything will be okay." he assured me and stepped out of the room.

I sat next to Ambrosine.I let my tears keep flowing.I grabbed Ambrosine's hand,and felt something.She was holding a box of chocolate.I grabbed the box and examined it.

The chocolate part fell out,revealing paper.I grabbed the paper and read it.

 To Krystal,I hope you are not too mad about what I did to your daughter.
But,just know,what you did was stupid. Having a kid when you were cursed,really?
How dumb could you get?You might've thought that the curse was over,right?
Well,that is false.When you had Ambrosine,the curse passed on to her.
I may be done with you,but,I won't leave your side.Soon,you'll be gone as we know it.
  Sincerely,the solution to all of your problems.
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Chapter 29: love all their moments!! XD kaistal♥
kaistal_sm #2
Chapter 29: nice! Thanks for the update! Update more!! ^^9
kaistal_sm #3
Chapter 24: waaawesome!! Kaistal will have a baby *i'm excited to read more new chapter* ^^,
420ismybirthday #4
Chapter 21: Tell me if you didnt enjoy the last few chapters.
Chapter 19: kaistal ?
hmmm I don't mind, It's okay~
krysoojung #6
Chapter 19: Kaistal <3 update soon~
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 17: wow! Soo, that means.. Krystal will have an accidents like yoona too?? Omygood! What's the ending for kaistal??
kaistal_sm #8
Chapter 12: update for a new chapter pls