
Gone as We Know It

   I woke up when I heard the door open.

   Jongin was finally home.

  I heard a soft yawn and looked down.Moonjong was waking up also.

  "Krystal,are you home?" Jongin called for me downstairs.I sat Moonjong on my lap and whispered to him."Jongin is here.Be nice to him okay?" Moonjong looked up at me curiously.

  "Who is that?" he asked me."Jongin is my jagi." I replied to him.As Moonjong nodded,I his hair.

"Babe,I knew you wer...." Jongin started but couldn't finish."Um...who is the kid?"he asked.I smiled and said softly,"His name is Moonjong.He is also four."  

Jongin looked at me wierdly.I was glad he didn't ask me further questions.  

" Noona,I'm hungry." Moonjong told me. 

Oh,so I am Noona now.Hmmppphhhh.

Of course I didn't act like that though...

 "I will make you something delicious." I cooed at Moonjong.I picked him up off the bed and walked to the kithchen.Jongin quietly followed us. 

"Make me food also." Jongin commanded like he was a king."Jongin hyung, don't be mean to pretty noona!" Moonjong said sternly to Jongin.


I turned to see Jongins reaction.

It wasnt what I expected.Not at all.

He was bowing to Moonjong and I.

"Jongin,why are you bowing?" I asked.Why would he bow to us?

"I am sorry your majesty.I am sorry for being mean to the Queen." Jongin spoke .He stopped bowing and smirked.

"Let me make your food." I said and put Moonjong down.


I the stove and prepared the pancake mix.I flipped the pancakes once they were ready.

I took out the plates and glasses.I put two pancakes on each plate

I served the food and everyone started eating.

As all three of us ate,Moonjong was having trouble eating with his fork.

"Here,let me help." I said and put a piece of pancake up to Moonjong's mouth.

Jongin stopped eating and acted like he couldn't use his fork either."I can't eat my wonderful pancakes." Jongin said like a kid.He opened his mouth wide.I chuckled and put in a piece of pancake. 

"Thanks!" Jongin said before eating normally again.

Here and there,Jongin would feed some pancakes to Moonjong.It really looked cute.As if he was a father or something.

After we ate,Moonjong and I went to the movie theater.Moonjong decided to watch a movie about a ghost dog.I thought it was really childish so I agreed to watch it.

Turns out,the movie wasn't very childish.I was pretty scared.I looked over at Moonjong to see him looking up at the screen amused.

'How are you not scared?'

When the movie was over,Moonjong pointed out thet Jongin was there."Come on.I'm here to pick you up." Jongin told us.We went to his car and got in.

Moonjong started falling asleep in the back.I smiled and yawned.

"Tired?" Jongin asked me,still looking at the road.I nodded."Yeah.Also,I am scared." Jongin started laughing."You are scared because of a kid movie?"

I shook my head."It wasn't a kid movie."

"Krystal," Jongin said to me when he stopped for traffic.I looked up at him."What?" I asked him.He looked at me and said something that surprised me."Would you want to have children with me?


I looked back at Moonjong to make sure he wasn't awake.

He was still asleep.

I looked at Jongin to answer.

"BEEP!!!" someone honked.

He quickly looked back at the road.He didn't mention having children with me the whole ride.

Once we got home,Jongin took Moonjong out of the car.He walked to the front door and waited for me to open the door.I ran to the house and unlocked the door.

Jongin put Moonjong in the guest bedroom and let him sleep.

I went to my bedroom and jumped onto the bed.I rested for about 5 minutes.Jongin came in and jumped on the bed also.

"Babe,I love you." Jongin told me.I smiled and turned around to face him."About what you said in the car earlier," I started."I do want to have children with you.I am just scared."

Jongin put his hand on my cheek."Scared of what?" he asked me.I gulped and let out what I felt.I read to him the imaginary list I had in my head.

1.It will hurt.

2.Jongin will leave me like what happens on dramas.

3.Jongin and I fall out of love.We will only stay together for the child.

After I read the list to Jongin,he laughed.I hit his arm and pouted."Why are you laughing?Meanie." he stopped laughing and hugged me."Actually,I am kind of scared too.But,I will be brave to protect you." he smiled at me.

I started kissing him.He kissed me back.He caressed my back softly.

I stopped kissing him so I could breath.He looked at me.He was probably waiting for me to finish so we could makeout more.

"Jongin,let's not do it now." I told him.He nodded and pulled me closer to him to go to sleep.

Authors note:

If you have any problems with this chapter let me know or something.

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Chapter 29: love all their moments!! XD kaistal♥
kaistal_sm #2
Chapter 29: nice! Thanks for the update! Update more!! ^^9
kaistal_sm #3
Chapter 24: waaawesome!! Kaistal will have a baby *i'm excited to read more new chapter* ^^,
420ismybirthday #4
Chapter 21: Tell me if you didnt enjoy the last few chapters.
Chapter 19: kaistal ?
hmmm I don't mind, It's okay~
krysoojung #6
Chapter 19: Kaistal <3 update soon~
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 17: wow! Soo, that means.. Krystal will have an accidents like yoona too?? Omygood! What's the ending for kaistal??
kaistal_sm #8
Chapter 12: update for a new chapter pls